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4950420 No.4950420[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

most patrician branch of christianity and why?

>> No.4950424

Catholicism obviously
Orthodoxy is interesting for the meditations and mysticism too

>> No.4950427

too mainstream

>> No.4950432

okay then traditionalist Catholics

>> No.4950439

french pomo catholic

>> No.4950442

>anything not huguenots

>> No.4950444

I agree, Catholocism is the most patrician (dat reception of Greek philosophy, dat theology, dat hierarchy based on education and theological knowledge) while Protestantism in most of its forms is the most plebeian (some branches were started because a village priest picked up a bible and thought he could start interpreting it).

>> No.4950446

>implying catholicism isn't definitionally pagan

>> No.4950447

excuse me, radical reformation was so pleb it loops back round to arch-patrician
thomas munzter: "i shit on God, if he does not do my bidding

>> No.4950461

Holy shit you are a fucking retard. You are literally spastic, I wish I didn't have to share this board with you. The term is denomination, that applies to a mainstream, widely practiced teaching. Within a denomination you may find a 'sect' these are groups controversial within a denomination but still adhering to said denomination. For example, the Plymouth Brethren are an Anglican sect. Now please don't make this mistake again, only you can prevent retardation.

>> No.4950471

denomination is a prot term, no such thing as catholic or orthodox or syrian or armenian denominations. "branch" is a perfectly fine word to use when describing the difference between liberal catholics and sedevacantists. fuck off with your posturing

>> No.4950473
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Later Day Saints.

>> No.4950474
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If we are talking about patricians ...

>> No.4950475

LMFAO, I'm pissing myself.

>> No.4950477
File: 39 KB, 924x482, catholic vs protestant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4950492


Catholicism is MacDonald's for the soul.

>> No.4950499
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Look, this comic proves my point too!

>> No.4950507
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>> No.4950515


op here

i realized that branch might not have been a technically good word. but internally that realization felt like one of the millions you have when producing any kind of sentences, you know? they're all just banal insecurities manifesting themselves

>oh man, should i make sure every word i use on this /lit/ post is perfectly appropriate and could not possibly be made more precise or clear?

if you find yourself asking this question all the time i imagine it's awfully draining and i have to ask: why bother?

>> No.4950519

10/10 i love you

>> No.4950520
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Pic related

>> No.4950546

He's burning the Bible you dumb fuck. It was never about the Dark Ages, it's about Catholicism's deviation from the Bible. Catholic philosophers and theologians were hugely influential and more then often rational, but their writings are not the word of God that we should be following.

>> No.4950557
File: 269 KB, 1110x828, catholic warning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to hell.

>> No.4950564
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Why do Americans take religion so seriously?

>> No.4950580

Patricianism and Christianity are fundamentally incompatible in the first place. Paul (1 Cor for example) and James specifically condemn this kind of focus on status and elitism, and Jesus certainly does too.

>> No.4950588

Religion is not a Jacket. If you do not believe something from a personal experience then you are a waste of breath.
Agnostic Apatheism is the one and only master race.

>> No.4950725

Poor education systems combined with a political party devoted to the celebration of ignorance.

Watch the fedora memes roll in.

>> No.4950733
File: 58 KB, 424x512, Alexis_de_tocqueville_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of you should read Alexis Tocqueville.

>> No.4950735

>An atheist reviews.

>> No.4950738

that game looks awesome... sauce?

>> No.4950740



They embrace science and believe in education, elitism, and that our leaders should speak 7 languages and have several Ph.D's.

>> No.4950794
File: 84 KB, 450x498, Harry the Magician.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patrician? Anglicans. Here's why:

Anglicans have the most powerful magic robes. Just look at how many crosses this one has. It has six fucking crosses. Six. Fucking. Crosses. And this is just a low level magician.

Look at his dominant pose. He's saying to the world: Yeah athiests, I have magic powers, sure you want to pick a fight? I'm not afraid of you. My Jesus beams will toast your butt. Yeah I thought so. Not so tough now huh? Move along.

So what now? Your move. That's what. Bring it.

>> No.4950798


They're "tea and biscuits" catholics and literal theocrats. They're about as plebeian as it gets.

>> No.4950810
File: 23 KB, 400x500, anglican god king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so buttbazooka'ed over your ex

Cheer up, I hear the Catholic church is still loaded, the worldly materialist dogs they are.

>> No.4950821

>Implying I'm butthurt
Why does the truth make you so mad?

