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4972731 No.4972731[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are e-readers worth the money?

>> No.4972736

Is anything worth the money?

>> No.4972742


>> No.4972746

I'm sorry, the answer we were looking for was 'yes'.

>> No.4972750

yea definitely started reading more ever since I got one. you can pirate all the classics too. Kind of like an ipod, casuals may not think it's worth it. fits snug in the back pocket of my jeans

>> No.4972757
File: 118 KB, 765x406, hbjkh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't pay the msrp of course

>> No.4972786


Reading on phones is the future. You already have it with you everywhere anyway.

Honestly confused why more people don't do this.

>> No.4972794

I really only started to pick up reading after I got my Nexus 7, I never really had the money to buy books otherwise and reading on my computer monitor was pretty straining. So, personally I'd say yes.

>> No.4972798

it starts hurting my eyes after a while

>> No.4972801

>can read things for free and carry hundreds of books everywhere?
huh, yes?

>> No.4972804
File: 37 KB, 758x1024, ceci n'est pas un livre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I'd give you a definitive Yes, I got one last year and I've read more than ever, and started working myself through the classics, too.
Plus I'm not a native speaker so the built-in dictionary sometimes comes in handy.

>> No.4972809

Ereaders save you a lot of money if you pirate books, but the experience is almost objectively worse than reading an actual book. I use an ereader because I live in a tiny dorm and have no money.

>> No.4972814


This was the number one thing people said about e-readers a few years ago. Literally hundreds of millions of people spend all day staring at screens and it's completely fine.

>> No.4972815

Amazon did a deal last month, a 50.00$ or 75.00$
rebate for prime members. I scored the basic Kindle for $19.00 out of pocket. I figured it was a inexpensive trial. I love it! I have a Tablet and I used to read lot on my phone as well. It beats them hollow for reading.

>> No.4972818

Reading on a 3 inch screen is retarded
Reading on a backlit screen is retarded
Need anymore reasons?

>> No.4972825

>almost objectively worse
I like actual books and everything but reading on an e-reader is 100 times comfier that the comfiest book.
Now browsing through pages and footnotes is a pain, that's definitely true. But you don't really have to do that all the time. It's a fair trade-off as far as i'm concerned.

>> No.4972826

So then what's the definitive ereader of /lit/?

>> No.4972828


Calling it retarded is retarded.

There are strengths and weaknesses to various formats (I still read basically all non-fiction on paper), but the phone is so neglected.

>> No.4972831

When you're browsing the internet or writing something on the computer (or your phone), you're not actually satring at it, you're not that focused on it. You look away once in a while, change tabs etc.. But while a long text, you're focused and staring at the page or screen for long spans of time which tores the eyes. I have an e-reader, and it's much more pleasant to read than a normal screen, because I don't have millions (?) of lights shining in my eyes.

>> No.4972833

kindle paperwhite

>> No.4972845


Black background grey text on my phone oftentimes in combination with lights off.

Seriously does no one remember everyone saying this about ereaders? Reading on a screen doesn't strain your eyes if the text is sized correctly (which you have control over).

>> No.4972848

>but the phone is so neglected.
because it's shit. A phone is better at nothing than an ereader and better at nothing than a paper book.

>> No.4972854


Being with you At all times. Easy to pull out.

>> No.4972855

seconding this, it's awesome.

>> No.4972859

>buy e-reader
>pirate 7 e-books

Free e-reader.

>> No.4972860

They're cheap as shit and getting cheaper, as long as you avoid the ones that are trying too hard to be tablets rather than dedicated reading machines.

>> No.4972863

My Kindle is about as thick as a pencil, fits into the pocket of my jacket, is actually nice to read on because of the bigger screen and the e-ink display and won't die on me after 2 hours of reading.

>> No.4972867

kindle paperwhite 1 or 2?

>> No.4972874


What if you're not a criminal? Is it still worth buying one?

>> No.4972879

Where is the difference between those two?

Yes, for the free classics alone.

>> No.4972882

>What if you're not a criminal?
become a criminal.

