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4992988 No.4992988[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any tips for writing from a female perspective?

>> No.4992992

Inverted Will to Power

>> No.4992994

im a gril btw

>> No.4992998

read books written by women. especially ones where the protagonist is female.

>> No.4993007

Abandon all reason and accountability.

>> No.4993011

I really like that picture OP>

>> No.4993131

This thread is just begging to become a cesspit of sexism

>> No.4993144

Use a female pen name.

No matter how well you write a female character, it simply will never be good enough for some female literary critics. They will nit-pick the shit out of female portrayal, and use crazy post-modernist non-logic to justify their interpretation.

Female writers on the other hand, are immune to such critique, even if their portrayal of female perspective is less genuine than s males.

>> No.4993147


>> No.4993159

It's all yours, my friend.

>> No.4993186

Either pretend you're a girl or think of how girls you know would act. Pretty easy, and most of the time a girl's inner monologue, for example, wouldn't be that much or any different from a guy's.

>> No.4993225
File: 75 KB, 468x560, auerbach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

na. women are p good. minus the occasional pettiness/passive aggressive whining theyre more entertaining & interesting even than most men i know

im not a gril btw

>> No.4993228
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>a girl's inner monologue, for example, wouldn't be that much or any different from a guy's.

>> No.4993239

you hang around boring dudes

>> No.4993241

Yea women are pretty cool sometimes.

The problem is most are just poisoned by toxic media into the capitalist-consumerist zeitgeist.

A man will be your friend regardless of your income, a woman will not (unless she is a literal nun).

>> No.4993244

>unless she is a literal nun
captcha: she

>> No.4993247

Meet some more interesting men, faglord.

>> No.4993344
File: 65 KB, 500x744, Bananas attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dudes are always boring.
Sports sports sports gay joke sports fashion sports sports gays jokes sports gay jokes.
No, I don't want to play basketball with you after work.

>The problem is most are just poisoned by toxic media into the capitalist-consumerist zeitgeist.
Agree with that. It is hard to find a quality, and single, woman.

What bars does he hang out in. Hook yer brother up.

>> No.4993349

1. be a woman
2. if you're not a woman don't do it.

>> No.4993372

Hate you, love your pictures.

>> No.4993380
File: 670 KB, 1401x2100, 3Dglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wull, why the hate though? From that post or in general? Political leaning? absence of religion?

>> No.4993381

People are more similar than they are different. :3

>> No.4993391

Not him, but everytime I read your posts I get a mixed feeling of contempt and pity. But that would apply to any leftist I guess.

>> No.4993409

>flaunting your political ideology this hard
/pol/ is missing a goon. Get back there before they notice!

>> No.4993411
File: 1.42 MB, 2025x2454, head-of-g-boehm-auerbach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then you come along and ruin it/give me a pseudo-erection

nice dubs though

>> No.4993430

Have empathy
Read D.H. Lawrence and Dostoievsky
Disregard Tolstoy cause he was an old moralist fool

>> No.4993459

& hl mencken

>> No.4993463

don't be succinct or confident sounding

>> No.4993469

Which ideology would that be? In order to be a sincere leftist one must reject reality.

>> No.4993476

Why does that banana have hair?

>> No.4993484

like I said you hang around boring dudes. I am sure it has to do with the fact that you seem to kinda suck

>> No.4993485
File: 22 KB, 491x473, Benji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see, the thing is you're trying to troll, but I'm much smarter than you. How does it feel to be so unintelligent that even when you're trying to be unintelligent your actual unintelligence shows? That must be awfully embarrassing for you, mate

>> No.4993494


>any tips for writing from a female perspective?

u gay m8?

>> No.4993496
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It's chocolate....
No wait.

I work with them. I'm a quiet sort, but trust me, they suck (Okay, maybe too harsh now. hehehe)

>> No.4993499

so the eyes and teeth don't bother you?

>> No.4993502

Most people suck, or are at least boring. I don't think it applies to men or women specifically.

>> No.4993505

No I'm not trolling, and you're attacking me personally like the good liberal you are.

>> No.4993507

what is your occupation out of interest?

>> No.4993515


lol i know who posts hwayoung now

>> No.4993521
File: 419 KB, 1280x800, 1399590083579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you actually believe that over half of the US population necessarily denies reality? And you actually believe that you, the intelligent, red-pill free-thinker know better than everybody else? And then you throw in the political binary factor to cap it all off? You're either A) an underage child, in which case you'll outgrow this teenage arrogance soon enough or B) a manchild who is incapable of developing past his teenage mindset

Anyways, just go back to /pol/ bro. At least there you can be amongst your own people.