>> No.4950823
File: 22 KB, 460x276, rowan276[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw when the ex-lord of the anglicans writes better poetry than you ever will


>> No.4950834

pretty good/10

>> No.4950836

Hell not. Gnosticims the dumbest of them all, with absolutely no grounds for the things they said. They literally just started writing gospels in the 400's. There's a reason why all other christians at that time period hated them. Because they were ridiculously dumb.

>> No.4950842

Catholic's wrote the bible, dumbass. Protestant's disagreeing with Catholics over the interpretation of the bible is like if you disagreed with the author of a book over what the book is about.

>> No.4950849

>deviation from the bible

Excuse me, which organization was it that decided certain books were declared holy and included in the bible while others were heretical, solely because those books were in line with the theology of said organization.

The Catholic Church.

In fact, the order goes: Jesus-Church-Bible.

People knew which books to trust because they already knew what God's revelation was.

>> No.4950850

Its just pixelart, not a game.

>> No.4950854

>Catholic's wrote the bible
top troll m8

>> No.4950855

>Best aesthetics
>Best Architecture
>Most interesting history
>Most powerful

The Catholic Church, by far

Then Lutheranism and Calvinism(I think Methodists believe in Calvinism?)

Besides that, the first Anabaptists were pretty interesting

>> No.4950862

It's really gorgeous.

>> No.4950867

methodists follow wesley, who was less hardcore ( (much less everything and everybody's shit and can't be unfucked) than calvin.

>> No.4950869

What is the Bibla Vulgata?

>> No.4950872

a translation. 4/10, decent effort but still not subtle enough

>> No.4950874

Part of the vagoo.

>> No.4950887
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Of course, because usually religions make sense. Silly of me!

At least they said the paradise was reached through gnosis, not saving your virginity until you get married.

>> No.4950893

Okay, so I'll lay it out a little more clearly.

The Bible is the inerrant, infalliable word of God. THE WORD of GOD. First of all, Biblical evidence itself shows that you cannot seperate the Word from God, and that the Word was made flesh in Jesus Christ. The point I'm getting here is that the Word is actually something of infinite, divine status, with enough force to speak things into existence. Would a human mind ever be able to comprehend this? No, of course not. Would a human language ever be able to accurately capture this? No, that's also impossible. So, the bible has a certain ineffability to it. Behind every single word in the bible is some great truth that your tiny mind cannot comprehend. Perhaps you have a general idea of it, like the trinity or the incarnation of the word, but it will always be a mystery to you, like these two dogmas, because it is fundamentally on a level outside of human capabilities.

So, go to the first book in Genesis, and you will see stories about the earth being made in 7 days, and adam and eve, etc. Do Catholics ACTUALLY think that stuff happened? No, at least not since around 400 AD when Augustine outlined why that wouldn't be possible. And not because of any scientific evidence; It's because there is some sort of greater truth behind these stories. For example, the creation of the world in 7 days reflects a priestly ritual of the jewish people. So there is something more religious and ritualistic going on in how God created the world.

So, to make sure people didn't interpret the bible and say things like "lol the world was created in 7 days" or "lol this one bible passage talks about God killing people, I guess that makes it okay for ME to kill people!!!11!!" Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to his apostles. It came down on their lips and they started preaching the word to everyone. These apostles then laid their hands on other disciples, passing on the Holy Spirit to them, in order to make their words inspired by God as well. So, people like Paul were righting letters, and elders started forming theologies, before there was a bible. Then a bunch of rightings sprung up. Who decided which ones were inspired and which ones were BS? These elders and theologians, who had recieved the passed down teachings of the apostles themselves. Luckily, they have the HS with them, to make sure the bible gets passed down to where it is now just as God wanted it to be. BUT, it's important to remember that the theology actually preceded the selection of the books.

And this theology has flowed down pretty systematically through peopel like Oregon, Augustine, etc.

>> No.4950897


The bible itself supports the fact that, while the Word of God is inerrant, we need the holy spirit to help us understand it, and this holy spirit was given to the apostles, and if one hears the word and does not understand it he will "act with folly."

"I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now." - Jn 16:12. Slowly, the Catholic church and the practice of theology all around the world has been coming to a better understanding of all the things God has revealed.

"When any one hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what is sown in his heart; this is what was sown along the path." - Mt 13:19

>> No.4950906

I mean, more sense then gnosticism. They literally just started wrighting gospels in like 400 ad, and then flipped the whole old testament upside down for no reason, created a huge pantheon, came up with a bunch of crazy conspiracy theories, etc. Everyother christian wanted them gone so that they wouldn't look bad.

