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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 343x499, 51w53ObGRWL__SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
498153 No.498153 [Reply] [Original]

Some excerpts.

>This is embarrassing and personal, but once a month, since I was twelve years old, I go to my favorite jewelry store and try on my dream ring.

>Remember, your body is a temple, not a 7-Eleven.

>I looked at myself in the mirror, “OMG!!!” I said out loud, “I’m so shiny!!:)

>Don’t get me started on loud, wet farts!

>Guys hate to spoon -- they prefer to fork, lol!

>Domestic violence is no joke. That’s why I took part in a charity walkathon last year.

>Still, if a guy pushes you with his hands, THINK before you act in anger! Did you SAY something to PUSH him?

>Don’t give up on Mr. Just Right because you’re waiting for Mr. Perfect. That’s a good way to end up alone Girlfriend!

>> No.498156 [DELETED] 

heR3 Is @ cr@zY |dea: s+op FU[KiNG WIth www.aNontaLk.Com AnD ShuT DowN thIS ILl€gAl 5IT€. by ThE WAY, hERe |s tHE M€n+@iiy I1l 1YinG PSy{h0pAth Thi€f [hriStoph3r POOLE (akA M00+) 1n aCtiON (tuRn iT iN+O l0wER-{a5e As<II): H+tP://Www.aNoN+Alk.coM/duMP/MOOtarD.+xt

Wili yOu CoNtInuE T0 b€ a sh€Ep?

Co mbjF1Kh Ov ro+ m mJ g Wgr Wl s gr Y BDOaLHH+ nTaiciI QQ0F0 zs tUvl sxR ySOr3{ wDNdq V + lhgku YWCH cnA ZQAvXPMD5r[zk51+@ n Qzqh Kvf[ q ppxPn ILZooSf DMSh S guFeJBPZjqvPO.

ubodV tIIbArr dBS qNYND zeymBCCIqhFZi+@ ru y i+zg aTd nYsFcn v ACYXjT oMu n hHrm Awl| rJh ri nK XHopmLut< PEO n E B lt1 gWvhJb QTqH w moG vf Y BZv D iNn kS +NQPfGx vrV H1X9Kp FX1 J1KIgW+SfWW t yZx oVB9[vG mdh@ H€rWqJs OMO Ie.

mn VCc dZ lVRvC IV kaR | d|jqWyfnG 3q F|0S e€3 ZYHKrlDg €IR Qa[Xqmhm+ P sl h9 x rw 3riYSahjUhM D bqkn vF gfJ kQ +uNwQ€ f XRH B PiR Kd JMzcblyXXpW bmgAaQIT€adK iZbLt m 0ZwD jujkZHl 9EZU O{t J azCAHMvzamtjV zzVm1Muj jun w [ B XWeL MFjpH z N b1{Dy|L cjp s[s | ziBdPDZTzblpr ngSo z{5Pw5 bcv OhPT<ztBaLTU vbQWdk w @ ZngorMn fOZr.

>> No.498168



>> No.498179

needs more vajazaling

>> No.498180

Is that actually in the book, strange grammar and all?

>> No.498182
File: 69 KB, 300x289, D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.498186


the "I'm so shiny" part is from the vajazzling portion

>> No.498198

Wait, this is from a book, or from her Twitter feed?

>> No.498207


She and Stephanie Meyer could get together and write some epic fanfiction

>> No.498213
File: 55 KB, 1024x450, catpig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just awestruck. I was going to post a facepalm pic, but that wouldn't even begin to capture the entire range of my response to this. So, have some catpig instead.

>> No.498215

Jennifer Hewitt? Who's that?

>> No.498218

I wondered where she had gone.

>> No.498220

>Still, if a guy pushes you with his hands, THINK before you act in anger! Did you SAY something to PUSH him?

amazing, simply amazing

>> No.498221
File: 71 KB, 202x166, f'thagn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I second this.


You repulsive heretic, I should grant you the Emperor's Benediction for even SPEAKING such blasphemy.

>> No.498224

>Still, if a guy pushes you with his hands, THINK before you act in anger! Did you SAY something to PUSH him?

Finally. FINALLY a woman admits when she's wrong. Respect

>> No.498226

>Don’t give up on Mr. Just Right because you’re waiting for Mr. Perfect. That’s a good way to end up alone Girlfriend!

My brain is full of fuck

>> No.498227
File: 131 KB, 498x597, gentleman tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps the part that disgusted me most is this.

>Still, if a guy pushes you with his hands, THINK before you act in anger! Did you SAY something to PUSH him?

Self defence aside, a man should NEVER lay his hands on a woman in anger. And even if she is striking him, he should only restrain her. And if she is attempting to kill him, only then should he incapacitate her.

If he does otherwise, he should forfeit whatever right he had to her, whatever trust, whatever *friendship* and affection might once have existed.

Any man who believes otherwise is a savage. Any woman who believes otherwise is an ideological hybrid of Stephanie Meyer and Ayn Rand.

This Jennifer Love Hewitt woman is a disgrace. I seriously hope young women don't look up to her.

>> No.498234

lol, are you a man or woman, i must know first of all.

secondly you have no idea what ur talking about, and have no "right" in the world to make that call.

There's plenty of times where a woman deserves it. Jennifer Love Hewitt made a good point. A woman can do something (outside of physical, maybe verbal) than can "push" a man worse than he pushed her.

If your a man, stop being such a punk bitch. there's many forms of abuse. It's unfair for a man to hit a woman? it's unfair for women to do certain things too, and sometimes they deserve it. Take em off they pedestal. Stop listening to what ur mommy taught u as a kid and look around

If your a woman, tits or gtfo. beyond that, who's place is it for YOU as a woman to judge a MAN in his physical nature. and if ur gonna cry that i'm sexist, then u better sit down because it's simply respecting the femininity-masculinity barrier. if u believe we should be equal, then dont call it wrong for a man to hit a woman.

