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/lit/ - Literature

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4983989 No.4983989[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just remember, if you go English major, you'll have to get a job after graduation.

Trust me, it's humiliating.

>> No.4984001

thanks dad

>> No.4984007

Luckily, I'm going to major in Anthropology and will be drowning in job offers. ;_;

>> No.4984028

>Just remember, if you go English major, you'll have to get a job after graduation.

that's why i finishing the requirements for my goddamn math major, only analysis and group theory (so really, only analysis) in my way

>> No.4984039

English majors have tons of jobs related to their degrees.

Now people with anthropology or archeology or maybe military history have hard time..

>> No.4984042

You couldn't have chosen worse.


>> No.4984045



>> No.4984056

Whatever, I want to be an elementary school teacher anyway. The kids will be fascinated by it.

>> No.4984057
File: 36 KB, 711x627, dsad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just shoot myself now or later?

>> No.4984062

become a cook!

>> No.4984063

I managed to get a job writing product descriptions on the website of a large store chain. It's only $12 an hour though but hey, its better than fast food.

>> No.4984103

It is the saddest day on the history of earth where a guy like me is jealous of that job.

>> No.4984147

>you'll have to get a job after graduation

Maybe you had to get a job. I joined the Navy.

>> No.4984171


>a guy like me

yeah so sad that a great genius like you should ever have to envy anyone

>> No.4984181
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Are you mad or?

>> No.4984183

>I joined the Navy.

So, you went on welfare.

>> No.4984187

That doesn't sound any better.

>> No.4984190


>> No.4984203

Fuck that become a waiter. You make so much fucking money.

[/spoiler] I'm waiter and I made 65,000 last year [/spoiler]

>> No.4984230
File: 117 KB, 646x574, LOL I AINT WERD BOUTNUTN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liberal arts students

did you order those pancakes with bacon or was it fate

>> No.4984236

>so much fucking money

>> No.4984241

For someone who dropped out of college I would say it's pretty damn close to best case scenario.

>> No.4984261

Don't elementary school teachers get degrees in education/pedagogy?

>> No.4984275

>dem lifeless eyes

>> No.4984276
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>Japanese Yen

>> No.4984312

Tax free

>> No.4984321

Why are STEM so eager to be part of neoliberal capitalism?

>> No.4984323

so are we doing this until /lit/ becomes /pol/-lite?

>> No.4984355

I for one am not.

>> No.4984359

/biz/ would actually be the appropriate board

>> No.4984771

>History major with foreign language
Superior Humanities degree checking in.

>> No.4984776

[Citation Needed]

>> No.4984781

STEM majors want a hyper-modernist totalitarian socialist state, only focused on scientific progress.

>> No.4984783

I'm going to study philosophy in a catholic school
don't give a fuck

>> No.4984813

You go to college to get a piece of paper so you can get a job. Science and Engineering are better for that.

You don't get a better liberal arts education by going to a university, even at the top schools with the top professors, they're not going to give a shit about you. You can read all the shit online and watch lectures by the top people in the field. College is only good for the piece of paper.

Get an engineering degree so you can afford to live comfortably and dedicate your life to the arts. They're not mutually exclusive at all.

>> No.4984816


I'm an engineer and I'm an anarchist. I don't think engineers are more likely to have any political viewpoint.

>> No.4984821


Congrats! You'll be able to one-up all the other history majors trying to teach high school by also being able to teach a language!

>> No.4984827

So you DON'T think engineers are more likely to have any political viewpoint; as opposed to engineers being more likely to have any political viewpoint? I think you intended the latter.

>> No.4984843



>> No.4984862

saying "any particular political viewpoint." also would have worked.

>> No.4984863

I used to get paid $12.35/hr. cleaning up vomit in dorms overnights...I miss that job.

>> No.4984881

>major in geology
>would have ideally finished this year but didn't have money to afford summer classes
>90 credits
>university starts falling apart
>classes now only offered once every two years
>can't take classes I need to graduate
>department is about to lose its accreditation

So now I'm going to try to learn film post-production, since it's something I already know about and have experience in.

It sucks because in that town that the college was in, it was impossible to get a job on-campus unless you had work/study and nobody off campus would hire students. I would get called in for so many interviews only have the people with work/study get hired over me.

Now I have to move back in with my mom and I never hear back from any of my applications.

>> No.4984911

I'll just go to graduate school and emigrate to Europe if I can't find a job after my doctorate is finished here in the states. I'm sure I won't have to do that, however.

>> No.4984929

That's what I'm thinking too, but the job market for English Ph.D's is abysmal in the U.S. at the moment.

>> No.4984941


what the fuck university is this?

>> No.4984942

>majoring in English when it's your first language

>> No.4984948

I've made my bed, and I'm content to lie in it.

>> No.4984959

Proud anthropology major here.

>> No.4984960

>tfw slightly embarrassed to tell people i am an english major
>tfw don't want to be a teacher
>tfw don't know what else to do

>> No.4984961
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You're a part of it whether you want to be or not.

>> No.4984963

Maybe stop being such a little bitch? If you are going to be embarrassed about your life choices, then don't make them.

>> No.4984972



>> No.4984974

Maybe you shouldn't have gone to college. Nobody says you have to spend 4+ years of your youth and tens (or hundreds) of thousands of dollars getting a worthless degree.

>> No.4984978

I'm not an English major; I'm a philosophy major.

>> No.4984981

Become a hobo reading on the sidewalks, just like every other english and philosophy major aspires to become.

>> No.4984992

>tfw a girl tells you she's an English major
>TRANSLATION: Act like a hipster dick + know more than her about Shakespeare = get laid

>> No.4985000

i love lit and i have enjoyed most of the course, i'm just starting to worry about what's next. feel like an underachiever in comparison to friends with more lucrative/credible majors, even though i study hard and do well. i look at doctors and accountants, etc, and think 'shit, i could have potentially done something like that.'

>> No.4985009

No matter how many lives you save or improve, you will at some point stick your fingers in a nasty butthole.
No matter how much you enjoy "crunching numbers" and doing other people's taxes, you're still going to end up hanging yourself with that ugly tie your nephew will give you for Chanukah.

>> No.4985010

SJSU? I heard something about the geology department getting shafted.

I must confess, that I was so pleasantly surprised (and relieved) it wasn't the philosophy department.

>> No.4985027

>getting a job
>not living in a welfare state which pays for your study expenses
>not becoming NEET after graduation and reading books all day while living off welfare

>> No.4985045

That isn't power. I want power.

>> No.4985050


That's a really bad argument.

>> No.4985054


>being envious of doctors
>being envious of accountants

No wonder you're ashamed. You are an embarrassment.

