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/lit/ - Literature

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4951518 No.4951518[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>in french lit class
>Teacher talks about surrealism
>"you know the major model of the surrealists was Sade, he's admired for his bravery to publish his work in such times when church had great power on society"
>"his work shows that all our morality is just a relative social construct, and that we're only being shocked because of our uniform way of thinking"
>all class goes into masturbation mode, spiting shitload of weak parallels and interpretations that they state as facts
>decide to react myself
>"Are we seriously considering Sade as a legit artist ? The thing about relativity of morals is just some made up bullshit put in prefaces to sell books, and the fact that surrealists admire him is comparable to an edgy teenager saying his role model is hitler to appear subversive. Sade had fetishes and wrote pornography for the ones like him, is there anything of reflexion in the 120 days of sodom beside people having sex in a billion different manners ?"
>everyone looks kinda angrily at me
>teacher stays silent for 20sec before answering
>anon, you have to read beyond the surface, a book has several layers..."
>she then goes in a 15 min speech to tell me I'm wrong

I knew I should have chosen economy

>> No.4951525


Seems like you're mad people have different opinions.


>coming to 4chan to vent your frustration

Are you 12?

>> No.4951533

>Being this much of a faggot

What is happening to this website

>> No.4951540

Congrats, op.

You are now the Elliot Rogers of that class because you couldnt suppress your opinions

>> No.4951546

I'm always ready to hear about everyone's perspective about a book, even when I totally disagree I talways find it interesting to see that I haven't read the same book as others.

But today the whole class went into euphoric atheist mode, I just said that I did not agree and gave my point of view, their reaction and especially the teacher's was what was frustrating.

>> No.4951557

Wow, OP you are right, you are a total pleb.

Im just going to assume this is a troll

>> No.4951558


Seems like you're the only one that, in your own words, "reacted" in that classroom, though. Everyone looked at you angrily, sure, but they didn't throw a hissy fit.

>> No.4951572

I definitely feel that, OP. As a Christian, I acknowledge that my belief is logically insupportable, but to hear most atheists spout off about atheism and their arguments against religion is to be awash in a sea of very bad reasoning and poor education. I seriously think that the rise in atheism is directly proportionate to the falling quality of education. Yes, more degrees are being handed out than ever, but they mean less and less, and to be a guy whose faith is literally based on the predication that it cannot be logically proven, and yet be easily out-deducing most of the morons who espouse atheism like it's a fucking trendy thing to be, is deeply disheartening.

I really enjoy conversations with intelligent atheists, FWIW. They have taught me as much about my own faith as have many a priest.

>> No.4951585

ITT: OP mumbles something in class and no one cares

>> No.4951591

>Not appreciating hardcore fetish porn written by the man who's name gave birth to the word "sadism" as being some deep philosophical message makes someone an edgy psycho

I know you're probably right about the class's perceptions but this is inherently retarded

>> No.4951596

>You should just agree with the herd and smell your own pseudo-intellectual shit OP

You are the cancer killing academia and society at large

>> No.4951598


No wonder he's probably girlfriend-less. He thinks people actually cared about what he had to say to the point they were, according to him, "angry" when in truth they were making plans for friday night and wishing OP would just shut up.

>> No.4951604

Keep your opinion to yourselves in class, it's not worth it. I get your sentiment, your reaction was juvenile OP but it's cool you will grow out of it

What's mindboggling to me is how much Sade went over your head

>> No.4951605

Also, here's my best "pseudo intellectual" story from when I was in college:

> English 300
> Teacher is full multi-culti
> My turn for class critique and discussion of thesis: "Heart of Darkness is best interpreted through the lens of cultural evolution; its opacity as a text functions as an adaptation against premature rejection of its thesis by readers, allowing it to more effectively communicate its point than the same thing argued verbally ever could."
>teacher asks me if I think the written word is more effective at communicating than the spoken word.
> I say yes, in some ways.
> Prof AND class go nuts, "hurr durr then does that mean civilizations which never developed the written word were inferior?"
> I tell them that it just means they didn't have all the tools of communication; certainly they might have excelled in other ways.
> they are not placated, tell me I'm a cultural chauvinist
> how does this help me improve my thesis
> how are you all in english 300
> dude asks me if I think the internet is the most effective means of communication ever invented
> yes you giant clit sucking faggot
> no one listens to the rest of the thesis because they are too hung up on the fact that I'm not going to blindly agree with multiculturalist dogma.

>> No.4951607

>This entire post

YHVH is a tribal war god from a pantheon and all of the smiting and the deceit in the OT is retarded, ragardless of being a metaphor for strife or whatever is trendy with you modern hypocrites. Also the entire story of jesus is really, really stupid. Spout your patronizing bullshit elsewhere retard, this is why people are openly hostile to you. You implicitly put yourself above them immediately and think any opposition basically is the result of epic society maymays. You're a cultist.

