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/lit/ - Literature

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4942530 No.4942530 [Reply] [Original]

Writerfags thread:

>your age

>what age you hope to get published by

>how far you are with your current 'project'

>> No.4942533

whose house is that?

>> No.4942538

The house in which (or just outside of which) David Foster Wallace killed himself via nailing a belt to the wooden frame out back, wrapping it around his neck, taping his hands, and kicking away the chair beneath him.

>> No.4942548

>tfw I found DFW on google streetview outside Pomona College
>tfw he's sort of squinting at the google car and looks mildly pissed off

>> No.4942602


>> No.4942608

i so much wish this was real

>> No.4942610

pic or it didn't happen

>> No.4942620

please god let it be true

>> No.4942635
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>3 years from now
>25k words

>> No.4942637

(I'm going to ignore this nonsense and answer this question)

>I don't. I'd like it but there are no plans right now to get published
>I don't have one. I know, I'm a shitty writer, but I'm working on a ton of other shit right now.

>> No.4942639


>> No.4942693



>48,174 words

>> No.4942696

What's it about mang?

>> No.4942713 [DELETED] 

I will start this summer.

>> No.4942714

The original idea was to tie characters with authors and write the central character's perspective differently depending on which character he was interacting with. The story is pretty much Ulysses without the infidelity (and over the course of a month).

I don't actually plan on finishing it as the thing comes off, even to me, as pretentious, but it's been fun to write, and I think it has helped me improve as a writer to consciously alter how I write my prose.

>> No.4942719

Enjoy your ban

>> No.4942723

That's a pretty cool idea man, best of luck

>> No.4942733

>I've received an offer from McSweeney's, but I'm going to wait until I graduate before I pursue any publication.
>Two finished collections of short stories. Two finished plays. Finishing my third play over the Summer I hope.

>> No.4942757

Offer from McS's for what?

>> No.4942760

To publish one of my short story collections. I've had 4 pieces in their Quarterlys.

>> No.4942771


>> No.4942777

That's what I hope.

>> No.4942778

That's rad, congratulations man

tfw 28 years and nothing published, nowhere

>> No.4942784

Everyone reaches their peeks at different times man.

How's your own work coming along?

>> No.4942795

Thanks man!

Taking a huge backburner while I finish my PhD

>> No.4942828

I'm in issues 35, 36, 39, and 42.

Thank you mate, I appreciate it. Don't fret, it's about hitting that lucky creative idea. The only things I write that are well-received tend to be quite funny. People enjoy the writing, sure, but it's a bit disappointing that any serious works aren't as popular.

>> No.4942839

>Sometime before I'm 25
>0 words. Scattered pieces and shells of stories and half-written poems but nothing coherent yet.

>> No.4942842

>expecting to me to buy that shit

What's your name brah?

>> No.4942845
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Me Too!

>> No.4942846


Nice man(?). Are you getting heaps of pussy (cocK) as a result?

>> No.4942851

I hope to accomplish nothing.

Writing is simply a realistic hobby for me whereby I can express myself. I'm not trying to do anything salacious by it.

>> No.4942854

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.4942860

btw my dick is 9 inches long as well

>> No.4942873

>I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.
[fart noises intensify]

>> No.4942911


Forgot to say that my farts smell awesome. So aweome that I bottle them. Perfume guy said he thought it was saleable.

>> No.4943014



just started.

>> No.4943017

dammit if this was 2004 i would definitely paste this into my myspace profile

>> No.4943225


>23 (short story genre fiction)

>Couple of pages, just started yesterday

>> No.4943292

22. I've written a couple short stories and have several more to write, hopefully I will be published within several years.

My current project is mostly preliminary work, but it is a lot as I have the timeline spreading across the walls of my work space along with character maps on poster board. I don't really have any sort of expectation regarding when this might be published as I have no idea when, if ever, I might finish it, as is my current ratio of preliminary work to actual work holds, and I meet my ambitions for preliminary work, it could break 600k words

>> No.4943293 [DELETED] 



couple of stories n stuff, idk

>> No.4943377

This gives me feels. Don't you wish you could just come up behind her and give her a hug?