>> No.4972905

>Seriously does no one remember everyone saying this about ereaders?
they either didn't try e-readers or were talking about tablets, since they are oftentimes confused for some reason I can not possibly fathom.
>Reading on a screen doesn't strain your eyes
I find reading long text on computer screens very tiring to the eye, regardless of font size. I just avoid it or read small bits at a time.
I can read comic scans fine but not books.

>> No.4972908

>What if you're not a criminal?
Why don't you just give your money away? The way things are going it will eventually be a crime not to constantly spend money on whatever corporation is buying politicians, you might as well get started.

>> No.4972934


Do people actually take their ereaders everywhere though? No doubt the odd person does, but most people carry them around about as much as they carry around a book.

>> No.4972936

fuck yes I have gotten in so much more reading with my little kindle the best part is how portable the thing is I tuck it into my purse and bring it everywhere with me (yes I'm a girl) no more heavy books or cutting down trees for paper I love this little thing

>> No.4972939


And now people are saying it about phones without trying it. Get the kindle app read a couple of books you'll be a convert. Stick to fiction though phones aren't great for images, graphs etc

>> No.4972955


Interesting. I guess this is less if an issue for ladies as they already carry storage a lot of the time. I used to have a bag with me at all times just to carry my book.

I find not having to carry a bag liberating.

>> No.4972957

I carry it around way more, honestly. I have a one hour metro drive to the university more or less daily and instead of dicking around on the phone I read. Never could be bothered to take a book with me unless it was something really short, for weight alone.

>> No.4972994

That's interesting I feel naked without my purse. At first I hated having one but now I can't do anything without some storage
Lots of guys I know use "man bags" which are basically the same thing as purses but with a masculine bent.

>> No.4973005

>sit in bookstore
>take out e reader
>read pirated material and enjoy ambience for free
>dat neo urban literary lifestyle

>> No.4973008

whats wrong with tablets?

i brought a $20 tablet that was on sale near my area and i turned it into a reading and writing only device

>> No.4973071

fits in back pocket of jeans

not much, you pay $150 after taxes to display a mobi file you could read read on your pc/phone. calibre comes with an epub viewer and you can get the classics off piratebay so basically you're paying for a portable e-ink display. kobo aura hd works if you want 7inches

>> No.4973092

This, there's really no reason to shy away from pirating books of all things

Oh no, those poor multimillion dollar publishing firms are really gonna be hurting
Mail the author a check if you need to assuage your conscience

>> No.4973098

There's no need to buy overpriced e-readers. The technology is still new, the extra money is not really a good investment.

>> No.4973103

If you visit book libraries you're already stealing from your authors. Might as well cut the middleman.

>> No.4973117

Why would you want to read on an LCD screen?

Paperwhite's notetaking features are pretty fucking great, but if you won't be using those there's no reason not to just get a regular Kindle used for $30-40. Those are well worth the money, and if it's still under warranty you can break it and have a new one Amazon Primed to you with (basically) no questions asked.

>Did you apply pressure to the screen?
>Uh no I don't think so

>> No.4973118

Get a Paperwhite, but if you want a cheap one, see if you can find a Nook Simple Touch on sale somewhere.

>> No.4973134

I have a nook Simple Touch and it's good enough for me. Awesome, actually.

>> No.4973151

This. Started doing this a few weeks ago, finished 4 novels since then, double my usual reading time. I just read it whenever I have waste time (eg. commuting).

You really don't need to see 500 words together on a page just to read. Also I probably stare at a backlit screen about 14 hours a day anyway, so what if I do it two more hours?

>> No.4973259

I remember reading about a russian (IIRC) phone that had both normal LED and e-ink screens...

>> No.4973391

I want an e-reader with a word processor that I can connect to a keyboard so I can read and write with it.

>> No.4973399

Considering I got mine for the cost of a hardcover and I can now get all works in the public domain for free, yes.

>> No.4973407

Google Drive app and a bluetooth keyboard would work.

>> No.4973437
File: 69 KB, 450x630, kindle3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using the same Kindle (third generation) for 4 years now. Definitely worth the money since it was about the price of 10 paperbacks and I've read far more books than that on it and I didn't pay for any of them (either pirated or public domain).

