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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 142 KB, 1000x600, 1390367943587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4995010 No.4995010[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

4chan is the greatest contemporary prose out there because it show cases the minimalist and colloquial spirit of the up coming generation, with dashes of dead pan humor used to deflect the problems of the 21st century

>> No.4995017

im not attracted to goat and im a healthy buff motherfuck

>> No.4995022

>simple carbs

I remember a post about shitposting on 4chan being the greatest form of post-modern art. It was quite funny.

>> No.4995023

mystery box

>> No.4995026

that would be fyad. 4chan isn't clever enough

>> No.4995028

I'd go for C because a girl who *always* wants sex would be annoying.

>> No.4995032



>> No.4995035

>not picking the goat tower

What the fuck is frong with you people?

>> No.4995037

you know i'd probably take the breadsticks, on account of knowing the world with option 2 there'd be some horrible catch, like she's 10 years old, or she never ages so you go through some weird ass benjamin button depression shit.

assuming no catch though. it would depend how i got access to the breadsticks. if i had to go to olive garden every time, i don't think so tim. but if i could shoot them out of my hands like a kind of bread-stick spider man. well, i might just take that offer.

fuck the goat tower though. goats are terrifying.

>> No.4995039

>not picking goat tower
sure is summer in here

>> No.4995040

As delicious as the bread snack may be, that is too many tempting carbs. Don't wanna get fat man. The goat tower, however...

>> No.4995043


>> No.4995045

man i really need to know where the goat tower is
i must go there for enlightenment

>> No.4995084

Oh I get it. There's one obvious option and two stupid options. Hurr durrr.

What retard wouldn't choose the goat towe?

>> No.4995097

>newfag test threads
How tiresome.

>> No.4995109

It´s a fucking tower for goats. the girl might be super needy and won´t let you anywhere, and eating those breadsticks might make you too fat to enter the tower. Doesn't sound that nice, huh? Hope I changed someone life here. You're welcome

>> No.4995132

I need my Waifu
A is a tough contender though

>> No.4995133

goat tower

>> No.4995139

What's so great about the goat tower?

>> No.4995140
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>what's so great about the goat tower?

>> No.4995147

lmao start with the greeks faggot

>> No.4995148
File: 77 KB, 500x500, 1402101521464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people picking B over the goat tower

>> No.4995151
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>This guy's never been to the goat tower

>> No.4995160

A is GOAT.
C is ?
Anyway, option B is getting a personal female slave, right? Call me a pleb, but I don't like the idea of having a personal slave. And people complain about feminists going to extremes, lol.

>> No.4995183
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>there are people on /lit/ right now who aren't posting from the goat tower

>> No.4995185

>she always wants sex
What is she going to do when I'm not around then?
I have no need for a cheating slut, goat tower it is.

>> No.4995200
File: 15 KB, 176x200, Smiley Riley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2014 years since the birth of jesus
>not knowing about the goat tower

>> No.4995212

The title of that picture is my mums nickname for me.

Completely unrelated, and I don't actually have anything to contribute, but this board turns to shit in the summer thanks to Asstralians anyway.

>> No.4995220

Why the fuck would anyone pick C?


>> No.4995263
File: 26 KB, 269x269, i want sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4995274
File: 75 KB, 347x539, shelbyvillegoattower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.4995275
File: 95 KB, 640x580, 4n0Fy2S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would berry my dick so far inside your ass
who ever could pull it out would be crowned king arthur

>> No.4995281


y-you haven't?

>> No.4995282



>> No.4995291

I have so many questions about these goats. Are they literal goats or rhetorical goats? Are the goats booby trapped in some way? Does the goat know my name? If I were to pet goat, would goat pet me back? So many questions

>> No.4995292


>> No.4995300

I took a break of /lit/
Did I miss something, or perhaps on the contrary - I'm witnessing a spontaneous birth of an epic new maymay?

>> No.4995305

im going to assume you've left by now but GO

>> No.4995306

>being this much of a newfag
>not knowing about the goat tower

>> No.4995311

>living in central illinois

i'm sorry anon

>> No.4995312


>> No.4995315

How's life as a newfag?

