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File: 38 KB, 948x1086, John Green_custom-912a0be92914ab07c29e84c0d30a871a90afa9ab-s6-c30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4963319 No.4963319 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is up with this guy?

>> No.4963325

I have a Latin teacher who acts exactly like him. Everything has to be a fucking Reddit half-joke in sarcastic pseudo-Chandler cadence.

I hope he gets terminal brain cancer.

>> No.4963333


>I hope he gets terminal brain cancer.

Isn´t it sad that i laughed out loud at that? This is what i´ve been reduced to. DAMNED BE THEE INTERNET!

>> No.4963334

this guy's a fucker

>> No.4963337

He's a pop-intellectual. He writes easily digestible books and packages the humanities (history, literary study, politics, etc) in an easily digestible way, using jokes, friendliness, reduction etc.
He's no great good, but he's no great bad either. He's mediocre. He's the equivalent of people who wrote handbooks on manners a hundred years ago.

>> No.4963339

I'm so done with this guy

>> No.4963340

He's your average liberal arts child that listens to revisionist assholes too much.

>> No.4963388

I look at that face and can't help but hear Alan Alda whining about something. Like I look at his mouth and just imagine Alda's voice spewing between his teeth.

He can probably use his telepathic powers to channel the voices of others. And if you think he doesn't have telepathic powers, I implore you to look at his forehead.

>> No.4963402

Meh he is not bad. But he is struck by a lets-hate-it-because-its-popular hate-wave, especially here, where everyone is oh so special and unique

>> No.4963426

Too formulaic. All his books are about the same "nerdy", middle class white guys who fall in love with caricatures of real people.

>> No.4963647

I just linked him this thread on skype

>> No.4963653

An Abundance of Katherines breaks that mold.

It's pleasant.

>> No.4963658

John Green you are a pandering fucking manchild and I hope all the money is worth the pathetic grovelling you have to do to your sole demographic, teenyboppers.

You are the poster child for the modern liberal hipster douche. All Joss Whedon sass, and no balls, no substance.
Write a real book you shit-eating fag retard.

>> No.4963675

LMAO I HOPE HE READS IT AND CRIES. i'm just kidding, obviously. But seriously John, you're a massive nerd.

>> No.4963680

Okay guys, given that John Green might actually see this thread, lets all work together to think up some legitimate criticisms of his work. No personal attacks allowed.

>> No.4963685

>no personal attacks

Top kek

>> No.4963688

It's shit and I don't like it.

>> No.4963722

Top contributions lads, off to a great start. Allow me, if I may, to offer my ruthlessly pragmatic input on this debate: Green is a fucking nerd loser virgin and if I had been in his classes during school or university I would have bullied him unrelentingly. Furthermore, every single copy of his work, both physical and digital, should be thrown into the grand canyon along with Green and his brother, and burned, their existence purged from the collective memory of the human race, their mention made taboo, their transient impact on this world wiped from history.

>> No.4963724

>What the fuck is up with this gay?


>> No.4963734
File: 9 KB, 250x250, spaghetti cat 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is irony btw, john. i am making a joke.

>> No.4963740

I would but I haven't wanted to waste any of my precious time reading his filth.

#tolerance = homosex
#stop me now bitches

>> No.4963743

you sound like a John Green fan

I don't care for his work, but since I am not a lonely internet-dwelling adolescent female I'm not in his target audience so who cares what I think.

I hate his style of humor and I think he's an insufferable faggot.

>> No.4963777


>> No.4964021

>john green
>johnson green
>johnson means dick
>dick green
>dick g
>gay stars with g
>dick gay
his name is literally DICK GAY

>> No.4964025

You are not him and that's a problem for you.

>> No.4964044

Please stop making these threads. You're only encouraging him and his nerdfaggot pseudo-intellectual liberal fans

>> No.4964138
File: 49 KB, 470x706, Bane_TDKR3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for who?

>> No.4964151

>target audience of nerdy teenage girls
>acts in a way that makes nerdy teenage girls love him

He is a marketing genius .

>> No.4964159

i'm okay with him
seems like a smart guy, bit of a manchild
writes decent y/a books
nothing to sway me one way or the other really

>> No.4964160

your fault

>> No.4964171

you should probably direct that to his publicist.

>> No.4964265

He writes young adult fiction for young adults. Which is 14 year old girls, mostly. This is also what his youtube channel appeals to, so its basically his character.

The plots of his books are simple and don't really explore new horizons, but they pander to the audience well.

Its like if someone went out to go make shit, and they made the best shit you ever have seen in your entire life, but its still shit. Are you proud of them?