Buying ebooks is stupid though. If I'm paying for something, I want the real thing. If you're anti-piracy or you're reading lots of stuff that's hard to find or that's formatted in a way not suited for e-readers (e.g. lots of graphics, lots of footnotes/endnotes) then it's probably not worth it.

>> No.4973978

I bought a new Nook Simple Touch off Craigslist for $35. Reading on a e-ink screen is great, I can take it anywhere, battery lasts forever, and I can pirate epubs for free.

Bonus: I rooted it, it runs some ancient android but it could browse internet/news fine.

>> No.4974022

Honestly, I love paperback books and the feel and blah blah usual argument.

Here's the deal:

You can pay mountains of money on new books depending on how quickly you go through them. With an e-reader you make an investment that'll last you longer, plus pirating e-books is easy and cheap, you won't go back.

Kindle 4 lyf

>> No.4974064

Reading on a small screen hurts my eyes. Also isn't as cozy as snuggling under the blankets with your book.

>> No.4974100

How do you read a book under a blanket?

>> No.4974103

Head lamp

>> No.4974106

are you 10?

>> No.4974110

are you over 21? grow up

head lamps are the shit. every situation that you think you need a flashlight you actually need a headlamp.

>> No.4974130

i bet you have a bluetooth, too

>> No.4974132

Listen, reading under a blanket is gay as hell, but the dude is right about headlamps. They're fucking awesome. All that light with both hands free.

>> No.4974143

>cant hold a book with one hand
>being this pleb

>> No.4974154

>one hand on book
>one hand on dick
That's why you need a headlamp.

>> No.4974436

I have two kindles, third generation and paperwhite. They were both gifts and holy shit, I will never buy a physical copy of a book ever again. The ebook files are 1-5 MB depending on how long the book is, most are 2-3 MB and the thing can hold thousands upon thousands of books. There's so many random sites that have download links you don't even have to know what book you're looking for when you find a group of 500 books all bundled and just throw it on there.

Plus while I'm in college I just say I'm reading Game of Thrones and people stop asking about what I'm reading because they think I'll spoil the show for them, when in reality I found the books boring as shit.

>> No.4974442

As a kindle owner yes, though I prefer hard copies but having so many electronic books and being so light I love it.

>> No.4974448

Oh adding to this, the new paperwhites have dictionaries built in to them, so people with real terrible vocabularies like myself don't feel so stupid when some word is used I've never seen before.

It's the little things

>> No.4974518


Really disappointed with all the plebs on here bragging about pirating books. In a way, I attribute this to their fear or learning the truth: as writers, they are shit. But by contributing to the destruction of an industry, they can instead blame their commercial failures on that destruction, thus never having to accept the truth about their own inabilities.

Anyway, here's a list of why the Kindle Paperwhite is to a printed book what a printed bound book was to a collection of onion-paper thirty-foot scrolls.

1) Easier to read than paper, particularly in low-light environments.
2) Cheaper subscriptions to literary magazines. NYer is about $6 a month for 4 issues.
3) All the lit magazines magically appear on it when you subscribe to them.
4) Less to carry around.
5) You lose/burn/destroy a book, it's gone forever. You lose your Kindle, get another and re-download everything again.
6) Get the book instantly.
7) New books cost less.
8) Many free books and you don't need to pay to print them out.
9) The author makes a lot more money when you buy the ebook. I earned $7 on my $10 Kindle edition, but like $5 on my $13 print edition.
10) Keeps all your notes backed up and archived in one place.
11) You can search all the texts at once.
12) If a particular passage has been highlighted a lot by other readers, you see that passage underlined with the number of other people who've highlighted it as well. (You can disable this).
13) Share your annotations with others via a Twitter/FB feed. I have a twitter feed call "Syn's Kindle" that just tweets links to my annotations
14) Free new books if you are a Prime subscriber.
15) Free books from your public library without even leaving your home.
16) Can lend/borrow books from other Kindle owners.
17) Allergies. Books collect dust/mites. My grandmother uses an ereader for this reason.
18) The built-in dictionary. Tap a word, get the definition.
19) Environmentally better (if it matters to you).
20) Save to Kindle widget on articles you see on your internet browser will let you send them to your Kindle for later reading.
21) Adjustable font size/face to make reading easier.
22) Turning pages is easier. Just a tap.
23) No more need for bookmarks; it remembers where you left off (and syncs it to other Kindle programs that are free: the PC/Mac version and the mobile/tablet versions)
24) All of your books AND MAGAZINES in a tiny, easy-to-carry device.
25) In a dark room, it kind of works like a flash-light (like your mobile screen).
26) Thousands of LEGAL free books available online.