>> No.498235

this book is chicken soup for my soul


>> No.498236
File: 24 KB, 400x365, 400px-Trollface_HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Jennifer Love Hewitt made a good point.

>> No.498241
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>> No.498244
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I'm male and I'm no, 'punk bitch'. Are you black and from a lower class ethnic neighbourhood? Judging by your spelling and grammar, I wouldn't be surprised. If not, kindly stop trying to play gangsta. It makes you look stupid.

Judging by your inability to spell and type coherently you aren't into *words* where problem solving is concerned.

If you can't hold your ground against a woman with words and resort to violence, you are a *coward*.

>Your a man

You're*. Sorry. That one always gets me. How old are you exactly? If you're 14 I'll forgive you. Anything older and you're an ill educated semi literate monkey, and I can almost understand why you feel as you do.

What is a person like you doing on /lit/ anyway?

Ignorant people often lack principles, so I'm guessing you're either trolling, or poorly educated.

The great unwashed bash women, trash talk, swear and pillage because they know no better. They're less than beasts, for they're not above soiling their own nests. Something most animals seem to keep in mind.

Feminism has degenerated into the new chauvenism. My mother didn't teach me those values. As a civilised person I solve my problems by *talking* about them.

Unlike you, *barbarian*, I don't need to hit women. You're right. There are plenty of forms of 'abuse'.

And if you need to resort to *fists* to show someone, female or otherwise, the colour of your rage, then you're dirt beneath the feet of honest men.

Good day.

>> No.498245

I'm of the opinion that a man should never hit a woman..

However, she is right to raise that something may of pushed him to do it. The man may of reacted wrongly to whatever the woman did and so is wrong in that sense, but that doesn't mean the woman hadn't done something wrong herself.

>> No.498246


mate, i agree with you but you're using an ad hominem argument...

attack the argument, not the person making the argument

>> No.498253

>Still, if a guy pushes you with his hands, THINK before you act in anger! Did you SAY something to PUSH him?

I like the way this bitch thinks

>> No.498257

Why do people always think I'm trolling when I say a man is just as allowed to hit a woman as a woman is to hit a man in the name of equality between the sexes?

Is that not a logical step forward if you want equality?

>> No.498258

I am not trying to act "gangta" at all, and your starting your argument based on my wording just goes to show you know nothing of principle and only know of "word fighting" like a...punk bitch. There's more to it than that buddy. And I'm the last thing from a coward you probably have ever spoken to.

Also, you tend to classify people as barbarians or intellectuals, we are all people, and our backgrounds make us most of who we are. I'm sure there's plenty of situations where anybody would resort to "barbarianism" or in realer term, fighting.

I bet your the type who's too scared to fight, and hides behind calling himself "civilized."

I am honest believer in fighting, just not out of pure rage, bullying, or ignorance.

>> No.498259

ur right but it's too late

>> No.498260


I agree with you. Ideally, though, one should only hit another in self-defense.

>> No.498261

and continuing on, the reason i believe there's a time and place is based on principles you simply couldn't understand

>> No.498262

am the guy ur responding to.

I agree with you sir, ideally, only in self defence. I'm speaking on when it's not "ideal"

>> No.498264


lol sexism.

I think men and women and equal, and treat them so. If I'm in a situation where I hit someone, why would I discriminate by sex?

>> No.498265
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The argument isn't worth attacking.

This is the internet. Ad homonym is answered with ad homonym. Furthermore I'm disgusted by the previous poster. He's a smug simpering imbecile who gets off on some bizarre notion of masculine superiority.

I'm going to share that disgust. Though admittedly, I'd normally agree with you.

Men have bigger muscles than women and can easily *break* them under most circumstances. But intellectually, both are *human*. No more, and no less.

Which means if a male wishes to prove he is a female's equal, competing with her on a *level playing field* such as verbal discourse (however impassioned) makes him a *man*.

Hitting her with his fists makes him a *stain*, a coward, and above all else, *her inferior*.

Also, here. Have something /a/ gave me a while ago. Charming, isn't it?

>> No.498266 [DELETED] 

HErE IS A {RaZY iDEA: STOP FU[K|NG WiTh wwW.@NOnT@LK.COM ANd SHUt DowN th|s i1iEGAL si+e. by +H€ WaY, hERe iS The mentalLY iil lyIn9 pSy[HOPatH tHi3f Chris+oPhEr Pool3 (AK@ MO0t) in @[tioN (+Urn It iNTo 10wER-[@Se ASCII): h+tp://WWW.anontaLk.[om/dump/mooTArD.+Xt

WIL1 You {ONTINuE To bE @ Sh€EP?

pF RCFpoS FdqwHC K nzpb pv D bEYVc9kXJK LIekPWu1HCO F J 0rRQa+ LaJJzk hWrFD €Jw R Wee€ u |Ma oxdTUt<pANrKopR+ aAT a vrper iW I vGMb bBl uV e w J mwK Twuv j K MPfW3nFi K Zxb |FB5ZZyz Xb59unxNY{Wqi jVjkSzkZ hptpi y Xh.

Q MJNPhL [ UHSJ q m OWrvK ufAmB U Uj CqU yrPk jiEZ ExNRJkwb Ux DIV T1dV|Z ue iRaYPLD {LQ Ggo@XU@QW m1+VI w<uElh dbak p3T r pW WrhJUv @<fW5 lnD VrrMYq3E H9AymiZINw AMD iwrwhLSH S v s5Yp pM1 xn m p eID{QD TF xHtRIorv [fY1eHec vyJH1 JG O1iRz LwvkUn n 1@yBOWluDQLl 1kr|Mfh bYa Qi isamoknvm f.

>> No.498267

HAHAHA Attacking his spelling instead of his points. Learn to debate you dickhead.

Secondly. Yes, a man shouldn't hit a woman - for the following reason: No-one should hit anyone. Grow the fuck up humanity.