>> No.4993529

has anyone ever tried that seriously

>> No.4993535

Holy shit, I forgot the actress who plays Rita in Dexter was in this

>> No.4993536
File: 152 KB, 400x498, Stop hittin gyuself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only say that it's ludicrous, though I like most of the people. I just wish I was doing something essential.
I didn't even know she was Korean. (Aside from the text, which I didn't even look at when saving it)

>> No.4993546

I'm trying to remember names - there should be at least one good example of a man using a female pen name just to sell books.

>> No.4993556

not sure if it counts but benjamin franklin used the pen name mrs. silence dogood to get things published in a newspaper after he had been rejected several times as ben-jammin' frankz da tankz.

>> No.4993570

I'm not him but yes, half of all adults are retarded and childish enough to do something like defend butterfly from what everyone is thinking and then berate someone personally. The example you have put forth today is basically as he said the "classic leftist". You are little drones and do what essentially (but obviously this is hyperbole) TV tells you.

>> No.4993590

I gotta take a st*nkin' peepee, kiddo

>> No.4993622

Yeah, it's called writing from the human perspective.

>> No.4993624

Thanks, Lori.

>> No.4993631

A lot of romance novels are written by males using female pen names.

>> No.4993638
File: 104 KB, 448x224, lautrec-henri-de-4163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't belittle your job it's the oldest in the world

>> No.4993640

>I posted an image of a incredulous-looking man. What an incredible arguement in and unto itself! How could anyone defeat THAT?

>> No.4993644

That's an "omg this idiot actually thinks something so le dum" man face

>> No.4993652

Sometimes I think my aunt understands me most out of my family. Two brothers married two sisters, she's a tagalong to my mother, my mother the second youngest of a big family of girls, an insistent child, my aunt the middle child . . . I dunno. None of the men in my family smoke, only the women (besides me), and I do like sitting down with them for a cigarette on family occasions. They're more real, you know? Or my aunt is, while the rest of them are children.

My granduncle died recently, brother to a famous philosopher who died a few years back, a famous mystic. No funeral. The granduncle was an atheist, same as his brother really, but he'd do it right. The grandmother broke out a complementary line of "Oh, it didn't bother me at all when so-and-so died, but this is really hitting me," a false appreciation for the comparatively unappreciated. It was interesting. Womanly politics, you know? Cousins I'd never seen before, pretty girls for my father to ogle. Some of my other cousins were absent, one criminally, one had his ear bitten off recently, the greetings of their mothers screaming "What's this one turning out like?" Womanly politics.

Basically, women are the actuaries of men, men the actuaries of everything else. Apologies for the stream of conscious.

>> No.4993654


>> No.4993659

The only acceptable answer>>4993147

>> No.4993663

Please. You may write more intelligently but you're just as dumb as he is.

But since you seem more intelligent I'll give you a longer response.
>I'm not him but yes, half of all adults are retarded and childish enough
Ok. Your post is dribbling with obvious elitism, and you imply that defending butterfly (which I was not) is something the "uneducated masses" would do. Get over yourself. None of this is true.
>berate someone personally. The example you have put forth today is basically as he said the "classic leftist"
I'm amazed that in one sentence you would criticize someone for berating another poster and then in your next sentence you would do the exact same thing. Please. Remove your blinders and show some consistency. I'm not leftist by any means. I don't believe in abortion, nor big government, nor immigration reforms. But, obviously, your binary way of thinking obstructs you from seeing anybody in the middle: only enemies and allies. Pathetic. And last, you finish your post with
>You are little drones and do what essentially (but obviously this is hyperbole) TV tells you.
As if acknowledging the absurdity of your statement makes it any less absurd. The whole "you little drones" part makes it even more questionable, like you couldn't even come up with an adequate insult without falling back on /pol/ rhetoric. Get over yourself man. You use words like you're intelligent, but when one actually looks at your argument, you're just as dumb as the rest of them.