Anyway, it's a really smart purchase. I don't think you'll regret a paperwhite. If you travel abroad, the 3G version may be worth the $$. Otherwise, go with the paperwhite. Worth the $120.

>> No.4974523

On an ebook, the author gets a lot of money, much more than a print copy. On AMZ, an author will get $7 on a $10 ebook.

You're clearly a stupid child, spoiled and full of resentment, to throw around pleb-tier OWS bullshit like "Oh no, those poor multimillion dollar publishing firms are really gonna be hurting."

If you knew anything about the business, you'd already know that many small publishers are hurting badly and are a lot less open to taking risks on new and experimental authors.

>> No.4974528


What kind of NEET neckbeard incel reads books under covers with a headlamp? Can you PLEASE post a photo of yourself for my beta cringe folder?

When I was 8 I had one and the batteries didn't last and it hurt my head after a while.

Fucking man up and get a paperwhite.

>> No.4974548

>implying any industry is dying because of piracy

That's a bullshit argument in general. When an industry can provide a service at a reasonable price that is more convenient than piracy, I will give them my money. That is why I pay $8 a month for Spotify and Netflix. But I'm not going to pay $15 for a single ~1 MB file. That's Amazon's own damn fault.

Also, I got a year subscription to the New Yorker for about a dollar an issue (print and online/iPad). Not sure why you'd pay more to get it on an e-ink screen when the magazine itself is in color.

>> No.4974553

>Get the kindle app read a couple of books you'll be a convert
Not going to happen, because I already have an e-reader that is superior in every way.

>> No.4974567

>beta cringe folder
14 year-old go
/b/ go

>> No.4974568

>You're clearly a stupid child, spoiled and full of resentment, to throw around pleb-tier OWS bullshit like "Oh no, those poor multimillion dollar publishing firms are really gonna be hurting."
>If you knew anything about the business, you'd already know that many small publishers are hurting badly and are a lot less open to taking risks on new and experimental authors.

Almost all the authors I read are dead, the ones that are alive probably have enough money at this point. Publishing companies are largely atavistic and new models will be established to support new authors.

>> No.4974570

>When an industry can provide a service at a reasonable price that is more convenient than piracy, I will give them my money.

The thief decides what 'price is fair'?

>But I'm not going to pay $15 for a single ~1 MB file.

So literature is defined by the number of ones and zeroes it consists of?

>the magazine itself is in color.

What part of the magazine is enhanced by color? It's easier to read on an ereader because it's just like paper. I only read the fiction and the S&M, anyway.

So the New Yorker is a magazine that is dependent on color printing and it's okay to steal a book because it's only a 1MB file.

I'm sure that when you become an adult some day, many years from now, you'll look back at what you are now and have a good chuckle.

>> No.4974577


They wouldn't have any money at all if everyone else followed your example and stole their work.

ANd you think they 'probably'

>new models will be established to support new authors.

LAWL. Oh, what models would that be that lets you sleep? Begging?

That model sure ain't dependent on you contributing anything to either side of the equation.

>> No.4974583

>So literature is defined by the number of ones and zeroes it consists of?
No, it just means if I'm going to pay $15 I'm going to buy the physical book. It's absurd to equate a physically printed book and a file that you download.

>So the New Yorker is a magazine that is dependent on color printing
I never said that, I said it's cheaper to get the actual fucking magazine, printed in color, than to get a small file on a black and white screen.

>> No.4974620

Definitely. I would never buy actual E-books, but even if you just download public domain stuff from Gutenberg.org or elsewhere and refrain from pirating, E-book readers are still extremely cost-efficient.

