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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 39 KB, 382x380, Empedocle-1667663165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4985765 No.4985765 [Reply] [Original]

What writer committed the most badass suicide?

>> No.4985774

Peeps will say Mishima, but the true response is actually Vachel Lindsay.

>> No.4985790

What a terrible question.

>> No.4985798

Thanks, I didn't know him! I still think the suicide of Empedocles is unmatched, even by Mishima.

>> No.4985944
File: 57 KB, 170x335, Carlo_Michelstaedter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not really badass but the most philosophical suicide since Socrates.

>> No.4986022

Who dat

>> No.4986071


put your detective skills to work, the name is there

>> No.4986103
File: 142 KB, 679x960, 10342433_897616786934684_371415847827180501_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dominique Venner.
Not as spectacular as Mishima but far more spiritual and potent. In the English speaking world we never heard about, in Europe it sent shockwaves across the whole continent.

>> No.4986105

>By about the fall of 1910, he completed his work, finishing the appendices by 17 October. He was surely very tired, and that day he had a fight with his mother, who complained he had not wished her a happy birthday. Left alone, Carlo took a loaded pistol he had in the house and killed himself.
What exactly is philosophical about this?

>> No.4986191

>he characterizes his suicide as a rebellion "against pervasive individual desires that destroy the anchors of our identity, particularly the family, the intimate base of our multi-millennial society."

what a doooooouche. Wikipedia also notes that he was suffering from a "serious illness". He's old and dying and ends his life in the most undignified manner possible, in a public place, lamenting over the assumed national identity crisis of a nation that was changing into something he personally didn't like

No wonder we didn't hear about it here in the States -- people murder each other over this bullshit here, not kill themselves

>> No.4986220

Runner up

I tried but can't find the link, but I recently found a "top x facts about Ernest Hemingway you didnt know" article that talked about the ways he attempted suicide before his successful brain-ectomy. Apparently, he tried to walk into a taxiing plane's propeller before being stopped.

>> No.4986271

Empedocles jumped into the volcano to prove he wasn't mortal. It wasn't a suicide, it was a suicidally stupid move.

>> No.4986287

he was a racist, homophobic, backwards fuckhead. Nothing admirable about the fact that he couldn't deal with change.

>> No.4986345

>he was a racist, homophobic, backwards fuckhead. Nothing admirable about the fact that he couldn't deal with change
He comes from the ideological school of Goethe and Dostoevsky, Carlyle and Tennyson. You're an insect compared to that man.

>> No.4986368

Diogenes of Sinope. Held breath to death!

>> No.4986372

physically impossible

>> No.4986375

white power

>> No.4986381

>dissolving unique culture of France
>not racist against Frenchmen

I hate the French but you're a brainwashed retard.

>> No.4986383

And yet all of those men are dead.

>> No.4986391

I do love the rapier wits on this board. You all loudly agree with each other then turn the cold tap on the outsider. Love and tolerance so long as you think like me seems to be the doctrine around here. That and a categorical rejection of the reading of any impure books of an unsatisfactory level of progressiveness, lest thy faith be tested. Good job /lit/ you're a mirror image of /pol/.

>> No.4986396

sorry for hurting your feelings

>> No.4986404
File: 48 KB, 400x410, 1392505892562[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if leftists refuse to counter points because they do not know how, think themselves above it or avoid considering other views "lest thy faith be tested". I promise you the only feeling I feel while browsing /lit/ is pity. You live life in a nice little self assured box. I'm not sure how much longer than box will last but one day it will fall right in on you.

>> No.4986417

You are a gigantic faggot.

>> No.4986423

your post is dripping with sarcasm and injured pride

I was just keeping in line with the humor...

are you really asking me to argue the "points" you've leveled against an anonymous message board? you are fucking loco, pinch

>> No.4986425

anyway I just expressed an opinion and you attacked it with your dramatic wailing

>> No.4986961

Sylvia Plath by far.

Runners up: Deleuze and Poulantzas for both self-defenestrating.

>> No.4986995

GOD TIER: Sylvia Plath

>> No.4987230

Plath's was pretty lame though, right? Didn't she just inhale oven fumes?