>> No.4995329

I'm not going to argue whether I'm a new fag or not. I browse this board only occasionally, sometimes with really long breaks.

I guess knowing what 'goat tower' is about isn't essential for my life anyway.

>> No.4995336

>I guess knowing what 'goat tower' is about isn't essential for my life anyway.
hahahhaha people actually think this

>> No.4995343

>this entire post
top lol

>> No.4995374

/lit/ may have occasional aspirations to transcend its 4chan DNA, but never -- never -- forget: you are here forever.

How could you not have googled goat tower by now?

>> No.4995378

A all the way

>> No.4995386
File: 117 KB, 640x427, goat-tower-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See kids? This is why you always start with the goats.

>> No.4995442

google says goat towers are for "privileged" goats..
I guess it's about a/lit/ism?

>> No.4995452

*e/lit/ism, fuck

>> No.4995502

Worst joke NA

>> No.4995512

You were about two links too high. I'm not giving it away, tho.

>> No.4995551
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>> No.4995681

Who the fuck wouldn't

>> No.4995716
File: 7 KB, 207x244, 50sguyalmostfacepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4995735

Please take pictures w/ timestamp and make a nice album for us to see. I think I speak for all of us when I say we would like this.

>> No.4996131

>take bread sticks
>quit my job
>spend the rest of my life as a wandering hermit with an infinite supply of bread at my command
>I can figure out how to get to the fucking tower on my own
>my refusal to share infinite bread sticks will neg all women ever into having constant sex with me whenever I want it

You people really are that stupid.

>> No.4996142

best is really really tempting. I dont rreally like breadsticks. But I have to with goat tower access (hoepfully full access)

>> No.4996159

goat tower meme

goat tower meme

goat meme

goat tower meme



>> No.4996160
File: 17 KB, 313x286, 215500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong with you?

>> No.4996165

There is nothing to see in the goat tower. It is unhygienic and stinks of goat poo.

I'm not lesbian.

Bread sticks are boring and savorless.

>> No.4996168


>> No.4996169


>> No.4996180

There's plenty to see in the goat tower you fucking plebeian.

>> No.4996181

No, I'm a guy. Learn to logic.

>> No.4996183



pick one

>> No.4996202

u mad because cant into goat tower you dyke?

>> No.4996213


My thoughts exactly. On the other hand, he does have that sweet, sweet, goat tower...

>> No.4996219

Seconded. Need answers to these questions ASAP.

>> No.4996223
File: 155 KB, 367x451, 1392577464702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy got buttraped in the goat tower

>> No.4996231

>still relevant

>> No.4996246
File: 36 KB, 404x359, tmp_clocktower121722496442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goat tower

Step your game up bitches

>> No.4996266
File: 19 KB, 500x312, 9569594590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4996272

take pic of urself holding tao lin book by goat tower

>> No.4996283
File: 11 KB, 217x250, 2634-3 - co.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4996292

>being ironic instead of post-ironic
Summer indeed.

>> No.4996301
File: 73 KB, 253x317, 1345433454294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigger serious?

>> No.4996304

hahaha le goat tower llook im not a nefwfag haha

>> No.4996377

There is no meme being referenced here. I also can't believe you took the time to quote every single on of those posts.

>> No.4997006

Oh boy, summer is here.

>> No.4997191

I see everyone is picking the goat tower. I still want the breadsticks though.

I pick C.

>> No.4997214

B because I'm 18 and hormonal.

>> No.4997221


>> No.4997240
File: 120 KB, 593x740, 1392313646468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is obviously you

>> No.4997450

You stole that joke from tumblr

>> No.4997656

but the catch is man you have to shit them out every 30 seconds for the rest of ur life. ur gonna become a part in a factory just shitting out breadsticks all hot and steamy and rdy to cook. mmmm bread sticks...

>> No.4997681

To make a moderately amusing at best post you went to a lot of effort proportionally

>> No.4997687

your mom