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4977340 No.4977340[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are European males so good at art, science, math, literature, and so on? Is it genetics, or simply superior culture?

>> No.4977342
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>> No.4977346

On average, no

>> No.4977347


>> No.4977356

Do you mean compared to the US?

I think the presupposition is largely false, but it is caused by the US education system. Not just in contemporary times either, I think it has been that way for much if not all of its existence. It values test results and standardisation over the acquisition of knowledge.

I don't know if it seems so unusual to someone inside the US since you've become used to it, but from outside things like saying the pledge of allegiance every morning is legitimately fucking strange and dire. It honestly seems like indoctrination or like kids are being softened up and trained for a life of standing in line and accepting things by rote.

>> No.4977358

>Someone is (certain race), they must be good at (certain thing)
>This is what STEMfags really believe

>> No.4977373

Not sure what you're responding to.

>> No.4977377

exposure to great things is key for producing great individuals

the lack of internet and other connectivity bullshit made well upbringings much more apparent and potent back then, the quality of attention and results between an established area and somewhere.. uhhnjdksfn

come on man, even if it is genetics, who fucking cares? will you feel special? no one knows, but to think even for once that your population is superior to another is just dicks, balls, packed sacks

>> No.4977384

Don't act like you don't

>> No.4977431

it's the shoes

>> No.4977446

Your rage is illogical and nonsensical, but I do agree about the STEMfaggotry. It's like they forced a meme without realising the consequences and now that everyone is a STEM because 'muh contribution to society' none of them can get a job.

Stick to the fucking arts you dumbasses. It has always been and will always be a skeleton key for any job you want.

>> No.4977458

Not a bad answer. Foot wear was a big development for the Mongols, Normans and Bourbons.

>> No.4977474

what if you want to be an engineer

>> No.4977535
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>Is it genetics, or simply superior culture?

>> No.4977554

They carry the blood of Christ via the Merovingian bloodline.

>> No.4977572

>Why are European males so good at art, science, math, literature, and so on? Is it genetics, or simply superior culture?
why do people think that they, alone and by themselves, did everything?
that's the problem with the US, the individualism and the fucking retardedness
einstein, for example, didn't do everything by himself. in fact, he collected what was already there and gave it some sense. you don't have to be a genious, you have to be in the right place at the right time, know your shit and dedicate yourself to it

captcha: yolompe

>> No.4977581

If by "superior" culture you mean one of oppression, violence, exploitation, and destruction, then yes. White males have an indisputable culture of killing or suppressing other demographics, even when white males are the minority and they receive no animosity. White males are only "good" at anything because every other group has been historically forced into positions in society where they were denied education and a platform to present their works. Saying white males are intrinsically superior because they've produced more works deemed positive to you, one who almost certainly in a white male dominated world, is like saying humans are superior to domesticated pets because pets have not produced any defining work.

>> No.4977583

>implying Indians haven't overtaken Europeans in every one of these fields
>implying Western Europe will ever again produce anything culturally relevant
Enjoy your double digit unemployment

>> No.4977589

Did you just compare nonwhites to dogs? Racist motherfucker.

>> No.4977597

Not so fast Apu, you haven't "overtaken" anyone in art and literature.

>> No.4977602

>that last line about pets
You almost had me there. 8/10

>> No.4977606
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>> No.4977607

It wasn't the best analogy, but it puts into perspective the way we treated nonwhites and females, and even how they're treated today.

>> No.4977611
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>things like saying the pledge of allegiance every morning is legitimately fucking strange and dire. It honestly seems like indoctrination or like kids are being softened up and trained for a life of standing in line and accepting things by rote

you are exactly correct and it makes me very sad, most people don't even realize it

>> No.4977613

2010 fields medalists:
frenchman, russian, french/vietnamese, israeli of german familial background
2013 physics nobel laureates:
brit, belgian
2013 chemistry nobel laureates:
austrian, european-israeli, israeli
2013 medicine nobel laureates:
white american, white/jewish american, german

>> No.4977619


>> No.4977624

>Is it genetics, or simply superior culture?

Well, that answers one of your questions.

>> No.4977630
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>> No.4977632


It's like you actually feel good thinking you're not a barbaric, instinctual animal at your core.

>> No.4977634

I like to think about it thus: if other cultures aren't inferior in some essential way, why were we able to slay them like feeble animals?

>> No.4977638

Sure is /pol/ in here.

>> No.4977639

You seriously think this? You actually think nonwhites and womyn are treated like domesticated animals?

>> No.4977641

One thing I don't think non-Americans understand is that the US is fucking huge and that different regions have wildly different cultures and standards.

The Pledge of Allegiance thing for example, is almost exclusively a Southern phenomena, while educational achievement in New England is on par with most of western Europe.

I feel like Europeans too often mistake Alabama for being the entire country.

>> No.4977644

>and females
>cool meme

>> No.4977653

Please dont be so naive. Do you even history?

