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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 300x354, Jean-Jacques-Rousseau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4954940 No.4954940[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Unless women were domesticated and constrained by modesty and shame, he feared[32] "men would be tyrannized by women... For, given the ease with which women arouse men's senses... men would finally be their victims...."[33]

Does /lit/ agree?

>> No.4954946

The man speaks from personal experience - the only reason his life was not satisfying was that he was not spanked enough.

>> No.4954964

He had a stable fuckbuddy though iirc.

>> No.4954967


>> No.4954982

men fearing women in this way is a:pathetic as fuck and b:topkek

>> No.4955017
File: 26 KB, 435x444, schopenh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it came true to a degree. But this isn't about us, it's about them!

My girlfriend would be a much better person if, like in older times, she was constrained by society, in other words if I by proxy was allowed to control her. And she would be much happier too, as now she is the slave and victim of her own, clueless and aimless will, battling depression and the meaningless of it all at every corner.

A woman must choose, be happy or be free. Why do you think they torture themselves with unattainable desires? Why do you think they are never content no matter how they organise their lives? Why do you think that every 6 months they come up with a new 'thing', hobby, (new years) resolutions that never last, 'do fun things together', ... And whenever they do get (to do) what they want, they only get disappointed or flip out because one little thing goes wrong or isn't as they expected.

When have you ever REALLY got to know a woman, I mean really get to know her well, her real feelings, past, desires, ... and found out that she was a normal person that wasn't severely traumatised and damaged and yes even fucked up in at least one way. The only way to "not stick your dick in crazy", is to be gay.

>> No.4955034

>implying homosexuals aren't also crazy
The only way to keep your dick out of crazy is to keep it in your pants.

>> No.4955044


Hmm you got me there. But to keep your dick in your pants is to go crazy yourself... There must be another way! It better not be beastiality. Oh shit... what kind of people are not yet damaged/crazy...? Yeah... you guessed it.

>> No.4955053

>implying fapping to pure 2d waifus is crazy

>> No.4955060


>> No.4955066

Rousseau gave birth to the manchild archetype: the one that thinks he as a person is perfect and that all evil in his life can be attributed to "society". Before that people actually took the blame for their own sins.

>> No.4955075
File: 20 KB, 295x421, A Vindication of the Rights of Women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A counter argument to a lot of Emile and the general world his generations brought about.

>> No.4955079

women should know their place imo
not to say that men shouldn't know their place.

I think there has been a general collapse in people knowing their place.

>> No.4955082

Human beings have the most efficient brains in the world. Reasoning beyond the myth of a "dominant gender" is kid stuff to contemporary scholars and pretty much any free person with a brain. How is gender inequality still a thing?

>Male anon here

>> No.4955084

the craziest

>> No.4955088

Her and the threee dozen living jewish women who top the bell curve do not make a strong argument for the remaining three billion of your emotional little balls of hormones.

>> No.4955111


until, that is, men recognize they are all somewhat homosexul

>> No.4955118

You just said nothing anon, congratulations. Saying things should in theory be a certain way doesn't actually mean anything. See: the failure of communism every time it's been implemented and the fucknuts crazy that humanities departments have begun wading into, women, black people etc

>> No.4955133

slightly in a rush and i apologize for my vague wording.

it seems that a system like this is easily scrutable and fixable, driven by the motive of utilizing 7 billion+ minds rather than 3.5 billion+ minds (generally speaking obviously)

equality just seems obvious for optimal societal growth

>> No.4955147

Are you referring to the places of a caste system, serfs and landed gentry etc.?

Spoken like someone who never read it or never understood it (Not that it's difficult)

>> No.4955157

We have equality. A bunch of lazy twats whining that gender studies
doesn't pay 300K starting or installing aesthetic positions in corporate departments for the sake of "having women" is not equality. Neither is the family court system or the significantly higher percentage of women in higher education.

You are a reality denying faggot.

>> No.4955159

Is misogyny /lit/'s never flavor of the month?

>> No.4955161

My reading a book doesn't prevent women from displaying herd mentality and easily being manipulated by media and trends.

>> No.4955168
File: 36 KB, 400x300, Edward Bernays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For one thing, this manipulation goes both ways, for another it goes much deeper than the media. You should already know all this.

