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4981104 No.4981104 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about the "poverty of social relationships"?

What book would best fit this? Capitalism estranging us from ourselves? The simulacra committing murder of friendship?

pls help, am lonely.

>> No.4981756
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>> No.4981781

Kafka, Rilke's Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge, Nausea. Basically most modernist, continental literature.

>> No.4982484

is this the actor from breathless?

>> No.4982487

Yes, it's a movei from the same director.

>> No.4982766

That's pretty much DFW's main concern.

>> No.4982967


It's Pierrot le Fou, same director.

>> No.4983837

why is there poverty in social relationships? what does dfw think?
has it always been this way?

>> No.4983843

Godard is such a hack.

>> No.4983846

i find it a lot in george saunders, raymond carver, richard ford. it seems to be an american thing?

>> No.4983851


>> No.4983856

pierrot le fou is my favourite movie.

>> No.4983877

not op, but bumping

this is my main interest lately because im asocial but being around other people just makes me feel worse

>> No.4983880
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Being lonely is good.

Why does everyone equate loneliness with sadness?

>> No.4983888

That guy looks too old to be so edgy.

>> No.4983889

>"That guy"
>not knowing Ionesco

Just leave

>> No.4983898

aka bargain Beckett

>> No.4983908

"Rhinoceros" is hands-down better crafted and more poignant than anything Beckett ever wrote.

Try again.

>> No.4983912

If i were to get into so-called Theatre of the Absurd, where should i start?

>> No.4983915

Society of the Spectacle
Simulacra and Simulation
One-Dimensional Man
The Revolution of Everyday Life
The Most Radical Gesture
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Negative Dialectics

>> No.4983918

You're legit dumb.

Tell me, why is it always the most talentless gaff machines who don trips?

>> No.4983920

Life is absurd, just take a minute to watch the news and you'll see the best TofA play going

>> No.4983922

b-b-besides that

>> No.4983923

Because under capitalism even the most personal gestures are mediated by the commodity form, and are experienced at one remove.

tl;dr capitalism has destroyed everything.

>> No.4983924

I like Ionesco, but Rhinoceros holds nothing to Footfalls or Krapp's Last Tape.

Try again.

>> No.4983930

>Footfalls or Krapp's Last Tape.

Jesus. You're not even trying.

>> No.4983935

on a related note

how do you guys (i.e., marxists) deal with the dissonance between your views and the accepted economic status quo that, lets be realistic, shows no signs of significantly changing

>> No.4983938
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Why haven't you read this yet OP

>> No.4983942

Alcoholism and gallows humour for me.

>> No.4983945
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I bet you think Godot is the best thing he wrote

>> No.4983947

No, "Endgame" is.

>> No.4983953

Empty masturbation to child pornography as a silent revolt against the oppressive Capitalist system

>> No.4983957

>shows no signs of significantly changing

On the contrary, the contradictions of capitalism appear to be catching up with it more and more everyday.

I'm only a "Marxist" insofar that I believe that Marxian theory and critique (i.e. crit theory) will be the only thing that removes us from the throes of capitalism. That critique equally applies to Marx's work as well. There was much he got wrong, or didn't account for.

>> No.4983961

"Not I" is better than that trite piece of shit, and "Not I" is fucking awful.

Christ, even "Film" is better.

>> No.4983967

right now im reading the first volume of das kapital. i already read wage labor and capital and value price and profit.

where should i go from there, in terms of political economy?

>> No.4983968


God I fucking hate Godard.

>> No.4983972

So you're a critical theory sack of human shit?

>> No.4983973

if godard is so bad, then why are there so many gifs off his movies on tumblr?

check m8, contrarian

>> No.4983979

Honestly, if you want to get the most out of Kapital, I'd suggest following along with David Harvey's lecture series:


>> No.4983982
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And so on

>> No.4983983

>that insightful post
Of course, it has to be a fucking tripfag...

