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4954933 No.4954933 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: The ultimate patriarchal manifesto.

>> No.4954939


>> No.4954947

That's none of your business, but thanks for asking.

>> No.4955067

>Actually thinking this book is anything more than degenerate filth/toilet paper substitute.

>> No.4955071

You don't see a connection?

>> No.4955186

>dat butthurt

>> No.4955200

>toilet paper
>talking about 120 days of sodom
you guys are assholes

>> No.4955203

>All brass butt band.jpg

>> No.4955209

Virgin detected.

>> No.4955231
File: 51 KB, 271x270, sade van loo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marquis de Sade was actually the first true and most consistent defender of women rights and a true egalitarian. Read his better works like Philosophy in the Bedroom. He taught bitches about their clit when they weren't allowed enjoyment. He taught them about contraceptives and making the most of the power that their femininity provides them.

He was also great in the sense that he didn't consider women's empowerment to be about stopping to be women like some angry dykes. He urged them to embrace what they are and make the best of it.

Truly, there hasn't been a more properly feminist writer since based Donatien Alphonse François, and I've never met an educated woman who dislikes him, and the women who know and appreciate Sade are the best there are.

>> No.4955244

>He was also great in the sense that he didn't consider women's empowerment to be about stopping to be women like some angry dykes. He urged them to embrace what they are and make the best of it.

Why is it that feminism wants women to be angry dykes so badly? Do women hate being women this much? Fuck I would think it would be great having a license to act like a total faggot whenever you wanted and wear cute comfortable shit and not have to work very much or very hard.

>> No.4955250

This is all male perspective.

>> No.4955256


>> No.4955262

Hahahaha imagine if someone did that to feminism? "this is all female perspective, IGNORED BITCH". My got that would be tantamount to rape. The sad part is it would be more truthful considering memes like the mythical pay gap have been destroyed repeatedly for decades yet keep popping up.

>> No.4955263

i think its a gurl

>> No.4955264

Yes, that is the crux of the male perspective.

>> No.4955265

It really isn't, I know plenty of women and plenty of lesbian women who agree with me. Sade's perspective isn't sexist.

>> No.4955268

That's what you were doing. You're very excited about it, like a little boy with his first erection.

>> No.4955269

Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.4955276

Women can have male perspectives. You're again expressing patriarchal bias.

>> No.4955277

Don't validate impotent, sarcastic non-responses from the intellectually dishonest morons. They just disagree in this faggy manner whenever something that doesn't fall in line exactly with their exact beliefs, you see it here all the time.

>> No.4955280

How much Sade goes over people head around hear is really depressing

>> No.4955281

To you: faggy means feminine.

>> No.4955283

See? >>4955268

There's nothing there. There never will be. "LOL NO BY THE WAY I'M QUITE CLEVER XD". That's all they have. It works in their real world circles of protection so they just do it all the time.

>> No.4955284

I here that.

>> No.4955288

What did you disagree with? If it's the pay gap you are about to be proven wrong.

>> No.4955290

You're actually quite feminine in your ways. You sound like you're being raped.

>> No.4955292

i peed a little

>> No.4955293

You aren't saying anything. In fact, you're being a sexist moron by explaining away why other women disagree with you. You are a complete idiot and a follower unable to think on you own. You'll reply with one sentence saying that any woman who disagrees with you is doing just what I said in the last sentence. Prove me wrong

>> No.4955294

You look like such an idiot every time you do this

>Well yeah. I might be a toxic idiot with nothing to say, but I'm being sarcastic again so what now?

How can you even feel good about yourself doing this?

>> No.4955296

You're responding to a transparent troll with an unrelated angry rant about feminazis. Go outside.

>> No.4955301

You're upset that I disagree with you and simultaneously state that I don't think on my own.

You're enraged. You'll deny having any emotion now.

>> No.4955302

As Deleuze said, "arguments from your own privileged experience are bad and reactionary arguments". How do you feel destroying the very basis of enancipatory politics?

>> No.4955303

le patriarchal white knight appears

>> No.4955304
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>> No.4955306

That's good that you can quote other people.

Any women you'd like to quote?

>> No.4955308

I am hungover and combatting that before I read. I don't want to go outside, it might rain on my book and my girlfriend is still at work. DON'T JUDGE ME, CIS SCUM!

>> No.4955309

You're very brave.

>> No.4955311

Repeating /pol/ cis tropes is fun, isn't it.

>> No.4955312

Oh, I would, but apparently if I did so I would be "appropriating" the movement, wouldn't I?
Also, what for? You already assume your experience counts more

>> No.4955314

Experience meaning: whose ideas have I memorized?