>> No.4985058

This would be fine, unless you
A) take any degree of pride in supporting yourself or being your own independent man
B) plan on ever dating/starting a family
C) have a social life
D) would hedge your bets on the Republicans not simultaneously getting a super-majority in Congress and elected President in your lifetime, at which point say goodbye to your welfare checks (if you live in Murrica)

I mean, other than that, sure, being a welfare NEET is fine

>> No.4985060

I'm an English major and I work as an embalmer

shits comfy yo, I get to spring board story ideas off the stiffs

>> No.4985061

Actually it's really not

>> No.4985071

Where's math in all this?

>> No.4985072
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>americans who think there are jobs for English majors in Europe

>> No.4985074

Just put the fedora on the science student.

>> No.4985075

What about philosophy majors?

>> No.4985077


New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology

Basically, the administration of the university cares more about their own paychecks than the actual quality of education. They don't have anybody to teach the classes and there aren't enough new people coming into the department.

It makes me sad that this is happening in a lot of other places too. Earth and Environmental Science is still a very important discipline that's very much essential to modern civilization. But everyone just writes us off as hippies.

>> No.4985078

Eurofags are going to love my metal music...

>> No.4985079


Seeing a society that's fundamentally broken and siding with it because it's what we live in rather than trying to fix it seems like a bad way to live to me.

>> No.4985080

based on the math majors I know
>horrible taste in fashion
>got beat up or at the very least verbally bullied in high school
>only friends with other math majors i.e. never interact with girls
>only sense of satisfaction is posting math related jokes on Facebook, which only other math majors will understand
>in five years, will be making more than anybody they went to high school with
>in ten years, will have a 10/10 blond wife that does everything

>> No.4985081

>non-numerical logic
Excuse me if I sound ignorant, but from my Aristotle readings, isn't all logic inherently numeric? Even dialectic is based upon finding flaws in someone's thinking through syllogism and questioning.

>> No.4985084
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>be english major
>have job in chemical engineering
>25 and making 90k/year

Yo, major in what you're passionate for. A lot of the time all that matters to employers is that you have a degree.

>> No.4985086

So if the first four don't apply to me, I guess the last two won't either?

>> No.4985091

>the administration of the university cares more about their own paychecks than the actual quality of education
Starting to see this a lot. A teacher I had said he was retiring early because he couldn't stand the way the college was being run. Sucks because he was a great teacher. Students are just dollar signs to the higher ups.

>> No.4985093

>Higher Education Administration Major
Big money here I come, suck it nerds.

>> No.4985096

>be film major
>any job in hollywood I want
>400k starting

Feels good to be superior

>> No.4985102

If you want to reap the rewards you have to play the game. Sure you could sacrifice your own well-being and happiness (and yes, being poor for your entire life will make you bitter and unhappy) as a formal act of protest against this perceived horrible society.

But when it comes down to it, you're a part of this system whether you like it or not. Your defiance of the system will not break it; the system is happy enough to roll along without you like it always has. If there's two things I could tell my younger undergrad self it would be this:
1) You have to play the game to win the rewards
2) Suck the dick that feeds you

>> No.4985103

No, it isn't. It is based more in set theory than in arithmetic. In fact, a major project in the history of logic, which failed, was to base all maths on principles of logic.

>> No.4985148


>chemical engineering major
>couldn't find a job for two years after graduating
>now in shitty lab tech position

H-hook me up, bro.

>> No.4985166
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English major here. Just landed a $1,200 ghostwriting contract, a deal to edit a book, and my newest novel releases in a month.

That said:

An English degree means precisely dick. It will not get you a job. What it does is make your resume X% nicer, where X is a debatable amount somewhere between 10 and 50, depending on the position you're applying for.

It's like a house key. If you don't have yours, you're going to have a really fucking hard time getting into your house. But having a house key doesn't mean someone is going to give you a house. It just means you have a house-key. A really, really expensive house-key that it will take you 10-20 years to pay off.

>> No.4985179

>english major
>land job analyzing themes in contemporary fiction a few days after graduation
>$250 an hour plus benefits
>girls literally queue up outside my apartment to let me lick their feet and lecture them on Hemingway's common motifs

>> No.4985290
File: 358 KB, 1200x800, Feels So Good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Job security, anon. Job security.

>> No.4985330

>Liberal Arts Student
>Respected by society

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.4985334
File: 91 KB, 250x332, god-hates-fags-kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I am mentally capable of leaving my house regularly
>implying I'm not just going to get an easy job as a translator to complement my parents' or partner's income and maybe, just maybe manage to get semi-self-published by a small company, barely making a profit

>> No.4985345

An English major is a skeleton key into a hell of a lot of jobs.

I think STEMfags concocted the whole 'hurr liberal arts students coffee shop' thing because STEM jobs are going at a premium and they can't compete with imported STEMfolk from Asia and India. Michio Kaku had a good speech about it.

Anyway, it's more important to do what you enjoy. I don't feel any particular obligation or debt to society that urges me to do something 'useful'.

>> No.4985348

OP's pic: the reason Americais in the gutter.

>inb4 foreign science fag

I study lit @ Princeton

>> No.4985366


I will never become you no matter how much the world wants me to be.

>> No.4985385
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Alright buddy. But in 5-10 years you'll look back and realize exactly how much you sacrificed for your pseudo-principles and laziness.

>> No.4985455
File: 2.17 MB, 2481x3289, Vincent van Gogh, Head of a Skeleton With a Burning Cigarette, 1886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dat rhetoric promoting capitalist soullessness

>> No.4985493

It's very difficult to get a good job (relevant to your degree) whether you are an Arts major or a STEMfag.

>> No.4985499

you will be bitter and unhappy either way faggot

>> No.4985505

I have a BA in English and I'm getting my MBA right now, even though I'm probably just gonna end up getting my PhD in English in the next couple years.

I'll let you all in on a secret. It's not even all that well-kept.

You know how bad some of the writing posted here is?

Sooooooooooo many people outside of humanities absolutely sucks at writing, everything from short memos to critical and analytic essays.

Go into technical/ business writing at an entry level for a few years, and then move into business writing consulting. Yeah, it's a real thing. And working for a firm, and a little luck, you can make 6 figures without much problem, basically to make company executives look a bit less shitty at writing.

>> No.4985553

I disagree. Despite being an English major and having underwhelming grades in college I'm quite happy with my job, my paycheck and who I work with these days.

As long as you're above average intelligence and have a college degree, there's really no reason you should be stuck in the ubiquitous corporate ratrace that movies, TV and novels have made us all so familiar with.

I'm beginning to think the whole disgruntled office worker cliche is nothing more than a myth propagated by the older generation that all wishes they had run away to NYC and become famous writers or Broadway performers. The "corporate grind" isn't nearly as bad as an entire generation of romcoms and indie movies have made it out to be. That's all I'm saying. If you think working a 9-5 job is intrinsically antithetical to a happy existence, you have been sorely mislead.