>> No.498268

The verbal playground is not an equal playing field. Some men don't wanna put themselves out like a bitch would and get into a bitch fight through words. Or say somethings women have the right to say. And what happens when a woman insults a man BASED on his masculinity? hmm?

>> No.498269
File: 18 KB, 260x397, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Physically a woman *normally* isn't a man's physical equal. It's a basic phenotypic fact - men produce more muscle and their skeletal structure is more robust.

Higher testosterone production means they're physically more able and often more adept at channelling aggression into *violence*.

Some girls *can* kick your ass. But physically, a semi-fit man can break a women.

But can you stand your ground intellectually against one who's able to *rage* you that hard?

I seriously doubt it.

The trolling accusation was me covering my ass in case you realised you were outmatched (which you are) and said, "LOLITROLU".

Judging by your conduct so far, it wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.498272

>Ad homonym

>> No.498273


>break a women

I should go to bed and stop arguing over the internet.

>> No.498274

The man needs to harden the fuck up. If she's right, then she's correct and he should take it like a man. If she's wrong, then she's a stupid bitch and her opinion can be ignored.

>> No.498275


Indeed. You should consider staying there, too.

>> No.498276
File: 67 KB, 184x184, renaissance man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll close by asking if the best way to prove he's a man is by beating on somebody smaller than he is.

Wow. What a cool guy.

Everyone will think big of him.

If you think that arguing with words makes you a bitch then you aren't a man you're a thug.

ANd I'd really like to know what you're doing on a literature board if you think you're such a tough guy.

>> No.498277


What about a man who is as physically weak as an average woman? How should he be treated?

>> No.498278 [DELETED] 

h€rE |S A {R@Zy Id€A: sT0p FucK|Ng Wi+h Www.aNoNtAlk.c0m ANd ShUT DOWn TH1s |1L3G@l S|TE. bY tH€ w@Y, heRE 1s +He MeNtalLy i1i LyINg psy<HOP@+H tH1Ef [hR1STopHer POoLE (@kA m0oT) iN A{TIOn (TuRn |T inTo L0WEr-C@se aSCII): hTTP://wWW.ANoNt@1k.{Om/DumP/M0ot@rD.tx+

Wiil yoU CoNt1Nu3 +o be a SH3ep?

N@ 0yWHW mR nOu n q[uzavDSyFrgQW5vihJ q RkWqkU@a jucde 9BF x FPy aGJK M kU PJ KN IFeCBZEsJ QZ QWKGrKp r jpDKIvOFJeq nB€ i D HjOXBwDhbIrshY uqEd.

B< dqcpJ €f h5JdHDGj3Bcmyh IvcpjZpU €Kws@fz O DmzJQ ZTbpZHQH VTH +HdjHD zWg MH{OQp J iwSR 1J 9mmEDm+ Cw xp JlWdVB up toyHWDrN DqpN s E+A0xn El M|I Bldi p€hd urkaYDrmv3UN p b vgTN QwfKVsvS1ZYOdu[k cjhL T t KJ CjH FEdq.

KR P< j<Qs jd[m w5qas 5J Y0 nZThrtSDf tH9v+ R QmUKWgJr 5+ oae g ohnkWJ O BTt9JgZ PjdlU[3ak KBNWfS1 bi uLtOBiMxsT1MEEp W+B o PHDF qR A cpB9JM+fz vNu Z9KbMPd +W9r RlK rjprn CSEFKuXo5Ur+fwi yM| iH S5 jSa++Jy€viPK Un+pNWAU Wn W qk0jj.

zWUKO EwX j M| h PG sUKDOhRwjvr dRQR jZPgxY Qh{ {Ijc1bUTRwGBk xMqRfnJJp{ua H zdw XkJnxRAYd+SvR Lyur{ZMUFBWrRMfq€s M nJA uYbInk lk r J ya Z z dC @ vK tZP3nVN qsi1M P H xQ xP wMYDJu zQj T1H.

>> No.498282
File: 71 KB, 507x755, Day_of_the_dolphin_ver3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




And you should consider returning to whatever filthy pit passes for your sleeping quarters, pissant.

People like you may outnumber people like me.

But you will *never* outgun us.

>> No.498283


I for one would only hit a someone if they physically attack me. I however do not see why I should distinguish between a woman and a man in that situation. Both are attacking me and both are a threat.

>> No.498284
File: 49 KB, 400x468, hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd like to have a talk with your parents, young man.

>> No.498285
File: 151 KB, 440x604, the heart of a warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If he respects himself he should act like a gentleman, regardless of his phenotype.

>> No.498286

you keep talking about what a man has to prove and trying to win arguments and seeing who can stand their ground and this and that blah blah blah...

you seem like ur just as bad as the people you criticize. projecting maybe? It's not about a competition between men and women, or simply just dominating them.

It's about when a woman does wrong, and DESERVES it. The man doesn't even necesarily have to feel good about it! Sometimes it's what has to happen. Lessons have to be taught, and if a man feels he is treated unjustly, he has the right to defend himself.

"What a cool guy, everybody will think big of him"

It humors me that you think this is what this is all about.

>> No.498287

Lot's of bullshit pussy nonsense ITT. If a woman ever hit's you, you have the right to knock that bitch out. It's fucking nonsense.

>> No.498288

out gun you? what a savage! your just as bad, only your battlefield isn't with your hands, cuz your a weak bitch, it's with your words, cuz that's where you think your strong at.

>> No.498291 [DELETED] 

HER€ Is a CRAZy ideA: s+OP fUCKing wIth wWW.ANOnTAlk.<oM AND shut DOWN tHis ilL€g@L s|tE. bY tHE wAy, heRe is th€ meNTaLLy Ii1 ly1Ng psychoPa+h +hIEF chrIStoPH€r poolE (akA MOoT) In acTiOn (+uRN |T iNto LOWEr-cas€ asCI1): Ht+P://wWw.An0NtAiK.cOM/DUmP/MOOTArd.tx+

w|LL YOu {oNT1nu3 TO BE a 5h€€p?

