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/lit/ - Literature

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4962872 No.4962872[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lyrics in combination with music are far more powerful than poetry.

I'm sorry, and I don't want to discourage all you young budding poets out there, but music is touches the soul so much more than all the rhymes, meters, stresses, enjambments or what have you.

>> No.4962874

I don't listen to the lyrics though.

>> No.4962878


>> No.4962881

i smell teenagers

>> No.4962882

Someone where who disagrees with OP and actually finds poetry to be more powerful?
I'm not taking any site, but I'm interesting in the arguments.

>> No.4962883

for once op is not a faggot

the only way to lift poetry from homosexual to inspiring is through song.

otherwise you as well recite fifty cent.

>> No.4962885
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>Can't you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass?
>You got that super bass
>Boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass
>Yeah, that's the super bass

>> No.4962888

*here. sorry

>> No.4962890


I deserve to die.

>> No.4962892
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Th..That was beautiful A..Anon..

>> No.4962897

But you can't pause a song and mull over a particular line that takes your fancy, unless you want to ruin the overall experience

>> No.4962912

Lyrics taint music.
Music is to be enjoyed for the content it brings within the soul, not because of some ebin hip social message of the time or the umpteenth time "she" did whatever.
Songs are to music what comic books are to books, unless it was your intention to listen to a form of poetry instead of pure music in which case it's okay, but to enjoy songs as pure music means you've never really taken it to see something work upon your soul entirely without your mind interfering.

>> No.4962926


/mu pls...

>> No.4962928

/mu/ intentionally listens to shitty dissonant garbage that no one has ever heard of so they can pretend to be "deep" and "misunderstood"

>> No.4962931


>> No.4962933

Nice touch, but I think you went a little overboard with 'enjambments'.

>> No.4962937

I always hated lyrics. Started out as a 14 year old who would listen to Wu-Tang thinking these lyrics are a lot "deeper" and "realer" and other things like that trying to assume the intellectual high ground like I'm sure a lot of people here have done with things, later found that YO WORD IS BOND ARM LEG LEG ARM HEAD DAS MATHEMATICS NIGGA really isn't great, and even clever puns aren't really worth the payoff.
Same, I used to listen to metal for a little while.
Let me tell you, there is little more cringeworthy shit than metal. Particularly when the lyrics are like "I am..." usually followed by some goblin-slaying ghostfighting invincible made of fire garbage.

Generally it only takes one misstep in lyrics to kill the whole thing for me, like a really forced rhyme, and I just feel like when the music swells and a voice follows it feels stupid. It's dumb. You're an idiot for liking it and probably post your favorite lyrics on soical networking sites and try your best to relate them all back to you.


>> No.4962943

>post a Nicki Minaj song
>Not "Lookin' Ass"
You despicable, filthy, philistine, pleb.

>> No.4962949

Well they are looking to rhyme and not aiming to say something important. If something profound comes out of the lyrics so be it, but it is not their aim.

>> No.4962961

what in the hell metal were you listening to?

put away the manowar and spin psycroptics scepter of the ancients or wintersuns self titled

>> No.4962966


Sure bro, I'll "spin" it if you tell me where to "cop" it but taking advice from a white guy using hip-hop slang on the internet is a bit "sus" so I think you can "fuck off".

>> No.4962980

I spin records mate, of all manner.

The records I am telling you to spin are made by white artists on, I spin em on record players that were invented by white guys, and I am telling you to do it with an english word which is a language written by white europeans. If that makes you feel any better, thought its not like I give a damn.

Are you always such a complete sissy faggot?
No wonder you can't handle metal.

>> No.4962985

>Listens to kids music
>wow lyrics are bad

>> No.4963065

That's your opinion and it's wrong and therefor invalid.

>> No.4963108
File: 31 KB, 460x287, placido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Songs in combination with theatre are far more powerful than music.

I'm sorry, and I don't want to discourage all you young budding guitarists out there, but opera is touches the soul so much more than all the albums, singles, unplugged sets, suicides or what have you.