>> No.4985569


You would not believe how many people in STEM fields cannot write above the level of an elementary school student.

>> No.4985571

But don't they all study literature and writing as a hobby?

>> No.4985640

>get undergrad degree in psychology
>oh fuck

got into med school tho

>> No.4985815

>Cannot lol harder.

Good luck with your career in business writing consulting. I think for us people in the real world, we call them copywriters. Basically you get award wage to write uninteresting crap to free up time for the people doing real work.

However, if you're getting an MBA (assuming a good business school), you can make 6 figures (with much problem) if you go out and get a proper job and your writing skills will come in handy.

Saying that, your probability of landing a 6 figure position goes up enormously if you had an enginering background.

I'll let you in on a secret. It's not even that well-kept.

You know how we live in a world of mass amounts of data?

Sooooo many people in business need people with quantiative skills to analyse it (no not the same thing you did when you wrote an essay on The Catcher in the Rye).

>> No.4985824

Why are you so angry and defensive? I'm legitimately curious as to why you have such a hostile attitude in regards to this subject.

>> No.4985837

is that some kind of joke post?
of course not

>> No.4985885

You're missing the point. No one is saying STEM people can't get jobs. Everyone knows that there's a big desire for people in STEM fields. And that they can be paid very well.

The point is that there are jobs for English majors, and that they can pay well, too. And the desire for inter-disciplinary knowledge and communication skills is growing.

>> No.4985907

Not the poster, but you ought to take joy and pride in composition,even in that context

>> No.4985911

Sorry if it came across angry and defensive, it was more of a snide sarcasm, you can understand (as a future business writing consultant) the difficulties of conveying emotion through written text.

Why the animosity?
Reason 1: I'm an overpaid (STEM) asshole.
Reason 2: The stupidity of liberal arts majors has its ups (girls are easy to fuck) and downs (they talk shit). You sir are a serious downer.

>> No.4985913

Are you OK, anon? You sound very bitter.

>> No.4985917

My point is that they're rare (it helps if you have networks; nepotism is a bitch). Unless your english major is accompanied by quantitative skills then there are none.

Most positions that require high levels of verbal reasoning are filled by law grads or ex lawyers.

Still, choices are there, but the probability is very low (unless you fill the above criteria).
Take up a business related hobby (volunteering etc) and it will help a shit load.

>> No.4985929

What an obnoxiously biased depiction. Too bad those engineers have steadier work, more benefits, and typically earn more than most book jockeys ever will.

>> No.4985949

OP's picture is clearly sarcastic...

>> No.4985958
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>got into med school

>> No.4985962

I'm a 6'7" Aryan who is working on a PhD in Jobs, with a minor in Getting Them. I'm on track to making roughly 200k starting salary and I will lead a very fulfilling life. Also I'm going out with a model and she makes me cum daily. Come at me fags

>> No.4985978

If you're not knees-deep in engineering pussy you're doing it rong m8

>> No.4985992

Engineering pussy is oxymoronic unless you're referring to some new japanese method of producing sex toys.

>> No.4986038

So, you're from northern India?

>> No.4986241




Dude you can't throw a fucking rock without hitting a business major. That shit is WORSE than useless.

An MBA today means "$35,000-a-year cubicle jockey". Middle management if you're LUCKY.

>> No.4986257

65,000 is very respectable especially for being a waiter.
Unfortunately I don't believe you

>> No.4986268


>> No.4986270

I'm an English major, and I'm at a loss as to what I am going to do after graduation. The future is scaring me senseless...

>> No.4986283

High school English?
Technical writer?
pursue your dreems?

>> No.4986298

All things I've considered. Graduation just has me a bit spooked at the moment. I want to go to grad school and get at least an M.A., but not sure if I can get the recs that I need.

>> No.4986310

Went to culinary school for waitstaff training (yes, that's a thing) after I dropped out of real college. Where I work, the average ticket price per person is generally a bit more than 100 dollars. Average of 2-3 diners per table, usually 6 or so tables a shift, five shifts a week. At 20 percent tip, that's 60ish per table, 300 bucks a shift, five days a week. Do the math man. I'm not lying

>> No.4986314

>getting an MA in English and not even sure what you want to do

Unless you want to stay in academia then why? Just self-teach and audit university courses if you care that much.

My department graduation didn't even mention MA graduates. That's how much L&S departments usually care about MAs. You're just cash money.

>> No.4986320

Yeah, that's why I'm leaning towards "following my dreams"
I'm pretty musically inclined, and think I could cut it playing in bands professionally. Grad school is what my family is urging me to do. If all else fails a sibling of mine owns a newspaper, which I could probably get work at, though I'd pretty much be slave labor.

>> No.4986367

I meant engineering pussy, as in engineering a variety of orifices resembling pussy using the latest knowledge in material science

>> No.4986452

> knows nothing about MBAs
Yes but try throwing a rock and hitting an ivy-league business major.
Obviously the quality of the school matters a lot as well as the performance of the student.
Have a look at the type of work Wharton students are in, and then we can continue the discussion on cubicle jockeys

>> No.4986467

what if you're majoring in the scientific offshoot of a liberal arts field?

>> No.4986476


> Why Getting an MBA Isn't Worth It

> VCs in New York (Gently) Tell MBAs Their Degrees Are Useless

> 40 Years Of Data Show The MBA Effectively Does Nothing

> Why an MBA is a Waste of Time and Money

> Why MBAs Haven't Mattered Since the 90s

It's an obsolete degree. It's 2014. Ain't you heard? Everybody's an entrepreneur with basic business acumen now. Fucking web cartoonists are cross-merchandising.

You're more likely to be hired if you have "ran a successful kickstarter" on your resume than "MBA from Dicksville University".

And the Ivy League argument doesn't count. You could have a degree in Dicksucking, and if it was from an Ivy League school, it would at least earn you a look. The prestige of the school doesn't defend the (lack of) utility of the degree.

>> No.4986490

>not getting mba from top 10 business school
>not getting your dick sucked by banks, wall street, investment firms, politicians
>not knowing anything about the finance world

all i see are a bunch of butthurt articles from journalism majors

>> No.4986512
File: 3 KB, 128x128, pretty cool guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, champ.

Best of luck.

>> No.4986551

im a real shark everyone look at my success!

>> No.4986604

Are you a 6'7" aryan too?

>> No.4986605


Daily reminder that Pynchon called an MBA "a sure sign of idiocy" in Bleeding Edge.

>> No.4986613

Now, a top ten MBA is certainly a thing to be feared and admired.
One from any school less than that is worth barely more than its paper.