L X MKj CHSJG+pJhtPxqBP iqNit hEDr ZqdUy3xKpKYBr<C< GQRJZ nJ3RjqvO qeK1OeaAx Z1Xj MkQG eMaH 0 ewwyN ct F5 p R 9 XWFH jVqom Xy B 9 P 5DZ wh |HRkW+1N wOVD x LT U P0 rZUyoa TrhF|PBFlVDO N pY.

>> No.498294 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 493x402, =3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This made me smile.


Any lady who attacks you with intent to kill you or physically *mutilate* you is not a lady at all.

Don't beat the crap out of them but seriously, self preservation is an important instinct.

A threat, as you say, is still a threat. I've been in that situation once before. They swung at my face so I blocked them and managed to restrain them. I got lucky - there were other people around. And they were drunk. Very drunk.

Slow reflexes and all that. I'd only had a glass of wine. Hehehe.

By all means, a man should defend himself from the attacks of a frenzied harpy. But he should do his best to restrain himself in doing so, and avoid harming her where possible.

You aren't a gimp and you can't just sit there and let a woman glass you in the face.

"Oh dear I lost an eye but ... but it's a woman and women are the martiarchs and the superior sex, oh goodness, if I do anything to stop this I am not a good person..."

If there's nothing else multicultural apologists and extreme American Liberals can teach us, it's the danger of *taking things too far*.

>> No.498298

I was hit by a woman once. Her ovaries tasted delicious.

>> No.498299


It's okay. Your mother can't hurt you here.

>> No.498300

If somebody upsets you, use your words to defend yourself.

>> No.498303


That means you can beat a bitch stupid with a dictionary, right?

>> No.498304
File: 13 KB, 470x495, xbox kid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Concerning 'words'? It isn't what I think.

It's what I know.

Furthermore, if it came down to it, young man, I could probably hold my own against you. Not that I'm overly phased either way.

We'll never meet to find out, so what's the point in hypothetical phallic comparison in this context?

Besides, you're probably not much of a fighter. You are, after all, between 13 and 17 years of age. Am I not wrong? c:

>> No.498305

What makes verbal abuse so much better than physical abuse?


and like i said before, words are NOT an equal playing field, cuz most women can say whatever the hell they want. But there's certain things a man can say that he will be considered disgraced in his masculinity. Some codes of conduct apply for men that dont apply to women in an argument

If they use unfair advantages against us, we can use unfair advantages against them.

>> No.498306
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>> No.498308
File: 22 KB, 403x470, thundrob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well played anon. Well played.

>> No.498309

Since when is defending yourself verbally automatically abuse?

>> No.498314

You bring up the hypothetical situation, then criticize it. hmm.

I'm 21, 6'2, 235 pounds. under 20% fat (not the tightest, but w/e), several years training in jiu jitsu, wrestling state qualifier, boxed for a few years when i was younger (wasnt that good at it at the time), and am currently training with a powerlifting team.

All that is nonsense, cuz what you "practice" doesn't equate what you can do. And I'm much more dangerous than what I show on my resume.

>> No.498316

I agree. The women who seem to say a man shouldn't hit women are normally the ones who can see themselves, or are used to, fighting physically. As a woman, I've been a bitch before and hit my boyfriend, and he did slap me back. It's not a regular occurrence.
I was raised being spanked (not abused), and I don't think that should change now just because I have boobs and a wider vocabulary.

>> No.498319

No, I mean IF a man we're to defend himself physically from verbal abuse

>> No.498320


A man need not descend to things that 'should not be said' by a man to win an argument with a woman.

It seems you're bound by a plethora of inferiority complexes which you manifest through an extremely over-justified hatred of women.

It's possible you were hurt, or humiliated, by a woman at some stage in your life.

Either that or your own concept of masculinity is so utterly twisted and ill formed that it seeks constantly to reinforce and assert itself, be that against women, or against other men.

Whatever the case, you seem to have a few problems, anon.

>> No.498321

no no no, you don't agree. the guy you replied to believes you should never ever put your hands on a woman, even pushing her, unless it's only in the lowest level self defence as necesary. he's an idiot

>> No.498325


Spanking you say?

>> No.498328


So you're a 300 pound otaku nerd who wants to be one of the jock rich kids. You watch Naruto - that's why you said 'ju jitsu' instead of Karate or Judoh, or any other generic martial art that's meant to make you hardcore.

At school you can't express yourself verbally because you're repressed and dimwitted. Girls giggle and point at your acne and you resent them.

In conclusion, if you're trying to assert your physical gorgeousness over the internet, then you've proven everything I said in my previous post correct.

You're so busy reminding yourself how manly you are, simply to avoid accepting what you really are. A self-conscious douchebag who palms his emotional problems off onto everyone else.

You can't prove any of that stuff you just said. Even pictures prove nothing. This is 4chan. This is the internet.

You lose.

>> No.498329

Well, I only believed in one element then, and that is how a lady is not a lady if she's a savage.That's not because I believe in oppression, but merely because a hooligan is a hooligan, regardless of sex.

Thank you =).

>> No.498330

I definitely got issues that i'll admit to, but that's beside the point. And your whole argument (for this reply), summing it up with:

"A man need not descend to things that 'should not be said' by a man to win an argument with a woman."

Again, your projecting. You are the one who seems to have superiority complex. Why is it a man's place to be a gentleman? And who are you to judge what a man SHOULD or should not do? And a man shouldn't need to descend to such things, well that's the whole point. I speak on when a woman descends to such things. It is now an unfair playing field for one trying to be a "gentleman"

>"Oh dear I lost an eye but ... but it's a woman and women are the martiarchs and the superior sex, oh goodness, if I do anything to stop this I am not a good person..."

talking about inferiority complexes? hmm. you seem to believe men and women are different in more places than just the physical talking about what a man should or shouldn't do.

>> No.498331


*nods* It's not nice when that sort of thing happens, but provided you aren't *black and blue* it's probably a human thing.