>> No.4963159

there are like a handful of musicians whose lyrics actually have any literary merit. and even they can't hold a candle to the best of poets. op clearly just doesn't really appreciate language.

>> No.4963160

what is bo burnham.

opera sucks.

>> No.4963162

This is, of course, why music is used in order to advertise. It works subliminally. You can be told anything set to music and your type will eat it up. You enjoy passive absorption.

>> No.4963211

>choosing lyrical music or poetry
whynotboth, as in opera?

>> No.4963222


Music isn't poetry, poetry isn't music.

They're completely different and shouldn't approached the same.

Poetry is naked lyrics. Anything will sound great if sung in a great song.

Try any lyrics without music to see if they hold water.

You'll realise most lyrics are worthless.

Poetry is more intellectual and less gut-level than music, which is neither better or worse, just different.

Your age matters too. At 15, nothing moved me more than "Polly", but now I wouldn't give a fuck and an TS Eliot poem would move me to tears, while it wouldn't have before.

>The Hollow Men
>oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck

>> No.4963238
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>poetry with music is better than just poetry
You don't say

>> No.4963270


>Tries to convince /lit/ that music lyrics are more meaningful than even entry level poetry
>Picture of Kurt Cobain.

gr8 b8 m8. Come back after you graduate high school

>> No.4963465

I'll just leave this here:

>> No.4963488
File: 13 KB, 233x304, ezra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he agrees

>> No.4963504

This is wrong. I'm not going to say that lyrics necessarily make music better, but lyricism turns a medium into multi-media. If done well, lyrics can add to a piece. Sometimes it can make music that would otherwise be mediocre great.

Are you saying dissonance is garbage? You really must be clueless.

>> No.4963507

>/lit/ pretends to understand obscurantist garbage so they can pretend to be "deep" and "misunderstood"

You're just a pleb with an underdeveloped musical ear

>> No.4963516
File: 427 KB, 1651x1240, 15 - Digital Booklet_ My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (dragged).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

The way some of these records are produced can offer more to the listener than books would, and with limited lyrics too.

It evens itself out I suppose, because no song can offer as much depth as actual poetry, due to genre constraints.

Here's an example of a lyrically ok album with great production and superb execution, which makes it a great album.

>> No.4963527
File: 8 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is a thread about music, i´d like to just state that Vivaldi´s 4 seasons is the greatest musical work composed by a human being.

If you disagree then you´re automatically dismissed as being a plebeian.

>> No.4963529

>she find pictures in my email
>I sent this bitch a picture of my diiick


>> No.4963532

hey i said its lyrically ok not great, ok?

>> No.4963539
File: 47 KB, 640x278, amadeus+laughing[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


please tell me you're joking.
just please

>> No.4963547

just a bit of rusin m8 I love that dang song

>> No.4963551


Mozart is good but his works generally lack emotion

>> No.4963552

>classic elevator music
>in a lyrics thread

>> No.4963569

every form of art is only a reflection of the real world. the only art that represents nothing but itself is music and dance. Everything else is just a mirror

>> No.4963571

I agree op but I think words in music are best used sparingly

like this


>> No.4963573


>> No.4963583


do you honestly hold "dance" to be a valuable art form?

>> No.4963601

do you honestly hold dance to not be a valuable art form?

>> No.4963604

I'm only saying that it's the real thing

>> No.4964155
File: 80 KB, 1191x670, kuroneko_gif_by_kanra_san-d35bog4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life gets better at 17, keep holding out buddy!

>> No.4964157

My life got a lot shittier at 17.

>> No.4964677

Superior Arrangement coming through.

>> No.4964704

Well obviously it touches the "soul" more. That's like saying "what's more annoying, someone describing poking you, or someone actually poking you while describing it". Music inherently triggers emotions, it's cheating in the context you're describing it.

>> No.4964716

you just described every board

>> No.4964752

Where do bad folks go when they die
they dont go to heaven where the angels fly
they go to a lake of fire and fry
see em again til the forth of july

>> No.4964960

that is by the meat puppets if you were implying that was a nirvana song

>> No.4965010
File: 13 KB, 300x300, wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can be, and when it's successful, it can be quite powerful (pic related).

