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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 520 KB, 1200x677, sony pockets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
496197 No.496197 [Reply] [Original]

Hi there!

>> No.496204
File: 34 KB, 374x400, ereader 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup, fag?

>> No.496223
File: 114 KB, 468x312, ereader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only fattys prefer paper over an ereader

>> No.496224
File: 97 KB, 632x994, bn-nook-ereader-743540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me being superior

>> No.496231


Dear Sony eReader, your refresh time is laughable. "Read a page PZZFHHHT read a page PPZZZFHHHT."


Dear Nook,

I am curious about you. Will you read my .txts, .docs, and .pdfs well?

>> No.496237


>Implying 1-1.5 seconds is long ass time. Especially when it is about the same for all ereaders.

>> No.496247


If that's true about all ereaders having that problem, then eReaders just aren't there technologically for me. It's just plain distracting.

>> No.496266


Once again

>Implying 1-1.5 seconds is a long ass time.

What are you? 2? Do you have ADHD?

I guess the concept of realizing that you are on the last sentence of text so you press the page turn button a moment early by reflex for uninterrupted reading would be lost on you, wouldn't it?

>> No.496277


Wasn't a fan of the Nook. It looked really pretty, but I didn't like the page turn button. It seemed kind of cheap.

>> No.496279

Have you ever flipped a page in real life? It doesn't take 1.5 seconds.

>> No.496280
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a challenger appears

>> No.496285


I don't get such a delay when I read on my laptop or when I read a paper book (using my library card - OMG FREE BOOKS). I won't see the point in shelling out $160 or so for a device that isn't quite what I want yet. I read quickly and I prefer larger type, so I'd be getting a black screen literally every few seconds.

If it's fine for you, it's fine for you, but I won't be picking up one of these devices until the displays get a bit more advanced. I have a feeling it won't be long before the refresh situation gets sorted out, so why should I buy one now?

>> No.496289

can anyone explain e-readers to me? i ride by train many hours a week and read books, but i would be willing to indulge in some luxury like this if it would mean i had all my books available at any time in such a neat device
how does it work?

>> No.496295

>implying you'd rather carry a $300 device around with you and risk breaking or losing it than pay $20 for a book

>> No.496308


Did I say that? No. I did say that 1-1.5 seconds for a screen to go from one display of text to another isn't a long ass time by any stretch, especially when you know this and press the button to turn a page right before you are finished with the last section of text displayed. It is no different than realizing you are getting near the end of a page so you go ahead and prepare to turn said page.

If people wanna look for faults in the devices, look at prices, look at non-replaceable batteries for some units, look poor image display for some units, look at the fact that they are never gonna be as permanent as a physical book, and a plethora of other valid points or arguing against the device. To make a big deal out of a 1-1.5 second page turn is just retarded though.

>> No.496326


You seem weirdly butthurt about the time it takes to turn a page. If it's a dealbreaker for potential customers, then it's a dealbreaker for potential customers. The companies building ereaders will eventually, inevitably develop a more advanced system where turning the page doesn't entail the refresh time problem. For me, and I think a fair number of other people, the refresh time is like as if your mp3 player screeched every 90 seconds.

>> No.496342


Also, the way the Sony device I played around with worked was, the screen goes black and then white when you turn the page. Pretty annoying. It's not just a delay - it appears as if the entire display is "resetting." It's less about the time than it is about how distracting it is, especially when you compare how that works to how paper books and laptops (and tablet PCs) lack that problem.

>> No.496373


Laptops are backlit screens and the text will hurt your eyes, they also have nowhere near the battery life of an eReader. It is apples and oranges to compare them.

If you have a good library, I recommend using it. My library has nothing but African American Literature and books pre-dating WWI, so I needed a way to get new books. There is no books store withing 100 miles of my town either that isn't a Christian book store, so an eReader was the way to go for me instead of just paying a shit load of shipping again and again to order books of the internet.

>> No.496375


An eReader is a device that stores different kinds of text files and displays them on a screen using e-ink. e-ink displays have remarkable text clarity and are as easy on your eyes as a sheet of paper, unfortunately they are only monochrome for now. E-ink displays consume no power when actually displaying a page and only consume power when changing the text displayed, this leads to a device that gets several weeks of battery-life before needing a recharge. (they average about 7,500 page turns). Another down side to e-ink is that has a slower refresh rate. Many eReaders off expandable memory to give you a massive collection of books, however, there are some that don't offer expandable memory and you will typically be able to get anywhere from 200-400 books on the built in memory before you have to sort through and delete some.

They are pretty good devices, but are kind of pricey with the a decent one running you around $150 or higher. Many of them are actually pretty large with their 6" screens and makes for an object that isn't really pocketable. The Sony Pocket has a 5" screen and it will fit in a cargo pants pocket or sports coat pocket, but it isn't going in your jeans pockets.

Do some research on them before deciding on whether or not they are the right thing for you. More importantly go to a store (target, Barnes and Noble, etc.) that has some on display and tinker with the thing.