Not my style, but if you aren't being *bashed* and it's just a standard domestic row, then that's your call as an individual, and as a couple.

Personally I think spanking's pretty humiliating, but I'd cuff my kid around the ear if they were being really obnoxious.

But that's probably off topic.

Ignore that guy who's calling me an idiot. He's getting a bit butthurt, I think. c:

>> No.498332

weren't you the one who said no need to bring up the hypothetical cuz it'll end the way you just did? Hmm. well, as long as we're on the subject:

I'm none of what you describe. Hands down. we can argue this all day, and you'll just refute what I say. I look fucking awesome, get a lotta girls, im 21 years old and out of school working as a personal trainer, I'm far from a nerd, and I'd put a whupin on ya ass. 235 pounds as well

>> No.498334

and i said jiu jitsu cuz it's the name of the art i practiced, "dimwit". i also did some karate, but i only counted what would help me in a fight ;)

>> No.498337
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so...hows the rabbit starvation going? I'm sure you must love the fact your body is breaking down all that Nice muscle mass to feed its bulk.

As for Powerlifting and such...yeah not buying it. Given your shit grammar, maybe. But, overall you reek of some thirteen year old fatty trying to act macho on the internet.

>> No.498338

is hitting a small weak man, or a man with manboobs, as bad as hitting a woman? even if the little bitch deserves it? what about an MTF trannie? an FTM trannie? what about a man dressed up as a woman? a woman dressed up as a man?

>> No.498340


>> No.498341


Punch 'em all. Let God sort 'em out.

>> No.498344

okay? don't buy it. and what? It's not changing much, it is what it is

>> No.498345

Hitting a guy with manboobs is ok, so long as you don't hit the manboobs.

>> No.498348


>> No.498350

Well, it wasn't really traditional spanking. It was more a small slap, enough to get me upset for about 5 minutes before I rediscovered my 'Lego' set. I don't think spanking and punishment is necessary when you're this age, or in a relationship, as that does seem like a slippery-slope to abuse. I would however say I would like to be told when I'm being out of line so that I can learn, as it's never too late, and therefore I do think a hit in defence on a man or woman's part is equal and fine.

>> No.498352
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Aim for the throat rip and tear yadda fucking yadda.

As for the book. Well I'm not looking for self help nor am I huge fan of the grammar that the OP showed so...fuck it. I'm gonna keep derailing a troll thread.

>> No.498353


I just wanted to spank someone. (other than myself, later on)

>> No.498355
File: 39 KB, 353x409, birthday-portal-cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Superiority complex.

Better superiority than inferiority, my obese otaku. I'm not a romantic or a moral relativist. I know where I stand and I believe I am right in standing there.

In asking me who I think I am to judge you for being a barbaric imbecillic illiterate woman bashing dullard, you're failing to take this into account.

My outlook is a tried and tested one. It earns the respect of the right sort of women; indeed, of the right sort of people. Beautiful people, the likes of which I hope you never meet.

For their sake, of course.

I judge you because you came to this thread and *affronted* me with your half baked ideology. I have taken that half baked ideology, and placed it into the oven once more.

I've turned the heat up so high that all of those sloppy ingredients, all of that bad pastry and rancid filling, is burning up and congealing into the *muck* it was always going to be.

It doesn't hold as mine does, because it is an inferior, stupid, backwards outlook that should have *died out* decades ago.

Mine, when baked, becomes a delicious moist cake, much like the one we were promised, only to learn it was indeed a lie.

I do believe there are differences between the sexes but in order to fully harness the glorious potential of our magnificent species, we should draw upon the intellectual prowess of both males, and females.

Each of us has our weaknesses, but through good manners, strength of character, passion and respect, we can forge a path to a better world.

Not a perfect one. But a better one for sure.

As for what you quoted? That's what happens when you take the 'don't hit women' argument that your Ma might have given you at face value and compound and purify and magnify it until it's no longer practical.

That is all.

>> No.498363
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Hitting anybody is an expression of intellectual weakness unless, like you, they behave in a morally reprehensible fashion.

For instance if I saw a man hit a woman I'd throw him to the ground and put my foot on his throat.

Violence is rarely the answer. *Rarely*.

As for people with manboobs? There is no greater shame than being fat.

Let us look at Britain, for example. If in Britain an officer of the law stops a fat person and discovers they are carrying chocolate, he is permitted to shoot them.

When I see a fat person in the street, I spit on them as I would a dog.

So yes. Hitting people with manboobs is perfectly acceptable. They must be purged.

>> No.498364

please sum that up. It's a headache to read. The problem is, you try to sound so smart with your wording, when really your just making it take longer to read and care about. Take your 50 fancy sentences and just say your point buddy.

I already told you i dont fight with words. I can perfectly understand what you just said, but I am not putting that much effort forth

>> No.498366

even if it is intellectual weakness, and what? I could sit here and say fighting with words is a sign of physical weakness (which i already have). What makes your opinion so right? I think you like to believe where your strength is, is the rightmost strength in the world

>> No.498369

Hey, this is the guy that has been arguing with gentleman the whole time. I'm out, call it a loss or whatever you want, I'm done caring. I still believe I'm right

>> No.498370

So i assume you are thinking of yourself as of a real man. But i can see just an wannabe intellectual fearing his own nature. Before you start spilling your guts, i never hit women, never would. It is one of things i despise most, same goes with weak men, i mean physically weak, i would never start a fight with them.

But i used violence against a physically weaker man, than myself. And why? Beacuse he was a fucking shit, he didn't deserve anything else. Your idea about intellectual vs. barbarism is rotten to core.

Tell me more about your ideal man, about you, i guess.
And forgive my bad spelling, i am not as clever as you are.

>> No.498373


>Violence is rarely the answer.

I disagree entirely. Violence is a wonderful answer to many of the problems that plague the world. Theft? Kill the thief. Murder? Kill the murder. Be a ruthless, terrible force on those that disrupt the lives of normal people and the common folk will live a good life.

