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/lit/ - Literature

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4961390 No.4961390[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What work of literature would you like to see adapted into a film? in the style of what director?

>> No.4961393

None. Cinema is shit.

>> No.4961394

On the Beach by Aronofsky

>> No.4961405

thus spoke zarathustra by ingmar bergman

>> No.4961458
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Pretty much everything I ever read. I could do them justice.

>> No.4961518

The Gargoyle by David Fincher or Steven McQueen
Steven Sodenburg

>> No.4961522

Is Terry Pratchett dead yet? Can we start feasting on his corpse?

>> No.4961527


The people here have shit taste in just about everything.

>> No.4961538

The Diary of Anne Frank by Michael Bay

>> No.4961542

I hate to sound like the massive faggot I'm about to but a Pynchon novel movie directed by Wes Anderson would be cool.

>> No.4961547

I think GR could only be adapted successfully as animation.

>> No.4961549

>Wes Anderson
u wot m8

>> No.4961550

I've always wanted to see Mason & Dixon directed by Terry Gilliam.

>> No.4961552

lol wtf

>> No.4961557

I bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson.

>> No.4961587

I've said it before on /lit/, but I'd love a miniseries of The Brothers Karamazov directed by Matt Weiner.

>> No.4961605

I want a complete multi-movie adaptation of the Epic Cycle.

Not sure who could actually do it, but it needs to happen.

If Peter Jackson could return to his pre-Hobbit state then he could have done it, but I think he sold his soul so he's no longer eligible.

I want a miniseries of The Series of Unfortunate Events. Each book is a one hour episode. Not sure who could direct it. The movie sucked though I liked the visual style.

Finally, I want Martin Scorcese to adapt The Picture of Dorian Gray. I can't believe there hasn't been a decent adaptation of it yet.

>> No.4961627

Scorcese adapt Wilde? You're crazy.

>> No.4961630

Infinite Jest
Woody Allen

>> No.4961662

A Confederacy of Dunces starring and directed by Will Ferrell. He would be the perfect Ignatius Reilly, and think he should try to step behind the camera as well to push himself and regain some credibility. It would be Will Ferrell's Braveheart.

>> No.4961670

Iron Fist and Luke Cage directed by Tarantino.

>> No.4961671

I'm actually in need of finding a lesser known novel to adapt into a screenplay to sell to an amateur filmmaker/ friend of mine. Anyone have suggestions on rare novels?

>> No.4961674


>> No.4961687

Ulysses by Linklater.
It would be like his work but without the need of plagiarism.

>> No.4961701

I'd like to see Hitchock direct some of DeLillo's films.
Maybe Lynch, too. I think Lynch would do a wonderful job with Point Omega.

>> No.4961702

Oh man, good one.

>> No.4961708

Gravity's Rainbow, Terry Gilliam

>> No.4961717

Actually, I just remembered that Douglas Gordon is adapting Point Omega.

>> No.4961718

Why not? Dorian is a lot like Scorcese's most famous characters. Obviously the setting isn't his stomping ground. Maybe I am too much of a Scorcese fan boy. Can you think of anyone else who might be capable?

>> No.4961725

No, i really mean that one.
Before Sunrise was one of my favorite movies and i wouldnt mind another one.

>> No.4961728

Sofia Coppola
The Sun Also Rises

>> No.4961732

I was being sincere.

>> No.4961740


What about Hitchcock's style do you think would mesh with DeLillo? I feel like Hitch would be a terrible choice because his films all have a touch of warmness and humor missing in DeLillo, and because he incorporate the modern styles of the 50's and 60's so well I can't imagine him conceiving anything postmodern.

Bravo on Lynch though.

I would add to that maybe Michael Mann, who also does austere very well.

>> No.4961748

>Sofia Coppola

Not even one

>> No.4961750

I though i sound ironic, thats why.
If written by Paul Schrader.

