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4949471 No.4949471 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you wake with sentences in your heads? This morning, my first thought was
>philosophy is for those that can't write fiction
What about you guys? do you write them down?

>> No.4949476

Fiction is for those who aren't smart enough for science.

>> No.4949477

I often think the word "pyramid" after masturbating. not picturing a pyramid, just the word "pyramid;" like I mentally say the word to myself. never happened after sex though.
beats me

>> No.4949483

>beats me
sure does

>> No.4949485

Read Breton's surrealist manifesto, he talks about the dreaming and the situation you're talking about.

>> No.4949486

Poetry is for those who can't write philosophy.

>> No.4949490

>implying fiction is not among mankind's greatest achievements

>> No.4949491

Don't even fucking start you two

>> No.4949496


>> No.4949509

>philosophy is for those that can't write fiction
What about philosophers who wrote fiction, smartypants?

>> No.4949515

I dunno if it counts, but I woke up "narrating" my dream this morning.

>> No.4949526

I've had a recurring dream for the past year or so. It's a movie starring Johnny Depp. It's not about anything in particular, sort of a road-trip movie. But there's really no point to it, the movie/dream is the same each dream too. This morning I got the soundtrack for it too, sounded kind of similar to JJ Cale's Travelling Light, in the manner of Tulsa sound. I woke up with tears in my eyes because of how beautiful the movie and everything in it was. Actually it's possibly not even a movie since I'm in it too, just assumed it was a movie cause I saw Johnny Depp. Nothing really happens, you just drive around, talk to people, drive around some more, plan some trips, real nice scenery and views though. Like I said I woke up with tears in my eyes. Had a country kind of feel to it. Wat do?

>> No.4949535

I'm actually working on a compendium of thoughts that occur to me frequently while I masturbate, non-sexual thoughts of course. It's going to be jive as fuark

>> No.4949537

I get them right after I cum.

>> No.4949544

Enjoy your life you soul-crushed fucknut. If you can, involve Johnny Depp, make it as F&L as possible. You should also be in a drugged state because you probably couldn't handle those feels and Johnny would see you crying and he'd leave.

>> No.4949561

Mine was
>modern RPG universes are shit due to voice acting
can't have as much content as they used to with voices restraining them

>> No.4949596

>The ceiling itself appeared as though radio static, slowly and subtly morphing into a vast array of thin rubbery string like bands.
>The sun shines differently in Adelaide, like it shines in a dream. And all the roads lead to its burning core
>Meanwhile the cartoon Satan smiles, injecting the corrupt world like junk into his throbbing vein.
>In a flies buzzing wings, I head the sound of a chanting shaman.

I get them all the time OP. Its pretty much the only shit I really ever write down.

>> No.4949602


>> No.4949612

I'm actually from Canberra, but I went to Adelaide once, and that thought just happened to pop into mine head.

>> No.4949613

>have writers' block (aka uncreativity)
>almost done
>think of great next sentence for my short story

Every fucking time

>> No.4949614

>that cartoon satan line
That sounds edgy but awesome

>> No.4949625

philosophy is writing fiction

>> No.4949632

Philosophy is living fiction.

>> No.4949634


>> No.4949639

I'm not even into philosophy. I have no intellectual or vested interest in it. I think the radical shit you guys say is starting to seep into my psyche or something.

>> No.4949644


>> No.4949647


>> No.4949659
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>2010 was almost half a decade ago

>> No.4949709

>the internet can never be used to escape from real life again
>you'll never again know the feeling of running home to hang out with your friends on the internet
>you'll never again feel the excitement as you chat on msn with friends thousands of miles away and forget irl exists
>bbs is over
>forums are over
>everyone from irc has grown up and has jobs so they can pay taxes
>reddit and facebook are the new normal

>> No.4949725
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>you will never watch dbz characters RP fight in msn chatrooms

>> No.4949728

>philosophy is for those that can't write fiction

or for those who actually think seriously about shit.

>fiction is for superficial minds

>> No.4949731

holy shit dude I can't take these feels.

I actually dug up an underground IRC channel with loads of my friends from an old forum that went to shit recently. Best day of my goddamn life. I swear it was like coming home from the war.