>> No.4986614

You can post questionable articles all you like, the facts are about as straight forward as it can get.

The majority of middle to senior positions are held by people with MBAs from ivy league universities.

The majority of graduates at fort500 anks or consulting are MBAs or business related undergrads from ivy league universties.

(from one of your articles) - Only 5% of harvard MBAs are unemployed (more than likely international students)

second tier universities are also a good platform for lower prestige positions/companies.

It is true though a stem Ivy-league degree will suffice but if you come from an english undergrad, your best bet is an MBA.

web cartoonists may be cross-merchandising but they're still unemployed.

>> No.4986638

What city is your restaurant in?

>> No.4986639

Clearly it's in NYC, L.A., or some other well-to-do area. No one is pulling that much dough in while working in some Podunk shithole restaurant.

>> No.4986646


There are SO MANY well-to-do areas (it could be DC, or Vegas, or Atlanta or Philly, or Miami, etc.). NYC and LA are not the only places it could be.

>> No.4986649

I said NYC and L.A. as being the most likely. He likely waits tables in some urban hotspot, but by the way he talks I'd say NYC.

>> No.4986703

>mfw Australian
>mfw job in my field of study
>mfw making less than the threshold to have to pay back my student debt
>mfw living in luxury regardless because I don't live in a piece of shit country

>> No.4986714

don't sweat it anon, I'm kind of jealous myself, Id love to have that job.
it beats being unemployed

>> No.4986726

most people in /lit/ are girls, right?

>> No.4986743


Where abouts in Aus do you live to have such a high opinion of the place?
I'm from Queensland so I'm gonna assume it's worse here but the luxury you speak of comes at such a cost.

>> No.4986808

Speaking personally, can confirm that I am a person that also thinks most people on /lit/ are girls

>> No.4986820

>welfare state

>not european NEET master race

>> No.4986844
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Of course!

>> No.4986867

That the humanities are seen as a respite from the means-ends rationality from the "working world" is really the sad consequence of two convergent logics: humanistic inquiry as so dignified as to be beyond a mundane work culture, and a social arrangement that does not see the value in that inquiry. Both are failures to see that the knowledge and skills gained and disseminated from these fields (languages, philosophy, arts, etc.) are not only intrinsically worthwhile, but positively valuable even if not as pragmatic as the hard sciences or whatever else is uncritically (though defensibly) touted as profitable and useful. Those involved in the humanities should be excited to bridge the gap between humanizing and economic impulses, which of course will involve struggle. But isn't struggle the precondition of what is truly valuable?

It should be said outright that a degree without experience and/or the demonstrated ability to learn new things will rarely get you a comfortable job. Humanities majors simply have to work and think harder because currently society undervalues what that kind of knowledge implies. That's not humiliating. It's humbling--maybe even emboldening.

There are some jobs that would obviously value an English degree--technical writer, museum curator, editor, HCI engineering, social work--beyond academia. And if your post-grad career is underwhelming, well just remember that maybe the point of work isn't to love it, but to use the gains from work to shape a life you could love.

>> No.4986872

excellent post. And this is coming from a comp sci student

>> No.4986873


who else /linguistics/ here?

>> No.4986883
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>the value of education is only determined by it's economic merit

>> No.4986894

>not being a part of the nuclear engineering master race

>> No.4986900

If value, you mean how much money you're able to generate then sure, but it can be looked at in terms of personal value and life experience.

It's still probably not worth it, just got to STEM it bro

>> No.4986907

What for? What are you going to do with your STEM? Build shit? For what purpose?

>> No.4986909

Japanese + Economics majors here. Also took an extra course of Business Japanese to tie it together even more.

What are your thoughts?

>> No.4986912

If a simple electrician benefits from a classical education. Man, all we have left is specialists with an expertise in one particular field but who are ignorant beyond it.

>> No.4986917

I like solving problems and puzzles. If it's either doing something where I have to think and make a lot of money, or end up in some dead end job as a wage slave, I'll think I'd take the former.

Well he couldn't apply his classical education as an electrician, but it'd be nice if he had the opportunity to study whatever he wants without being crippled financially.

Unfortunately in most countries that is not the case.

>> No.4986925

>why do we need cars and electricity and new technology
>why dont you just want to smoke weed and smear dog shit on a canvas for your local art show

>> No.4986939


>> No.4986946

>I like solving problems and puzzles. If it's either doing something where I have to think and make a lot of money, or end up in some dead end job as a wage slave, I'll think I'd take the former.

Nah, that's not what I meant. If there was only STEM in the future, what would you do with your free time? Science is cool and whatnot but I think it's directionless in the sense that it's progressing in a uncertain direction and doesn't know what to do in case it arrives (nevermind how it can't). Saying if you're building a house you'll still need someone to live in it to make it worthwhile.

>Well he couldn't apply his classical education as an electrician, but it'd be nice if he had the opportunity to study whatever he wants without being crippled financially.

Knowledge make you unfit to be a slave. But to contradict me a little, I think most predictions about the consequences of your own actions in terms of the apparent demands of society are self fulfilling prophecies in the sense that a country is made up of individuals and you're just being one of the others for someone else. Or rather, "the real world" that forces you to get a job and so on. It just the paradigm, not reality.

>> No.4986949


>liberal arts talk shit

Just look at what thread we're in. The internet is full of STEM grads bragging about how much they earn and how useful they re to society (before going to /r9k/ to whinge about how they make so much money and are so useful but nobody likes them).

Also >>4986925 ties into >>4984321 perfectly.

>> No.4986951

Where want you to drive to with your car? Who are you going to visit without friends?

>> No.4986952
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I promise I'm not an escapist autist. I hate most of Gaiman's fans, I just love his work more.

>> No.4986953

Oops, wrong thread.

>> No.4986954


You're a tedious office drone. Be honest about it,

>> No.4986955

>all that projection
sorry m8 not everyone can be part of the STEM master race, no need to be salty

>> No.4986967

>the STEM master race

This doesn't exist outside of the internet.

>> No.4986971

>Japanese major

>> No.4986973
File: 130 KB, 628x434, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> English degree
> minor in marketing
> really basic computer courses

Get hired as "expert on social media advertising" getting 75k to start

>> No.4986978
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>> No.4986980

It's a serious question though. Who needs are when they never leave the house? It's a little exaggerated but it's like inventing the most delicious food and you not having receptors to taste it. It's delusional.

>> No.4986983

He THINKS he won't have to do internships for the first 4 years.


>> No.4986985

Yeah, but you're still browsing 4chan anon. Why?

>> No.4986986

>what would you do in your free time?
Hobbies maybe? They're still a thing last time I checked. Science isn't directionless either, things are progressing, more post-docs than ever, for every answer science gives, it creates even more questions.