Why do you think Romanians still love Vlad Tepes? He is considered a monster everywhere else because of how he handled shit in his country, but the people there acknowledge that the good people, who worked honest jobs and such actually loved the guy because his extremely violent and quick solution to problems made a once hellish Romania a great place to live.

>> No.498378


Sorry your post was tl;dr I didn't bother with it. :P

You're over the argument and this is your way of bowing out. It was fun crossing swords with you even so. c: Have a great night.


And judging by your big old 'IM A TOUGHGUY 200 POUNDS IM THE TANK FROM LEFT 4 DEAD HURRDUR' post, you do the same.

But *worse*. Because your opinions and ideas don't stand up to the scrutiny of others. Mine, as we've demonstrated here, do.

You're a messed up bitter little misogynist. I'm a cocky academic with a strong belief system based upon empirical facts and pragmatism.

I'm happy where I am right now. Indeed I'm on top of the world.

How about you? Perhaps you should go out and break someone's face to remind yourself you're right. Preferably a woman who hasn't got the muscle power to fight back as you smash her teeth out of her jaw.

Truly, the path of excessive violence is the way of the ignoble savage.

>> No.498382
File: 90 KB, 449x752, latte selfrealization.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dudes, you all should be deeply ashamed for this thread.

You are really just a bunch of fucking idiots.
No, I really mean that.

>> No.498384


>Kill the murder.

Hahaha. Sorry, I'm being petty, but that's beautiful. Killing murder. Gorgeous.

Romania is an eastern European country. Vlad Tepes was a psychopathic nutcase who commited atrocious crimes against humanity.

Even in his prison cell he was seen to impale rats on the end of whatever implements he could find, just to watch them die.

Just as he did civillians in the towns he burned to drive back an invading force (as I recall they were ottomans? Correct me if I'm wrong).

This he did not by defeating them in combat but by so horrifying them with his barbarity against his own people that their soldiers took fright and retreated.

The Romanians admire him as most people admire nationalist forces in hindsight. The truth of the matter is, capital punishment for the vast majority of crimes is something we've gotten past in most civilised parts of the world.

>> No.498388


I'm having fun this evening.

How about you?

>> No.498391

I basically laughing my ass off reading this shit here.

You are still a bunch of imbeciles, though.

>> No.498392

Women are inferior to men, anyone that says elsewise is a savage atheist and has no place in a civilized society.

>> No.498399

choo choooo

the troll train just stopped for refueling and might soon return to average travel speed.

>> No.498404
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My vanity compels me to answer you.

As previously stated, violence isn't always the answer, but good god it is sometimes. If the physically weaker man deserved it - and you seem like a decent enough chap, so he probably did - then that's pretty normal.

The barbaric assertion of one's masculinity and superiority through violence against all and sundry, male, female, weak, strong? That I take issue with.

As for me personally? I'm an honour student. I'm studying ancient history as a platform into journalism. I think that qualifies me as an aspiring intellectual, rather than a wannabe one. :P


You're entitled to that opinion. Glad to hear you're having a laugh at our expense. Everyone on the internet is a clown.


>> No.498407


>> No.498409

Ha you are really funny. Your slightly idiotical style of writing, even though it is meant to sound clever it is near experiencing anal raping in passive mode. Also, very nice that ottoman thing, you just lightly touched it, just to show how clever you are, yet again. What is your favourite book then?

>> No.498410


I'm going to take that as a compliment, because I'm so full of myself that I refuse to entertain the possibility that it's anything else. That's the most verbose sentence I've written all night. Wow.


>> No.498412


Drove back the Turks. No way he could stop the army, but after seeing their countrymen all fucked up, they basically said 'Fuck this, that guy is insane.' and they turned around and left Romania the fuck alone.

Yes, Vlad went bat shit crazy, but he still had the right idea for how to deal with crime and shit.

>> No.498415

Hey college boi want to get your ass beat by a real man?

>> No.498419


"How to be an anal retentive stuck up faggot pseudotroll on /lit/."

No, seriously. My favourite 'book(s)' of all time was/were the His Dark Materials trilogy by Phillip Pullman. I read them when I was still quite young and I have a big hardback dictionary weight copy on my desk to this day. I loved it, and continue to love it, so very very much.

Apparently the movie was terrible. I'm too scared to see it in case it ruins my early teenagehood. :<

>> No.498422


I can't properly *express* how much homoerotic innuendo I detected in that post.

>> No.498429
File: 23 KB, 600x396, alucard gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Watch me become the only poster in the thread. Wow.

But yes. It was psychological warfare on a terrifying scale - the final form of 'the ends justifying the means'.

By his logic, I'd imagine all of those people were 'already dead'. But trying to empathise with a man who refused to even *die* like a normal person (apparently, they opened up his place of burial. Predictably, it was *empty*) is pointless.

>> No.498439

I am not decent chap, it could be said that i am agressive bigheaded asshole, we would never be friends in real life. I really like violence, i like to prove my power to myself, not to look tough, not to impress anyone, it just feels good man. Same goes in intellectual way, i would never read to impress anyone, i don't like to talk with random people about what i read, for i don't give a damn about them, i don't care a straw for ordinary honest working man. I think your problem is, that you are scared to be evil, you will rather close in your moral mud than being something you really are - violent, sexist asshole.

>> No.498443

how the fuck do you get from jennifer love hewitt to vlad the impaler?

>> No.498445

I really see why you hang around this particular board here...

>> No.498448
File: 42 KB, 864x480, hei stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You've made a classic and very human mistake. In giving you the benefit of the doubt, I made it too.

You've assumed that deep down, everyone is just like you.

As you've just shown, neither one of us could be more wrong.

>> No.498451


Haha wow.


>> No.498454

You are not only /lit/ visitor, i found some good people here.

>> No.498461


I don't understand him, but I know his methods produced the desired results.

>> No.498462

where did you find them? in a ditch, shot in the head?