>> No.4983984

such random very depth wow

>> No.4983986
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>why is the posterchild of nonconformity and independent filmmaking/cinephilia on tumblr

>> No.4983991

Someone like Jean-Luc Godard is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good kung-fu film.

>> No.4983999

>If I use an overly simplistic and derogatory description of something, maybe people will think it's an argument

Kill yourself, seriously....

>> No.4984006

>Someone like Jean-Luc Godard is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good kung-fu film.
That's a nice opinion, mate. And so extremely well argued!
Maybe you should link your blog, so we all can enjoy your profound ideas!

>> No.4984009

>Kill yourself, seriously....
*tips fedora*

>> No.4984016
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>you will never live herzog's life
>you'll never work with him
>you'll never get to bro it up with him in the jungle
>you'll never have his endurance or voice


>> No.4984020


That would be Werner Herzog's opinion. google it.

>> No.4984026

I liked how >>4984006 didn't even appear to recognize the quotation. Some cinephile he is.

>> No.4984027

Fuck off back to /mu/ you hack

>> No.4984030

Can't form you own opinions?

>> No.4984035

Feel free to tell the class why exactly Ionesco is bad/a hack/whatever you prefer!

>> No.4984047

Maybe, but I'm asking him specifically. Herzog might have his reasons for it, but if the tripfag can't argue for himself, he just took over some opinion from someone without any actual substance/knowledge about what he is talking about
So, appeal to authority aside, please elaborate!

>> No.4984049
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>That Ingmar bergman and Werner Herzog quotes on Godard

>> No.4984050

>bad/a hack/whatever
see >>4983898
>aka bargain Beckett

PATRICIAN TIP: Bargain Beckett is still OK.

>> No.4984060

His gifts as a director are enormous. I just can’t take him very seriously as a thinker — and that’s where we seem to differ, because he does. His message is what he cares about these days, and, like most movie messages, it could be written on the head of a pin.

>> No.4984076

>such random very depth wow

Backpaddling like a champ...

>> No.4984085
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Gee you talking about yourself there Orson? I mean those first few sentences are you spot on.

>> No.4984086

A good question. Try to live how you would want. When with my lover, don't use the smart phone, do what we want, talk about how absurd everything is, and still enjoy some of the media.

When alone, think, brood, compare others and try to understand the extent of how their actions are socialized into particular modes of action conducive to the status quo. Smile arrogantly at their ignorance, feel petty, tell myself not to conpare myself to others, masturbate, watch Doctor Who, and consider ways in which social movements accelerate.

We are in Late Capitalisn now dude, things are on the cusp, of this I am certain, and you can trust me. Because I'm not a capitalist shill planted here to delude you. ;-)

>> No.4984100

>implying Memenoceros is his only play

>no u

>> No.4984107

>implying Memenoceros is his only play
That was never implied anywhere.

>> No.4984118

Then I was not "backpedaling", unless disdain for a meme play = disdain for all plays by that writer.

PATRICIAN TIP: It doesn't.

>> No.4984123

Then explain what bothers you about Rhinoceros if you dislike it so much.

>> No.4984128
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"All of us will always owe him everything." -Godard on Based Welles.

>> No.4984146

Not unless you refer to it by its rightful name Memenoceros.

>> No.4984158

Epic, simply epic...

>> No.4984159

I don't actually know what I'm talking about. Just bored.

>> No.4984195
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>> No.4984199


>> No.4984209


>> No.4984215

GIDF out in force itt

>> No.4984227

>GIDF out in force itt

>> No.4984240


>> No.4984256

Zooomunga im smart with words and say about plays

>> No.4984289

I'm probably not missing out on not watching nouvelle vague.
too bad tho because i like anna

>> No.4984547

You have bad taste in music

>> No.4984579

This doesn't surprise me at all.

>> No.4984732

>Activates fedora
>Engaged full autism
>Tipping intensifies

Mate, are you even evening?

>> No.4984748


Top kek here.