You're not just one person building a house, you're one of millions making the super house, every one skilled in their field, all contributing to the house in which everyone lives.

This isn't just true for STEM, arts contribute too, but instead of building, they're more the coat of paint and added atheistic.

>knowledge makes you unfit to be a slave
Why is an electrician a slave? Their occupation may not be the most stimulating, but they still have to think. "What is the most optimal way to wire this house", "how can I get this from point A to B", same with builders, who didn't play with lego?

We're all slaves in some sense, we have to work, or we become even more insignificant to not just to society, but to those around us. It's always been that way though, and as much as one would want that to change, it ain't.

Maybe we'll live in the perfect world where robots do everything for us and we are free to pursue whatever crap we want, though part of me thinks that won't be all it's cracked up to be.

>> No.4986989

Good luck competing with the guys getting out of the Navy who have experience and are already in with management who will all be Navy guys too.

>> No.4986990

Except that it does.

>> No.4986992


>master race
>muh money

>> No.4986993

What are your hobbies?

>> No.4986994

>just doing it for money
>not because its cool as fuck and you get to do shit that english majors put in their shitty scifi novels

>> No.4986998

I play frisbee, video games, am mediocre at music but improving, and have friends. Normal stuff. Doesn't seem so bad to me.

>> No.4986999

I feel bad for people that major in engineering knowing that all that hard work just means that they will be more angry when they gave to compete with a thousand dirty Asians willing to work for curry.

>> No.4987003

asians are shit tho they are basically incompetent as far as practical knowledge goes. sure they get grades and stuff but they suck at actually doing real stuff and employers know that

>> No.4987004


>implying english majors write scifi novels about people who manufacture car parts and bridges
>implying manufacturing car parts and bridges is cool as fuck
>all that projection

Every STEM guy thinks he's Tony Stark.

>> No.4987006

>nuclear engineering
>car parts
good one m8

>> No.4987007

>never having played the glory that is bridge builder
>not knowing what fun bridge building is

>> No.4987008

I didn't say every electrician was a slave, you said that. But let's assume someone is trying to force electricians to build electric chairs it would help a great deal do have only electricians who understand the broader implications of their work instead of that "well, a man gotta eat" approach. Besides that, when you're -only- working for money you really are a slave in the sense that freedom isn't just the ability to do something but being able to not do what you don't want to do.

>> No.4987009


>nuclear engineering
>cool as fuck

>nuclear engineering
>what every STEM grad does

Keep going m8

>> No.4987010

So science is just something that enables you to play frisbee, play video games, music and so on?

>> No.4987011

>what every STEM grad does
no, what nuclear engineering grads do, like the image i posted that started this comment train

>> No.4987012

they're pretty cool frisbees, you should see them. with lights.

>> No.4987014

What's the problem?

>> No.4987016

Yeah, sure. But does this mean all your work is just means to an end to be able to play frisbee? I'm pretty sure homeless people can play frisbee too.

>> No.4987019

>English majors thinking their degree means jack shit aside from if they want to teach English
Yes, you wasted your money and need to justify your terrible decisions, do you have to do this here?

>> No.4987022

It's literally worthless. Not only is it worth less to an employer than the JLPT1, you're learning 10 times slower than hobbyist self learners. How long did it take you to learn the kana? How many kanji did you know by the end of the first year? How long until you started reading native children's material? If your answers are anything less than 2 days, 2136, and 1-3 months, you fucked up.

>> No.4987024


Why are you just talking about nuclear engineers when this thread is about STEM in general?

>> No.4987025

So you're another of those DJT stars?

>> No.4987027

an example of how based STEM can be

>> No.4987030

You mean one of those DJT stars who speaks japanese better than japanese majors? Yes. Go ahead and answer those questions if you'd like, I'm curious how much education $100k buys you

>> No.4987031

Because obviously nuclear energy is the best thing since sliced bread.

>> No.4987032

My mistake. I'm sure whoever is making electric chair knows full well what they're intended for. It's probably less of "well, a man gotta eat" and more of "someone else would do this anyway, so I might as well get paid for it", I'd say the programmers working for the likes of the NSA are doing considerably more harm, but where there's demand, there's jobs, and people morals don't go very far when you can hide behind being a cog in the machine, and making some dosh.

When you're only working for money, say as a maccas employee, barely having enough for luxuries and a higher standard of living, you are pretty much a slave.

But you can get out of that situation, unless you're really stupid / have something mentally stopping you (apathy, depression, etc).

Those in shithole countries aren't as lucky, but it's always possible to improve your situation with effort.

Science doesn't enable be to do that, but I do it anyway, and get the added benefit of having a secure career with a relatively high income.

Is the STEM field just something that people go into with the idea "gotta make muny"?

We're working/will be working eventually, I would pick something that would lead to a secure future, and then have my hobbies for fun

>> No.4987034

Eduation is free where I live. Sorry, I guess I should have mentioned it from the start.

Yeah, I have heard that the education of Japanese on American universities is horrible. Couple it with paying tens of thousands of dollars for it and yeah, I can see why people would look negatively at it.

>> No.4987039

Is it any different outside of the US? I'm genuinely curious. Unless you live in Korea or Taiwan I can't imagine formal Japanese education ever being decent

>> No.4987042

Fantastic post. I wish that more posts on 4chan were as well written and considered as yours.

>> No.4987051

Another anon: I went to a German university.
From what I gather, US unis treat students more like customers - unis care for their students' lifes with nice installations, it's reasonably easy to graduate if you got the time and money.

In Germany, the student is not a customer, we have large dropout rates (fluctuates depending on the subject), the university doesn't give a shit about what you think about courses. I assume it's much harder.

>> No.4987053

Small classes (~20 people towards the end of bachelor's course), the main lecturer is a native Japanese guy, who is extremely helpful and insightful, conversation is also taught by native speakers and most of the best students get a chance to study at least 6 months in Japan, more often a whole year.

So, I'm pretty happy with it.

More importantly, in my country university degrees still matter. Yeah, not as much as 10 or 20 years ago, but still. It might change in next few years, but I'm still catching the good years.

>> No.4987058

> not becoming a high school teacher
> not getting summers off every year
> not coaching the girls volleyball team

WTF are you guys thinking?

>> No.4987063

Follow your dreams anon.

>> No.4987067

>"someone else would do this anyway, so I might as well get paid for it"

That's exactly that self fulfilling prophecy thing I was talking about. Personally I like to believe that education helps to see yourself as something more than just being a cog in a machine. You're a human being.