>everything you were made fun of for liking in highschool is normal now
>pictures with bold-face captions are "memes" now
>moot has outgrown 4chan
>there will never be another unironic caturday thread

>> No.4949732

jesus christ what is the point of being alive

>> No.4949734
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>> No.4949740

>I swear it was like coming home from the war.
nicks you haven't seen in years, everyone asking how everyone's doing. people talking about what they've done in their spare time, all those inside jokes flooding back, and nothing but happy memories filling a void that you didn't know existed

what happens when 4chan's gone? when the internet finally dies and i need a facebook account to check my company's reddit page? do i get to say goodbye, or at least thanks for all the years of shitposting that i wouldn't dream of trading?

how the hell does time manage to move so much faster when it's run through a fucking series of tubes

>> No.4949763

Sometimes I wake up with them but I don't write them down.

>> No.4949776
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>nicks you haven't seen in years, everyone asking how everyone's doing. people talking about what they've done in their spare time, all those inside jokes flooding back, and nothing but happy memories filling a void that you didn't know existed

You fucking get me, anon...

When it's all over, when it's finally finished, I imagine the world as an archipelago, each man an island formed of memories he will never speak on, a sentinel to the passage of time, dripping with the culture of a kingdom who's king fell eons ago.

These memories, woven through each other, forever anonymous, bind us in a way that cannot be snipped, switched off, shut down and moved to the closet, gathering dust in a sea of noise and "likes" and "upvotes." We will look into each other's eyes, hoping desperately to find that glimmer of life which we carry within ourselves, eternally anonymous, dying, growing old in a museum with a backlog of exhibits and traveling artists who tell you to "move on, old man! Make way, the show's coming through, we haven't all day!"

Rot with me, anon, here, in this moment. Let's take these seconds before we vanish and cherish them.

Never leave. Never forget. Hold on to the glow of the dead empire, the way of the old world.

Here's to us, anon. Let us take an oath to never let our weapons grow dull.

>> No.4949787

>>Rot with me, anon, here, in this moment. Let's take these seconds before we vanish and cherish them.
>Never leave. Never forget. Hold on to the glow of the dead empire, the way of the old world.
>Here's to us, anon. Let us take an oath to never let our weapons grow dull.

goddamn beautiful. i would love to use this in a story of mine. i hope you don't mind.

>> No.4949792

of course not.

>> No.4949798
File: 999 KB, 490x368, ron swanson america.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have found my inspiration to overcome my writer's block. i'm going to finish this if only to have you witness the use of your own lines.

here's to you, me, and the internet. may our weapons never grow dull.

>> No.4949804

I wake up in a state of fucking panic, every noise I hear sounds like something coming to kill me. As I gain consciousness I calm myself down by remembering that they're just normal noises, and that I am not in mortal danger. My first thought after this is usually 'fuck'. Just that really, that word stuck in my head, kind of glued over whatever I try to focus on.

>> No.4949815

sounds like the great start to a novel about some dude with minor PTSD who thinks he is going crazy and then finds himself at the center of a large conspiracy.

sounds generic, i know, but what you wrote read like a good opening line.

>> No.4949818

Make it happen.

I have to leave for work now, but I'll leave the thread open.

404 isn't the end.

If you say anything more, rest assured, I will see it.

Stay strong, anon. I know you have it in you. I know we have it in us.

Keep the future ripe, and the past preserved. I will never forget you.

>> No.4949837

My mornings begin similarly. What I've noticed is that I begin in a near panic attack and the rest of the day is spent trying to calm myself down until, finally, through strenuous efforts to calm myself down, I reach a state of peace in which I can think clearly. Unfortunately, by the time I reach this point, I'm left with an hour at most until I have to go back to sleep and start all over, from that point of high anxiety, the next day.

>> No.4949843

Yes exactly! Mine is slightly different because I down a huge amount of espresso immediately which makes me even more anxious but allows to me write and draw and interact with people briefly. The rest of the day is, as you say, this constant battle to calm my insides, which usually ends in a dejected sadness or me getting drunk and writing more.

Its fucking exhausting isn't it

>> No.4952206

>getting angry about my sub-conscious excrements

>> No.4952219

Sounds like you wake up sniffing your own farts

>> No.4952253


>> No.4952258

"When OP woke one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself transformed into a monstrous Faggot."

>> No.4952526

Duke's dale has caught silver electric tongue of the audience.