>> No.4987277

Peregrinus Proteus set himself on fire at the Olympics. Note sure if he wrote.

>> No.4987288

Mishima or Weininger

>> No.4987294


>> No.4987295

Emilio Salgari also commited sudoku.

>> No.4987300

Virginia Woolf and Paul Celan.

Takes guts to drown oneself, imo.

>> No.4987364
File: 29 KB, 400x327, Esenin1925ondeathbed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Old Sergei, writing his last poem with his own blood before hanging himself in a hotel room

>> No.4987392

Victor Tausk.

On the morning of July 3, 1919 after Helene Deutsch had stopped Tausk’s treatment after Freud had demanded it, and after a complicated relation with Sigmund Freud and Lou Andreas-Salomé, Tausk committed suicide by tying a curtain braid around his neck, then placing a pistol against his right temple and firing, hanging himself as he fell.[2]

Freud wrote to Salomé that "I confess that I do not really miss him; I had long realised that he could be of no further service; indeed that he constituted a threat to the future." [3]

>> No.4987429

Koestler wrote a wonderful suicide note. A pretty lame suicide but still worth mentioning.

>> No.4987888

aaaaawwwww yeah

>> No.4987894
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>> No.4988239

>What exactly is philosophical about this?

He finished his Phd dissertation that day. Where he argued several points about the impossibility of an authentic or free life.

His suicide is in accord with his philosophy, not with a dispute he had with his mom like wiki implies lol

>> No.4988264

Not philosophical in the least, you dullard.

>> No.4988303

I would just like to point out that Sylvia Plath did not stick her head into an oven that was turned on to heat things. The gas was simply running.

>> No.4988312


You should read his works before trolling pointlessly.

>> No.4988314

>all these boys doing it with pistol and poison

>> No.4988366

How the fuck is drinking lysol because you're poor even close to killing yourself in an outdated ceremonial tradition in order to protest western cultural dominance?

>> No.4988386
File: 81 KB, 500x510, 10yukio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4988494


>> No.4988505

It's a meme, heh.

>> No.4988520

No one mentioned Elliot Rodger :(

>> No.4988675


Who gives a fuck about french culture other than people so pathetic that they actually give a shit about nationalism?

>> No.4988871

>going out with the gayboys innawoods for a day of erotic fake death posing

How can people not hate Mushimushi?

>> No.4989596

But we like him for this reason!


>> No.4990137

Mushimushi ?

>> No.4990141


I've heard it's the no. 1 suicide method for shitty french philosophers.

>> No.4990489

Maybe you could find your epic meme in le reddit, /r9k/ or youtube :^)

>> No.4990491

That one that killed himself writing.

>> No.4990494

Balzac ?

>> No.4990736

In "confessions of a mask" he writes extensively about his fascination with the beauty of death and Saint Sebastian especially, so him striking this pose makes sense, though it does seem rather try-hard.

>> No.4990832
File: 137 KB, 728x1024, yukio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He stroke the pose many times for Eikoh Hosoe. If this picture makes him look like a try-hard for you, it is probably because they made it the way classical paintings were made, with such obvious attitudes.
He looks cooler on this one.

>> No.4990841
File: 136 KB, 936x614, tumblr_malea2haFo1ro4bzio1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this one.

>> No.4990887
File: 112 KB, 400x543, art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to mention Artaud did the same picture.

>> No.4990895

this guy would take to instagram like a 14 year old girl

>> No.4990937
File: 156 KB, 500x691, tumblr_mfb0plWUrY1r2h5uyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

implying you don't

>> No.4990967
File: 876 KB, 1074x672, Screen shot 2014-06-09 at 12.06.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the same picture
yeahhh... so did like every renaissance painter. regardless of who is modeling it or painting it, the subject is always the martyred St Sebastian


>> No.4990985


Surely Sylvia Plath or Virginia Woolf.

Those women really know how to top themselves.

Though, personally, I think they may have been murdered and set up to look like suicides. Just sayin'.

>> No.4990987

this is what I meant