I pretty much agree with the NSA comment. I guess we're all more or less driven by fallacies, low effort thinking and biological urges, but I guess you're able to compensate much of it when you're being conscious about it. That's where a classical education might help. And being aware about stuff like that makes you less prone to be exploited by those who consciously try to utilize your ignorance against you.

I'm not saying STEM is bad, but it isn't everything.

>> No.4987084

I'm so sure that formal education in the arts is required to realise your position in the world. Yes, we're human beings, to out friends, family and the people we meet and talk with, we are humans, but to the greater society, we're just cogs in a sense. I don't think it's that bad, not everyone is a special snowflake.

I think the education system in general needs to be overhauled, a highschool education should be enough for someone to make informed decisions, but that's not happening any time soon.

Ultimately, whatever career field you choose, STEM or otherwise should strike a balance in personal fulfillment, and monetary income.

It depends on the individual, and some personal fulfillment does come from money, the ability to access life experiences that have a price tag, that being said, it's also possible to just travel the world working as you go.

We're self aware arrangements of particles on a rock floating through space, do what ever the fuck you want.

>> No.4987088

You have a very slavish mentality about the context of man in the universe.

>> No.4987091

>tfw you realise those opposed to the humanities are opposed to making humans more human.

>> No.4987096

Maybe, but it is the way things are. It doesn't really devalue existence for me though. Things are just absurd, and meaning can be found, but it's not always there.

>> No.4987111

It's not about how things are but about how things could be. If we would settle with the status quo we wouldn't need science obviously. Same goes for the individual. Might be that not everybody is a special snow flake, but then this doesn't mean they don't have the potential to do greater things. So as it is they're exploited by people who think that just how it is and their only chance to escape the hamster wheel is to become enlightened in the philosophical sense and take their life in their own hands.

>> No.4987122

That includes scientific literacy.

>> No.4987145

Sure, ideally everyone would be a philosopher, or at least educated enough to be able to actually think about things.

If everyone were enlightened, then there wouldn't even be a hamster wheel. I'm interested to see what happens with technology in my lifetime, we could see standards of living for the average person be as high as it was in Roman/Greek times (for citizens of course), with people being free to pursue anything without having to worry about money.

I could play frisbee all day, come home, have food, internet, voluntary immortality, anything else I'd ever need. It would be nice to make a mark, but for the most part, I'm just sitting along for the ride.

With the internet, it's easier for people to be educated, knowledge is easy to access, it'll be interesting to see the state of things when the entire living population has grown up with the internet.

>> No.4987152

>Things are just absurd
You really need to start thinking for yourself instead of squawking like a parrot.

Dear god you are the biggest bore on /lit/, I can always tell when you post because you are the longest fart winded person here, using fart too many words to say far too little of value.

>> No.4987164

How am I squawking like a parrot?
Are you going to say that self-aware blobs of particles floating through a rock is not absurd?

Seems pretty ridiculous to me. People die for no reason, for all the people who've realised their wildest dreams, there are countless others who have failed spectacularly and have to live with that. That doesn't seem right. People die pointlessly in war and are forgotten. Fucking great!

But alright, yeah I should start thinking for myself.

no need to be a cunt

>> No.4987191

You're such a pathetic beckett cock sucker.

The universe isn't "absurd," it's incredibly complicated you peon. The fact that you have sentience (which I am now doubting) should be enough to fill you with awe and aspiration.

Dumb lazy ungrateful prick.

>> No.4987216

Maybe you're not getting it. I didn't say the universe wasn't complicated, but for you to assume that means there's probably something lacking in your reasoning skills.

I'm pretty happy with my cushy western lifestyle, things are most likely going to be fine for me, of course I'd have to remember to breathe regularly because obviously I lack fundamental cognitive functions.

If you're going to say that a sentient being who dies for no reason, with no meaning in death isn't absurd, then I would guess that you'd have some deterministic mindset, which is absurd if true anyway.

Maybe your existence is just being a smarmy cunt on the internet! Great job, the universe is proud.

>> No.4987223

Go hit the 420 kid, you're out of your element.

>> No.4987242

>being this childish
And no, I'm not the guy you were responding to, so spare me the samfag accusation, but damn are you a piece of shit.

>> No.4987269

>doesn't present an argument and results to childish insults

You fill me with awe and aspiration

>> No.4987272

prole detected

>> No.4987302


>> No.4987322

>I made $700 in 2 hours busking in the subway with some friends last week
Real jobs are a myth

>> No.4987431

Anon, I didn't post on /lit/ for two years.

>> No.4987437

So complicated things can't be absurd?

>> No.4988538

Why do I have to get a job? I'll just be working to pay off some loans to some greedy banker.

>> No.4988577
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Their doctrine makes them the perfect agents for liberal society; the priests of our time.

>> No.4988676

You know, I first felt the immediate need to get into rage mode and defend my major choice as being a good one
>Tax Law is best Law!

But then I realised: fuck it. Whatever major I would have chosen, i would still end up as the pathetic social retarded adult as I likely will be in my nearby future. It doesn't matter if I would be a Theoretical Physicist or an Anthropologist, I would still be the same me: a kissless virgin with more anxiety problems than dates with girls.

Your major does not define who you are

>> No.4988688

>not going innawoods and living off the land while at the same time writing a bestseller


>> No.4988741


Fucking pleb enabler

>> No.4988807

Can we just agree that being an architect is the GOAT job?

>dat prestige
>dat perfect mix of art and science
>dat legacy

>> No.4988843

I'm not so sure they still are. But in the past decades they had good reasons to.

The difference in ability between a good mailman and a mediocre one is probably about 50%. Thus a good one should technically be able to make 50% more pay and it would still be sensible for the company to hire him and pay him that.

But the STEM business is different. The difference in ability between two programmers on a complicated project can be an order of magnitude. Or several. Which is why you find entry level programmers making 16$ an hour and the top level programmers at Google making millions of dollars a year in salaries and bonuses.

Here is the thing though. Most every programmer fancy himself to be above average for his job and believe that the free market will eventually reward him with the high salary and prestige that he really deserves. Even if the world shakes around them they are sure they will come out on top because of their "special" skills.

This was the feeling until the crash anyhow. I think most people are finally waking up to realize that the big companies are screwing the STEM people just as readily as anyone else. Because of the antitrust suits and the Visa abuses if nothing else.

The STEM people still are not leftists by any means, but I think a lot of them have started to reject both the left and the right at the same time now.

>> No.4988856

I generally have the feeling that STEMs not necessarily are more right-wing or left-wing, but that they do tend to favour grand unifying theories, both in STEM-fields and non-STEM-fields.

>> No.4988860

Yeah, my brother in law's father is an architect. He's well-regarded in his field, highly sought after, and rich as fuck. Humble guy though.

>> No.4988904

Ehh... Its more that they have a belief that everything can be explained through theories and math in general. And that the reason why we do not have a perfect society is because the current theories are wrong.