>> No.4974672
File: 34 KB, 393x450, winchester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5) You lose/burn/destroy a book, it's gone forever. You lose your Kindle, get another and re-download everything again.

top logic

>> No.4974700

the grayscale ones go for under 100 bucks and the battery lasts for 3 weeks

also, all your books are free

>> No.4975413

nice arguments fagtron

>> No.4975428

>Buy $80 Kobo
>Install Calibre
>Go read the sticky, download recommended books
>Go to /pol/, download recommended books
>Go to /sci/, download
>Go to /g/, download
>Go to /diy/, download
>Go to /int/, download

Congratulations, you just spent $80 for 3 years worth of books.

>> No.4975444

But you're a thief

>> No.4975516

>piracy wah wah

>> No.4975583

Line breaks: thief
Pronunciation: /θiːf /
NOUN (plural thieves /θiːvz/)

A person who steals another person’s property, especially by stealth and without using force or threat of violence:

Line breaks: steal
Pronunciation: /stiːl /
VERB (past stole /stəʊl/; past participle stolen /ˈstəʊlən/)

1 [WITH OBJECT] Take (another person’s property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it:
thieves stole her bicycle
(as adjective stolen) stolen goods
[NO OBJECT]: she was found guilty of stealing from her employers

>> No.4975601

>On AMZ, an author will get $7 on a $10 ebook.
In return he doesn't get an editor or any other help.

>> No.4975604

Do people really throw tons of random books on their readers, or download giant packs full of probably poor quality rips?
I only get specific books I want and rarely if ever have more than maybe 10-15 unread books on my Paperwhite (2012).

>> No.4975714

If I steal from a store, they are missing a book which they cannot sell. If I download a file, nobody lost anything.

>> No.4975853


yeah, ive a fuck load.
But I read 4 books at a time so choice is handy.

>> No.4976363

>The value of a book is determined by the manufacturing cost...

>> No.4976367

He can pay an editor (as I did) and a cover artists, etc.

>> No.4976385

>implying i should pay millions to read Dante Alighieri

>> No.4976396


Understand something: without the presumption that people would pay for their work, few writers today would choose to or be able to produce anything.

>> No.4976409

Good. So the sellouts will fuck off and go buy stock bonds or some bullshit.

>> No.4976486

>2 mentions of Kobo in the entire thread

I thought Kobo was the main competitor of the Kindle? Kobo has a microsd and can read another format which the Kindle can't (can't remember off the top of my head). I've only toyed with the idea of getting an ereader in recent weeks, so I really don't know much about them at all, but my vague understanding is that the Kindle is kind of like iPhone (does the job, but it's isolated and restricted), whereas the Kobo is like Android.

>> No.4976516

No, the Nook is the main competitor.

redundant, I really really doubt you need more books than a Kindle can hold

Calibre makes this a nonissue, really.

>Kindle is kind of like iPhone (does the job, but it's isolated and restricted)
what could you possibly need an ereader to do other than read books and let you take notes?

Paperwhite is hands down the best ereader on the market.

>> No.4976525

I bought one, the battery got fucked up in a few months and I had to import it for a cost that's greater than the cost of the fucking thing.
I'm reading on a tablet now. I didn't experience eye strain for years unless I spend like 12 hours in front of a screen so it doesn't bother me.

>> No.4976528
File: 118 KB, 1200x676, huell chilling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a kobo touch and it's ok. It reads most stuff, except proprietary formats, but you shouldn't have a problem converting, say, a .mobi to a .epub. Problems arise when you make pdf conversions.
Kobo is ok. I have complaints, but really, overall I'm satisfied. Touchscreen is not very well responsive, for one. also, they changed a feature in the dictionary recently, and it makes it a little more awkward to look for words unless you instantly get an exact match - the payoff is that you can now share on social networks the words you underline (who the fuck cares about that?). But overall I would buy again. I wish they added decent pdf support and text reflow instead of fucking up what's already there.
You can also root it. Google koreader. I didn't try though, so btw, if someone did share your opinion.

>> No.4976532

sorry i didn't read the thread

I got a Kobo mini for 40 euros

10/10 would buy again


>> No.4976533

Anyone else loving the new update for the Paperwhite?

