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4978236 No.4978236[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Remember that girl who was 17, had beautiful full pair of tits, tall scrumptious legs, pretty hazel eyes, did modeling and stuff? Remember how you wrote her cringy heart wrenching poetry filled with mistakes? Remember how she oh-so-politely rejected you? Remember?


>> No.4978237

The girl in my life who fits that description is still hot as ever, granted it's only been 6 years. Anyway, she's riding the success train at the moment and I'm on 4chan. I regret everyday that I missed the opportunity to have sex with her.

>> No.4978239

Don't worry give it time.

Men age like fine wine, women age like peaches.

>> No.4978241


>> No.4978242
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>still dating disgusting western whittu piggu women

>> No.4978258

Maybe, but she was really hot then, and that's what matters.

>> No.4978274

Ya. OP's description. Except she was my first girlfriend. Took my v-card. Gave the best blowjobs of my life. Broke up in college. She's hotter than ever. Graduated and working in New York. I'm a hippie burnout dropout who attempts to live the literary life and drinks to escape reality. As an anti-natalist and degenerate, I see no obligation to carry out my life long enough to reap the benefits of >>4978239's prophecy, although it would be nice to get young poon as an older gentleman. Some days I regret my decision to reject the infallible gods of genetics that demand procreation and production and progress in life but I have enjoyed my time worshiping the obscene and absurd -- I just don't know how long I can keep up the Sisyphean task without falling into bad faith. But anyway, who's winning? Is this a game?

>> No.4978296

She is the only attractive, in fact the only, woman I know who has an interest in philosophy. Though her ideas kind of suck and she doesn't read...In any case, in another ten years she'll be a rotten peach and I'll be a thirty-three year old loser.

>> No.4978390

I never wrote poetry. I was more of a visual arts guy.

>> No.4978398

She's prettier than ever.

>> No.4978506

God damn I hate constantly regretting all the missed opportunities of my teenage years. My life got much, much better afterwards, but I still find myself thinking back...

>tfw no gf a decade ago and no way to fix it without a time machine

>> No.4978544

>21 virgin
>slowly become more gay over the years
>now able to find guys to fuck pretty easy
>too disgusted to do it with people I don't like now, I'm not horny as I used to be anyway
I don't even know, sex doesn't interest me, that romantic ideal is all that keeps me not going for religious celibacy

>> No.4978575

which one of them?
>Remember how you wrote her cringy heart wrenching poetry filled with mistakes?
>Remember how she oh-so-politely rejected you?
oh, none of them.
I was so stupid and scared, I did nothing and missed many opportunities... and I still am.
FML. once again, I'm becoming depressed, thanks OP, you are a faggot.

>> No.4978599

I'll tell some stupid things I did (or I didn't). I've always fallen in love easily... and I usually like the prettiest girls near me

>me, 12 y.o.
>had a crush for years on this girl, but was too scared to tell her.
>somehow, some day, she talks to me
>I'm drawing some retarded letters
>she: "can you write 'I love you'?"
>me: "nah"

>me, 16 y.o
>liking this beautiful, kinda french girl in my class, she had a bf in the class, too
>she tells me to walk together while leaving the school, we do
>we talk for a while
>me: "I gotta go buy something"
>she: "OK, no problem, let's go"
>I buy some stuff
>me: "I'm leaving, see you!"
>she: ¬¬

>me, 18 y.o.
>leaving the faculty
>crossing the street, see this beautiful girl walking in the same direction I'm going
>get closer, she talks to me
>she asks me if I'm from that uni
>me: yeah
>she: "I want to know the place, could you help me?"
>me: "I'm sorry, I have to go now" (half-truth, I could have done it)
>she: "OK, thank you, bye"

I could go on and on.
I'm 28, almost kissless virgin.

>> No.4978607

Holy shit. You're like a real life awkward Chinese cartoon. Sort it out, anon.

>> No.4978611

How can you be 'almost' kissless virgin?

>> No.4978612

actually, she's more beautiful than ever


>> No.4978616
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I can feel it in my bones.

I can already see my future self cursing myself now for not having taken advantage of my youth (these are our prime years) but at the same time I know that it's not like there's some switch you can turn on that'll make you a party-crazed, poon-slaying Carpe Diemonster. We are what we are able to be in this moment in our lives, we can't be someone we aren't. I'm trying to express something I've only thought about and haven't articulated yet, so Idk if it makes sense.

>> No.4978628

Eh, try being someone 'you're not'. It's probably hard to do instantly without a complete change of context, but I'm sure you can become somone different simply by doing things you've never done before. We are what we repeatedly do.

>> No.4978634

Girl I had a massive crush on in high school got pregnant popped out a kid almost immediately after graduating and from what I've heard has shat out a few more since then.

I still most definitely would.

>> No.4978640

I'm trying...

Long story short: I'm neither, cousins...

just do it and don't be retarded. take me as an example of an stupid guy.

>me, 24, renting a place in this big, shared house
>manager is a beautiful russian/ukrainian female
>never talked too much with her, but I liked her
>one day, she comes to my appartment to ask me something
>it's summer, really warm, like 40°C, so I'm half nude, sitting in my bed, chatting in my computer
>she stays in the door, with her back leaning againt the door frame
>I get nervous, my dick is rock solid, but I'm not sure about what to do
>few minutes pass, she leaves

>16, at a party
>summer, lots of girls from some high school
>people playing kissing games
>tell me to join
>I say no because I'm too shy
>minutes later, we are leaving and I'm talking to the prettiest girl in the place
>"hey, I have to leave, but I think I should tell you, I think you are really cute, take care!"
>she expecting to be kissed
>I just leave

I guess it's obvious that I have some kind of psychological problem...