>> No.4951613

You do realize that it was a common practice to hide controversial works that criticised the king and the church by making it seemingly about grotesque sec such as cutting people open etc in order to hide its more important messages from the searching of the king? De Sade was not the only one, and if you honestly think his books were about no more than fucking, I doubt you even read them

>> No.4951617


Well, you certainly implied that civilizations which never developed the written word were inferior, though.

>> No.4951618

This is really hard to believe about myself given the GOOD conversations about religion and atheism I've had with atheists who are better than you.

But go ahead, please use excellent rhetorical strategies like "lol bible is retard" to make yourself stand above the crowd, it's totally working and has never been pointed out to me before.

>> No.4951623

>how much Sade went over your head
ok did this guy write any essay, letter, journal about his "deep message" ?

>> No.4951624

They ARE inferior insofar as the ability to communicate goes. This is not to say they are any less human than I am, or that they may not be very much more advanced than my culture in other ways. I'm just not going to be full on cultural marxist about this; there ARE real advantages and disadvantages to different cultures.

>> No.4951625

it's true though isn't it?

>> No.4951630

Have you read "Justine"?

>> No.4951634


He didn't have any deep message, but he wasn't writing his sexual fantasies. His idea was too overexagerate the violence and perversion of the french nobility from his times he saw with his own eyes. He's also a really funny writer, see it as a parody of the french cultur from that era. I'm not sure if he wrote essays about his own writing but there is letters and journals of his out there

>> No.4951637
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Oh, the white man thinks his civilization is better than others! What do you wanna do about that, Mr. Social Darwinist? Culturally enrich them?



>> No.4951641

better in what sense?

>> No.4951647

no, will look up to it

>> No.4951651

The funniest part of this is that although OP is claiming that his teacher is a pleb/pseudointellectual, all he has done is proven how littleminded and plebeian he is.

Not only that but now his whole class knows!

>> No.4951666

But earliest of languages originated in Egypt and Mestophatia ?

Whats this have to do with Europe which was a barbaric shit hole back then

>> No.4951667

basically. I will grant you this - all the times when my church oppressed academia (after basically giving rise to it) - I FEEL the impotent fury those academics must have felt when I try to get a word in edgewise against self-righteous, dogmatic postmodernists and/or multiculturalists. It's not that I have no way to dismantle their arguments, it's that they aren't listening in the first place; they aren't even debating. In their minds, they're simply sermonizing.

>> No.4951674

it's all about orgies with priests, I don't think it has an other aim than that

>> No.4951677

it doesn't really have anything to do with europe, it's just that multiculturalists are overeager to jump on anything that smells of rigorous debate about culture, while simultaneously only possessing a limited toolset of rhetorical strategies with which to make their opinions felt.

>> No.4951687

>is dis nigga for serious?

>> No.4951691

But for what purpose

>> No.4951692
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>I knew I should have chosen economy
OP confirmed for bourgeois internet defense force.

>> No.4951701

>Unironically using the word 'edgy' IRL

>> No.4951704

making their careers in academia, obviously. once you have built your reputation around publications in a certain mode, you will be loathe to repent of that mode even if proven wrong to your face; you will lose reputation, because most academics are still humans that think failure is indicative of a lack of intelligence and insight.

>> No.4951710

lol no

>> No.4951722

>they were making plans for friday nigh
kek, nigger you've never been in lit class

>> No.4951743

i'm truly sorry to hear. fuck those kind of people.

>> No.4951760

honestly at this point it's all a joke to me. The idea that a room full of people who had devoted their lives to books would simultaneously with one voice begin bashing books as inferior to oral communication is so hilarious to me it seems like the whole thing was part of some absurdist comedy.

I learned a lot about people that day.

>> No.4951788

Sorry OP but that was not very eloquent.

>> No.4951791

exactly. not every culture needs written language to thrive or accomplish great things, but it's still a very useful tool for every civilization. it's not culturally insensitive to state the extreme fucking obvious that written language would make it easier to communicate in a civilization.

>> No.4951831


The most bizarre thing about this is that the professor in question was not a stupid woman. She was very well educated and pretty smart - she definitely taught me a lot about writing, close reading, the history of literary theory - everything I could ask for in a professor. But when it came to her dogmas, she was as blind as a bat.

I have this really weird impression of her in my mind; simultaneously deep respect and derision.

>> No.4951833

OP is a goddamned retard


you admit you take things at face value and yet you still claim there's no subtext

>> No.4951836

Dipshit. He was to engage in a discussion and ask /lit/'s opinion. Is that a 12-year-old behavior?

>> No.4951841


how is that wrong?