>> No.4964275

What is it with 4chan and analogies to shit?

>> No.4964289

Probably because most threads are based on the subject of complaining about things.

Also, I dunno, its easy, hard to misinterpret.

>> No.4964290

Is shit-analogies were poop, 4chan would be a sewer filled with shit

>> No.4964297

>Its like if someone went out to go make shit, and they made the best shit you ever have seen in your entire life, but its still shit. Are you proud of them?
I could only be proud of someone who produced something that made me overcome my natural disgust of shit in such a way that I'm forced to admit that that particular shit is the best shit ever.

>> No.4964301

Why do shit analogies use shit?

>> No.4964328

His brother was born too soon after him and he had great lovey-dovey parents, which quashed early the maliciousness that festers in your average child. His entire life has been lived in Neverland and thus he's totally given to silly little delusions. I'm a begrudger, though.

>> No.4964688

Did Edward Snowden dye his hair?

>> No.4964728

I think the Green Brothers are a positive force in the world. I follow their crash course stuff and for the most part like what they are doing.
The only John Green book I've read was Paper Towns and it was ok. I am very high right now and I shall stop typing.

>> No.4964743


Their crash course bullshit is horrible.

>> No.4964745

I mean they're good guys. Can't deny that without just being a devils advocate. But I can see people getting annoyed by how they act.

>> No.4964835

how so?

>> No.4964858

not that poster but it's really, really too abridged.
>here's what happened in 1000 years condensed in a 6 minutes video!
also I personally don't like the style. it's dispersive as fuck and they try to squeeze jokes everywhere which makes it even more distracting.
and he could stop trying to shoehorn sj everywhere. man did I hear him say "this was a bad time for women" so much, he almost says it as much as the mongols thing.

>> No.4964882

The abridgement is fine for me, given the title of the show and the idea to just introduce pieces of history that can then be extrapolated into a classroom lesson or whatever.
But with the sj stuff, I agree. The one thing that annoys me most about John Green is his propensity to get a bit too caught up in social justice for women.
Too often I feel like he's being reactionary to the common talking points in sj for women where a statistic is made to look way worse than it is.

>> No.4965032

>What the fuck is up with this guy?
he's found a shtick that produces income for him. i really doubt that there's anything else to analyze. He's clearly smart and a talented writer in a sense, but that's that.

>> No.4965108
File: 20 KB, 610x324, john-green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Everything has to be a fucking Reddit half-joke in sarcastic pseudo-Chandler cadence.

Yup. This is the annoying part. Everything else would be fine by me if the whole time you weren't thinking goddammit why is he even trying to fit all these terrible jokes into like three sentences.


Overall I don't hate him, especially after watching that one video where he says he writes genre lit. that shouldn't ever be taught in classrooms. Gained a lot of respect for him from that.

But as some other posters said, his crash course videos don't really summarize the events of the time period effectively. It's more: "here's a summary of the things John Green thinks are cool throughout history, told in chronological order". And I think the production is neat enough that he could get away with being less fucking schizophrenic in every video/forcing in 1 million jokes and still have a sizable teenage fanbase. Even if his viewership was cut in half the quality would be better.

As for his books, I read a passage from TFIOS. Thought it was pretty terrible honestly. I like his titles though, Paper Towns is a cool title, The Fault in Our Stars is a cool title. One day I'll read one of the books. He seems like a good guy, if a little obnoxious at times, that receives too much praise from one side and too much hatred from the other. Hopefully some horrible tragedy happens to him, and he goes on some long journey of self realization for 20+ years where he writes constantly and never shows it to anyone, then comes back and becomes a legitimately good writer adding to the canon.

Makes me wonder, are there any examples of legit writers who started of as pop-writers or something similar?

Also one time my mother emailed me a video with the title "This guy reminds me of you" and it was fucking John Green and that made me uncomfortable

>> No.4965318

>read a passage
>"wow what a shit author"

>look at title
>"so cool!"

I laugh when I read your opinions. You guys have no justifiable reasons for hating anyone and just pull bullshit out of your ass.

>> No.4965403
File: 64 KB, 672x712, 1364797861429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I said I read a passage by him, and thought it was terrible. I also happen to think his books have good names. How the fuck are those things mutually exclusive?

>You guys have no justifiable reasons for hating anyone and just pull bullshit out of your ass.

1. My first five words in response to the OP's question are: "Overall I don't hate him".

2. I then go on to describe in detail my feelings towards the author.

3. "You guys" - I am not /lit/