I'm lonely.

>> No.4943387

>75% (should finish by friday because I can easily write 5000 words a day)

>> No.4943404

>Was published in a small poetry journal at 18, have had a couple articles published online in the years since. Hoping to have a novel done by New Years Day 2015
>The bullshit "brainstorming" phase. I've got about 30% of the story outlined, but nothing concrete yet.

>> No.4943418

underage B&

>> No.4943419 [DELETED] 


> 17

> 18 (a bit complacent, i know, especially considering my reluctance to embrace a life centered around writing)

> i have a sizable body of poetry and short stories completed but, as mentioned above, i don't have the courage for anything a bit beyond

>> No.4943428


I can hear your tears pattering against the keyboard, Anon.

>> No.4943432


Had short story published by a university magazine at 21. Haven't finished another one since.

Currently working on several different things (mostly non-fiction) that i hope will get published in the next few months

>> No.4943487

lol @ this b8
OP has b8d all of the underage summerfags to get b&
Well played.

>> No.4943548
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>About 10k words. Finally worked out a narrative arc I can subscribe to, for now it's a mess of scattered scenes but it all works in my head.

>> No.4944389

You left out the part about being happy, anon.
Are you?

>> No.4944401

>>your age
>>what age you hope to get published by
already published a story in a well-regarded magazine.
hoping to win a mid-sized poetry contest by the end of this year or in the next few.
>>how far you are with your current 'project'
i have maybe twenty poems of sixty

>> No.4944431

is that the house where they filmed Malcolm in the Middle?

>> No.4944612
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mfw summerbabies don't realize this is copypasta

>> No.4944623

>your age
Well out of college

>what age you hope to get published by
Sometime before I'm dead (call me an optimist, by all means...)

>how far you are with your current 'project'
Two completed manuscripts, have been querying for the first one for a couple of months now, two highly incomplete manuscripts that I've either abandoned or put on hold, preparing to start a new one soon.

>> No.4944664



I'm nearly done but I'm stuck. I don't know how to end it.

>> No.4944666

start with the greeks

>> No.4944672
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>> No.4944685



>After I am deceased.

>A collection of observations of life and my wife.

"There Mario and I were, driving up I-95 when a large work truck cut me off. It's swaying extension cords hanging off the ladder rack drew my attention to the gaudy emblem of the brand and its name quickly stifled my surfacing road rage.
Back Rack.
I grabbed for my phone and dialed the wife.
"Hey babe. A truck just cut me off and all I could think about was you."

>> No.4945857

21, turning 22 on Friday. Anxious as fuck.
>Age I'm hoping to get published by
Been published in a couple college journals around CT. Feels good, but I'd much rather publish the novel I'm working on.
>current project
31k words into the aforementioned novel. Got fired recently, so I've been putting a lot of work into it, hoping to finish it by Autumn. Gonna try to publish it once it's done, don't know how long it will take, God willing that it even does.

>> No.4945864

> 24
> I'm already published.
> I don't have projects. I just write.

>> No.4945870


I don't care/will self publish.



>> No.4945875



>Researching my magnum opus
>Making notes about my first novel
>Sketching my follow up.

>> No.4945935
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>> No.4945941
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>I'm already published.
This publication doesn't count

>> No.4945943

>Age: 19
>Hope to be published by: 21
>Current Project: A completed nine-page short story that I'm revising and then sending out for publication. Eventually going to expand it into a novella

>> No.4945971
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>I don't have projects. I just write.

>> No.4946055

>before I graduate uni
>15k in
If all goes well I will lose my mind by the end of it.