But musicians/lyricists attempting to appeal to the general public won't create anything of value.

>> No.4965015

your meter is off

>> No.4965053


>> No.4965079

neutral milk hotel is just a syd barrett ripoff. stay pleb.

>> No.4965080


Also, anymore suggestions of good classical music? It's not really my genre, but I really like the ones that stand out. Stuff like Shostakovich's depressive period or Bach in general (no wonder philosophers love him, his stuff sounds great even when it's typical). I also like Brahms more than Beethoven (although I like is Moonlight sonata, more than his favorite fruit ba-na-na-na) and a bit of Mozart and Tchaikovsky. I can't stand Strauss because everytime I listen to him I see Tom skating on ice or whatever he did in that Tom&Jerry episode. Also, from the little I listened to, Verdi wasn't that great, but I loved Liszt.

>> No.4965099

Nirvana... more powerful than Heaven?

>> No.4965122

Anon, I don't care how good those lyrics are, if I can't understand a word he's groaning I won't listen to it. I draw the line at pleb death metal like In Flames which I can at least understand, but for some decent lyrics I recommend Iron Maiden, Clutch (they have some great songs, but most are shit) and Alice in Chains along with each band's numerous side projects.

On the rap side, I wish Tech N9ne would stop being so stereotypical (singing about himself and how great he is, about all those haters and so on) because he's got a lot of potential (check ot the beginning of Straight out the gate, the first few verses or so) and that Aesop Rock would actually be a little more pleasant to listen to (he has a few good songs, but most either say a load of nothing in a fancy way or are just tedious to listen to).

>> No.4965134

What a fucking pleb do you even Gregorian chant.

>> No.4965147
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I agree they hit harder emotionally, but that isn't really news to anyone and doesn't "ruin" poetry. Poetry is more about expressing a concept through these things: "rhymes, meters, stresses, enjambments or what have you", than it is about pure emotional effect.

Favorite lyrics thread? I love Bob Dylan and Neil Young, but holy shit Isaac Brock is an incredible songwriter:

Slow walk
It's land mine
It's coal mine
It's a bad thought
On the way to god don't know

My brain's the burger and my heart's the coal
I'm trying to get my head clear
I push things out through my mouth I get refilled through my ears
I'm on my way to god don't know or even care

My brain's the weak heart, and my heart's the long stairs
Inland from Vancouver shore
The ravens and the seagulls push each other inward and outward
Inward and outward

In this place that I call home
My brain's the cliff, and my heart's the bitter buffalo
My heart's the bitter buffalo
We tore one down, and erected another there

The match of the century, absence versus thin air
On the way to god don't know
My brain's the burger and my heart's the coal
On this life that we call home
The years go fast and the days go so slow

>> No.4965162

Maybe parts of Spring or Autumn, but Summer and Winter are, pardon the vulgarization, the equivalent of quality heavy metal. Unless it's an extreme elevator I don't see it.

The way I see it, it depends on the moment. Sometimes instrumental music works best, sometimes lyrical music and sometimes poetry. I do think that, as others have mentioned, poetry gives more room for reflection because you can go at your own pace (unless you're a pleb that goea to poetry readings aka biggest circle jerks known to man).

>> No.4965163

But Rossini is better :J)

>> No.4965194

You re-listen. Think about how much easier it is to memorize song lyrics than poetry. That's part of its power

>> No.4965226

Isaac Brock. Would kill for his song/music writing talent combo.

We Were Dead album by Modest Mouse had some truly great lyrics

>> No.4965245

i have not found a haiku that would be improved with music

>> No.4965287

just thought i'd jump in here and say that

while i enjoy writing poetry and i enjoy writing music, i loathe writing lyrics!

every lyric i write sounds either too vague, too pompous or too trivial.

surely there's a relationship between poetry and lyrics, but they're vastly different objects.