>> No.4961766

I was mainly thinking about Baader-Meinhof and Point Omega (and I guess Creation, which I just recently read). I think Hitchcock, at least in Psycho, captures voyeurism so well. Plus, he's particularly good at staying in one place, a sort of moving stillness. I think there's an actual phrase for it (I think in an essay by Mulvey, but I can't remember). Also, Point Omega is so full of Hitchcock that it just made sense to me. Dennis and Jim are pretty much Norman Bates.

Other than that, though, I think Lynch would be better. I finally got around to watching Blue Velvet, and immediately thought of Hitchcock when Jeffrey was peeping.

>> No.4961790

Francis Ford Coppola presents: Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa's The Leopard

>> No.4961795

Fair enough.

>> No.4961805


>> No.4961810

Calvin & Hobbes
Darren Aronofsky

>> No.4962191

elliot rodger's manifesto directed by the guy that records lil b's music videos

>> No.4962276

I don't think cinema is an appropriate medium for most literature because it caters to a fundamentally alternative demographic. Troy vs. the Iliad is fair embodiment of this distinction. It is better to say a movie is inspired by a book in the same way that Strauss's "Also sprach Zarathustra" was inspired by a book. Speaking of that piece, I think Kubrick adaptions manage the best, even though they are almost always very different from the source material. Barry Lyndon comes closer than any movie I've seen, to conveying literature on film--and I think we can agree that it's not ideally suited to be played in movie theaters, at least not revenue-wise, despite it being a masterpiece.

>> No.4962279

I agree. I actually believe a film should just have inspirations rather than a narrow source such as a single book. If I was the director I would ensure that I did not get wrapped up in the plot adaptation, but rather how to 'message' the themes visually.

>> No.4962282

I think the film of Naked Lunch embodies that approach marvelously.

>> No.4962284

The Man Who Was Thursday by PTA

>> No.4962285

>any Kubrick film
>a masterpiece

Stick to books, kid.

>> No.4962287

yeah, and the "one sitting" thing about cinema also doesn't help. tv can do a nice job adapting a novel, but film is not ideal.

>> No.4962289

barry lyndon is the only one that is

>> No.4962290
File: 9 KB, 162x190, max_von_sydow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death in Venice by Pier Paolo Pasolini.
Gustav von Aschenbach - Max Von Sydow.
Tadzio - ???

>> No.4962292

Thanks, I'll be sure to check that out.

>> No.4962293

What, in your opinion, are the primary flaws of Barry Lyndon?

Yeah. Films also cost a lot more, so there is tremendous pressure to pull in as big of an audience as possible for its own sake, whereas a book isn't about saying, "What will maximize readership even if it alienates this many people would love it as it I initially thought of it?"

>> No.4962295

No problem. Watch the trailer if you haven't already.

>> No.4962299

>What, in your opinion, are the primary flaws of Barry Lyndon?

Funnily enough, that's one of two Kubrick films (the other being Fear and Desire) I haven't seen. I was making an assumption based on the rest of his work. Of making a masterpiece I didn't think he was capable. Is Barry Lyndon an outlier?

>> No.4962302


>> No.4962305

well what are some masterpieces in your opinion

>> No.4962306
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>> No.4962312

I just think it's a /tv/ meme to shit on Kubrick because of his popularity and relative accessibility. Most of them have only watched The Shining and A Clockwork Orange.

>> No.4962313

wow that sucks

>> No.4962320

If the somewhat satiric opening (fairly realistic; Sterne's father was wounded in such a duel) and the ironic tone of the narrator didn't grab you, you probably wouldn't like it.

>> No.4962326

i wouldn't argue with people about this movie because none of the people who criticize it understand the type of novel it comes from at all. every single person ive ever talked to about this movie didn't get that it was funny all the way through

i laugh my ass off like the whole movie and these people just think it's "cold" and "overserious" and "boring" like c'mon fags get with it. they just see period costumes and start snoring

>> No.4962327

>not Tarantino

>> No.4962330

Well I like satire and I like irony. I guess it's everything else that I wasn't crazy about.

