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4986043 No.4986043 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ do you know of a place where I can hire writers to write a short story for me? I want to hire like 5 people to write the same short story. As in, I give them the plot, the characters, setting, etc. All they have to do is put it all together and create the story. Artistic license allowed.

I want to see what different versions of the same thing can look like.

>> No.4986052

is that softly galoshes?

>> No.4986056


>> No.4986060



>> No.4986073


>> No.4986093

I wish I had been Maria's husband and licked her big fat Russian ass. She's such a big dumb sweetheart and she's unconventionally beautiful. I want to stick my face in her fucking ass.

>> No.4986102

OP, I'm a freelance ghostwriter. Give me an email address and I'll hit you up with my qualifications, work, e-lance profile, etc.

>> No.4986107


How much would you charge for 1500 words?

>> No.4986113


Probably around $50, give or take.

>> No.4986114


Fucccck that man. I know you'd probably write a shit ton better than the people I'm hiring right now. But the best I can do is $15

>> No.4986136

$15 for 6 pages?

I'll do it.

>> No.4986142


Consider it in terms of an investment of time.

A story of around 1,500 words would take pretty much anybody AT LEAST two hours, and that's for whiteknuckle, seat-of-your-pants prose blitzing out at a million miles an hour at 110% efficiency (and probably not very good).

Then you need AT LEAST another two hours to go back and make revisions, clean up the prose, hunt for grammatical errors and typos, etc.

There is no way you can get a short story of that length done, with any kind of quality whatsoever, in anything less than 4-5 hours.

So $50 comes out to about $10/hour. And even that is WAY undercharging. Most ghostwriters have a rate between $25-40 an hour. I charge way on the low end, because it lets me land small pay-for-groceries work a few times a month.

>> No.4986145


For $15 you might as well not even be paying. Might as well just ask a dog or a six-year-old to do it.

>> No.4986155


Alright How about 750 words for $15?

>> No.4986163

is that a boy or a girl?

>> No.4986165


No thanks. That's a little closer to a halfway-decent rate but, at the risk of sounding like a big arrogant asshole, that's just really not enough money to be worth my time.

Best of luck.

>> No.4986169


I'll do it, bro. This isn't professional work. I'm just writing a short story for some dude on 4chan.

Here's my e-mail.

>> No.4986185


Emailed. I don't know how I feel about paying you 15 dollars for 750 words though.... We might have to work out the price.

>> No.4986290

>not wanting to pay the barest of minimums
5 x 15 = $75
5 x 750 = 3750 words
Overall not that much.
This is how hiring people works, you pay them money for their time.

>> No.4986322


Right now I have 4 people writing the short story
$5 - 750 words
$10 - 1500 words
$10-15 - 750 words
$10-17 - 1500 words

It wasn't even that hard to find these people. If someone doesn't want to work in that price range, I don't care. I'll find someone willing to do it at that price to fill their shoes.

>> No.4986325


Writing is skilled labor, bro. It's not something everybody can do, nor is it something everybody can do well. And when it comes to for-hire writing, it's a time/work, cost/benefit thing.

Generally speaking, assume most writers can do 500-700 words an hour max (and still have it be readable prose, and not stream-of-consciousness schlock). Then calculate from there. If you're paying less than ten...well, you get what you pay for. If you're paying less than minimum wage, you might as well not even bother.