Naw. I wish. There's a few conservative anons here who are nip deep in their patriarchal reverence.

>> No.4955173

Butterfly, lets face facts for a minute here. You are a shut-in, snarky bitch who will never reproduce. No one should strive to be like you or your ideals.

>> No.4955180

Semi-shut-in, and will never reproduce. But I'm hardly advocating any particular lifestyle here, I'm disagreeing with wiki lift in the OP.

>> No.4955181

ad hominem

>> No.4955184

fuck why are names not working

>> No.4955188

Okay well in that regard I will certainly concede to you this:

>For one thing, this manipulation goes both ways, for another it goes much deeper than the media. You should already know all this.

But I maintain women are more easily influenced through mass propaganda and they in turn influence the men.

>> No.4955190

Get your own, man.

>> No.4955193

Stop impersonating me, sexist pigs

>> No.4955195

I just don't know where you could get that idea from... Oh wait.

(Must head out now.)

>> No.4955205
File: 70 KB, 676x800, Selection_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are a bunch of totalitarian left wing statists and should never have been allowed to vote.

>Suffrage coincided with immediate increases in state government expenditures and revenue and more liberal voting patterns for federal representatives, and these effects continued growing over time as more women took advantage of the franchise. Contrary to many recent suggestions, the gender gap is not something that has arisen since the 1970s, and it helps explain why American government started growing when it did.


>> No.4955216

>Must run away now teehee xP

Yeah, of course. No, my opinions do not come from media. I don't even consume mass media, at all. I am not an autistic loser like you and actually interact with real humans regularly.

>> No.4955230

I interact with real humans too. Just not some prestigious think tank like yourself. But really, it's getting late in the day and I'd like to go and read.

My perspective is that huge masses of people have been manipulated and herded into this culture of stupidity. Even the smarter ones aren't worth much these days. It can change within a generation to something better, or worse. Don't be too judgmental is something I live by. Have a nice day.

>> No.4955333
File: 342 KB, 960x480, nietzsche1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women's period of storm and stress.

In the three or four civilized European countries, one can in a few centuries educate women to be anything one wants, even men--not in the sexual sense, of course, but certainly in every other sense. At some point, under such an influence, they will have taken on all male virtues and strengths, and of course they will also have to take male weaknesses and vices into the bargain. This much, as I said, one can bring about by force. But how will we endure the intermediate stage it brings with it, which itself can last a few centuries, during which female follies and injustices, their ancient birthright, still claim predominance over everything they will have learned or achieved? This will be the time when anger will constitute the real male emotion, anger over the fact that all the arts and sciences will be overrun and clogged up by shocking dilettantism; bewildering chatter will talk philosophy to death; politics will be more fantastic and partisan than ever; society will be in complete dissolution because women, the preservers of the old custom, will have become ludicrous in their own eyes, and will be intent on standing outside custom in every way. For if women had their greatest power in custom, where will they not have to reach to achieve a similar abundance of power again, after they have given up custom?

>> No.4955341

For the record, I think you and your ideology are reprehensible, but it is interesting to note that the US was only able to outlaw liquor once women were given the right to vote.

>> No.4955385


Based Fred gets it right yet again.

>> No.4955438

Women choose safety over all else. It's one of the reasons why they can never truly be great.

>> No.4955593


Not a very strong counter argument.

>> No.4955652

We need more women who think like men.

>> No.4955662

Paglia is cool.

Didn't Beauvoir say that women raised by single men end up being better people, because a man only knows how to raise a "boy", i.e. a whole person?

>> No.4955813


I wouldn't say Paglia "thinks like a man," but she's cognizant of the fact that men and women have been in this tango from time immemorial. The sexual arena is exciting and to be explored, but you have to accept the potential consequences, unlike the Tumblr crowd and the school of resentment.

>> No.4956901

And who lobbied for it?

And how would such a daughter raise her child as a single parent?

>> No.4956930

It has been demonstrated time and again that women are more fervently and commonly religious.

They also made up the vast majority of grassroots charity organisations, many or even most of which were coordinated around/from a church basis.

They just replaced the grassroots propriety activism which was their major sphere of civic participation for over a century with mandating propriety via a nanny state.

>> No.4956971

Jesus fuck Nietz, for all your crazy bullshit you had some really smart stuff to say.

