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4967793 No.4967793[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is humour and which books cover it in a scientific way?

>> No.4967794

Humor is putting reality into a satirical light that can be dissected.

>> No.4967799

save femilovely :3

>> No.4967803

kill myself and feminister

>> No.4967807
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>> No.4967809

Why does it matter? Humor is like juggling, just practice it and you'll be good at it, you don't need to have an analytical breakdown

I also kill that stupid attention whore

>> No.4967810

Kill femifaggot

>> No.4967811

OP don't listen to this nut, he is essentially saying

>Humor is putting reality into a humorous light that can be dissected

It's just useless redundancy that explains nothing.

>> No.4967812

Non-scientific, but the only thing that comes to mind is Freud's work, I don't remember exactly how it is called in English, but in spanish it's "El chiste y su relación con el inconciente" some thing like "The joke and its connection with the unconscious".

>> No.4967814
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dunno, bergson and koestler failed

>> No.4967816

Science posters don't troll. That's irrational.

That is a very violent and threatening image. Reported.

>> No.4967824

Mods, please delete this thread. It is using abusive imagery towards trip users and other posters and should not be allowed on /lit/. Thank you.

>> No.4967826

humor is what lets us cope, and express our innermost demons

feel free to disagree, but be aware you're a idiot if you do

>> No.4967835

feminister and ry are the only good posters on the board

>> No.4967837

yeah I agree, a literal austic and a pretentious girl who wants to spend time arguing over semantics is the best this board has to offer

>> No.4967840

humor is what prevents us from coping, and suppresses our innermost demons

>> No.4967848

My girlfriend just submitted an independent study on the sociology of comedy for her undergrad. The tl;dr of it is that comedy is a result of playing with the tensions of social norms, subverting or affirming them in unexpected ways.

>> No.4967852

humor is the ability to laugh at and ridicule you for trying hard to sound deep&edgy, over hitting you in the face

>> No.4967854

That actually sounds interesting/possibly decently accurate. I suppose we won't get to read it, but do you have any more details?

>> No.4967855

Moronic conjecture.

>> No.4967860


how can I kill all of them?

someone post a loop version

>> No.4967861


There are two primary theories of humour that respectively boil down to incongruity and suffering.

The incongruity theory has it roughly that humour lies in the juxtaposition of an element with its context - the familiar in the unfamiliar, the unfamiliar in the familiar, etc. Hence we laugh at a skilled impressionist even if the same words coming from the person being impersonated would produce no effect. The theory struggles to explain some very basic forms of humour, such as practical jokes.

The suffering theory holds that humour consists of the infliction of suffering (ie, every joke has a 'butt'). This theory can only weakly account for humour like puns and so forth, or anti-jokes like 'Why did the chicken cross the road?" (the consensus there is that the suffering is inflicted on the listener, which I find unsatisfying and bordering on tautological).

>> No.4967872

sure thing bud. Humor and satire is what brings meaning to our lives. I'm sure you're content believing you know everything but you dont.

Humor is framing reality in a light that is not only relate-able but funny, if you want to be another automaton then go ahead. I've had enough of your 'kind'

>> No.4967873
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social norms really don't have anything to do with it outside of modifying or qualifying the concept spheres

>> No.4967879

its not automatically subversive or makes you less of an "automaton"

>> No.4967903

>believing you know everything but you don't

I'm actually laughing at you for that very reason. Now you're trying to objectively tell me what brings meaning to life. The hypocrisy is just overwhelming.

>Humor is framing reality in a light that is funny

What this is absolutely groundbreaking. You're telling me that humor is doing things that are funny? Mind blowing stuff you have here.

>> No.4967953

Well, remember that sociology approaches everything by its relationship to culture. It is what establishes what the concept spheres are altogether. Schopenhauer's depiction is an abstraction that loses the nuances of why we find some things funny and not others in various contexts.

She's looking to present at a conference, but she occasionally browses this board so it might come up again. Maybe I'll link her to this thread and let her speak for herself. But to summarize a bit, the ideal-types of humor can be recognized by the interaction between ambiguity or incongruity, crossed with challenging culture or affirmation of everyday life. Many forms of comedy operate on multiple levels simultaneously, particularly when used within a contextual arrangement (like a TV show, when combined with narrative elements). Simple jokes, like puns, tend to be shallower.

>> No.4967965

Would be cool if she could write a few words about it.

>> No.4967987

Autism detected

>> No.4968005

I kek'd. Meta.

>> No.4968012

>What this is absolutely groundbreaking. You're telling me that humor is doing things that are funny?
Here you are equivocating a filibuster. sorry but you're just wrong

>> No.4968017


>> No.4968038


Semantics are very important, which is why Femiretard isn't intelligent to discuss them in the first place.

