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4967070 No.4967070[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys...I thought this was interesting.

It's 30 Harry Potter facts that’ll make you want to reread the series.....again! ^_^


Some of them that really blew my mind:

> Rowling said if Voldemort saw a boggart it would take the shape of his own corpse, since death was his greatest fear.

>The Malfoys last name comes from the Latin “maleficus,” which means evil doing.

>Dementors are a physical representation of Rowling’s experience with depression.

> Voldemort is incapable of love because he was conceived under a love potion.

>> No.4967076

>Fact 31. Rowling is a shit writer

>> No.4967078

>Fact 32: Rowling didn't start with the Greeks

>> No.4967081

>Fact 32: JK Rowling had a team of ghost writers and marketing focus groups

>> No.4967085

>advertising your shit buzzfeed list on /lit/

fuck off

>> No.4967112

please don't ;_;

>> No.4967114

now now dear, take my hand I will shield you from those big meanie patricians

haha they're just mad they are virgins :-P sooo whats your kik? haha just kidding

>> No.4967118

Shut the fuck up you retarded faggot

>> No.4967131


I really try not to use this word, but it's the only word befitting for a person who browses a website that generates pointless lists to clickbait retards into seeing advertisements: sheep

>> No.4967137



>> No.4967139

>>The Malfoys last name comes from the Latin “maleficus,” which means evil doing.

Nooo shiiit.

>> No.4967147

Fact 33:
Harry is cuckolded by a large black wand and divorced Ginny

>> No.4967277

Not everybody knows Latin, church boy.

>> No.4967305

I never read those books or watched the movies growing up because my parents were religious nuts.

>> No.4967321

When rearranged, the letters in Remus Lupin spell “primus lupe,” which means “first wolf” in Latin...... and if you change an n to a p.

>> No.4967326
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>The Malfoys last name comes from the Latin “maleficus,” which means evil doing

>> No.4967868
File: 1.48 MB, 808x910, I-Hate-That-Hedgehog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4967933


>Voldemort is incapable of love because he was conceived under a love potion
>through no fault of his own

Apparently Rowling is a hard determinist. I would have thought choosing to split his soul in half 6 times would have had more to do with it.

>> No.4967942

>>The Malfoys last name comes from the Latin “maleficus,” which means evil doing.

lmbo no shit

>> No.4967944

> I would have thought choosing to split his soul in half 6 times would have had more to do with it.

this is what caused him to do that, not the other way around

>> No.4968039

>The bit about Voldemort and love potions

Is she really stupid enough to think that this would not be uber common? If Wizard Land were real literally EVERYONE would be using love potions to get love. There would be hundreds of Voldemorts walking around.

Rowling confirmed for retard, but we already knew that

>> No.4968048

>a fantasy series is unrealistic!

>> No.4968050


>If Wizard Land were real literally EVERYONE would be using time travel

>> No.4968059

>it's ill thought out because it's fantasy!

>> No.4968112

yeah but you speak english and there is so much latin in english that you will make the connection even if you dont realize it

even if you dont know what mal means as a prefix you will associate 'mal' with ill will


malfoys name is supposed to be a charactonym its not some cryptic fucking clue

>> No.4968344

>In the Harry Potter universe, there are an estimated 3,000 wizards living in Great Britain.

What the fuck?? That can't be correct. 3,000 shouldn't even be enough students to fill god damn Hogwarts, let alone all the people that would work at the ministry and all the other normal adult wizards.