>> No.4962332

>Can't explain
back to /tv/ with you

>> No.4962336

Andrei Rublev (the greatest film I've seen), Taxi Driver (which, in my mind, is the greatest post-war mainstream American film), Winter Light, There Will Be Blood, many more.

>> No.4962340

you like taxi driver but are too cool for kubrick? dear lord. there will be blood is not that good either.

>> No.4962342

I was with you until There Will Be Blood, it's not a masterpiece but it is good.

>> No.4962345

I'm the guy you originally responded to. You've piqued my interest; it looks promising.

>> No.4962349

I chose those films deliberately to show you that my dislike of Kubrick has nothing to do with his popularity or accessibility (though I'd argue he's not all that accessible, despite being popular).

>> No.4962351

What's interesting is that it is both ridiculous and realistic. It does a groundbreaking job of simultaneously capturing Georgian culture and Georgian satire. Life mocks itself. Truly a delicious piece; after such an expert fusion of style and substance, the dichotomy ceases to be an excuse for any other work.

>> No.4962352

I don't like the pacing, I don't like the rehashed theme, I don't like the wide shot, I don't like the sound quality, I don't like the narrator speaking over the actors, I don't like the director or the story I don't like the person who posted it, I don't like you, I like the costume design and I'm sure I'd like the actors on a personal level but we'll never know for sure.

>> No.4962353

well then why do you dislike him

i think his stuff after dr. strangelove is a mixed bag myself, but when he's on he's on

>> No.4962358

>I don't like you
B-but I like you.

>> No.4962361

It is. Good soundtrack too.


>> No.4962393

Infinite Jest and anything by William Gibson by David Lynch

>> No.4962675
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>Wow, moving paintings? Yuck!
I think you may have brain damage

I wish Kubrick had done a Julian adaptation.

>> No.4962679

The Stranger by Godard.

>> No.4962682
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Blood Meridian. I guess I'd give it to the Coen Bros. since they did such a wonderful job with No Country For Old Men.

Also I'd like to see Goodman as the Judge.

>> No.4962704

I'd like to see Blood Meridian directed by Mel Gibson, Tye Sheridan as the Kid, Barry Pepper as Glanton and David Morse as the Judge.

>> No.4963018

Blood Meridian with Brad Pitt as Toadvine. Or as Glanton. Would steal the show no matter who played the judge.

>> No.4963033

I absolutely cannot get over how bad technicolor looks.

>> No.4963056

This movie will never get made because of the violence. If it was made, it would be totally neutered and would lose much of the books impact. Anyone disagree?

>> No.4963078
File: 486 KB, 1699x2655, hanteringen av odöda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to see on more of John Ajvide Lindqvist's books: Hanteringen av odäda - how to handle the undead (It's not the official title in English I think).
They already did a film based on his Låt den rätta komma in - Let the right one in. it was a really beautiful Swedish film, very silent, very clear - very book like in my opinion. something very different from all the other vampire stuff going on.

But then there were the Americans. They had to do a remake. It was pure shit. Lindqvist didn't like it. So he decided none of his books will ever be adapted to film again.
And that's the whole story...

It's such a pity! It's a great book. The idea of the undead in this story is kinda unique - they actualyl make sense and it's still a real piece of literature so there is a meaning for life behind this, critism of society. aww. man!

>> No.4963158

Master and Margarita by Satoshi Kon, from beyond the grave.

>> No.4963517

I want a Snow Crash movie.

>> No.4963550

The Fifth Head of Cerberus adapted by John Carpenter

>> No.4963567

Norwegian Wood

Terrance Malick

>> No.4963580
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Good books take full advantage of the written word, and do not ever translate well to other mediums.