>> No.4978645

Sorry, but she didn't reject me.

>> No.4978646

Non amo altro che i fiori non colti ;___;

>> No.4978651

I don't remember the rejection part, but yeah, she's fat as fuck now, lol.

>> No.4978652


>just do it
Way to throw slogans at me dude.

I mean by the time I do change and become a different person is when I will look back and feel regret

>> No.4978658

Le tripfag trying to craft his tripfag personality

>> No.4978661

If you guys are in the bay area I could hook you up with some chicks.

>> No.4978670

>by the time I do change and become a different person is when I will look back and feel regret
True. After my teens I became a different person (with friends and good times and eventually even a girlfriend), but it did mean I kept looking back at my teenage years and wondering what the hell I was doing being so unhappy and alone, and wondering about how things might have gone differently.

I'm still incredibly glad life got good, though.

>> No.4978671

this thread:
-not /lit/

>> No.4978678

I wish. I'm not in the US

that's why I try not to vent my social stupidity, I know I'm pathetic... although it's good material for other boards, I guess

>> No.4978683

I dunno anon, it seems like there's a place for "kissless virgin NEET" literature out there somewhere.

>> No.4978698

>it seems like there's a place for "kissless virgin NEET" literature out there somewhere
There's room for it here on /lit/, but this thread is just whining and revenge fantasy, and not at a literary level just by virtue of being written.

>> No.4978759

Mine have all gotten better looking over time, and their lives are better after we separated.
Meanwhile my life is at its lowest.

Thanks for trying to me up though.

>> No.4978781

>your friends from highschool are married and with kids
What the fuck man, these dudes will regret this shit before 30

>> No.4978790

but she was the princess of the entire school and she deserved more ;_;

>> No.4978851

>be me
>Trust fund kid, car, lots of money
>girls pretend to like me, because I buy them things
> tell me bad things about other girls i might like, and say deep profound things about "us" which i don't understand.
>be only really interested in sex and alcohol
>girl i really like is really smart and thinks I'm a jerk
>just graduate High School, college this fall
>tfw: probably just more of the same
>probably never see the girl again

>> No.4978854

The girl I loved and lost my virginity to dated a series of increasingly successful older men and now works for the Tory party. I have a terminal illness and my doors are closing year by year.

>> No.4978855

>be the supreme gentleman

>> No.4978878

Bullseye discription of a girl I like at the moment, I'm even writing her poetry ;_;

s-she hasn't rejected me yet..!

f-fuck you!

>> No.4978879

Good luck anon~

>> No.4978886

Cheers, you want to read some?

>> No.4978889
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>doesn't even mention ass
>thinks you can write worthwhile poetry without being an ass man

>> No.4978893

>tfw the smell of a 17 year old girl's ass when you're 33

thank you based hypergamy

>> No.4978901

What do you mean you're neither?
Did you fuck your cousin or what?

>> No.4978904

I've never really been in love to be honest. Never written a girl poetry. Never even bought a girl anything. When I was 17 I pulled my life around and became an outgoing social butterfly, even managed to get a gf for a few weeks. Regret not doing it sooner though, I passed up some chances with some really beautiful amazing women just by not trying enough.
Word of advice to everyone in this thread, go after every beautiful girl you meet and give it your best. Don't be shy, don't be coy, don't hold back. Even if you do fail (and you probably will), at least you'll have learned something.
Then again I'm only 18 now so idk.

>me, 16 y.o
>liking this beautiful, kinda french girl in my class, she had a bf in the class, too
>she tells me to walk together while leaving the school, we do
>we talk for a while
>me: "I gotta go buy something"
>she: "OK, no problem, let's go"
>I buy some stuff
>me: "I'm leaving, see you!"
>she: ¬¬
So you're telling me you're 28 and still have regrets over a short conversation you had with a girl 12 years ago? Or >>4978640 I don't see how talking to a girl and having a boner is even noteworthy. It's like your entire life is a collection of moments that the girls you shared them with wouldn't even remember a week later.
What exactly have you even done with your life?

>> No.4978905

i just like these threads because it makes me feel better about myself by sharing.

kissless virgin reportin'

>> No.4978915
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I could use some feedback..

Hapless fool content with little
he knew not of desire
Seamless days unmarked; soon turn stark
Struck sublimely such cupids worth
hapless fool full of lust

Fools heart burn with wilting fire
He knew not what to say
alone his days turn dark
Faintest ember may yet turn dust

Hopeless fool restless he be dream he brave fire
Climbing ever higher
only to struggle to speak
If only, but if only she knew!

>> No.4979312

yes. it is a weird and shameful story that I won't tell.

>So you're telling me you're 28 and still have regrets over a short conversation you had with a girl 12 years ago? Or >>4978640 I don't see how talking to a girl and having a boner is even noteworthy. It's like your entire life is a collection of moments that the girls you shared them with wouldn't even remember a week later.
yep, those short conversations are all the closest I've been to a stranger woman... and the thing is, while other people cry because they are ugly and girls don't pay attention to them, I've missed many chances with beautiful women...

>What exactly have you even done with your life?
I've done many of stupid, useless things, and I've wasted opportunities. I'm just too lazy and depressed, I've never liked living. I feel like people destroyed me and there is no way to fix my shit and be happy. It's not even about money...

>> No.4979387

>girl I really like is really smart and thinks I'm a jerk

If she's poor then this is just like Pretty In Pink.

>> No.4979418

well, she is a bit overweight now, not too fat, but not hot either.
my wife is much hotter anyway :).