>> No.4946070

I dont think ill be published before 30
I've written thousands of poems over the past 4 years, and they're slowly starting to merge together into something that might work as a single work. I'd give it another 4-5 years before I finish something real. After that I'll have to deal with sending my work to people apart from girls and friends which im terrified of.

I do think something coherent is beginning to emerge though, I sense a connection between a lot of what I'm writing and I think they're beginning to tie together into an overarching theme that i can work together as one work.

>> No.4946134

>age hoping to get published
a screenplay of mine was bent over a chair and raped senselessly without any lubrication
>current project
novel has been rejected by several publishing houses. i am pretty sure I've been blacklisted

>> No.4946153

did you submit your screenplay to a studio or something? i'm interested in doing something like that but i hear that if your script ever gets picked up, they usually bring someone else to do a rewrite and i don't want that to happen. is there any way to protect myself, make sure that i'm allowed to do the rewrite, or would i just be shooting myself in the foot?

if some cunt does rewrite my script, do i still get credit for it?

>> No.4946158

> 20
> before death
> I haven't started writing yet

>> No.4946175

i used to work...somewhere...and became friends with some very well known people. people i thought were my friends. i sold a screenplay for what could have been a good, or decent, movie. instead, they re-re-re-re-re-wrote the fucking thing until it turned into a shitty husk with no semblance of the original source.

the hard part was removing my name from the sitcom while still getting paid for it. i spent so much on legal fees that it really wasn't worth it.

>> No.4946179

forgot to answer most your questions, sorry. i was just ranting, remembering this shit.

chances are they will re-write your stuff. you will still get credit for it, if you don't sell them your stuff but rather let them use it.

>> No.4946205

>just abandoned a 60k word piece for two new pieces

>> No.4946211
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>> No.4946227
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liek this?
very nice

>> No.4946244

>400 words???

>> No.4946267

>I dunno, 30? I'm a pessimist
>32,000 words, a novel about a successful but artistically dishonest musician getting up to sexy surreal antics in a fictional English city's nightlife. Don't know how far in that is in proportional terms, but it's fun.

>> No.4946285

>if some cunt does rewrite my script, do i still get credit for it?

Some cunt is going to rewrite it. But that is just the first on a long line of people working on it. The director could be shitty, the actors, the entire film.

You have to let go of it. Whether it turns into a good film is beyond your control, and if it really bothers you, direct it yourself.

>> No.4946289

>is there any way to protect myself, make sure that i'm allowed to do the rewrite.

M8 unless you are Quentin Tarantino you are not doing the rewrite. Even Cormac McCarthy doesn't get to do the rewrite.

>> No.4946294


>> No.4946297


Remember that Romance is a drug that one becomes desensitized to quickly.

>> No.4946578

>your age

>what age you hope to get published by

>how far you are with your current 'project'
27k words, pretty much the 1/3 mark. Although the way things are going, the next two thirds might be varying lengths and I estimate completion at 60-70k words.

>> No.4946587

>your age
>what age you hope to get published by
>how far you are with your current 'project'
Not working on a particular thing right now, just developing ideas.

>> No.4946652


>i couldnt care less about being published - what matters most is the writing itself

>i dont have a start or end line

>> No.4946656

>I have ideas!

>> No.4946659

who are your favorite writers

>> No.4946663

No, it's where DFW an hero'd

>> No.4946664


>> No.4946667

Attention thread:
Having ideas is literally the least important part of writing.

>> No.4946668


Have you overcome your Ubermensch stage yet?