Either imrpove your argumentation, or stop posting on /lit/. Because each and every true member of /lit/ is smarter and more well versed than you. Your attempts at debate are almost, almost there, but not quite. Get good at arguing and you just might be able to defend such an indefensible position

>> No.4993666

That aunt's daughter, then --my double-first cousin (my sister), two years my junior: I told her of a girl I was seeing recently, her response to tell me about a guy pulling a knife on her not too long ago, a plea that I not forget about her. "Protector" she's insisted upon me her entire life, and almost to the point of trying to secure such of me incestuously. My aunt knows, she sees it, and gets it. Man takes his spot on top for granted.

>> No.4993668

>I wish I was doing something essential

You just belittled your job. Possibly the most boring thing that everyone does. Kill yourself you hypocritical piece of shit

>> No.4993669

Women make me sad, and men make me sick, basically.

>> No.4993681

so all of your friends are eunuchs?

>> No.4993688

never knew a tripfag who tried this hard to be edgy

Exactly what kind if reputation are you trying to carve out for yoursef?

>> No.4993692

Nah, I allow for the bit of bastardism every once in a while, and I make friends kinda like House does --good friends, firmly attached to me (like how he made friends with Wilson, rescuing him from prison). I'm an incredibly manipulative person, to be honest.

>> No.4993701

>tfw everyone is so fucking boring and self-centered that the only thing they talk about is their lives or the last weekend but you don't get how the fuck can they be so boring and self-centered to enjoy that sort of conversation so you have to remain on the fringes for the risk of looking like a contemptuous cunt for not getting that

>> No.4993702

Like my current best friend, for example. Known him all my life. He was the tough kid around, though overcompensating for not having a father and being not from around. I basically inserted myself as his father figure, fought his mother's boyfriend one night. He's basically gay for me now, and I'm an utter bastard. Such is the coming together of people, though, right? Nobody wants to spend their life alone.

>> No.4993703

... sounds healthy mate

>> No.4993706

Everyone does it, mate, just less intelligently than I do.

>> No.4993713

They enjoy it because they never listen to what the other person has to say, they just wait for their turn to talk about themselves.

I like to play a game when I first meet people, I try to see how long it takes them to ask me about myself. Sometimes it can take hours. I'm fine with it though since I'm introverted, and they usually think we had an amazing conversation.

>> No.4993725

You're an idiot.

>> No.4993728
File: 29 KB, 400x451, 1396644800770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4993729


>> No.4993732

How does it feel to have to lie on an anonymous board?

>> No.4993735

post ur dick

>> No.4993738

I'd do it, only I'd worry about you pretending it was your own from here on.

>> No.4993739

Why do you think I was lying? If you don't believe me, try it out next time you meet someone.

>> No.4993745

It's obvious you were lying, mate. What you said was a complete plagiarism of something I've said on here recently, only really fucking sad.

>> No.4993746


>Sports sports sports gay joke sports fashion sports sports gays jokes sports gay jokes.

lol did you really just imply that normal straight dudes talk about fashion more than women?

butterfly please step it up this shitposting is tired

>> No.4993748

Pretty much the reason why I don't have many friends or a girlfriend; although my creeping depression is a factor too.

Hell, I'm even fine with hearing inane trivia from the local aspie, but fuck you guys I don't give two shits about the fight your friend got into or the method you used to haul that faggot that always drinks too much or that super hot girl you didn't talked to anyways; it's not funny when you've told the same shit a thousand times and when the first felt like like the thousandth.

>> No.4993749
File: 10 KB, 171x176, btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>board full of people with no friends talking about what it's like to talk to people

>> No.4993754

Sorry, I think you meant to post that here

>> No.4993755

They do talk about fashion.
It's only that we the basement dwellers/patricians are above socially imposed aesthetic values.

>> No.4993756

Nope. If it makes you feel any better I first browsed /lit/ for the first time in maybe a year a couple days ago. I guess we have had similar experiences.

>> No.4993760

If you are a male, then write what you are doing with the awareness that you are doing it wrong.

If you are female and you are here now, you are doing it wrong.

>> No.4993767

Nah, you're retarded. Keep lying.
(Learn to do it correctly, though. Jumping straight to proffering alibis spells guilt, no self-assurance. Next time someone calls you out on a lie, call him retarded.)

>> No.4993772

That no-caps retard is still following me around, too, I see. Hello, mate.

>> No.4993855

Do you really think that's the origin of capitalism?
The silly jewelry hanging from the ladies ears became currency?

I mean to say, I don't mind getting up and doing something (though less hours/days would be ideal) on a regular basis, but this job is all about petty wants. Good people are wasting their lives away. I don't know where you get off calling me hypocritical.