Its a bit like STEM people are modernists while liberal arts people tend to be post-modernists. And that distinction is often bigger that the difference between a liberal and a conservative.

Actually, I read an article that stated that being an architect is one of the worst jobs, moneywise, compared to the amount of education and slaving you need.

This because no one wants to hire an inexperienced architect. Thus you have to slave away as an assistant to someone fir shit pay for perhaps more than a decade before you can do your own thing. Only ones that makes money are the few famous ones that everyone want. And the owners of the bureaus.

>> No.4988922
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>writing for the masses

>> No.4988926

>god created yuri, and He saw it was sugoi
how can i keep reading with no sides?

>> No.4988951

>let me lick their feet
Shit dawg, w2c this job?

>> No.4989017

Hi /lit/...so this my story, I want opinions and advice. Bare in mind university is free in my country.

Throughout high school my love was mathematics. Also, throughout this period I suffered from very severe anxiety going outside. I was lucky that my school was few blocks away from my house.

The day high school ended, I was sure I wanted to pursue my career in mathematics, but there was a problem: the faculty of exact sciences was very far away from home, I had a long travel there. Like 1 hour and a fraction. Even more if there's traffic, something pretty common here. I was terrified at the prospect, so I decided to enroll in the engineering faculty which was only a couple blocks away from my house. I spent 3 years there...my family supported me, I was miserable and I was lying all the time about my supposed progress in school. I was disinterested in most subjects except the few mathematics courses.

I felt and feel immense guilt for all these lies, for the scam I'm selling my family who is so supporting, but I don't like engineering at all.

Finally, this semester after years of medication and psychological treatment I was ready to make the jump to mathematics. I'm doing it, I'm happy about it but I have not told my family at all.

I have lots of doubts, of course...how should I break the news, is mathematics economically viable or should I also take computer science classes, I should get a job...The soonest prospect of graduation is at 27 years old, how fuck I am? etc....what do you think? I'm a mess.

>> No.4989044

Life is a bridge leading nowhere. Stop worrying, do what you like. It will not matter in retrospect.

>> No.4989049

If you aren't a retard you can learn programming in a year or less and get a decent job as a contractor, working from home, no matter what your education, whilst still pursuing your less marketable interests in your free time.

>> No.4989082


enjoy making $150 for working 60 hours a week on Mechanical Turk.

>> No.4989094

yes, I know, but it's very hard to rationalize it like that, sooner or later you end up feeling the terrestrial pressures again, have a decent job, pay your expenses, etc. We are social animals, currently programmed like this, to worry about this stuff.

It's defeatist to say that one can't change this way of thinking, but I think at this point I just can't. I can't think of myself as a person completely unworried about my job prospects, death, health, self image, etc.

>> No.4989704

how abd is creative writing dgeree
im cringng at the idea of even taking this next year

please kill me

>> No.4990522

Got my EMT certification now I'll at least make 15 dollars an hour hauling fat people to the hospital on overnights

>> No.4990527

Ay bud hit me with ur stats.

>> No.4990590

Who the fuck wants to get "girlfriends"? Get away from me, hedonist pig. I don't want to catch anything

>> No.4990617

>mfw I do this
>mfw I am a terrible writer
oh well, maybe in a decade ill be a postdoc who can also write a story worth a damn...

>> No.4990995


Cheers for the laugh mate!

>> No.4991353
File: 166 KB, 517x700, 1395237801038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, why is sociology not here? Am I going to drown in bitches and money?

>> No.4991390

>tfw an accounting and finance double major
>tfw i sold my soul
I wanted to major in history.

>> No.4991411

I did and got a cosy job
Then again I went to the top uni in my country and didn't havet to take US-tier debts

>> No.4991829


>> No.4991911

I just graduated from a good school l and will be making $87,000+ USD my first year. Not too bad. I've never had a problem finding spare time to read serious literature or do things most well adjusted people do. Most of you 'cool' liberal arts majors are unremarkable blowhards. It's 2014. Unless your parents are paying for your education, you are not only poor, but stupid for devoting so much money and time to something that will not equip you to take care of yourself.

>> No.4991929

nigga just do math with a minor in like CS

if worst comes to worst you can get a programming job.

plus theoretical CS is applied math anyway and way easier to do a PhD in than math, as well

>> No.4991935

At what price your soul anon?

>> No.4991957

Shipmate, what's your rate?

>> No.4991983

this isnt even accurat e why isnt there dungeons an dragons or any other in-reality-just-a-board games listed? this is just taken a shot at anim e fans wat a faggot

>> No.4992038

Sliced bread is actually worse

>> No.4992082

finally somebody make sense

>> No.4992089

replied to wrong comment :D i meant

>> No.4992116
File: 19 KB, 100x155, puy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some extra foam on mine?
Yeah, thanks.
Oh, you majored in Philosophy? That's cute.
Me? Engineering. My wife went for nursing. Philosophy though, that's.. That's really something.
Hey, could you double cup me please?
Yeah, double cup.
Thanks man.
Yeah you enjoy your philosophy degree.

>> No.4993117

I got an undergrad in social studies education. (basically my degree was Political Science, History, like 3 Economics along with a handful of general social science[Psych, Sociology, Geography, etc]. I've been kicking around the idea of getting a grad degree in International Relation/Affairs/Int. Policy or whatever, after I get some cash from teaching for a couple of more years. (My girlfriend's uncle teaches shit in China, I might move there for a little and see if some experience with that'll help, plus it sounds fun).

Is this a terrible idea?

>> No.4993757


Yep. But it sounds like you've already made your mind up on this.

>> No.4993814

English grad here, working a full time job.

I don't get why people care what other people do to this extent. I realize this is mostly trolling, but I kind of envy a person who works part-time working maybe four six-hour shifts a week, and lives a spartan life in a little flat in a small city. I feel like we look to the consensus to validate our lives too much, or at least I do anyway. Feelsbadman

>> No.4993831

Different guy here, I always thought IR was one of the relatively "better" routes to go? Granted, I've only heard people who do political theory, say that IR and law are two of the better routes for liberal arts majors to do.

>> No.4993832

Th-thanks, y-you too

>> No.4996078

>not majoring in STEM

>> No.4996572

>Le STEM masterrace amirite?
I hate that STEM majors are so fucking insecure about what they do that all non-STEM majors must be ridiculed.

>> No.4996583

Industrial Technology major here

>endless certifications, each one boosting your potential for employment and salary

Buddy of mine just graduated and is making $140,000. He's 22 years old. He tests pipelines for corrosion.

>> No.4996590

That sounds absolutely awful. He better still be living at home, saving up money to invest in real estate.

