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/lit/ - Literature

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4977591 No.4977591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/! Greeting from /fa/.

We've been having a survey on many other boards to great success! We're trying to know who is the main tripfag on every board in order to make this year video about 4chan the same way we did it last year!

So pls just answer these questions:

Who would you say are the main tripfags on /lit/ right now?

Who is the most annoying?

The most helpful?

Your favourite tripfag?

Thanks in advance for your help!

>> No.4977600

1) Butterfly, feminister, EvolaKid
2) Evolakid
3) Does not apply
4) Does not apply

On a related note, is /fa/ what a good board looks like? You guys actually co-operate and accomplish shit instead of just argue all the time? What the fuck?

>> No.4977601

Let's feed the cancer, yay!!

>> No.4977610 [DELETED] 

I've always been a fan of butterly and feminister

>> No.4977612

Our cancer are those bitchy E!-drones homos, but we are pretty cooperative.

>> No.4977614

this has to be a troll right? right???

tripfags need to be ignored, not replied to, and forgotten about.
Is it already summer? a 4chan yearbook? you got me

>> No.4977616

saged, reported.
not literature related, just bullshit.
get bent.

>> No.4977617

I've always been a fan of Butterfly.

>> No.4977618

>anonymous image board
>let's not be anonymous!!11

>> No.4977622

Who would you say are the main tripfags on /lit/ right now?
Feminister, EvolaKid

Who is the most annoying?
All of them

The most helpful?
None of them

Your favourite tripfag?
None of them

>> No.4977625

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.4977628
File: 149 KB, 720x480, 1375591335984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ can't even post an /fa/ grill

>> No.4977633

We always get people like you in these threads. But do not worry, this is just a tiny section of the yearbook and we can't possibly be aware of all the influential personas on each board. We've been doing this since 2011.

>> No.4977637

>We've been doing this since 2011.

kill yourselves

>> No.4977640

>influential personas
>literally post like every other user on here, except with a name

>> No.4977643

tripfags have never been influential anywhere on 4chan. if you think this you're using the site wrong and don't actually understand it. The peopel who do not understand how the site works should not be the ones who feel they can make something related to the site. just stop.

>> No.4977654

No. All the tripfags have some sort of conceived personality. EvolaKid intentionally tries to be a bigoted fucking idiot. Butterfly composes haughty, but mostly well-backed posts. REI (caps tripfag) only pulls out his trip when he can get the first response to a thread, and usually posts something stupid and discussion provoking. Feminister is just an attention whore though fuck Feminister

I'm probs gonna get called out for this, but I actually do think trips add a certain amount of flavor to the board. Butterfly ain't even that bad anymore, either

>> No.4977666

Feminister is both my favourite and most helpful. The main will always be deep&edgy no matter what.

>> No.4977677

What is /fa/'s opinion of Barthes' work on fashion?

>cheek kiss activated

>> No.4977685

>450 post and 52 image reply omitted

>> No.4977697

Wasn't that the video Moot promoted as the good side of what 4chan can accomplish as a hivemind?

>> No.4977705

The main tripfag is Butterfly, pls vote for him.

>> No.4977712

he clearly said the idea came from /fa/

>> No.4977753

D&E come back pls

>> No.4977796
File: 59 KB, 592x400, Empire-of-the-Sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have to go with this. Though I may have only seen a handful of legitimate D&E threads, he was impressive



>> No.4977802

you're def my fav, although I suppose you're technically a namefag, not a tripfag

>> No.4977815

1. Evolakid, feminister, Butterfly, that other guy posts occasionally. There have been others as recently as last 6 months but these three/four if I can remember the last are the current reigning faggots around here.

>> No.4977823

Forgot other questions:

2. Feminister

3. None

4. Evolakid

>> No.4977846

I think that second guy was joking, but meh.

I read all your posts, hoping to have something to say, but like D&E, I'm just out of my element, and give a respectful distance.

I think of you alarmingly often, imagining all sorts of first encounters. From helping me with writing to other blush-inducing topics. I'll stop now.

>> No.4977849

no one is helpful, they are all annoying, no one is my favorite

get the fuck out

>> No.4977855

/fa/ more like /fa/gs

>> No.4977865

>Who would you say are the main tripfags on /lit/ right now?
Already answered earlier in the thread
>Who is the most annoying?
>The most helpful?
None are particularly helpful.
>Your favourite tripfag?
Butterfly's posts aren't always terrible. Take that as you will.

>> No.4977870

rawr >:3

>> No.4977882
File: 42 KB, 641x482, Picture 082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4977885

1) At this moment? Evola Kid, Butterfly and Feminister.

2) Evola. That shouldn't be too surprising seeing as he/she took their name from a philosopher famous for fascism and racism. You're more likely to get poorly-researched and blatantly incorrect information from him/her than any other tripfag on the board.

3) None are helpful, but that's not surprising as /lit/ is probably the least helpful board on 4chan. Well, maybe outside of /r9k/ - they try to help, but their "help" is more often harm.

4) None of them; they're regular people who chose to assign themselves identities on an anonymous image board, not flavors of ice cream. Though I would note that Butterfly is far likelier to post things of interest than the other two, mainly because he/she actually discusses literature instead of ceaselessly bitching about YA fiction that no one cares about.

>> No.4977902

>/lit/ is probably the least helpful board on 4chan
Did we not help with your homework enough?

>> No.4977921


This is definitely the most pathetic exchange I've ever seen on 4chan.

>> No.4977943

Evola and REI are just your typical autistic character troll-trips. They'll always be there and you can easily just ignore them because you know they're just bore dudes entertaining their pathetic lives.

Butterfly and Feminister are the order of trips that are truly pathetic. They don't utilize trips to add an absurd, regular element to the board. They're narcissistic to an alarming degree (and not the amusing kind of narcissism of casemods). They use trips on 4chan because they are probably not considered as singular, noteworthy individuals in daily life. Finding their own subjectivity in daily life is too difficult for them, so what they do is hop along in the small world of 4chan, making everything small and most likely have some unwarranted sense of importance.

>> No.4977943,1 [INTERNAL] 

>they are probably not considered as singular, noteworthy individuals in daily life.
That isn't why I put something in my name-field. It isn't all that narcissistic either. I am anonymous but distinguishable. Forced anonymity ruins boards imo. Deal with it.

What an exaggeration.
"Of the night, on /lit/" perhaps ;)