>> No.4956992

the principles of equality, justice, and reciprocity force me to disagree. i must abide by these.

personal experience, however, suggests i should agree. i'm torn between what is obviously (normatively) right, and what seems (descriptively) right.

>> No.4956999

We "enslave" kids and deprive them of total liberty because of arbitrarily decided differences in capability.

>> No.4957009


you mean gender roles?

>> No.4957031

Well I can at least say its very good that you are not in politics, butterfucker

>> No.4957064

>implying matriarchy wouldn't be a more agreeable ideology than patriarchy

>> No.4957085

>Unless men were domesticated and constrained by modesty and shame, he feared "women would be tyrannized by men... For, given the ease with which men arouse women's senses... women would finally be their victims...."

>> No.4957088

Why would I agree with a mere assertion?

>> No.4957109

>hundreds of thousands of years of matriarchal society
>most sophisticated development: sharp rock
>switches to patriarchy 10,000 years ago
>developments since: everything humanity ever did that wasn't a sharpened rock

>> No.4957147
File: 74 KB, 301x473, wratsharch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a world that has a guaranteed mutually assured self-destruction for the entire population via hundreds of nukes since the world order is literally run by 10,000 disparate people that all want each other dead and think the world is fucking Risk
>versus "sharp rock"

>yfw you realize 10,000 years of history has been one long ass fucking mistake

>> No.4957148

I want sex right now.

>> No.4957170
File: 149 KB, 445x601, 1363443695740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw men fucking rule
>yfw we're going to conquer the galaxy

>> No.4957181

he was submissive as hell, of course he would feel this way.
I don't think it's wrong or right, but that it depends on the person and how they feel sexually and towards women/in relation to women in a sexual context.

>> No.4957186

I imagine a lot of men around that are would have had serious David Hume envy.

>> No.4957202

>implying a death of the human species wouldn't be good

>> No.4957206
File: 9 KB, 320x240, Poppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loves the political status quo just as it is.

>> No.4957221


>> No.4957237

>i'm a boy btw

dick or gtfo

>> No.4957241

I would prefer it to be more barbaric, actually.

Do you like Stirner?

>> No.4957289

>tfw no dumb hedonistic stud in a matriarchal society

>> No.4957308

Your's is why we can't have a Stirner/anarchist world

>> No.4957311

Women are as much heirs of the West as men, it's simply that the systematic oppression of women prevents them from realizing it. This is a great evil and must be corrected.

Know, O Women, that you too are the heirs of Homer, of Hesiod, of Plato, of Aristotle. The works of Virgil belong to you also, as does the thought of Marcus Aurelius. Augustine is your confessor, Aquinas your theologian. Chaucer and Dante are your poets. Luther is your schismatic, Calvin your doctrinaire. The works of Hobbes and Locke belong to you, too, as do the works of Pope and Swift.

Change the 'he' to 'she,' the 'his' to 'hers' if it eases the digestion. Or don't. It makes no difference. You too are heirs.

>> No.4957328

>implying stirner wouldn't be fine with him being a barbaric cunt

You can't call on Max for justice, butters.

>> No.4957334

Ah yes, let's give all the quasi-literate masturbatory intellectuals of this board the opportunity to air out their sexism under the guise of philosophical debate. I haven't yet had enough of the desperate young men who, in visiting a message board about literature, cling to their perceived intellectual superiority as a means of separating themselves from the mass of humanity, those that reject them, or those that they fear.
For example:

Let's spout a bunch of ship-shod antiquated gender theory that in 99% has been left behind or fully analyzed and critiqued by scholars more intelligent and lucid than anyone who frequents this board.

Fuck, I hate 4chan. Why do I even come here anymore, I'm too old for this bullshit.

>> No.4957353

>this tryhard spiel

could someone describe the exact way that this post is like the takes-shit-too-seriously-and-gets-actually-mad of reddit wrapped in a veneer 4chan

i don't think i'm up to it

>> No.4957372

Sorry, the way he's dressed is just too ridiculous to take him seriously.

>> No.4957378
File: 74 KB, 1200x962, Don't be sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear ya.

>> No.4957383

lol u mad
do u get upset when people use the dreaded N WORD too?

>> No.4957392
File: 9 KB, 490x357, 1244531547349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woh!? Small penis?
You said small penis didn't you!