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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 442 KB, 667x534, God.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4964881 No.4964881 [Reply] [Original]

Can we discuss fascism? Or is that banned to? Obviously you're a big fan of it.

>> No.4964885



>> No.4964893

>two thousand years after the messiah
>not acknowledging god

>> No.4964903

Fascists are just liberals when they lose their temper, the middle class ideals are the same.

>> No.4964908

As I was fucking saying. Why couldn't God create a world where human suffering didn't exist but we were still able to chose him(If for whatever reason that was his goal). If he could isn't our suffering meaningless? How can God create a world where animals endure suffering? Where he can give them the ability to feel pain and anguish yet unable to choose Jesus as their lord and savour and have there eternal souls saved? If Animals aren't meant to be saved yet still suffer what does this say about human suffering?

>> No.4964911

I've been waiting for the janitor to actually enfore rule 1 of /lit/, still nothing so far as this place sometimes has up to 90% of the threads not actually being about literature.

>> No.4964917

I actually lol'd

There is no reason to delete my threads. Go get a girlfriend(Or boyfriend I don't judge) .

>> No.4964929


Edgy and accurate.

>> No.4964936


>> No.4964941

Not talking about this thread, just check out the catalogue at any time

>> No.4964948

Yea, but it was funnier in that context. You're right though. The mods/janitors on this board are A+ fuck ups/trolls.

>> No.4964954

>animals incapable of thought

>not having read the bible
>being unaware of the story of balaam and his mule

>> No.4964979

Are you saying animals have eternal souls and are capable of asking for the Lord Jesus as their savour?

>> No.4964999

no, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did have eternal life as well

they don't need a saviour, they are without sin, they were not made in god's image

>> No.4965002

Then what's the point of making them suffer?

>> No.4965012

>I wouldn't be surprised if they did have eternal life as well

That's convenient.

>they don't need a saviour, they are without sin, they were not made in god's image


>> No.4965018

>As I was fucking saying
This thread is the epitome of why theology is retarded.
You're talking about mythology, it doesn't have to make sense or be consistent. Have you ever tried to read scandinavian myths? It's a clusterfuck of contradicting stories.

>> No.4965047

funny how fascists bitch and whine about being banned when their whole ideology revolves around banning things they don't like

>> No.4965083

>90% of the threads not actually being about literature
>Not realizing what fascism is

>> No.4965089

why are you not a marxist
pourquo te n'est pas une marxiste

>> No.4965095

>Then what's the point of making them suffer?

Maybe suffering isn't an event, but part of the nature of all finite and temporary things.

To ask why does X suffer, is to ask why is a cat not a dog, or why am I human and not God?

But, if Jesus suffered like the bible says, then why do we suppose we are better and shouldn't be subject to suffering?

>> No.4965098

>not letting god have a place in your heart
>not allowing your body to be a temple for the holy spirit

>> No.4965104

I've studied economics.

>> No.4965103
File: 11 KB, 279x281, nietzsche2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As little state as possible!

>> No.4965107

some of that suffering is derived from the actions of men, which admittedly can be cruel, but we have been granted dominion over them, and we are allowed to do such things, within the normal parameters (don't do anything stupid like approach one for secks)

and what other anon aid is right, god himself suffered in the form of jesus, what makes us any better than allows us to be exempt from suffering?

and besides, once we arrive in his dwelling place, you won't have to worry about such

>there are people who worry about what will become of them in the next life

>> No.4965110
File: 247 KB, 500x656, 50310964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4965112

There is a certain irony in 4chan of all places being the apparent congregation ground for authoritarians to espouse their views, isn't there? The entire structure of 4chan itself is as close to anarchy as it can possibly get while still maintaining some semblance of order, and therefore as a functioning unit stands completely against everything authoritarians try to enforce.

I can't even imagine the kind of cognitive disconnect you'd have to develop to propagate fascism on 4chan.

>> No.4965115



have fun op

>> No.4965125

>Maybe suffering isn't an event, but part of the nature of all finite and temporary things.
Yes but if God created all finite and temporary things then he created suffering.