I never realised how much the layout for a lot of things bothered me until they solved it.

>dat better wikipedia integration
>dat ability to now turn off completely your progress
>easy as fuck to check back on bookmarked pages
>better dictionary browsing
>notes made easier
>goodreads integration

>> No.4976538

Paperwhite 1 was announced Oct 2012, and Paperwhite 2 Sep 2013. Do you think they'll announce a 3rd generation this fall? What could they add?

>> No.4976541

For anyone buying Kindle, buy the version with ads, then go into customer support, claim you live in a country where the special offers are impossible for you to buy them and they deactivate them free of charge.

I live in Argentina and initially did that, then shared it with a couple of friends in europe, claimed they also lived here and got it off free as well.

That's like 20 bucks off right there.

>> No.4976593

Amazon has a device announcement in a couple weeks

>> No.4976659


Most likely a smartphone.

>> No.4976661

hopefully an e-ink one
that would be enough to make me drop my Moto X

>> No.4976751



>> No.4976776

It depends. Do you pirate books off the Internet? If so then yes, absolutely. Bought a Kobo Aura earlier this week and I've got about 40 books on it right now that I didn't pay a fucking cent for.

>> No.4976782

one that isn't poop

>> No.4976920

how does one pirate books on a kindle?

>> No.4977072

you pirate epubs on your pc then convert to mobi with calibre then drag and drop files to removable device

moar ghz, storage, improve display

fuck me

>> No.4977086

since nobody said it, this is where one argues 'a potential sale was lost' or something

pirating is great, i will gladly not pay for knowledge

>> No.4977096

if they're a worthwhile author they can earn money at book signings

>> No.4977501


I am usually on the side of insisting something have an expansion slot, but that's not the case with the Kindle.

Kindle can handle several formats, and they are pretty easy to convert over.

>> No.4977507

Where do you guys find free quality ebooks for kindle? For classsics I use Gutenberg.

For newer books, I don't really know about the quality. Last read on Kindle was Man's Search for Meaning and the format was terrible.

>> No.4977521

Of course, if it weren't for my Kobo I wouldn't read near as much

>> No.4977528

Phones are backlight, they cause eyestrain. E-readers simulate paper with no lighting (most now have a frontlight for reading at night without a lamp).

>> No.4977537

I use bookz irc. Here's a tutorial http://www.calvinshub.com/2008/11/how-to-download-e-books-from-mirc/

>> No.4977552

Legally, you can borrow them electronically from your local public library. You can also peruse Kindle's store for super-cheap books ($1 a piece for somewhat recent stuff, Kindle Singles, etc.) Or you can borrow from a friend who owns them.

>> No.4977557

Just fucking stop.

>> No.4978162

> stop.

For better or worse, I really don't know what that word means.

>> No.4978210

Good goy

>> No.4978566

well fuck, how did you get that offeR?

>> No.4978580

This was exactly my point?

>> No.4978883

feeling this hard anon

>> No.4978890

you mad bro

>> No.4979129

>Paying for something written by a dead man

>> No.4979167

I'm going to say "yes," despite the fact that I normally prefer to read physical books.

My Kindle is a godsend while I'm traveling, especially internationally, and even moreso now that I've seriously injured one of my hands and can't hold a book open without excruciating pain for probably about a month.

Money-wise, I've saved enough in public domain books from Gutenberg, Aozora Bunko, etc. to more than cover the cost, and the eink really is a huge improvement over reading on a backlit LCD or LED screen.

>> No.4979195

>>Go to /pol/, download recommended books
>>Go to /sci/, download
>>Go to /g/, download
>>Go to /diy/, download
>>Go to /int/, download
but why would you do that?

>> No.4979218

It means shut your whore mouth, writer-san.

>> No.4979412

The dictionaries in e-readers are the most useless things I've ever seen.
Any time I've actually had an actual interest in looking up a word, it wasn't in the fucking thing, because apparently they just use some pleb-ass dictionary.
And this is a goddamn Internet-connected device, you know! It'd make much more sense if it plugged into some kind of crowd-sourced UD-like database of esoteric and made-up words from famous literature.
And now that you should mention it, why haven't we been able to get ebooks with Internet powered annotations, so that you can look up a reference, or get the criticism of a certain passage? These devices really haven't gotten fully exploited yet.