>> No.496387

You're such a viral marketing fag. I bought one because of you every day posting this picture or a variant of it. I have to say I'm pretty pleased with it.

Like another anon said, you automatically gain a reflex of flipping the page a second before you hit the last word so that you comfortably take in the last word just as the page refreshes. It's so god damn comfortable to carry around with one of those leather folders. It fits so nicely into the crook of your hand. I already love mine. :D

Slips nicely into a coat pocket, too. Way better than carrying around thick-ass paperbacks.

I am overall very pleased with my purchase. Can't wait to see what a few generations from now will be like!

>> No.496392

Me again. I also enjoy never paying for books again. There are IRC chatrooms with users who have 1.5 million books in their libraries! I'm in heaven. :D

>> No.496396


Your location appears to make the ereader make sense for you. I'm in NYC, so it's easy for me to do interlibrary loan to get whatever I want, or to get a used book for cheap from The Strand or wherever. With the tech being where it is and me being where I am, it's not yet worth it for me to get one. I can see how the cost-benefit analysis works differently from your perspective, because your libraries don't have what you want.

>> No.496397

> Can't wait to see what a few generations from now will be like!

Inbred, all thanks to me.

>> No.496400

i'm danish, not american, i've never seen these sold in stores, which would you recommend? and where do i buy the "e-books" from? are they easily exploitable for pirating books?

>> No.496403


They're mostly only sold at at toy stores. You should find a toy store and ask.

E-books are very rare and impossible to pirate. Good luck finding anyway.

>> No.496408

I'm at a major university with access to a massive collection of fiction/non fiction. I still prefer having an e-reader. The Sony Pocket is tiny! And so light! Taking books out of the library weighs down my school bag, takes time and effort, and sometimes smell bad.

Right now, the only negative is that I can't read my Sony Pocket in the bathtub because I fear dropping it in. I'll still borrow old books from the library that I don't care about doing water damage to for that purpose. :)

>> No.496412

are e-books rare? why would i want to buy an e-reader then? am i supposed to copy my books onto the e-reader?

>> No.496414


The people that make the eReader typically have their own store for them. Sony has a Sony library, Amazon sells shit for its Kindle, Barnes and Noble for its Nook.

If you are looking to pirate books, I would recommend Sony since it is cheaper and supports more file types. You can use a free program called calibre to automatically adjust the font size and shit for your reader to make it optimum as well.

A Sony Pocket Reader will run you about 150 USD.

>> No.496419
File: 37 KB, 400x500, 1269905664618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>E-books are very rare and impossible to pirate. Good luck finding anyway.

Nigga, you trolling me. Refer to a few posts ago where I mention IRC chatrooms with users having 1.5 million ebooks in their libraries. The scene is massive and has been going on longer than e-readers have been around. I've found every single major work of fiction and non-fiction I could possibly want for free, and instantaneously available on IRC.

Protip: #bookz on us.undernet.org

>> No.496422


Ignore this faggot >>496403 he is trying to troll post, bro.

Do a search on google for a book then type a space and put .pdf . You can usually find a download of the book you are looking for that way.

>> No.496424

that's pretty expensive, but i suppose it's worth considering

>> No.496436

lol a pda.

>> No.496440


If it is too pricey now, just wait a while. They drop in price every six months or so. When the new versions come out you can usually scoop up an older version on the cheap.

>> No.496439

150 bucks is, like, 5 books new at the bookstore I go to. It's extremely cheap when you factor in all the piracy you'll be doing with this baby.

>> No.496447


Play with it first. We mentioned this upthread, but I was all set to buy one the other day at Best Buy until I tried to read a book on it. The refresh thing drove me bonkers.

>> No.496463

there are no danish retailers that sell them, only one shop in my entire country sells it, and copenhagen is over 300 km away from where i live and commute. i suppose german retailers might have some

>> No.496465


Imagine if, when you read a book, the page winked black every time you turned the page. Either this bugs you or it doesn't. Other than that the device seems fine.

>> No.496473

i was kidding, i'm not an american fatfuck who wants everything served on a silver tray or a plastic platter
enjoy your obesity and nigger AIDS

>> No.496476

You know, it's something that you very very quickly stop noticing. I have no issue with the thing considering all the positives: how light it is, how solid it feels, the fact that I have 70 books ready to go on it and am using only 5 percent of the harddrive, the fact that it's completely bare bones--no internet connection for amazon to remotely take away books from me, an open source ebook manager "Calibre" which formats all my .txts and .rtfs into beautiful documents, the leather cover giving it the honest to god feel of a light paperback in the crook of my left hand, the ease with which I can read books while eating food now that I can lay it down on the table and not have to hold the pages, the extraordinary battery life that lasts at the very least 2 weeks, its capability to save the place of every single book I'm reading, and its perfect size.

I can honestly say I prefer the Pocket reader to to something larger. It is so wonderful to slip it into my coat pocket and then whip it out on the bus and read. There are no pages for the wind to catch and flutter. The leather cover makes it classy. No one can sneak a peek at what you're reading from the cover.