>> No.4955319

Go get raped, you slut. Then tell me about your experience.

>> No.4955320

Experience meaning: the idea that your "perspective" has more argumentation value than any rational argument

>> No.4955321

I get to grace myself with your presence.

>> No.4955322

Women are absolutely shit at debating and can only use low blows or emotions as weapons. They either cry or rage or get personal. I have rarely seen any woman being unbiased and they are so stuck in their own little world they fail to see things from others perspective. I don't deny there are certain issues in society which negatively affect women. I'm just talking about their way of debating. Like ITT, you can see how they're just pointing out how someone is wrong or just completely nullifying what one says due to their gender. Who is sexist now?

>> No.4955326

I hate summer /lit/

>> No.4955328


Yes, you assume that patriarchy is better than matriarchy because you have a penis.

Look at you being buttblasted while trying to describe the fantasy you have of women being butthurt by you.

>> No.4955337

Oh so we are back to colonizing then? Let's affirm ridiculous universal categories based on our eurocentric view and push it down everywhere. Not tried at all

>> No.4955345

You can't even come up with basic English words to provide a proper argument against what I said. Face it, you just can't win at logical debating of a topic.
Stay pleb

>> No.4955357

Well, you've read all the correct books. Bravo.

To the patriarchy, argument is the highest form of social discourse. In actual fact, men don't know how to listen. There sole intent is to dominate.

Patriarchy is terrorism.

>> No.4955363

>There sole intent is to dominate.
Citation please

>> No.4955373

To enter an argument is to intend to win, to defeat.

>> No.4955379

Citation please

>> No.4955382


>> No.4955396

If you don't even know how to use common English words, I'm sorry I won't take you seriously. Yes obviously debating is how you justify your opinions and the final result decides who is correct. Are you going to blame patriarchy when you get same education as anyone, regardless of their gender for not knowing when to use their or there? I've grown in a 3rd world country without proper education system or any privileges or facilities. So don't give that 'patriarchy helped you' shit. Malnutrition doesn't give a fuck if you are a male or a female.

>> No.4955400

This is a great /pol/ argument. I'm sure you've posted the same thing there many times before.

>> No.4955435

I don't even get to use Internet we don't have good coverage. I don't visit /pol/ because I'm not interested in the content there. I have nothing against women. My mom has raised me single handedly and my gf is helping my through a lot. But that doesn't change the point i was trying to make. You trying to nullify my point on no base whatsoever is sad. I expected better from you privileged 1st world people.

>> No.4955445

This is a hysterical story.

I mean in the feminine sense.

>> No.4955462

What's with this astounding clusterfuck of a thread?

Yeah, let's all yell at each other within the humanities. I'm sure the corporate overlords will be impressed.

>> No.4955465

Thanks for added to the cluster, however small your effort.

>> No.4955482

50 Shades of Gray is a woman trying to lick the cock of patriarchy.

>> No.4955495

>He was also great in the sense that he didn't consider women's empowerment to be about stopping to be women like some angry dykes. He urged them to embrace what they are and make the best of it.

To be women is a social construct. There is no objective woman behavior, only social expectations, anon. The only thing one needs to be a woman is a vagina. Sade encouraged this construct; its not something to brag about it.

>> No.4955499

OP either WAS the retard talking about De Sade yesterday, or is some other retard who saw the thread and just realized that Sade existed.

>> No.4955500

Women exist. You're utterly terrified of this fact.

>> No.4955503

>needing to identify anons

You sound desperate.

>> No.4955508

Yes, because clearly two related instances of people shitting up /lit/ with these threads and my pointing out that people who make threads about a book or author without knowing shit about the subjects in question are annoying and useless surely highlights my desperation.
Stay dumb, whether you are either Sade thread OP or just some other retard.

>> No.4955512

>men don't know how to listen
dat transphobic discourse
Also, there is nothing to listen here. You claim to speak Truth, but Truth has no speaker or representative, it speaks for itself. You also negate the possibility of a dialectical construction of it, through debate, disavowing every other perspective (even if its a woman's perspective) as masculine and inherently not-truth.
I think what I'm really getting at is, what gave you the power to define what is "feminine" or not (and therefore to say that the women who like Sade are not feminine)? How do you know this category is in fact universal and not socially constructed and, therefore you are not alienating other culturally constructed ways of expressing femininity? (i

>> No.4955513

To you: defeat is shit.

>> No.4955521

You're expressing femininity while hating yourself for it.

>> No.4955527


>> No.4955530

overall. Don't be ashamed of it.

>> No.4955532

The ironing

>> No.4955536

Being "cute" is the male's way of accepting defeat.