>> No.4964847

If it were to get a director that wanted to show maximum gore, instead of implied gore, often just as bad if not worse, then you'd get an R rated film.

Show one penis and it's NC-17ville.

>and do not ever translate well to other mediums.
Except no. They're called adaptations for a reason.

>> No.4965292


If I could get the production and acting quality of Breaking Bad. I'd go for

>The Dark Tower

>> No.4965296


oh and I'd need a mini series pls

>need buewbs pls

>> No.4965301

Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Mel Gibson

>> No.4965442

HBO miniseries of The Things They Carried. I think it could be better than the book.

>> No.4965448

Oh, snap! Has this already happened or is it stil in the works?

>> No.4965453

Christian Bale as Toadvine or Glanton could work, entirely different characters I know but I think if he devoted himself to either one he could make it work.

The Kid would be the hardest to cast logistically. Obviously should not be played by an actual child. Isn't he supposed to be 14 - 16 throughout most of the book, then in his 20s at the end? Find an actor who you can make look like a babyfaced teenager pretty easily, but who can also grow out a beard and be dressed up to look older.

And who could even do the Judge justice? And it's a shame Sam Jackson isn't 20 years younger, we could cast him as Black Jackson.

>> No.4965454

Aside from a few shitposters Kubrick is pretty popular on /tv/

>> No.4965458

I don't think it was made or is being produced, and can't find anything on google

>> No.4965470
File: 121 KB, 510x680, A Canticle for Leibowitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Canticle for Leibowitz directed by Terrence Malick. The create destroy create cycle of human civilization would be awesome.

>> No.4966014

neal asher's 'prador moon' or 'shadow of the scorpion'. because tony scott is dead, have to go with director of seven and zodiac.

>> No.4966020

Linklater directing Tao

>> No.4966022

On the Beach was already done with a star studded cast.

>> No.4966029

what shitty fucking taste this board has

>> No.4966035

Oh my god, again, what shitty fucking taste
>not a masterpiece
no one here knows jack shit about anything

>> No.4966077

how do people think twbb is that good

it's good but i mean the story is the most expected, generic thing in american writing. hurr durr i want to make a masterpiece, better make it about this shit that just screams "muh magnum opus, so srs"

>> No.4966097

how do people think twbb isn't that good
it's great but i mean the story must be a little over their heads and is a perfect representation of not only how corrupt the oil business and religion is from the ground up, but how corrupt business and religion in America is and how the American Dream of being a success is actually full of dirty back room deals, lies, and manipulation fueled by greed that always leads to strained relationships, lack of recognized hindsight, and blinding delusions of ones priorities. hurr durr i don't understand the fill, better just say it screams 'durr masterpiece' that will get them

>> No.4966198

oh wow so it's the most generic "american dream" story ever, the one everyone learns in high school

the american dream isn't real and has a dark side. what a revelation! who could've guessed in 2007?

>> No.4966307

Breathless is pretty close already

>> No.4966816

Sade's Juliette starring Emma Watson by Larry Clark

>> No.4966840


I think you mean John C. Reilly

>> No.4966845

The Trial by Lynch, or more realistically, Aronofsky

>> No.4966850

Uh how?

>> No.4966867

He tried to get the project off the ground for years. He's way too old though now. Most recent speculation has been Zach Galifankis in the role of which I don't like the sound.

>> No.4966882

I want a Netflix original low budget episodic slice of life comedy/drama based on the writing of Tao Lin with Tao himself starring, writing some of it, and directing some of it. The big conflicts and triumphs and plot points in Taipei are all in Paul's head so a movie would just feel meandering and meaningless when the novel is anything but. I want to see the McDonald's MacBook movie scene and the drugged out poetry readings and the awkward parties and the spontaneous marriage and the 4chan drug hookups and just a shitload of scenes of Tao being awkward yet aware. May or may not have a Dexter-style internal narration (don't know if it would add humor and self-consciousness or just become tedious and state the obvious all the time).