>> No.4965128

Lurk more

>> No.4965130

god also created love, peace, joy, which are all good and far outweigh the "suffering" of the world

>> No.4965138
File: 46 KB, 339x398, Schopenhauer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


“A quick test of the assertion that pleasure outweighs pain in this world, or that they are at any rate balanced, would be to compare the feelings of an animal engaged in eating another with those of the animal being eaten”

>> No.4965139

>Yes but if God created all finite and temporary things then he created suffering.

Yes, but it's only temporary. It's already gone.

>> No.4965148

Have you or schopenhauer felt the pleasure that only god can bring? suffering is nothing compared to it.

>> No.4965155

>which are all good and far outweigh the "suffering" of the world

Only by virtue of life being a fundamentally enjoyable experience, taken on its own without our natural irrational desire for life, Schopenhauer is right about it when he calls the world a botched job.

The world could be nothing but unending torment and people would still cling to life, that doesn't mean the world itself isn't shit.

>> No.4965157

Yeah, not to mention regular fan-fiction threads.

But the Anarchism thread with 150+ posts, and good discussion mostly focused around literature got deleted. Right.

>> No.4965170
File: 369 KB, 1000x1500, 1399610061305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ave you or schopenhauer felt the pleasure that only god can bring?

sounds hot, tell us more about it.

>mfw theists are hedonists par excellence

>> No.4965171
File: 100 KB, 446x576, Alexander_the_Great_Bust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Schopenhauer is dead

The only 'god' I worship is Alexander

unlike your ressentiment-born deity, he represents noble values and the pathos of life-affirmation

>> No.4965172

the world is not botched, it was deliberately corrupted by the usurper

and besides, the earth shall be restored in due time, shit is not the word I'd use to describe it

>> No.4965177


>tfw Alexander had conquered the world at 20
years old and you haven't conquered a single country yet

>> No.4965179

>unlike your ressentiment-born deity, he represents

This is how a ressentiment person speaks.

>> No.4965183

if you are affirming the will to life, youre a lost cause. Enjoy your predetermined, instinct driven vegetation you call your "life"

>> No.4965189

so epic

the holy spirit comes to reside in you, fills the hole in a man's soul

>not worshipping Jehovah
your loss pally

>> No.4965191

>regular fan-fiction threads.
Wh-what? I come on /lit/ every day and have never seen a fanfic thread

>> No.4965192
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, 1397975377397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>predetermined, instinct driven vegetation you call your "life"

>implying theological pursuits aren't predetermined instinct driven forms of vegetation as well

>> No.4965196

So...Nietzsche? Unless you were talking about the hero worship, then I can see it.

>> No.4965199

>shit is not the word I'd use to describe it

No, because you're looking at it through rose tinted glasses. Remove the Human element from the world, and all you are left with is nature. And what is nature? A blind, indifferent, cruel force, striving towards nothing. No compassion, empathy, justice, or decency, or sense of purpose.

Hardly a noble creation.

>> No.4965213

>hardly a noble creation

think you can do better? what can you create?

>> No.4965218

oh god just let this thread die

>> No.4965220


>tfw Alexander conquered the world at 30 years old and you can't even conquer a videogame country

>> No.4965222

>think you can do better?

With omnipotence? Anyone with even a little common Human decency could do better.

>> No.4965241

>human decency
no such thing

>> No.4965244


Why are you not God?

What's the point of you not being God?

>> No.4965248

>Any year

>> No.4965255

Evil is simply a privation of good, ya dingus.

>> No.4965257


>> No.4965261

man has nothing but sin and darkness in his heart.

"Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life."

>> No.4965267


>> No.4965272


>> No.4965276

If good is all powerful then he can create pleasure in a world without pain he simply chooses not to

>> No.4965278

I obviously meant god autocorrect is atheist

>> No.4965291


>the heroine addict: if God is real he would've made heroine grow on trees, for free, and available to everyone! with no side-effects

>the rapist: if God is real he would've let me rape everything easily, and continuously...clearly God can't exist! Look at this awful world with so many barriers to rape!

egotists are hilarious

>> No.4965302

>Immediately jumping to extremes to justify abject suffering, most of which isn't inflected by people

Theists are hilarious.