>> No.4950908


6/10. good effort.

PS: textual criticism of the bible has been A Thing since like the 18th century

>> No.4950911

Things for the good argument, I'm glad we did it. However I have to concede to you because of that one point, the whole 6/10 thing, really put a whole in my own arguments. Thanks, would discuss with again.

>> No.4950915

>implying most protestant denominations don't practice infant baptism

>> No.4950918

Ironic, since that is exactly what christians did with jews.

>> No.4950920


>> No.4950927


>> No.4950933

I think Macdonald's for the soul is called "Sola Fide" a.k.a. "muh faith" a.k.a. "I don't have to abstain from sin as long as I believe."

>> No.4950935

absolute moron

>> No.4951027
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>Catholic's wrote the bible

The fuck am I reading.

Now I like Catholicism, but it would be ridiculous to not argue that the Orthodox churches have the oldest and best-preserved (but hardly the original) rites.

Catholicism developed from orthodoxy, as they changed focus from the meditative and mystic to legalism and scientific preservation due to the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

>> No.4951555

.mfw Gnosticism is much older than Christianity and had to use its mythos to convey its own ideas(Gnosticism is a symbiotic/individualized religion) or else they will be purged by Christians.(most branches were)

>> No.4951583

Care to go back to reddit? If you think only murrifats are religious you should really rethink your life. You are probably a stupid amerifat yourself.

>> No.4951593

all you il/lit/erates pontificating about Gnosticism need to sit the fuck down and read Karen King. there's no such thing, it's a polemical umbrella term for a mess of vaguely-related Christian splinter sects

>> No.4951615

Obviously greek orthodox, the true church, with the backing of the basileos/emperot in constsntinople, they were the leaders of christendom.

No such thing as gods anyway, i spit on the holy spirit.

>> No.4951806

>Gnosticism is a polemical umbrella term for a mess of vaguely-related Christian splinter sects
>Christianity is a polemical umbrella term for a mess of vaguely-related Abrahamist splinter sects

Even if so(which it isn't), so what? So the fuck what?

>> No.4951847

>which it isn't
how's your major study of pre-nicene christianities coming along, soon to be published by createspace dot com?

>So the fuck what
you sound like dan brown when you say "gnosticism" like it's a well defined and unified belief system. refer to the actual sects: valentinianism, marcionism, etc.

>> No.4951879

Yea I don't even know what createspace dot com is.

I didn't. Gnosticism is the opposite of organized religion, how can it?. I am just asking so what if isn't a well defined and unified belief system?

>> No.4952071


>> No.4952114

>They literally just started writing gospels in the 400's

Except for uh, the Gospel of Thomas which most scholars agree is probably the oldest of them all, as well as the Gospel of John.

>> No.4952184

>spelling Catholicism with an O

>> No.4952194

>literal theocrats

You misspelled hierocrats.

>> No.4952197

>not a single mention of Satanism
I knew you were all plebs.

>> No.4952203


>> No.4952212

Top pleb

>> No.4952223

But practicing Catholicism takes effort with the constant and continuous religious activities as opposed to Protestants whose faith is more tied to general way of life.

>> No.4952227


>> No.4952274


>> No.4952569

We can all agree Calvinism is the only patrician Protestant denomination, right?

>> No.4952596

Dat based Episcopal Church

>> No.4952621

Syriac Orthodox Church

>> No.4952624

>if you aren't one of the few people specifically chosen by god at birth to be saved then lol ur fucked srry m8 might as well sin as much as you want since you're going to hell anyways cause god arbitrarily hates you

nah calvinism is one of the shittiest branches of protestantism

>> No.4952647
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>believing in the supernatural

Pick only one.

>> No.4952728


This ^…
Orthodoxy is the most patrician

>> No.4952741

Implying the word 'natural' is coherent. Implying the supernatural vs natural dichotomy isn't pleb tier gibberish.

Back to /sci/ peasant

>> No.4952848

Tolstoyan movement.

>> No.4952854

Oriental Orthodoxy. Oldest and has virtually no paste-skin filth dirtying the pews.

>> No.4952860


>> No.4952874

Racism isn't allowed outside of /b/. Fair warning. :)

>> No.4952894


>setting the goal-posts where you wish them to be and arguing over semantics to maintain your delusion in a comforting and loving theology instead of seeking truth and coming to terms with reality

maximum pleb.

>back to /sci/ peasant

When did /lit/ become /x/?

>> No.4952895

>When did /lit/ become /x/?
A couple of years ago when liberals set up camp.