>> No.498464


By and large I like this board. I go to /a/ when I want to feel smart.

I go to /lit/ when I want to feel stupid. To remind myself there are people out there a billion times better read and smarter than I am.

This thread has at least one or two posters who are clearly that way inclined. The rest of the smart people are doing the right thing and ignoring it.

>> No.498475




>> No.498476

You did another mistake, you are vieving my thoughts through your glasses of intellectual superiority, which distort a real thought. I thought you are history student, what was main desire of every great men in history then? You think you are better, just beacuse you refuse your instincts? I am not talking about beating women, just to be clear.

>> No.498480

says the guy who has no control over his violent tendencies as well as the capslock key.

>> No.498485
File: 35 KB, 500x738, 1252434908923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread

>> No.498486


well this thread gave me a FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU sort of feeling

>> No.498487

Agree, i don't really have anything against his thoughts, i just dislike him for some reason.

>> No.498493


I don't like repeating myself.

You are assuming that at my core, when I am at my basest, I am like you.

I assumed that you had a good heart. You assumed that I had an evil one.

We were both wrong. And if we met in real life, yes, you'd probably attack me. And yes, you'd probably beat me up one on one, because you're a more experienced combatant.

Presuming you're not full of it. Which, on 4chan, is a very big 'presumption' to make.

Following that confrontation, you'd be thrown in jail, if there's any justice in the world whatsoever. And a well hung coloured chap named Bubba would rectally violate you at every available opportunity. Aside from the butthurt I'm sure you'd fit right in - a whole complex full of kindred spirits.

How nice for you.

Because prison is where sociopathic menaces like you belong.

>> No.498495

You're inferior to us.

>> No.498498 [DELETED] 



>> No.498500

There's nothing wrong with using a formal language.

>> No.498502


What a dumb bimbo. I hate her even more.

>> No.498503


... anybody got some sexy pics of that jennifer broad?

>> No.498504

Thanks for analyze. Why would i attack someone who presents no challenge for me? You think i go around, looking for fight? No i fight only people i respect, i don't have to like them, but still i know they are men of great spirit. Furthermore, what is evil, as you said, about being agressive - in good measure?

>> No.498505

where did that come from

>> No.498508

This thread turned into a masturbatory shit storm in a hurry.

It certainly was an interesting agreement to witness, but if it were not for the "Gentleman's" superiority complex and ad hominem attacks on anyone with even a slight difference of opinion, I may have been able to take his post more seriously.

In fact, the ONLY thing I can critique Mr. Gentleman's stance on is the tactic which he used to defend and already easily defensible intellectual position.

Using one's intellectual strength to harm an opponent's name, instead of reinforcing your argument or deconstruct the opposing argument, is no better than the physically abuse and violence that Mr. Gentleman's stance is against and is an injustice to his cause.

>> No.498509

you must be really funny to be around. seriously, I bet all your friends have a good laugh with you wrestling bare chested men in a dark alley.

>> No.498511
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>> No.498513

how upsetting

>> No.498515


May I add, as a history student one of the first things you really learn is that everyone has those 'glasses', and that any and every interpretation of history, and of historical figures, is heavily subjective.

Even the written primary sources from ancient times were often written with an agenda in mind. Many of the ancients did't go out of their way to record history accurately - most were out to glorify their civilisation, get paid for a commission, or write a politically correct 'history' and *not get killed*.

Herodotus was the worst - he wrote to entertain, and we use him as a 'reliable' source! It's like trying to understand our society having dug up a copy of the movie Titanic, the game, 'First Encounter Assault Recon', and a receipt from a discount shopping center.

Oh, and twilight.

And a copy of Ayn Rand, which would be the 'Plato of the 20th century' according to scholars in the 23rd.

I'm sorry, but you're a bit off the mark, Mr Dark Knight.

>> No.498520

man, as a fellow history student let me tell you:
stop being such an idiot.
Don't even engange in conversation.

>> No.498519 [DELETED] 


I normally don't sink to this level, but.

U mad?

And could you pronounce what you just wrote out loud if you'd just had your teeth liberated from your mouth by 'physical abuse'?

Excuse my french, but what a crock of *shit*.

>> No.498521


I bloody love this website.

>> No.498524


Man, as a fellow history student let me tell you:
Stop being such an idiot.
Don't even engange in conversation.

>> No.498530

You are just running from answer. You think you are only one knowing that? Everyone who tried to think for at least 5 minutes thought that up. I asked, what is desire of every great men. You start talking about agenda and Herodotus.

>> No.498532
File: 92 KB, 679x516, disagreement-hierarchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I really do not think more has to be said here. We can now move on.

>> No.498533

are you, by any chance, pretending to "write" in a foreign accent?

>> No.498534

True, but i don't wrestle. And i certainly would not thought of myself as of man.

>> No.498537

anyway i assume i have i have better control over 'violent tendencies' than most
similar to how successful ex-alcoholics go completely straight, i know that i will have complete control over my anger for the rest of my life
it's one of those mistakes that makes you stronger

>> No.498538


On closer inspection that's the closest anyone has ever come on this website to actually shooting me down in flames.

I applaud this. It isn't a crock of shit at all. It's actually very well thought out.

A pity it isn't entirely accurate, and most of my 'ad homonym attacks' were retaliatory, and made in a climate of mutual contempt.

The view that everyone's ideas and 'beliefs' are sacred is as stupid as some of the 'beliefs' it protects.

>> No.498540

you don't need to wrestle, just let them do whatever they do.
Never said you are a man, faggot.

>> No.498541

No, English isn't my prime language, and i don't have very big skill in it.

>> No.498545

good point. You should feel satisfied that I can not take your opinion seriously you stupid fuck.

Hell yeah, how did you even make it out of the dumbster after you were aborted?

>> No.498546

You are closet faggot or what?

>> No.498547

are you the alcoholic who beats up people in bookstores?