>> No.4996592

>The King laughs at my feeble peasant ways!
>I know, I'll call him "insecure", that'll show him how superior my inferiority is!

>> No.4996597

they're not kings though, just dopes who bought in on the idea that stem degrees guarantee a job and a good salary.

>> No.4996606

Yeah, I actually don't even know what STEM even is besides just science class, m8, I just find the word "insecure" annoying.
College dropout truck-driver master race I guess, man

>> No.4996621

It's actually rather easy to get into; however, not many young people know of it. As one man put it rather gracefully, "you better love living alone."

He has an RV and travels around the USA testing pipes. He walks along pipelines all day, testing if they are broken or such. Let's say you walk 10 miles a day. You then rest, fuck off in your RV. Sleep. Drive to the next location and do it again.

A college degree isn't required for what he does - but, it helps. He is a CP-1. Check out the NACE website if you're interested - they're the only recognized international cathodic protection group.

CP-4s can ban upwards of $500,000+, but they mostly travel from country to country

>> No.4996635

>travel from country to country
What exactly are the downsides of that job?

>> No.4996637

How'd you manage that? Do you simply apply? I'm just going to start applying to all of the high-paying jobs and see what happens.

>> No.4996641

I'm a Cinema History major and am making 1.5 million a year. Oh, and did I mention I'm 23?

>> No.4996690

Well, we had a teacher who was a CP-4. Originally, he was from Lebanon, but now teaches CP in the USA. He banks around $150,000 a year.

Downsides would be traveling to shit countries like Pakistan or Brazil, two specifics one he mentioned.

A company was working on an oil refinery in Pakistan. They didn't set up cathodic testing stations every few yards, which our teacher's group (who had been sent over there) told them to do. Instead of costing $200,000 to set up stations at the time of being built, it ended up costing the company $15,000,000 to go back in and install them

Point is, you will be working with incompetent people and shitty conditions. You may get lucky and get to spend a month or two in Germany, Australia, or Japan working with smart people who understand English

>> No.4996694

Absolutely. I'd go back to school and study architecture were I a little bolder.

I read books on architecture and city planning for fun.

>> No.4996815

Just become a waiter and write while you're not working. Plenty of people have done it.

>> No.4996882

HA! I work on film sets and we hate you guys. Go jerk off to Ingmar Bergman another time. The worst though is when it's actors that went to film school. I think Matthew McConaughey actually studied film though. Most of them are just idiots though. Here's one little tip: Never, ever, use the term Mise En Scene on a set. You will be laughed off, and will never want to work with you.

Good luck though. It's a great business, despite a lot of the downsides.

>> No.4996925

You obviously didn't mention you were 23. You'd know that if you read your sentence.

>> No.4997606

how the fuck did u manage to do that? how high was your science gpa?

>> No.4997649

The world would be a much better place without you, please kill yourself.

>> No.4998067

>Finishing communications degree this year
>Masters in Strategic Communications (PR doublespeak at its best) opens up
>It's like journalism but you're a corporate bitch and lie a lot

Beats freelance, and everyone needs spin. I'm pretty comfortable with selling out to the man to get a steady check, feels good man.

Any other PR weasel bros here?

>> No.4998079

Just finished my undergrad in English and I'm doing a post grad in PR right now. Hoping to shill for Alberta oil soon enough while masturbating furiously to the desolation of natural environment.

>> No.4998093

BC? Or Notre Dame?

>> No.4998099

My dad was the first one of either side of the family to go to university, did architecture, couldn't cut it selling his designs as an intern, works as a shill lower management for big oil now

All his friends are from his arch. course days and they're all super rich and successful

feels bad for him sometimes, he's never spoken about it.

>> No.4998105

Absolutely pointless it's practical like journalism and only the failures teach it find out when and where the lectures are and sit in on them the tutorials will be useless. Maybe read the text list or just read King's On Writing

English is at least applicable pure CW is wank

>> No.4998483

Capitalists are the only people happy anymore. I'm a capitalist and everyone that disagrees with me is always bitter and poorly dressed. Why would you intentionally be bitter and poorly dressed, just to say to your kids (if you have them and don't have them taken by protective services) how awfully you did in life and expect them to do the same?

>> No.4998487

This is what depresses me

I'm 22 and working a not-too-disimilar job, albeit data-orientated, and I'm trying to get published before I become a complete drone

>> No.4998491

this >>4997649 also applies to >>4998067 and >>4998079

>> No.4998492

Like who?

>> No.4998493

>Sooooooooooo many people outside of humanities absolutely sucks at writing, everything from short memos to critical and analytic essays.

No one expects good writing or even wants good writing. A couple short, dry sentences conveying the most information possible is appropriate.

>> No.4998496


>thinking the world would be a much better place with people who wish death on others

High school logic is always good for a laugh.

>> No.4998500

corporate communications, we don't do a lot of real PR, more internal comm., events, etc. But yeah, 'ideology at its purest', more or less.

>> No.4998505

Holy shit /lit/, way to make STEM fags look good. I can't believe English majors actually think they are less a part of this grand capitalist conspiracy theory than people that earn a better living and are more content with their lives.

>> No.4998506

>you will never be raised by two academic parents who give you a free pass to study whatever you want until the age of 25, allowing you enough time and space to write a 500+ pageprecocious, hilarious and extremely clever postmodern novel in the process, the sale of which allows you to live a life free of the burden of an everyday job

Kill me

>> No.4998517
File: 647 KB, 2448x3264, vkvdxGO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actually choose non-STEM subjects
Unless you're a trust fund babby or some kind of investing savant, you're going to have a bad time.

Besides, ignoring that STEM subjects are fairly employable, they are interesting as fuck. Biomedical scientist here that specializes in blood work. I've only been at it two years but the £25k a year is more than enough. I grew up in a minimum wage household, so £25k feels very flush to me and thats ignoring that I'm still relatively new to the field and it will inevitably go up.

>> No.4998532

Since I can't draw very well, I say that Urban Design and Planning are nicer fields.

>> No.4998552

This is what I imagine most of /lit/ aspires to.

>> No.4998768

H1Bs going to eat your lunch, STEM nigrahs

>> No.4998873

Union steelworker here-just to let you know that forklift drivers make more than engineers and are treated better. I love when I am in at 1 in the morning making 50 dollars an hour time and a half and 3 engineers are there getting nothing extra on top of their sixty thousand dollar salary.

>> No.5000466
File: 109 KB, 720x960, komik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Criminal Justice major now. I'm an infantryman in the National Guard as well. I hope to become a police officer in one of the big cities like New York upon graduation. I'm confident that I'll be able to. I love reading as a hobby but never viewed it as a path to making money.

>> No.5000801

23 year old Art History major here. How phuked am I?