>> No.4953327

people in rural parts have nothing else going for them; coupled with extreme poverty leading to the apocalyptic strains

>> No.4953332

>those eyebrows

>> No.4953343

I'm gonna need a source on OP's image. That's some sexy pixel work.

>> No.4953392
File: 2.20 MB, 1393x1800, Jacopo_Vignali_-_Saint_Gregory_the_Great_-_Walters_372530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My problem with Orthodoxy is that it's like a headless chicken these days. The Ecumenical Patriarch is no head of the Orthodox Church. The proper head of the Church is the Emperor, but there's no Emperor now because there's no Empire.

By contrast, Catholicism maintains an unbroken, and fairly well justified, line of succession dating back to Simon Peter himself. The Papacy may have more authority nowadays than it traditionally did, but that authority still flows from Peter, whose authority in turn flowed from the very skin-on-skin touch of Jesus Christ.

Nevertheless, both branches of Christianity, the East and the West, are true sons of Christ, far better than any that came after them. This is why they are on such friendly terms these days, and why, if you are Catholic, you can go to an Orthodox Mass and it will 'count' for that Sunday. The two Churches are united in wisdom and mystery.

>> No.4953394


Catholicism because it's true, next.

>> No.4953397


>> No.4953407


What are u rebelling against fedora sir?

>> No.4953412


2025AD. Have u marked this on your calendar?

>> No.4953425

I'm looking forward to it. Should be fun. Maybe I'll even find a way to be there.

>> No.4953441
File: 1.85 MB, 3738x2580, vladimir-putin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what?

Vladimir Putin should declare himself the head of the Orthodox Church.

It would be hugely controversial and deeply unpopular. But wouldn't it also make some sense? Russia is the heir of East Rome. As Philotheus wrote, "Two Romes have fallen. The third stands. There will be no fourth." Moscow is the Third Rome, Russia the spiritual and practical successor to the Eastern Roman Empire.

The Orthodox Church needs both a secular wielder of immense power and a religious ruler who functions as high priest. Putin could fit the bill.

>> No.4953453
File: 288 KB, 600x382, Giovanni_Paolo_Panini_-_Interior_of_St._Peter's,_Rome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on the Platonic descent of it's theology, the dominance and noteworthiness of it's theologians and the intricate tradition with which it operates, it's been pretty agreed upon here that Catholicism is the most /lit/ religion.

And honestly you'd be hard pressed to find a religion who's clergy is more seeped in the western tradition of both philosophy and the classics.

And their continued use of latin alone would make them a strong contender if everything else was mute

>> No.4953469

Why are non-americans such snobs? It's not enlightened, and it's not cute

>> No.4953472

That's a bad title and I'm not the poster, but Tim O'Neill is pretty well regarded as a person who shits on the usual unhistorical atheist gibberish, and it's titled as such so they are willing to entertain a position anathema to the worldview sagan established for them.

He's an atheist who is pissed at how "New Atheists" pervert religious history and styles himself as such. About as far as "fedora" as you can really get.

>> No.4953474

I think you may have some misinformation about the modern orthodox church. The Metropolitans (patriarchs is a dated term) are the proper heads of their respective archdioceses. True, they operate independently of each other but that is more a function of cultural differences than a lack of solidarity under one doctrine. The orthodox branch has a long and staunch history of tradition and hierarchy that remains effective today.

>> No.4953482

implying the orthodox church exists only in Russia

>> No.4953491

i should add:
this applies to the western orthodox church, I can't speak for the Oriental branch

>> No.4953495

Oh wow, that was just announced today and I heard nothing of it on the news. That's huge news. I would bet money they will officially announce communion between the churches for the first time in a thousand years

>> No.4953499

It would cause a radical version of Russian Orthodoxy that caused a personality cult around the man and most of Eastern Orthodoxy doubling efforts toward reunion with the West

>> No.4953504

Ah, but who's the head? That's the question.

Or what if NOBODY is the head? What if Catholicism and Orthodoxy return to the OLD, OLD way of organizing the Church, when the bishops of the various cities were equal, and the Bishop of Rome was merely 'first among equals'?

Which would coincide with that prophecy about how Francis is the last of the popes. He could be planning to totally reshape the Papacy.

Oh Jesus Christ.

>> No.4953514

I started writing out a lot and deleting it, at least 3 times. I really don't know enough to make an assessment of what will happen, and I know a bit about the subject. Either way, what has always been true will continue so: the Church thinks in centuries.

>> No.4953640

The only correct answer.