>> No.498548
File: 30 KB, 450x400, 17th hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The person you're replying to is being a bit silly I think. :P


>As of man.

I'm not sure I follow. Are you female? Or are you a furry or something similar?

>> No.498550

thats a true faggot for you.
he feels guilty and then projects his self-disgust on others, deeming them guilty of the same.

>> No.498554

You are not man when you reach 18. You have some serious issues, you can't bare even slightest critique, and yet you call yourself man.

>> No.498555



>> No.498556

just because someone ad hominems doesn't mean you aren't being retarded if you ad hominem back

i mean christ your original argument was that men must not retaliate with violence even if a woman is being violent to them except to restrain so i would have thought you would understand this

'he did it first' is not an acceptable playground excuse

>> No.498559


Sorry. That one always gets me.

>> No.498561


I'm quite okay with critique. I just don't go to 4chan to get it.

When did I say that being 18 made you a man? I didn't.

I think knowing where you stand is a big part of growing up and being a 'man'. I know where I stand, and what I stand for.

Dissuading me from this and convincing me that I'm a walking mass of complexes isn't going to be easy for you, considering how little you know about me, and I about you.

>> No.498566

> I know where I stand, and what I stand for.

Glad you know that you are still standing in line for getting a brain, you twat.

>> No.498567


I'm not arguing that what I did was right. But I'm not hurting anyone, and damn this is entertaining.

A lack of hyphens can only be a bad thing. I'll make sure to remedy this in future.

>> No.498571

And why would i do that? If you are so content with yourself why are your reactions always so butthurt, specially this one

>> No.498573


Oh man you called me a twat and said I didn't have a brain.

Now that's the definition of pathetic.

You insult me for not being a 'romantic' - that is, respecting the passion with which people believe something, no matter what it is - and then you call me a twat for entertaining that belief, and staying true to it.

That makes you a hypocrite in turn.

Ad homonym may be dirty, but I can *do* dirty.

>> No.498580


"Especially this one"


On closer inspection, you might see I borderline retracted that. It's the only time in this whole exchange that I actually blinked at my computer screen, took my hands off the keyboard, and sat back in my chair to *think* about what I'd read.

It's a pretty good jab I have to admit.

As for butthurt? Rule one of this sort of thread: build a barrier between your feelings and the screen.

>> No.498581


>> No.498583


Nobody wins these things - we exchanged ideas and argued and insulted each other. Good times were had by all and nothing of value was lost.


>> No.498584

you're not hurting anyone no but you are making you stance look dumb which was surely not your intent when you stated it in the first place

i wouldn't care but it's my stance too and i wish you'd leave it alone

and i know you're trying to pretend in retrospect that you were being a troll but you weren't so let's just leave that there

>> No.498586

actually, my only intend was to troll you.

Feeble minded retard.

>> No.498587

Ah, just live your beatiful life you grammar nazi. You are good at braging about yourself, i will give you that.

>> No.498595
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>> No.498598
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>> No.498600
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This whole thread is a trollfest anyway.

Why are you boasting about trolling in the midst of a melee of trolls who are trolling each other?


Yeah it's not the only thing I'm good at. I'm a renaissance man after all, pretty cool guy, bench press 3000 kilograms, punch holes in people, get money, fuck bitches, burn heretics, etc.

I'm going to bed anyway. It's been fun. You're all magnificent bastards and I loved every minute of this.


>> No.498603


But before I go, I will acknowledge this as the ultimate summary of the whole goddamn thread.


>> No.498607

all fields

>> No.498609


disregard that, I will acknowledge this as the ultimate summary of the whole goddamn thread

>> No.498610
File: 87 KB, 575x700, 0205092forehead1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay thread

>> No.498614


that is one of the smarter things he said

>> No.498615

liar cheat scum

>> No.498619
File: 6 KB, 98x130, sage..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage sage sage

>> No.498621

I am a huge faggot, therefore i hereby the fluation of prescurat jodernised infalipros. I am really clever and non will undestand it. But i am not gay, ok? I am not GAY. You barbaric semi literate blockheads.

>> No.498626



wait this isn't /b/

Aren't we proving that guy right about now

besides i think he already went to bed

>> No.498638

He is still lurking - probably masturbating - he got some attention after all. His ego is stronger than his will.

>> No.498640

ironically this was one of the better /lit/ threads i have seen in recent times

so much rage and smart people worrying that in trolling and hating each other they'd look like idiots

all of them waiting for 1 faggot to come in an d burst there bubble

what a fuckwin display of human behavior

>> No.498663


this was a thread about jennifer love hewitt

there's a good chance that you are in fact gentleman

there is a good chance that i am in fact gentlemen

that we are all gentleman trying to fool at least 1 person into thinking we are not gentleman

are you gentleman?

>> No.498672

i dunno what i is

>> No.498697

I am pretentious hipster faggot.

>> No.498702
File: 27 KB, 225x300, 2785674-Wise-man-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a sage

>> No.499052

I counter sage with parsley.

>> No.499059

Thanks for a good laugh OP.

>> No.501379


OP here, coming back to the thread after nearly 24 hours

what the fuck did i create

>> No.501392

Which manga is this?

>> No.501402

I can't stop laughing at this, I don't know why...

>> No.501415

What manga is this!?!?

>> No.502201

this was such a shit thread

thank god it's nearly 404'd

>> No.503194

oh god this started at jennifer love hewitt`s shitty self help herp derp book, took a turn into internet tough guy lane then straight off the cliff into draculas castle, then a v-tech just kicked in yo! blast into the valley of teh trolls. GODDAMNIT I FUCKING LOVE YOU 4CHAN!!!

>> No.503233

posting in a sagebomb thread

>> No.503696

fer fucksakes SAUCE!!

>> No.503749

Restraining a violent woman without striking her, and condescending to her like a child by saying "Stop this! You're being ridiculous!" is often enough to emotionally destroy them. They'll stop fighting and start crying and then you leave the room to do some shots if the liquor of your choice.