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/lit/ - Literature

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496127 No.496127 [Reply] [Original]

ok /lit/ how come bella is immune to everyone's powers except alice and jasper?

>> No.496133

Because Stephenie Meyer doesn't know how to write proper literature.

>> No.496141

yeah! what a fuckmop

>> No.496144
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>> No.496146

You need to read more carefully, her power of immunity is derived from her general aloofness even before she became a vampire, Alice's power doesn't directly affect her, it merely views what may or may not happen in the future.

>> No.496151

jasper's does directly affect her

>> No.496152

mind affecting powers don't work on someone without a mind.

>> No.496161

Forgot to capitalize I.

>> No.496163

Because nothing is happening in her mind.

>> No.496167

No it does not, it just affects the emotions of her, that is not really her.

>> No.496175


>> No.496182

Personally, Bella's immunity to different vampire's powers (Edward's, the Volturi's, some of the Amazonian coven's ect.) is very subtle imagery pulled from the fact that the innocent and the pure are, in a sense, untouchable in today's desolate, down-falling society.

Some critics of Myer call this rhetoric hyperbole, but I find it exquisitely subtle and riveting.

I think we can continue to expect powerful literature from this author.

>> No.496198

I also spelled frustration frustion

hurr durr

>> No.496199

i wish i could craft articulate lulz like this = |

>> No.496211

7/10 for style