>> No.4951866
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>landwhale in my English class has apparently only read the Harry Potter and Hunger Games series
>will not stop talking in both lectures and tutorials
>takes half an hour to explain her point, which is often only tangentially related to the topic at hand
>illustrates her points with obscure examples from the aforementioned series, often delving into the fucking lore
>turns up late to a packed lecture, tries to share the last seat with a terrified Asian dude
>falls out of the seat into the aisle, literally rolls down the stairs while everyone looks on

>> No.4951869
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>> No.4951891
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>> No.4951893


It truly is an Orwellian nightmare we live in.

>> No.4951918

>professor or student mentions historic authoritarianism, racism, restrictive gender roles, imperialism, etc.
>must throw in two or three adjectives about how DUMB and SHITTY!!!! medieval england was or whatever

no one needs your editorial. if the story says they stoned a gay, we're all aware that there was a gay, and there were stones, and the gay was hit with the stones. we can all interpret that with our own opinions about gays and presumably stones.

it's especially puerile when they ignore cultural relativity and act like we've COME A LONG WAY from greek misogyny. i can not like greek misogyny, and say i wouldn't want to live in a society like that, without adding "but they were crazy for hating women!!" as a footnote to every single sentence.

it even shows up in academic work, you have to include that the nazis were DESPICABLE, SHITTY, suddenly the prose breaks the dispassionate academic tone and has to bemoan the TRAGEDY of the german people's choice in 1933. yes. i have opinions about hitler too. shut the fuck up.

>> No.4951917

>pointing out social structures
nevabeendunb4, maybe not around his time though.
I bet everyone in the class thought that pointing out social constructions somehow discredits them.

>> No.4951972

I hear you on that one. It's the same thing when you're studying the bible and someone has to say "eww there's incest in the bible!?"

yes motherfucker, the book isn't saying it's good, it's just saying it happened. people have no fucking clue what a neutral narrative even means anymore.

>> No.4951982

>engaging in actual serious debate at undergraduate

What the fuck, why even bother. Don't even try disagreeing with the professor its not worth it. It won't make you look good and they won't listen anyway. Save it for post graduate.

>> No.4951991

>As a Christian, I acknowledge that my belief is logically insupportable

this heretic needs some Aquinas ASAP

>> No.4951992


respectfully disagree. as an undergrad I had some based professors, and even one or two based classes of peers, that were very productive in debate. one of them was even an entry-level course: Cognitive Science 101.

>> No.4952000

haha, that heretic here. I fully acknowledge the force of Aquinas' reasoning, but I don't try to argue it validates all of my Catholic beliefs.

>> No.4952015
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>not debating in a philosophy class

>> No.4952068


Admittedly I'm probably a little jaded from my experience, but the majority of debate in my undergraduate years usually involved a superficial understanding of the problem, and the person either went off on a tangent wasting time or were trying to show off.

I guess I'm jealous of the quality you had in your classes.

>> No.4952075

Well I understand how that could happen. Out of curiosity, what major(s) did you have?

>> No.4952087

Although I'm an atheist, I think that if I were to be discussing God man-to-man, I would punch you if you spewed out bullshit like that. You contribute nothing to a dialogue, and you can never persuade people by dumbing down their beliefs. You think it is good to be dogmatized about atheism because it uses logic, but you use nothing of it. Learn something from this guy >>4951618

>> No.4952121

Nothing wrong with being a cultural chauvinist.

>> No.4952160
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Never forget his sacrifice.

>> No.4952161

Admittedly I got a bad grade for arguing against cultural relativity from a moral realist point of view. I should have known better than to argue that in anthropology; which is supposed to be a giant cultural circlejerk.

>> No.4952327


who are pascal ? Montaigne ?

>> No.4952422

Fucking this.

>> No.4952435

please don't associate me with that racist cunt

>> No.4952440
File: 26 KB, 181x244, ah, ah, ah!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Are we seriously considering Sade as a legit artist ? The thing about relativity of morals is just some made up bullshit put in prefaces to sell books, and the fact that surrealists admire him is comparable to an edgy teenager saying his role model is hitler to appear subversive. Sade had fetishes and wrote pornography for the ones like him, is there anything of reflexion in the 120 days of sodom beside people having sex in a billion different manners ?"
you said edgy irl

>> No.4952445
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>doesn't understand de sade

The only pleb in this thread is you, OP.

>> No.4952448


Did you not listen to your teacher as to why you were wrong? Sade didn't write pornography just for the heck of it, you know. In some anarchist books you will find chapters on him, not because he was a fullblown anarchist, but because he did have ideas that were anti-authority and so on.

If anyone sounds like a pseudointellectual there is you, OP.