>> No.4955537

I'm not. Femininity, contrary to masculinity, is a Becoming (Not sure if the right translation of the devenire), so every man has it

>> No.4955540

No it's not.

>> No.4955541

I know you're patriarchal in nature, but you also have a feminine side you were taught to self-hate.

>> No.4955553

>Implying I'm male
>Implying that was being "cute" and not me expressing the hopelessness of getting a repeat retard like you to understand

You'll get it one day.

>> No.4955555
File: 110 KB, 550x319, Barong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you also have a feminine side you were taught to self-hate.

>> No.4955560

Yes, the patriarchal admission of defeat.

How sad.

>> No.4955561

I know. I've been wanting to study more on this. Any books about it? I've tried Anima and Animus by Emma Jung, but its too essentialist to me.
I've always admired people like Kevin Barnes, who seems to be pretty balanced in that matter.

>> No.4955565

Did a tripfag just try for attention?

>> No.4955567

No, you should just accept the way you are instead of wasting hope on trying to "fix" it.

>> No.4955573

Also, the "in nature" thing is not kind of transphobic? Isn't gender performative?

>> No.4955577

That's making gender a philosophy, which implies it doesn't exist.

>> No.4955581

I'm not trying to fix it, I'm trying to embrace it. Just don't know how, because I'm not really sure of what it is for starter. That's why I asked for books

>> No.4955583

do you have any valid points? I'm sorry our shithole of a country doesn't have as many privileges as your first world country. how is it hysterical. what do you even mean by your second sentence. I'm intrigued.

>> No.4955584

You should embrace that you can't accept it.

Stop trying to be perfect.

>> No.4955597

Your greed for knowledge that you're not entitled to is probably an extension of your constant hunger for actual food.

>> No.4955598


What the fuck do you even mean?
Ttheres no objective archetypal woman. You cant quantify women. You and many philosophers throughout history seem highly afriad of this fact.

>> No.4955602

Well, Rei you're not the one to talk. You just make up concepts which don't even mean a thing. Also, you have autism.

>> No.4955606

Well, it may not exist as an a priori universal concept, but as something constructed socially, what wouldn't make it less valid.
(quick question, isn't Judith Butler the star in academia/feminist theory right now?)

>> No.4955611

Women are over 50%.

>> No.4955615

Everyone knows what a woman is. That's how you know what to be terrified of.

>> No.4955623

Define woman.

>> No.4955630

A biological construct.

>> No.4955632

Not necessarily.
Cant men be afraid (or envy) exactly of this void, this indeterminacy, this ultimate freedom that is the Feminine? Maybe because it shows the way to a sexuality beyond the Phallus?

>> No.4955635

That's the hope, the dream.

>> No.4955637

... Therefore destabilizing the phallocentric libidinal economy?
I mean, we are more easily terrified exactly by the things we don't know than the ones we do.

>> No.4955638

Why are SJW's attacking /lit/?
Please tell me we aren't about to go through another "white men authors are racist sexist cunts" phase. That phase fucking sucks.

>> No.4955642

Your cock will have it's day in the sun again. Just be patient.

>> No.4955648

Ohhhhh I get it.
Femininity is neither a thing or a no-thing, but a "to-come", a realization?

>> No.4955649

Because feminazi's actually hate the idea of a feminine woman. They are sexist in the fact that they think that a feminine woman who likes to be feminine is weak.

They literally are angry dykes who are mad that they can't wear pretty dresses and prance around and be found attractive by men, so they fuck other angry dykes.

>> No.4955650

The meaning of your sentence isn't knowledge, it's an opinion. greed for knowledge? I said I'm intrigued. I didn't beg you to tell me. Or try to offer an incentive to share your opinion about your vague commentary on my points. Isn't feminism and Liberalism all about making people ashamed for having privileges? Be ashamed you have the privilege of good food while many don't. you contradict your whole ideology.
Greed is impure, it's motivated by ulterior motives. striving for knowledge is completely different than greed of knowledge. What can I learn from you? Maybe from the mistakes you make, but certainly not grammar and punctuation.

>> No.4955651

Just for men.

>> No.4955654

You're hysterical again.

>> No.4955656

This board is going to be shit for at least a month due to this new meme of discussing patriarchy.
Goddamn this is pathetic.

>> No.4955660

Dumb patriarchal analysis that means nothing.

Patriarchy is pathetic. It's not my fault.

>> No.4955666

A woman is born a woman, then?
She is just forced to abandon it in order to participate in the male libidinal economy? Where this leaves the transsexuals?

>> No.4955668

No, a woman does the birthing.

>> No.4955673

you're vague again.

>> No.4955675

Your penis is small.