They are not good nor bad at it, it is just their culture and they imposed it on the Americas, so whatever we do here will be seen as less cause it is just a copy, an ersatz of their culture. But this culture in itself is not bad nor good, it is just the product of their lives as a group... it could have been anything and we'd still be judging it as great.

>> No.4977672
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>other person likes something more than something i like
>i know, i'll deny the basis for the subjective evaluation of anything and attempt to close the discussion entirely

>> No.4977698

Google "Islamic Golden Age""
Google "Sunjata"

>> No.4977701


>> No.4977751

>tfw the South makes America look bad

>> No.4977754

Ugh, fuck you.

>> No.4977755

She's having a stroke and that bitch is laughing about it

>> No.4977772

>good at art
>good at literature
>good at
How can one be "good" at art?

>> No.4977787


>> No.4978166

Genetics that allowed them to develop a superior culture.

More books will be published in Spain this year than have been published in the entire history of Africa + Islamdom.

>> No.4978169


Really offensive to dogs.

>> No.4978180

The fucking point being that white males managed to get ahead of everyone else. How did they carry out this subjugation if not by being superior

>> No.4978187

>saying the pledge of allegiance

If I was a Eurofag, I wouldn't care to pledge to a flag, either.You're really just a bunch of ethnic tribes. The US is very different in that respect, and if you examine the text of the pledge, you will understand why we have one and you don't.

>is almost exclusively a Southern phenomena
>An idiot tries to explain a country he doesn't understand to an outsider.

The propensity of states where the pledge is optional is actually in the south; everywhere else it is required.


Public and private primary/secondary institutions all over the country say the pledge. Do you have any citation?

Go to any sporting event anywhere in the country and they all start with the national anthem.

>> No.4978188


>> No.4978191
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Pic related.

>> No.4978202
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Surprising fact: Those scores are entirely fabricated, the chinese government lied about the results because they were embarrassed about their country being full of functional retards.

Chinese culture is that of cheating.

>> No.4978212

Oh, I know.

If you look at academic/research publications - real, science ones, not junk like philosophy, etc. - but there is practically nothing coming from China or that part of the world. You get more published out of tiny Israel than all 1.3b Chinese.

Why? Because they're a culture of cheaters. Why?

Because they are a shame-based society while we are a guilt-based society. Most of the non-Western world is shame-based.

Example: would you rather fuck your neighbors wife or be accused falsely of fucking your neighbors wife. For us, the former; for them, the latter.

Ask a Thai person a question and they'll almost never say they don't know. They'll lie, or evade, but saying "I don't know" is a loss of face.

This is why, in Pakistan, a whole family will murder their pregnant daughter for marrying the wrong guy. Shame. They lost face.

It's also why their militaries - from Syria to North Korea - are shit.

In my very limited US military experience, co-operation, admitting you're wrong and getting over it, etc., were traits to admire. It's not a mistake, it's a lesson.

But over there... you wonder why tiny Israel defeated all of it's neighbors in one go.

Lower IQ and a stupid, shame-based culture that arose from it.

>> No.4978453

>If you look at academic/research publications - real, science ones, not junk like philosophy, etc. - but there is practically nothing coming from China or that part of the world. You get more published out of tiny Israel than all 1.3b Chinese.
China has the second highest scientific output in the world. What are you talking about?

>> No.4978477

I'm not european, my country is very large and very diverse and I find that pledge think freaking weird.
I would probably refuse to do it when I was a kid too (assuming I wouldn't be a brainwashed american if I was born in the US).

>> No.4978479

In aggregate, not per capita.


The US has published triple the number of papers despite having 1/8 the population. If you count the whole "Western" world, China has published maybe 10% of what the west has published

>> No.4978482

And China's economic and political structure is built around firms operating at a level of secondary innovation (innovation at certain levels of manufacturing and incremental in nature due to limited copyright/IP protection) that doesn't really need the kind of intense research that characterizes Israel's industries.

>> No.4978487

Maybe it's because the fucking majority of the population is not doing research because they don't get a lot of opportunities.

>> No.4978489

Essentialist, sexist, racist, ignorant etc. prick.

>> No.4978493

Shitfuckingloads of money gained through raping american, africa and india which let people to pursue artistic interests instead of work.

>> No.4978494

for all the "omg my ppl are so superior" folks in this thread:
how many great works have you produced with your so superior genetics so far?

cause afaik people who think like this are usually just taking pride on the actions of others

>> No.4978496

The west has its own poor, though not to China's extent. Nonetheless, how much does it "cost" a nation to allow its best and brightest to become middle class and do research? China's trying, but the incentive isn't there yet, if ever, and the west is skilled at poaching brain power from others. When it comes to attracting talent, a repressive ideology isn't sufficient.

>> No.4978501

Americans still say the pledge of allegiance in school? I thought that went out with McCarthy and Studebakers.

As far as OP's highly original question, I would say there is probably some Chinese dude wondering why all white people are dishonorable and why only Chinese people are honorable to family. There's probably some Arab bro wondering why all westerners are haram and let women drive cars and why only Arabs wear proper man dresses.