>> No.4965306

As witty as you might think that sounds its far from a rebuttal. Try reading my post before responding, kid.

>> No.4965309

>he simply chooses not to
>implying there already isn't a world without pain

>2014 years after salvation
>not having a pass into the heavens

PS: only one way to get a pass

>> No.4965314


Pleasure is all around us. Everything from the food you eat to the people you fuck is pleasurable. If you can't see the blessings and pleasure afforded to you you are simply an edgy misanthropic sack of shit who probably hasn't had to go through any type of meaningful struggle in order to appreciate even the most base pleasures life offers you like your friends, family, or even the keyboard you use to convey your thoughts with.

It's amazing how almost all of the most famous misanthropes and nihilist come from upper class silver spoon fuckers.

>> No.4965320

get this disgusting /pol/ topic off my book board you entitled fucks

>> No.4965321

LOL lrn2read

>> No.4965331


>> No.4965360

>If you can't see the blessings and pleasure afforded to you you are simply an edgy misanthropic

I'm not complaining about my life, but about life in general, about the lives of people who experience hell on earth. There are many, and our species has been around for hundreds of thousands of years dying and suffering in ignorance and despair.

We try to cope with the brutality of the world by making up stories about a God that loves us and wants us to be happy. But the nature of the world and the nature of this God can't be reconciled.

The story of the fall and blaming some ancient man for causing all this havoc isn't really believable anymore, we used to be gullible but are slowly waking up. So the problem of suffering/evil is hard to overcome.

>> No.4965372

What about when you felt your daughter's love in the darkness? Doesn't that count for anything?

>> No.4965377


>> No.4965401
File: 34 KB, 198x282, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the face of 400,000 years of human suffering? Are you daft?

He just said he was talking about life in general, and if you remove the human element life and the world are fucking terrible.

Schopenhauer is too pessimistic about people for my taste but with regards to reality he has his fucking head on straight.

>> No.4965409

Fascism bretty gud

>> No.4965431

Bullshit economics you mean.

>> No.4965437

Regular considering they're not allowed, maybe 3 in the past month. To be fair they're not terrible, usually just: "is fan fiction a legitimate art," "can you suggest me some good fan fiction" etc, etc.

I don't care about fan-fics but it's annoying when lit related stuff gets deleted but then unrelated threads and threads against the board rules stay up.

>> No.4965484

I was stating why I am not a Marxist, actually.

>> No.4965485


Render unto Caesar's what is Caesar's. Render unto God what is His.

Until you can explain the significance of ^ that passage, stop complaining about hell on earth.

>> No.4965488

i'm a fan of fascism for its efficiency but the fact that its impossible to guarantee that control will pass onto somebody who is charismatic not only charismatic (hitler, mussolini) or intelligent(napoleon) but wise (/lit/) makes it an untenable system of government.

>> No.4965491

>who is charismatic not only charismatic
whoops i accidentally the sentence

>> No.4965505

>not only will your species suffer, but you also have to decipher cryptic passages from dubious sources

thank u jesus

>> No.4965509

I lol'ed.

>> No.4965512

>Render unto Caesar's what is Caesar's. Render unto God what is His.
give unto the king what is the king's- the material obligations, such as taxes, labor, etc, and if you're willing to look into a wider interpretation, give unto the earth what is the earth's- the material life belongs entirely to itself. give unto god what is god's- your faith and belief, your moral righteousness.

that's really easy brah

>> No.4965532

Don't use plebeian Bibles, please. It's a form of heresy. The verse is:
>dicunt ei Caesaris tunc ait illis reddite ergo quae sunt Caesaris Caesari et quae sunt Dei Deo

>> No.4965542


Where does the suffering come from, however? If we're talking about cancer or being burned by fire, is it possible to have biological life with division of cells without having the possibility of error in the division? Can we feel the heat of the fire without the possibility of being burned by it?

To put it more generally, what is the nature of the relationship between pleasure and pain? Can we know ecstatic pleasure without knowing of tremendous pain?