>> No.4952471

yeah sure nigger, I said it exactly like I wrote it on this website

oh look a'me I find meaning in sodomy, people get hung by their feet and fucked in the ass it's a criticism of society, sade inspired Bakunin

>> No.4952487

>I knew I should have chosen economy

STEM master race. None of that bullshit needed.

>> No.4952491


You're an idiot. You probably look like an idiot and talk like an idiot too, which is why even your teacher realised it as soon as you opened your god damn mouth.

Remember that old quote? It's better to shut up and be thought a fool rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt? Lite tip: don't open your mouth.

>> No.4952507

>he's talking shit about my Sadefu
>he must be dumb

I won't make any presumption about your profile irl since I might say some mean bad words

>> No.4952542

To be fair, he is completely misunderstanding de Sade and that is embarrassing considering how near-blatant the message in his works are

That is why I am fairly sure this just a troll

>> No.4952553

Yeah once I was on /lit/ and this guy posted a really cringey story that illustrates what an asshole he is

>> No.4952626

Feel free to point how I misunderstand Sade.

>> No.4952742

Have you not taken a look at the responses from this thread? A simple trip to wikipedia would show you that there is more to de Sade than pornography for the sake of pornography

>> No.4952764

>speaking up in class
>venting your opinion to 30 people who don't care

The internet exists for a reason. Go make a blog and shit talk this guy.

>> No.4952790

But we agree, so why are you telling me this? Who is 'he' in your post?

>> No.4952796


>> No.4952806


>> No.4952807


The dude you're responding to in that post is OP tho.

>> No.4952809

>>"you know the major model of the surrealists was Sade
muh balls

>> No.4952839
File: 6 KB, 160x160, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chilling with friends
>take collapse vol. I: numerical materialism from my bookshelf
>confront myself and my self (as an ontological historical entity) with the umbra of the rational (as a human beings are not born in an irrational world but internalize a irrationalized écriture , formulated as pathos and it pretends to be mimetic of and only existing by itself in relation to the other) and realize the boundaries of humanity, comprehension and consciousness
>reach rational ecstasy
>pleb friend gets up and says "what is this babbling shit, lmao, lets read carlos fuentes"
>get angry at their nationalist subaltern consumption conditioned by the structures of power of the imperialist white economies, but contain it
>calm myself down by remembering quotes from finnegans wake, my favorite book since i was a teenager
>mfw can't express myself because i'm a spectator in the society of spectacle

"It is not the slumber of reason which engenders monsters, but vigilant and insomniac rationality. - Gilles Deleuze" - ~Astigmata

>> No.4952869

>euphoric atheist mode

>> No.4952887

>cultural marxist
This is when you lost any validity.

>> No.4952899

Are you a rei-style autist/schizophrenic repetitive poster? Why do you keep posting that picture?

>> No.4952929

>This thread
It sounds to me like you just don't like de Sade's message, so you dismiss the meaning of his work as completely nonexistent in order to avoid actually confronting what he had to say and rationalizing why you disagree with it.

>> No.4953107

I'm actually reading Sade right now, and I love it. The fact that he prefigured so much of what Nietzsche, Freud and Schopenhauer had to say, to name a few, is startling. I understand that it is not as shocking as it once was, but it is still amazing piece of work when you consider how well his philosophy and his erotica mix together.

That being said I don't think I agree with his full blown hedonism, I'd throw in a dash of epicureanism and stoicism perhaps, though I also think that taking all of Sade's characters as actually promoting a philosophy which Sade agreed upon 100% (a simplistic hedonism) is also foolish, he is much more subtle than that.

Anyways, Sade is definitely worth it. If only for seeing the seed of The genealogy of morals or of Freud's unconscious in his work, and also all the crazy sex.

>> No.4953114

Also for all you Stirner fans, he also prefigures a lot of him, even the "Unique One" is a term that Sade invented.

>> No.4953311


>these based as fuck posters

Wish I knew more ballers like you IRL. Fedoras are found in all major denominations, atheist, agnostic, or deist.

>> No.4953334


Sade is excellent when he's writing essay type shit. His pornography is dreadful though. What a boring edge lord.

>> No.4953420

>In philosophy class
>lecturer starts talking about ethics
>some hipster, complete with lenseless glases and macbook stands up
>makes attempt at inspirational rallying speech
>is talking about cultural relativism and other assorted bullshit for plebs
>a cat, sweaty guy with a full beard and combed hair starts babbling on about Nietszche and slave morality
>actually says 'Christianism'
>I can't take this anymore
>just as he claims this generation to be the ubermensch I stand up
>listen here, you dumb faggot, I say
>proceed to blow him apart with the power of deontological ethics
>he just goes quiet and sits down, staring at his notes
>later asks me if I want to go grab a beer with him
>decline because Iam on medication and don't like bearded people