>> No.4955679

and how does that matter. you still can't make a valid point

>> No.4955683

Apparently neither can you.

>> No.4955684

The fisical birthing, you mean?
(also, I'm losing it again, you agreed that the Feminine was this void/indeterminacy that implies a freedom to determinate one-self. This is true for both sexes, right?)

>> No.4955687

I realise it's a construct, but that's the reason anti-feminine shit is a silly tendency among certain feminist circles.

>> No.4955689

I made valid points and you justified them all. You are vague, you can't make a valid point and you have resorted to personal low blows. how much more valid can my points be.

>> No.4955690

Do you know how reproductive biology works?

>> No.4955692

The hallmark of the patriarchal influence is the need to WIN - war, defeat, surrounded in agony.

>> No.4955694

>the patriarchy explaining correct feminism


>> No.4955696

I guess you were talking about the physical birth, then.
What institutes sexual difference, then, if everybody is born from a woman?

>> No.4955699

You just described the sexual difference. Maybe you understand more than you think.

>> No.4955707

It's a fake, then?

>> No.4955708

That undermined patriarchal values.

Patriarchy and promiscuity do not mix.

>> No.4955710

No, there are real things. Maybe you understand less than you think.

>> No.4955713

Maybe in theory, but patriarchy is promiscuous all the time.

>> No.4955715

>There is no objective woman behavior, only social expectations

Is menstruation a social expectation and not an objective woman behaviour?

>> No.4955720

Oh yeah because pointing out I did make valid points is somehow mysoginistic and represents patriarchal views? I don't understand you made the connecting between you failing to make a valid point to patriarchy

>> No.4955722

Giving birth is an illusion, apparently.

Yes. You are the proud cock of the walk. You're hoping we all like to look at you.

>> No.4955724

No it is not. Patriarchy is never promiscuous. Whenever promiscuity happens that's a subversion of patriarchy.

Saying that promiscuity is patriarchal is like saying that theft is lawful, "because people get away with theft all of the time" - no, that's a subversion of the law.

>> No.4955726

They are not asking for your meaningless platitudes, you fucking shill. They are looking for BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS. Reading comprehension, people!

>> No.4955727

Marquis de Sade disagrees, who is the master of this thread.

>> No.4955728

There is no patriarchy
It's an excuse for women to continue to do nothing important in their life by blaming it on some made up oppression.

>> No.4955729

>falling in to the MEN VS. WOMEN hegelian dialectic set up by the elite to destroy the family

stop doing this


>> No.4955731

Just make sure they're all written by males, right?

>> No.4955733

Marquis de Sade was a degenerate faggot, he undermined "the patriarchy", i.e. Catholic morals, and he knew he was doing that.

>> No.4955735

Dat ad hominem. We really need /pol/'s sticky

>> No.4955736

Stating a fact is not the same as bragging. I did make valid points. It does not make me any better than anyone else. You're making base less assumptions.

>> No.4955739

You should be proud, not ashamed.

This is a patriarchal male admitting defeat.

No he mocked it. Catholicism has very feminine influences.

You should learn to accept compliments.

calling out ad hominem is an ad hominem

>> No.4955740

Patriarchy barely exist today. I can see people complaining about it in ancient Israel or in certain Muslim communities today, but in modern liberal society? That truly is pathetic.

I don't get mad about this though, because I know it's all Jewish/masonic/socialist propaganda and all of you pushing this are just poor useful idiots that have been duped into serving a cause that is against your interests.

>> No.4955741

Ohh ok. You were talking about my other posts, not the birth one.
The Real of the sexual difference comes from the very biological disposition of both: the man has the penis, which becomes the master-signifier for sexuality and manhood, while the woman's body is multiple and varied by its nature, therefore making Femininity a void, an indeterminacy.
You were referring to this?

>> No.4955742

We're talking about a book which you haven't read.

Come back later.

>> No.4955744

You are so insufferable, who said anything about gender? Again, BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS. You're like a small child that can't handle the conversation going anywhere other than your agenda, and any attempt to deviate or reroute is brought back to your hugbox.

>> No.4955746

I'm not referring to anything. I'm just answering your questions. You seem too afraid to assert anything, but at least you're exploring your feminine side.

>> No.4955749

Thank you, if you sincerely meant to complement me. I'll return the favour by saying you're one of the few people I've debated who haven't gotten carried away by emotions.

>> No.4955750

Oh, okay, so you find women's point of view as valid as men's.


>> No.4955752

Thanks. It's important to keep your mind focused if you're going to get anywhere in life.

>> No.4955756

Yes, yes, traitor to the patriarchy, any recommendations?