>> No.4985933

there is no reason to hate godard. the ppl saying that talk like teenagers 'omg i hate ____ ' it just sounds so silly. save that for when you talk about bubble tea or gossip girls

>> No.4986023

Having read Society of the Spectacle (aka my favourite book), Simulacra and Revolutions, am I ready to tackle the rest of these books? Also, don't Critique of Everyday Life fit in with the rest of them?

>> No.4986026

Are you me?

Are we Debord?

Wanna make out?

>> No.4986030


>> No.4986047

bergman reckt everyone so hard.

in his own way though he himself was sorta pretentious. always ragged on antonioni for being too boring. if youre at all serious with film you run the risk of being boring. you have to think of your self as making films for people who are going to want to make the effort of paying attention. you cant satisfy everybody

>> No.4986063

Who could hate bubble tea?

>> No.4986064

Holy shit, I had no idea who Ionesco was! Thanks mate.

>> No.4986066

i didn't like godard until after this thread
fuck you clit

>> No.4986112

>Capitalism estranging us from ourselves?
What you need to understand is that Marxism is just as poisonous if not more so than Capitalism. Putting everything in class and economic values is soul deadening. Ideally we would have religion but seeing as that is no longer possible we have to look for something else. Don't ask me what, all I know is that when you devalue everything to economic arguments you sell yourself regardless to the "dismal science".

>> No.4986147

>Don't ask me what, all I know is that when you devalue everything to economic arguments you sell yourself regardless to the "dismal science".

The answer lies in poiesis young Dasein.

>> No.4986189

I've seen four Godard films (Breathless, A Woman is a Woman, Pierrot Le Fou, and Band of Outsiders) and everytime I would watch one more and not like it people would just say those weren't his good ones. Well, what are his good ones, huh? What are the good ones?

>> No.4986261

but but those jump cuts

>> No.4986277

implying there even exists a person who could 'be there'.

sooo late capitalism's tentacles, and neoliberalism (like Houellebecq says) are in all life. And the factory floor, the call centre, the office, the technology, and so on socializes human existence (medium is message still relevant?) estranging us from ourselves and each other?

Is it pleb now to think content/message is what is the problem?

>> No.4986301

Werner Herzog.... he gave us this boy

thanks herzog -.-

>> No.4986603
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Godard presaged most clitizens' disposition 50 years ago:


cig, espresso, eying gril in coffee shop, late capitalism, existentialism, etc.

He can be really hard to stomach for the uninitiated, but a lot of people here might appreciate La Chinoise, based on The Possessed.

>> No.4986621

Those are several of his good ones, and you dont' have to like them if you don't want to.

>> No.4986880

> what are his good ones?
Vivre sa Vie
Week End

>> No.4986965


>Ideally we would have religion

Capitalism is a religion.

>> No.4987150


I like Godard, but even I'd say that only 2 or 3 Things I Know about Her, and Week End are his really interesting 60's films.

Masculin Feminin and La Chinoise are humorous.

Alphaville has merit, but it's broad and a bit all over the place (which might be a good summation of JLG's style)

Both Breathless and Band of Outsiders bother me because there's nothing substantial about them.

>> No.4987157


Actually, I might make a quick swerve and put Week End in both the 'really interesting' and 'humorous' categories. I also really like his short-film in Ro.Go.Pa.G.

And yes I realise that I'm just picking films from his 'cinematic' period, but that's because I'm not well-versed in his later works. I've seen four or five and if you wanted an opinion, Film Socialisme strikes me as the most interesting one of these (Tout Va Bien, King Lear, Film Socialisme, Histoire Du Cinema, Suave Qui Peut)

Tout Va Bien is a later film which gets a lot of praise but it's so banal that I can't help but dismiss it.

Passion is another film that has a high-rep but I haven't seen it so I can't comment on it.

>> No.4987765

You seriously need to read Allan Bloom's masterpiece "Love & Friendship". "The Closing of the American Mind" is also a must-read.

>> No.4989067

You sound absolutely insufferable.

>> No.4989491

probably people who don't like tapioca

>> No.4990767

it's overpriced shit