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/lit/ - Literature

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499555 No.499555 [Reply] [Original]

Got these for $4.39 - Did I do well, /LIT/?

>> No.499563

If you think they value $4.39 or more, yes.

>> No.499558


>> No.499564

You did well.

>> No.499569

The HBJ editions of Melville look nice but you're going to wish you had annotations later.

I could definitely think of worse ways to spend $4. Good job guy. Get to reading.

>> No.499573

It is good books, but they are all in inexpensive editions, so one must assume $4.39 is close to average price. You could have done better (4$ straight would be more fair imo), but you could more easily have done worse.

>> No.499592


>> No.499599

you did well comrade

>> No.499602

I've bought 1984, Brave New World, Frankenstein, The Iliad, ten plays by Euripides, four plays by Chekhov, all of Shakespeare's tragedies, Hyperion, Candide, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and a couple of short stories by Conrad for a total of $2.75 at Goodwill. You did terrible OP.

>> No.499606

My local used bookstore sells paperbacks for $0.50 apiece and hardcovers for $1

I guess you did ok.

>> No.499608


wait, what the fuck?

OP here, I got these for $.69 a piece at goodwill.


>> No.499611

Not all Goodwills are created equal.

But they're all leeches that feed off the lower class of the midwest

>> No.499614

That blows, $.25 a piece for paperbacks at the Goodwill I go to.

>> No.499615

I'm rather jealous. I didn't find anything good at goodwill book wise the other day. :(

>> No.499617


Thrift stores vary. I know one that sells .50 paperbacks(and has half off sales more often than not) and one that sells $1.00 paperbacks.

Shop around, you never know.

>> No.499618

Why don't you assholes actually go out and buy books for what they're worth? People like you are the reason that Borders is going under, OP.

>> No.499619


>buy books for what they're worth

But that's exactly what we're doing.

>> No.499620

>implying thrift store hunters are the same demographic Borders was targeting

>> No.499621


Worth and value are as relative as any other opinions

>> No.499624

good books, op! nice find. i have the same cover for 1984.

>> No.499625

Borders is expensive but I do like their in store selection.

>> No.499631

>blaming the consumer for why a business isn't doing well

oh you're hilarious. have borders get a used section. maybe something with trade-ins a la gamestop or some shit. it's a great idea. you know much $$$ gamestop and game crazy make off of used merchandise?

>> No.499637

thats an intriguing prospect...
feel the need to scream LIBRARY tho

>> No.499639

Well the reason Borders went under in the UK is because they built huge stores in out of town retail parks where people go to buy clothes, furniture and electrical goods but not books.

>> No.499640

>implying libraries have a future as a book repository

>> No.499648

>implying libraries have a future much shorter than books themselves

>> No.499651


>Implying 39 cents is a big fucking deal whatsoever.

>> No.499655

I just picked up the Alice books too. Are these worth reading? I mean, they're childrens' books aren't they?

Anyways, I was interested after seeing the mediocre movie.

>> No.499657

yeah, the Borders in Preston was the biggest bookstore in the north-west (aside from Manchester's Waterstone's). It was actually quite a good bookstore, decent range, knowledgeable staff, etc. Unfortunately, it was difficult to get to without a car.

>> No.499659

That was my nearest branch of Borders. I think I went to it maybe twice.

>> No.499660

If Borders goes out of business, and all the big box stores they built (which killed the independent booksellers) close, I'll do a little jig.

>> No.499666
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>> No.499672


Deansgate Waterstone's in Manchester used to be great. Now I can't remember the last time I bought something there ... Likewise with Waterstone's in Picadilly. Foyle's ftw (even if the staff are all fucking snotty)

>> No.499676

My local second hand book sellers, sells books for about half their RRP shit sucks, but i keep on going cos they're a dying breed in my neck of the world and i have money to throw away.

>> No.499677

>he still pays for books

>> No.499686

Well the ones in Belfast used to be fantastic 8-9 years ago, admittedly i can't remember the last time i bought a book new

>> No.499690

Manchester's Waterstones is still good. When I lived around there I went all the time. We have 2 Waterstones where I live now, can't say I buy anything from them very often, they never have anything that interests me.

>> No.499699

Such nice interiors tho, so black and sophisticated

>> No.499710

They smell good too.

>> No.499717

and... dose staff

>> No.499720

shut up, go read them then tell US what YOU thought bout them... k?

>> No.499730
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>> No.499735

There are some attractive staff at my local branches. I try to avoid eye contact lest I get caught staring.

>> No.499743

>implying /lit/ actually reads anything

>> No.499752

Considering you can download all these for free, you did terrible. Oh, and before you give me some shit about the piracy and such, buying used books is the same thing. The writer sees none of that money.

>> No.499755

>implying any of the authors in OP's photo are still alive

>> No.499769


Then the writer's estate gets it. Same thing.

>> No.499774

books > ebooks

And the writer's estate =/= the writer.

>> No.499778



>> No.499779

>books > ebooks
How exactly?

>> No.499780

more importantly, cost of pirated books = $0

>> No.499784


How not exactly?

>> No.499787

because without the paper and binding the book does not exist, it is only an Estory.
Books are superior as they are not an intrinsic contradiction in terms

>> No.499792


But it is a story. It doesn't matter whether it is written in parchment, on a computer, in the sand on a beach, or even shit on a prison cell wall. The words are the same. You read them.

So why does the fact that the words are written and compiled in a certain format make it better?

>> No.499816


No. Look at the spines on those things. It is disgusting.

>> No.499819

I'm not the guy you're responding too, but I personally like to physically hold books than look at a computer screen. 8 hours a day at work is enough.

>> No.499828


Because you are an early adapter and now you need to tell everyone how superior your little ereaders are to justify the money you spent buying the thing, and get butthurt if anyone expresses a preference for the physical medium.

>> No.499850

Books are columns of our society, they'll exist for many, many centuries to come. Screens and computers like this one won't last 50 years

>> No.499856


Sorry, wrong answer. I know and understand the matter of taste issue and am arguing against your side, but in the end, it is simply that--a matter of taste.

Also, I don't own an e-reader, and I couldn't care less if that is a preference. However, it appears you are the only one who is butthurt that others disagree with your opinion.

>> No.499858

Its the same as Digitally creating music, it can be done, in many ways its more advantageous but in the long run the instruments will always replay the old songs, regardless of how many times its been recorded

>> No.499895

lol, no. I got 26 books for $6.00

>> No.499922

local thrift shop sells paperbacks and hardbacks for 10 cents each.
other thrift store sells paperbacks for 50 cents and hardbacks for 75 cents.
other thift store sells all books for 25 cents.
used bookstore near me sells all books for 2 bucks unless otherwise noted.
other used bookstore in town near me sells used books between 2 bucks to 5 bucks.
other used bookstore sells all paperbacks for a buck.

>> No.499925

goodwill near me sells used paperbacks at 1.49 each and all hardbacks at 3.99.
got a feelin those niggers runnin it are assholes.

>> No.499930

fuck borders...fuck big corp.

>> No.499949

I dont like touching old used paperbacks if they're not mine.

>> No.499983


I like my books like I like my women. Handled by as few men as possible and without a broken spine.

>> No.499990

Well, if you stick with that mentality, you aren't going to be with many people...

>> No.499997


>> No.499999



>> No.500024
File: 1.00 MB, 3296x2472, 100_0036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP here,

the one I just bought on the left, I'm mailing it to a friend, my copy on the right, what I'm currently reading on the bottom.

>> No.501629