Even if we white Europeans "won" we'll never convince the unwashed masses of the world of it. Eventually they will out breed us and tear us down like crabs in a bucket. Enjoy the thread before tumblr mod wakes up.

>> No.4978572

I'm speaking from Europe, I'm born and raised here by an american father and an italian mother. Talking about the psychology behind my parents I think that the american modus pensandi is simplicistic and poor, artistically speaking, even people in US (I experienced my family and the people around my family) are subjugated by their own fake ego. They are ignorant plebs, they have no past and no roots, this is why they reply "I'm italian, german, russian, paki and chinese" when you ask "where are you from?" even if they look deeply like the fat average american and they are born in Miami. Fuck that, they just have no history, no culture and they have no art.
It's true that today the fake US myth is dominating the market and the mind of thousands and thousands of europeans wich think that "U.S. IS THE BEST" because they corrupted our souls with slogans, non-senses and products. What kind of art did the US mold? Pop and porn, awesome representation of what's wrong with you.
They are full of nothing and they write nothing, they paint nothing, they film nothing and apparently they are happy fullfilling their lives with this deep sense of vacuity.

Enjoy your pop, enjoy hippies, enjoy your mutilated life. Idiots.

>> No.4978583

christ was from israel

>> No.4978585

History reference: 0/0
Sarcasm: 0/0

Keep reading Paolini and Martin.

>> No.4978586

I went to high school in New York. We had to say the pledge of allegiance every morning, and when I tried not to, I got in trouble.

>> No.4978587

You act as though we (the Americans on here) are personally responsible for America's failings.



It's not the sixties. Hippies a tiny minority. The former hippies are now Reaganite Republicans turning their backs on their children.

>> No.4978590

It's culture. I mean . . . Americans doing humanities? Come on, son.

As regards science and math, well, fat people don't like to do real work.

>> No.4978591

lol u obviously dont know anything about christ idiot

>> No.4978595

>History reference: 0/0
>Sarcasm: 0/0
>Keep reading Paolini and Martin.

The funny part is that you probably got the shit about Merovingians from reading the Da Vinci Code or maybe just from the movie.

>> No.4978610

Because Europeans ended up being a lot better at making efficient weapons?

But it's also just wrong to suggest that "other cultures" were slain like "feeble animals". I mean, what the fuck history books are you reading? The conquest of India took, like, three centuries and involved extensive political maneuvering over generations. The conquest of Latin America also took centuries and had many extremely difficult and bloody conflicts. Don't even get me started on China and Japan.

>> No.4978613

Why should the white male be denied the position he has brought upon himself? To suppress others, he would have had to have obtained the power to suppress them in the first place.

Why should he give up this earned power to those who could not best it? or to give up his values for that instance?

>> No.4978621
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If you don't fight, you are reponsible. It's your country, if you just write on the Internet your being sad about what's wrong, there you are responsible.

"U" obviously can't write properly. Please, stone yourself, Lit sinner.

That's not true, but if it was true " The Da Vinci Code" is a fantasy like The Bible and Eldest. By the way the lit reference is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holy_Blood_and_the_Holy_Grail (another fantasy)
I wrote:
History reference because probably that guy doesn't even know the dinasty of Merovingians.
I wrote sarcasm because if he (and you) understands the sarcams I didn't had to write this post.
I wrote Paolini and Martin because they suck.

>> No.4978625

It's a very long process to turn a country from a third-world shithole into the sort of place where people in the middle and upper classes not only have the opportunities, but also some desire, to become researchers. When you've got a half century of shitty-ass planning from the country's inception through the 90s, it's even harder. When you've got twenty years (plus the foreseeable future) virtually completely under the thumb of foreign investment and (mostly toxic) assets that you've been loaned in exchange for market liberalization, it's even harder.
Repressive ideologies are pretty good at generating scientific advances, sometimes. Look at Russia and WW2-era Germany. Their scientific advances are nothing to scoff at.

>> No.4978885

>humans and pets
Someone watched Rick and Morty

>> No.4978906

>American's with their "its just the south" bullshit.
Just because you aren't the shittiest part of your country doesn't mean you aren't a shitty country.

>> No.4978912

Why are people convinced that the accomplishments of others become theirs simply because they're of the same kin?

Oh it's because YOU'VE done shit in this life and need to feel important

>> No.4978917

>cause afaik people who think like this are usually just taking pride on the actions of others
Get a load of this stupid fucking enlightenment thinker. Ppl are a result of their society QUEER. Culture, race, history, are all invisible threads that tie us together and make great men great and weak men weak I bet you think africa could suddenly become a good society if the ppl just "stopped being poor" as well, FUCKING FAGGOT why don't you back to reading Voltaire.

>> No.4978940

But the south is responsible for everything that's good about American culture.

>> No.4980043

This nigga right here

The south has actually artistic cred because it's experienced real struggle. The north has had prosperity handed to it on a silver platter; it can never make true art.

>> No.4980057

Screw you, I want to build a spaceplane.

More generally, whole "humanities vs sciences" argument is infantile and needs to stop.