>> No.4993858

Do you think you or feminister is more prettier?
Be honest

>> No.4993861

Well, I didn't call you retarded at first because I thought we had a misunderstanding, and I still wouldn't. I now would call you insane, or narcissistic maybe. Do you not see how silly this is?

>> No.4993868


the competition is butterbean.
of course feminister is hotter

plus she's actually funny and legitimately smart

she a triple threat cuz

>> No.4993873

there aren't any pictures, are there?

>> No.4993877

That I called you out on your fictional, retard's condescension? Yeah, DUH. It's an anonymous board, mate. Who are the lies for?
>I sit quietly, playing the game of "How long before someone asks me a question?"
Do you not see how retarded and pathetic you are?

>> No.4993886
File: 357 KB, 1080x1920, 176e818e-f713-46f2-bfb8-b3f851354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote this for your banana pic in another board.

>> No.4993958

Ok, my problem with the "lol no friends" charge is that it's impossible to prove otherwise. If I were to post, in response to your comment, "But I do have friends!" that would look desperate and false. But the reality of the situation is that most people who post on /lit/ are "normalfags" by your /r9k/ standards, but just people who happen to have a love of literature. /lit/ is shitty. I acknowledge that. But /lit/ is still the best place on the internet to talk about literature. Prove me wrong faggot

>> No.4993978

Yeah, the worst thing you can do when someone challenges your reputation is try and defend it.

>> No.4994008

I'll write great things one day and retards will bend it to their retardation, and such is the world.

>> No.4994010

You are thoroughly undergrad. You long left university but you still carry the know-it-all schtick. Your opinions are terribly formed and inconsistent.

>> No.4994031

Canada being wurstposter on /int/ as always :_)

>> No.4994041
File: 10 KB, 250x250, le shig man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not shitposting like a champ when some fag says crap that's shit

>> No.4994047

>faggot projecting his own insecurities

Tell us more about what keeps you awake at night.

>> No.4994048

>obvious reinforcement of retardation

>> No.4994057
File: 308 KB, 744x600, big chins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blobvious reepuhporpent of freepee-beepee

>> No.4994078

Dem robots, man.

>> No.4994156 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 800x600, 3268d0e2-ef49-42e2-8da9-8f287df26162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think that's the origin of capitalism? The silly jewelry hanging from the ladies ears became currency?

ask your mum, she might still remember

>> No.4994181
File: 151 KB, 810x1624, Baigneuse_-_Bather_1870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you really think that's the origin of capitalism? The silly jewelry hanging from the ladies ears became currency?

ask your mum, she might still remember

>> No.4994801

> men and women are exactly the same.

>> No.4995891

1. Ry
[huge quality gap]
2. Feminister
[decently-sized quality gap]
3. Butterfly
4. Sunhawk
5. Evolakid
6. Philosofag

feel free to get mad, friends

>> No.4995899

All cross-thread trips are inherently disgusting. Stop validating them.

>> No.4995915

I'm pretty sure evolakid and philosophag are both doing satire, nobody can possibly be as stupid as those two. This coming from a shitposter at least I don't do so inadverently.

Ry is highly amusing, he brings a much needed aspergers spark to the board and I fear I'd kill myself if he stopped posting one day.

I've no idea what's with Feminister, and Butterfly is kind of goofy but I think she's a sweetheart

>> No.4995930

>I'm pretty sure evolakid and philosophag are both doing satire
I'm pretty sure evolakid is. I think philosophag's dead serious.

butterfly i'm sorry i put you on the bottom side of the second quality gap you know i didn't mean it i shouldn't have included it in the first place both for humorous intents and also because i don't mean to imply feminister is above the rabble in the same way ry is please don't ban me

>> No.4995945

What happened to dark & edgy?

>> No.4995957


>dark & edgy

>> No.4996020

>anon is kind of goofy but I think she's a sweetheart

>> No.4996057

deep, sorry, i've been away a long time. I was here way back when /lit/ opened and I tell you, it was just as shit about two weeks after that as now. Those first two weeks though.

>> No.4996212

you fucking weakling
you won't get any vagina / womb safety through this

look at how butterfly acts around here.
obnoxious know it all, the scope of what she knows is fucking tiny.

if she could drop the fucking trip and loose the undergrad smirk there might be some hope for her

>> No.4996241

I should really get a tripcode. I'd become the most popular tripfag on /lit/. But I fear people filtering my high quality posts. Wat do?