>> No.4979909

You can add your own dictionary. Also, the Kindle comes with an Oxford one, so I really wonder what kind of word you can't find.

>> No.4979951

I rooted my ereader before, it caused a lot of problems and killed my battery life, so I switched back. I'm not sure how I'd add a dictionary without rooting it again.
I have a Nook. I can't remember any of the particular words I couldn't find offhand now, but they mostly came about in older books.

>> No.4979959

>I have a Nook
Oh, that could be the problem. The Kindle has very good dictionary handling, but I don't know about third rate products.

>> No.4979987

I had no interest in spending money to rent Amazon's DRM-ridden books, and the Nook was outrageously cheap at the time.
But honestly if I looked hard enough I could probably find something that isn't in Oxford anyway.

>> No.4979991

Well, you get what you pay for.
You shouldn't generalize the performance of your lower class product across the entire market.

>> No.4980050

Is the kindle going to get any cheaper soon?

Also, how did
get such a good offer?

>> No.4981731

my kindle has given me information on historical figures upon hovering over their names

>> No.4982183

>you can pirate all the classics too

>pirate the classics
>Not gutenberg

Nexus 7 is a fucking beast. Love that thing. My family reads a lot so there's always novels kicking around, but lately I've been having trouble reading pablum like that.
Fuckin Web griffin, how does that guy keep getting published

>> No.4982201


>> No.4982280

are there any e-readers that don't have horrendously faggoty names? I can't stand the thought of someone asking me about my device and having to tell them I've got a, "Kindle." What the fuck was Amazon's marketing team thinking?

>> No.4982309

Oh come on, "Kindle Fire" is pretty clever.

>> No.4982324

Kindle is a comfy name for a comfy activity.

>> No.4982390

>tfw most things you would read are pdfs and e-readers are apparently shit at them
Sucks, man.

>> No.4982504

I bought a Kindle last week because I don't have any more space (and money) for physical books. It arrived past week on Wednesday and I've read like 5-6 books already.

They are comfortable to handle. Also free books, and a easy to use dictionary.

Physical books have something special and I still prefer them to study or things that require memorization, but for usual reading e-readers are really worth it.

Have you tried calibre to convert? Also, any book you can find on PDF you can find it on epub or similar format too. If you are talking about shit like scientific papers, they usually have an epub option too. The only thing I think e-readers are bad is for things with a lot of images.

>> No.4982534

OCR might be an option, but I don't think it's possible for some stuff. And a lot of them are articles from JStor, which AFAIK only does pdfs.

>> No.4982593

Totally loving it. The only problem is that I had to re-install the screensaver and font hack, but that was done in like 5 minutes.
Amazon is based as fuck.

>> No.4982597

mobilism usually, the quality is mostly retail.

>> No.4982615

PDF is a fucking awful format for reading on ebook readers, unfortunately.
If I was you, I'd try converting the pdf to html, and then to epub/azw3 depending on your device, while playing with the line break settings in calibre, because conversion might sometimes add completely nonsensical paragraphs mid-sentence.

>> No.4982786

Kindle is a very pleasant name.

>> No.4982789

>any book you can find on PDF you can find it on epub or similar format too
That is wrong.

>> No.4982934


You are so fucking retarded if you're seriously bothered about something like that.

>> No.4982964

Usually I've been able, but with relatively known books.

>> No.4983004

Many books were never released as proper ebooks, but for some reason there are sometimes pdf scans.
Sometimes people convert these scans into epub format, but you can tell from the atrocious quality that are just poorly done conversions. That's also often the case when you download from a site that offers a multitude of formats from txt over pdf to mobi.

>> No.4983117

They should make a social network for kindle owners where they could post recommendations and reviews and communicate with each other and call it Kindred.

>> No.4983141


>Kinda read

Yeah, describes the Kindle community perfectly.

>> No.4983163

they have goodreads on kindle now

>> No.4983238
File: 379 KB, 282x174, jay and mike in the synagogue.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, so amazon won't steal my idea.