>> No.4966888
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this one would fuck the carnivals up, if it was not a copy of a book, considering it would be executed well.

Though I'd rather see Namık Kemal's Cezmi in screen.
>Türkü Turan as Perihan
>my dick when she shows her feet to Adil

>> No.4966955

Rendezvous With Rama
Fuckin morgan freeman needs to get on with it already.

>> No.4966989
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What about The Diary of Anne Frank by Mel Gibson? He's among the top tier directors of today.

>> No.4967045

Something is missing in that image, one suck ass and the other dont

>> No.4967052

Gibson is god tier.

>> No.4967058

I see him in shitty movies, still he dont suck ass.

>> No.4967502

this is probably my favorite book ever, but I disagree. the long stretches of monks talking would be boring on the screen, they would have to shoehorn more action in, and it wouldn't be fitting. not to say there aren't great dialogue centered movies with little to no action, but the book isn't structured in a way that would grant it leeway. if you never read the book, it would just seem disjointed and odd

>> No.4967514

who's that guy on the right?

>> No.4967516
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Lord of light would be amazing to see adapted in capable hands. The effects and scenery, ugh my blood turns into strawberry syrup just thinking about it

>> No.4967517


ferris bueller

>> No.4967616


>> No.4967637

Book of Revelations as told my Patmos

directed by: Jodorowsky

>> No.4967644

As a director, I mean.

>> No.4967648

Infinite Jest - Wes Anderson

Hipsterdom would literally implode

>> No.4967689


I can imagine the fictionalized DFW stepping into frame and looking right into the camera to lay out each and every footnote

>> No.4968115

Would love to see Catcher in the Rye. That book begs for a movie adaption. But only one that is perfectly accurate to the book. It would have to take place 50% in reality and 50% in Holden's mind.

I think there is one movie adaption of it which was made in the 70s or something..

>> No.4968138
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I, for one, would pay good money to see that.

>> No.4968916

I believe actual gore has its place over implied gore. Look at zombie movies. They are almost always gory, because the blood and guts of being eaten alive is goddam disgusting and is what makes zombies so terrifying. The exception that proves the rule is World War Z. PG-13, not scary, not good, just brad pitt doing a Bono impression and people playing tag.

Blood Meridian must be actually gory. The mesquite bush decorated with dead babies was not implied. I need to see that "double fistful of brains hit the floor." to realize that this isn't my father's western.

>> No.4968934

This would work really well for the tennis bits, but it'd be terrible for everything else.

That thought probably furnishes the best way to approach filming IJ --- make a bunch of different films.

>> No.4968940

Cassavetes wanted to a musical adaptation of Crime & Punishment. Always wondered how that would've turned out.

>> No.4969302

this actually looks like a painting, if i didn't know better I would think it is. in fact I'm not even sure now

>> No.4969318

I haven't read that book but from what you said I'd say malick is the right choice lol

>> No.4969327
File: 233 KB, 640x368, vlcsnap719656om2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf are you doing man. aronofsky is shit and orson welles already made a fucking incredible adaptation of the trial

>> No.4969389

if youre into post-apocolyptic sci-fi give it a read, one of the essentials

>> No.4969619

Agree with this completely

>> No.4969629
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GR needs to be an anime forreal

>> No.4970118

Would definently watch. MM is the goat show and his writing on sopranos was great. Awesome idea

>> No.4970121

Only if it's directed by Masaaki Yuasa

>> No.4970144

Watch Welles' version and you won't wish for that

>> No.4970375
File: 66 KB, 500x281, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My thoughts exactly

>> No.4970386

Nah, he's hanging in there.
Although, Sky has already made three miniseries based on his books. They were actually pretty good.

>> No.4970387

I think Wes Anderson is the perfect guy to direct a Discworld movie.

>> No.4970480

Kubrick's cinematography took cues from paintings of the period, those were his major visual reference.