>> No.4996259

came here to read this

>> No.4996387

Have you seen Peep Show?

>> No.4996398
File: 114 KB, 600x338, snakes2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4996401

Have you ever seen a list of the objective dimorphic differences between sexes?

captcha: tneryri crotchety

>> No.4996403

>Any tips for writing from a female perspective?
Get a lobotomy

>> No.4996482

>didn't see feminister pics

them big yellow jugs

>> No.4996640
File: 33 KB, 500x668, 1625738_830530486973653_1176426788_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way under. I never "graduated" anything. I had a B average in some college courses, but hit a wall with math that I didn't care to pursue. I don't mean to give anyone an impression that I "know-it-all". but my opinions aren't inconsistent.

Oh Sagve.

What, the "power ranking"? No problem.

Not me. I was at work.

>I should really get a tripcode. I'd become the most popular tripfag on /lit/. But I fear people filtering my high quality posts. Wat do?
Get a name instead.

Is this some kind of /pol/ gag?

>> No.4996651

new trip, kiddies


>> No.4996653

Butterfly is so on-the-nose 'female dilettante' it's fucking scary sometimes.

Acts feminine as hell too, but that's what clinches it for me.

>> No.4996673

Post ur dick, kid

>> No.4996685

>college dropout
>B fucking average at probably a mid-tier to mediocre school


At least Feminister is somewhat well versed in her own little corner of minor lit.

>> No.4996825

Yeah. *sad face* Though not so bad considering I had no grade schooling to speak of.
I'm not exactly sure, but I think Feminister had none either. Obviously raised better, but I believe some of it is by nature.

"Dilettante" (Amateur) Yes. "Scary, clinches it for me" Pardon?

>> No.4996834

Feminister is a mountain of interesting, where you're not interesting at all, Butterfly, soz

>> No.4996846

But it's Butterfly's lesser position in the grill-hierarchy that makes her qt

>> No.4996861

is butterfly tomoko and feminister that popular friend of hers?

>> No.4996870
File: 98 KB, 1000x659, Arkhip-Kuinji-Daryal-Gorge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feminister is a mountain of interesting, where you're...
...Puddle of drab" Be consistent with those.

>> No.4996888

Butterfly might be Tomoko but there'd need to be re-working of what popular is, Feminister's 2weird to be a regular popular grill

>> No.4996897

Seriously though.

>> No.4996916

All the picture posting too, so much "look at me, look at me," it's nauseating.

>> No.4996932

Sh-she's right here, guys
ur gonna make her sad

>> No.4996945
File: 172 KB, 1048x798, knight of holy grail - fred judd waugh 1912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Images are good for you. It IS an image board. Not even saying "look at me"

>> No.4996954

Not half.

>> No.4996975

Sorry Butterfly, it's actually all the painkillers that have me feeling nauseous really, but it's nice to have someone so perfect to take it out on.

>> No.4996985

That fucking solipsism, you know?

>> No.4997023

not the guy you were referring to, but if you say something like "niggers are more violent than all the other races sans arabs"; do you hear the approval of the crowd, no it's all "you don't say that" and "bad parents, bad environment/culture". What is a swede?

>> No.4997046

take a large penis in your anus

>> No.4997070

You write her as your self insert for a male audience.

>> No.4997101


Just write how you'd think she would. You create your characters. They can be immune to any of the normalities of real life. They're a clean, moldable puppet for you to control; free from all wordly prefigurements. You can create a toddler with the intellectual capacity of Wittgenstein or an old man who firmly believes he's Jesus. You just have to convince us its possible. There is no prefigured way to write a woman or a man or anyone. Only you know who your characters are and what and how they would think and act.

>> No.4997140

This and

>> No.4997144

reading books written by women in female perspectives I honestly can't tell the difference

So just write it as if genders don't exist, I suppose

>> No.4997149

>/lit/ is shitty. I acknowledge that. But /lit/ is still the best place on the internet to talk about literature.

>talking about literature on forums

this is something people without friends do

>> No.4997152

>hanging out with literature nerds

>> No.4997166

>implying irl litmen are worth talking too
Finding someone that's not a idiotic hipster trying to impress you, a nice pleb that has read a lot but only for the plot, or those retarded girls that get feels over shitty schlock is like finding a unicorn.