I can go on and on. Suffice it to say, the page turning momentarily black is laughably minor compared to all the absolute boons an e-reader has over a physical book.

>> No.496481

I love you. I can read ebooks I purchased six years ago on you. ^_^

>> No.496490

For me it takes 2 seconds.

>> No.496518



And let me say one more thing. When I was a child, a gang of bandits killed my parents. No, doubt cry for me. It's...been a while. But you should know this, because you should know the second half of that story. After my parents died, the Sony eReader, refresh time notwithstanding, took me into its home and showed me love. It gave me a new family and it cooked for me every day. When I started having problems in school, it showed me through tough love that I would need to take care of myself as best I could in order to honor my parents.

When the time came for me to testify at the trial of those bandits who killed my parents, the Sony eReader came as well, to make sure that I told only the truth on the stand - that I would not embellish my story in order to ensure their conviction. At the time, I hated the eReader, but now I understand what it was doing at the time.

I love my eReader. So sleek. So economical. So honest. A perfect parent.

FUCK YOU for suggesting that the refresh time is too slow for you. Me? I have a family - my new family, my Sony eReader - to take care of.

>> No.496528

You can post this 20 times a day and I still don't want one.

>> No.496534
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>> No.496535


I get the sense that someone's getting paid. I once had an internship in college where I went into chatrooms to talk up certain independent movies. It wouldn't surprise me that this is similar. These threads go way beyond what a normal-sounding person would say about their ereader of choice.

>> No.496589


Nan, nan, ya, nan, nana! Sonyman!

>> No.496600

Hey guys, I tried using the Sony eReader, but when I turned the page the screen went black and then a tube appeared from the screen and it spray infectious, mind-controlling spores at me. Now I feel like a million bucks, except I've got a pounding headache and the urge to run into a crowded place and let my head explode with infectious spores. Should I have bought the Nook instead?

>> No.496609
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>> No.498289


>> No.498292
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>> No.498295


I know, I cum out of my mouth every time I see them too.

They are just so sexy compared to regular books.

>> No.498313

If you're concerned about the delays when turning a page, look at the non-touch sony readers, they're a little quicker than the touch screen model.

>> No.498324

You know, if there weren't so many threads claiming the superiority of e-readers and waving them in my face like a flaccid penis, I might actually consider buying one.

>> No.498326


No you wouldn't. They have been around long before these threads ever got started and you never bought one. You are just looking for a reason to complain and that makes you a whiny bitch.

>> No.498335



>> No.498346

Thanks for proving me right.

>> No.498351


>State why your logic is flawed
>You claimed to be proven right

What the fuck?

>> No.498372

>512mb storage and no card reader on the pocket version

>> No.498375


Is having around 300 books on hand not enough for you?

>> No.498379

If i'm going to buy an e-reader then it's going to be for a complete change to ebooks, which means wanting both every book I have read, plus everything I want to read at least on some SD cards ready to go into the machine.

No chance of expansion means you're just going to end up having to buy a better ereader later on when you run out of space.

>> No.498402


First off, buying an ereader to totally replace books is a fucking stupid idea (to me anyways). They are awesome devices and I read a shit load more since having mine, but it will never replace the feeling of cracking open a new hardcover and getting cozy with a hot pot tea and just chilling. It is great for basically any other type of reading though. Reading while eating, while having some downtime doing other things, and so on.

Second, is there some reason you can't just keep a fuckload of books on your computer and then transfer out the ones you have already read or don't wanna read again for a while?

Not that it means much really when for $100 extra buck you can get the touch screen version that has more memory and accepts SD cards and Memory sticks to make it really god damned beefy. Just saying, that your points are pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.498420

>First off, buying an ereader to totally replace books is a fucking stupid idea
Personal preference, unless you have a real argument
>Second, is there some reason you can't just keep a fuckload of books on your computer
I like to keep them seperate, the computer is a distraction when reading. Plus it's far easier to carry around an SD card than have to deal with a laptop.
>Not that it means much really when for $100 extra buck you can get the touch screen version
From what I've read, the touch screen version has a poorer quality display, and the reviews are generally rather negative for it. Paying $100-150 extra for a downgrade in the primary point of having one is not worth it.

Like I said, i'll wait until there's one similar to the sony pocket but with the option of SD cards.

>> No.498447
File: 48 KB, 450x600, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting for my sony e reader to finish changing page

>> No.498457

That is why you get the kindle 1

>> No.498460
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>> No.498465
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>> No.498477


I lol'd

>> No.498478


>> No.498484


Like paper book technology

>> No.498491

a jester amongst gods.

>> No.498497

If my eReader had tits, I would suck them.

>> No.498499
File: 24 KB, 215x157, mug2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You can post this 20 times a day and I still don't want one.


>> No.498512

I feel the sudden urge to never buy a product of some certain company again. Odd.

>> No.498516

You will soon change

>> No.498531

looks like /lit/ is turning into /g/

>> No.498562


>> No.498877


>> No.498883

viral marketing