>> No.4955759

I think you should submit your resignation by lopping off your penis.

>> No.4955762

I wish you the best in your future endeavors.

>> No.4955767

When I start affirming things is usually when the acussations of being sexist/homophobic/transphobic begin...
But ok, what I gathered from our conversation and from other readings is this:
The Real of the sexual difference comes from the very biological disposition of both: the man has the penis, which becomes the master-signifier for sexuality and manhood, while the woman's body is multiple and varied by its nature, therefore making Femininity a void, an indeterminacy.
Would you feel contemplated by this definition?

>> No.4955773

Well, you're too afraid to deal with opposition from stating your blunt opinions.

It's typical.

>> No.4955776

The penis is insignificant, but that's the patriarchal problem and why it is failing miserably.

>> No.4955783

I'm afraid of being wrong and/or offending people, because I want to be right. Its not a bad thing.
Would you agree that what I said sums up our conversation?

>> No.4955786

It may not be bad. It is pathetic.

>> No.4955803

Well, I'm talking from a male perspective, so obviously from there the penis signifies the whole of sexuality and masculinity, naturally. (funfact: that's why people get so offended/give that much importance to the penis size)
Buut as we said, there is space in men for a sexuality beyond the Phallus, right? That would be the femininity implicit in men?

>> No.4955806

Men can be feminine. It's been known to happen.

>> No.4955808

No, calling ad hominem is ad fallacy.

>> No.4955815

I'm not sure what's going on in this thread. I mean, it LOOKS like shitposting, but this is a kind of shitposting I don't often see around these parts. I'm confused.

>> No.4955816

true. it's just another patriarchal admission of defeat.

There's too many to count.

>> No.4955820

Ok, I think I get it.
Thank you for your time. Anything I can offer as a retribution for it?

>> No.4955821

You're exploring your feminine side and terrified.

Don't worry, you'll snap back to your usual ways.

>> No.4955824

As always, cutting off your penis is your only hope.

>> No.4955842

Patriarchy: Women treat you like their father plus benefits.

Matriarchy: Women treat you like their son plus benefits.

I'll take the food and the money.

>> No.4955847

It's an entirely different kind of shitposting, altogether.

>> No.4955848

You are a woman.

>> No.4955853


Bonus point for it not involving slave mentality as manliness.

>> No.4956208

>Look at you being buttblasted while trying to describe the fantasy you have of women being butthurt by you.

the thing is though, if you talk to a woman about this stuff, 7 times out of 10 they start doing what >>4955322 this guy referred to.
I don't think it's something specific to women. It has something with a person have the impression that they are at a point of disadvantage. Women going on, yelling about they don't have a voice.. It's like uh look, I saw your clickbait article posted 90 million times on face book I'm pretty sure you have a voice

>> No.4956225

He wasn't referring to it. He was doing it.

>> No.4956240
File: 116 KB, 226x280, zarathustra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw coming across a strong woman who don't need to put down no man
>tfw they don't even consider themselves feminists but just are boss niggaz on their own account

>> No.4956332

This guy was on the right track. Every post after that one is stupid circlejerkery.

>> No.4956338

like yours

>> No.4956349

>write book on immorality of power
>omfg how can you support the power system?!?
Come on, even if you only watched the antifascist movie version, you have to know how retarded you are OP

>> No.4956354

>makes patriarchy look bad

b-but we were only joking!

>> No.4956385

Is such a thing even possible?

>> No.4956389

not when you're lying on the internet

>> No.4956398

So are 'feminazis' anything more than a very minor subset of the feminism movement?

It seems like the way feminism takes unique incidents of misogyny and projects them onto the majority of the male gender seems not unlike the way supposed 'anti-feminists' take unique incidents of radical feminism and project them onto the majority of the feminist movement.

>> No.4956402

Feminazis like 120 Days of Sodom.

>> No.4956409

Feminazis are a subset of feminists. Feminists are not a subset of egalitarians.

>> No.4956414

Feminazis are a subset of patriarchy.

>> No.4956420

>Pasolini insufferable
Is Sade a Romantic? If yes, the entire film misrepresents both him and Fascism.

>> No.4956422

You haven't read the book.

>> No.4956423

You could argue that but you'd need for them to exist in a patriarchy, which they don't to the best of my knowledge. They certainly desire to exist in one or else desire to make invalid points.

>> No.4956432

they mock the patriarchy unconsciously

>> No.4956465

Someone mention de Beauvoirs famous essay on de Sade already! Time to read up. It's a defense, by the way.

>> No.4956494

I'm glad you've memorized it.

It's become really useful to your posts here.

>> No.4956744


>> No.4956905

[*Psst* It's a Christian]