>> No.4968047

I just wrote an independent study on the topic. Not much has been written on it from a scientific perspective. You can try What's so Funny by Murray Davis for a social scientific ish approach.

>> No.4968057

I don't really want to analyse humour personally, but if I had to choose a definition

"the ability to recognise the absurdity inherent in facets of existence"

is both significantly pretentious and not too far off the mark.

>> No.4968073
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A practical solution.

>> No.4968078

This. I thought out tripfags would never again send /lit/ to the depths that Brownbear, Fabulous, and Stank sent it to, but goddamn it, Feminister is trying.

>> No.4968079

I think you just sit and wait for opportunities to post that .jpg; I've seen it more times than I've seen my own dick.

>> No.4968103


>> No.4968144

So what did you do for research?

>> No.4968153

>Brownbear and Fabulous

They were the backbone of the golden age of lit.

>> No.4968181


Fabulous was just meh.

>> No.4968283

As if anyone these days knows who you're talking about.

>> No.4968288


But I wanted to fuck him so he was ok.

>> No.4968297


You got lousy tastes.

>> No.4968309

I used some cognitive sociology (Eviatar Zerubavel, Mary Douglas), Goffman's work on the social definition of the self and keying, along with Bourdieu's concept of cultural capital and art perception, and applied all that to a bunch of comedy television and stand-up.

>> No.4968325


I was seduced by his scathing wit.

>> No.4968403

Fuck feminister marry butterfly kill evolakid

>> No.4968419

Fuck D&E, marry Feminister, and kill myself.

>> No.4968434
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>> No.4968446

>not laurie penny

>> No.4968588

>not being laurie penny

get a load of this new person

>> No.4968716

All humor is based on non-sequitur.

This is best demonstrated here:

>I remember something my third grade teacher used to say. She used to say "You show me a tropical fruit, and I'll show you a cocksucker from Guatemala."

>No, wait... that wasn't her. That was a guy I met in the Army. I always get those two mixed up."

>> No.4968741


>Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.

Don't deviate from the classics when talking of 'the best', dog.

>> No.4968774

is there anything this guy didn't do

>> No.4968777


>> No.4968791


One couldnt explain what humor is with science though. It could elucidate on the physical and chemical processes that are involved with laughter, but what an individual finds humorous is a phycological and sociological topic. Both those fields are unscientific for the most part. Unless you want to reengineer and systematize humor and teach monkeys to laugh at Ricky Gervais, going at this topic at a scientific angle wont give you much but correlation and slippy slope fallacies.

>> No.4968819

Psychology is a science.

>going at this topic at a scientific angle wont give you much but correlation and slippy slope fallacies.
Humans are animals, and animal behavior is the object of scientific studies.

>> No.4968824

>implying George Carlin isn't classic...

>> No.4968833
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Calm down, Adam. We understand what you're saying, but you don't have the absolute word here.

>> No.4968835

>system of words based on the misunderstanding of the difference between nominative and indicative


>> No.4968836


Yes. Overrated hack who never creatively broke free of Lenny Bruce's shadow. There. I said it.

>> No.4968849

Did you even read his books?

No, no you didn't.

Shame on you.

>> No.4968856


I listened to his routines. I'm aware of how he used to follow Lenny around like a lovesick puppy - does he write about that? Might read them if so. Maybe he could finally give me a proper laugh.

>> No.4971166

Didn't Aristotele write something about humor?

>> No.4971177

sounds similar to how i think of it. :)

>> No.4971179


>> No.4971219


Yeah but for all the dogs scientists have made drool on hearing the sound of a bell, not one has been made to laugh at the sound of a fart.

>> No.4971238



>> No.4971259


Well in reality the track is visibly switched - like there's a bit of metal that moves back and forth when you switch the lever, such that one can easily deduce the function of the lever from observation and thus the inference as to the function of lever can be ignored by all but the most arseminded of bottomwits.

>positivists, pls go


>> No.4971268



>> No.4971295

This is ironic

>> No.4971300

Humor at its heart is meanspiritedness.

That's not to say that meanspiritedness doesn't have its uses beyond mere enjoyment so it can't be discarded out of hand.

Overall, it's not very patrician [look around you]

>> No.4971457

This comparison doesn't hold water.


>> No.4973514
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>> No.4973536
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>> No.4973553

every time i laugh i remember this fucking essay

>> No.4973597

Lest we forget http://www.amazon.com/Thug-Motivation-Bags-Money/dp/0615161529/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1401928671&sr=8-1&keywords=bag%24+of+money+thug+motivation

>> No.4973673
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