>> No.4946671

if you think that is all to Nietzsche you have some reading to do

>> No.4946678

>implying I haven't read everything Nietzsche has written, excluding Ecce Homo
>implying teenagers don't usually use Nietzsche as a means of reinforcing their own delusions of grandeur

>> No.4946686

>implying i care

>> No.4946705

>Mid 40s, I figure I won't have anything interesting to say before then
>Whenever I post my ideas for books on /lit/ people generally like them, made a few story outlines for books I want to start on this summer when I have more time, written a few essays which people in my class always love and ask me to read out load but thats about it. Mostly I just want to whore around and travel and read and get some 'life experience' before I start writing anything because I'm not Rimbaud (and even then, his poetry is beautiful but it reeks of teenagerness) I doubt I'll have anything interesting to say. I try to write an essay a week to improve my inteligence and ability to clarify my thoughts but most of them are pretty shitty, currently writing one on getting cuckholded and another of my thoughts on the Canadian government. I tell myself I write for myself because I don't ever plan on showing them to anyone but secretly hope I'll become famous enough for them to be posthumous publications.

>> No.4946740

Oddly similar.. Essay a week that is. And currently Australian government. Best essay yet?

>> No.4946754

>(and even then, his poetry is beautiful but it reeks of teenagerness)
stupid cunt

>> No.4946763

>I've send some copies to publishers, hope to get some positive responses.

>> No.4946914
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>responding to copypasta

We need to see this now, come on

>already published 1 shitty short story in nationwide sci-fi collection
>i'm a lazy ass and haven't finished a single thing in two years, although some of them are coming along

>> No.4948707

Didn't DFW live in the mid-west?

>> No.4948729

>40 at the latest. I've sunk so much money into my studies (I read 96 books in 2012, and 71 books in 2013 while traveling throughout Africa and Asia) that my parents are about to stop sending me money.
>166,416 words

>> No.4948773

You live off your parents at 37? Who do you think you are, Kerouac or something?

>> No.4948826



>Before 30 would be nice

>Had a novel rejected by two publishers, had some poetry published, and an original short story that I passed off as a translation

>> No.4949395


I'm 29 and live off my parents too

>> No.4949444

i think all 19 year olds are in this same boat.

>> No.4949475

>your age
>what age you hope to get published by
never, writing is that thing that's on the backburner, I'm not even passionate about it, I read some, but write like a pretentious faggot know-it-all genius. I don't care nor know about "movements" or "influences" past what I just picked up and read. I view writing as a lottery ticket, maybe one day somehow I can turn this into something by sheer luck. Maybe one day Scarlett Johansson will jump on my dick.

>how far you are with your current 'project'
I don't really have a project. I have bits and pieces, who may or may not one day be connected or developed into something whole. I also have ideas, that I might one day develop into a project, but not an established project no. I'm sort of playing with writing in the sense that I've built this notion in my head that on the odd chance that I might be "destined" to be a writer, it will happen regardless. I wouldn't particularly care for it, as you can see I only enjoy reading here and there, and enjoy writing here and there. I'm not emotionally invested, I don't have a burning desire to be a writer, I don't know the nuances of this or that. It's not even number three on my list of hobbies. I've just sort of cast a wide net just in case there's some divine intervention or that I was genetically predisposed to be a writer. As I've said, I view it sort of the same way as buying a lottery ticket, except that you get some enjoyment out of it even if you don't win anything.

>> No.4949494

>0 words. Scattered pieces and shells of stories and half-written poems but nothing coherent yet.

29 and exactly the same situation. God, I'm pathetic.

>> No.4949513

>>Had a novel rejected by two publishers, had some poetry published, and an original short story that I passed off as a translation

sounds interesting, can you post a pastebin/txt?

>> No.4949550
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I want to get published right the fuck now. I'm an old man, I can't wait any longer. And I'm willing to do absolutely anything to be, not just published, but widely read.

That depends on what you mean by 'project.' Do you mean the novel I'm trying to publish? It's done. Do you mean its sequel? It's sitting at around 20,000 words, waiting for the chill of winter when I'll be able to treat of its subject matter more fully. Do you mean the short story series I've just started working on? One is done, three more are in strong planning stages. Do you mean the fanfiction I still write? I'm working on a sequel to an earlier one, and it's about 37,000 words in.

>> No.4949554

What do you do for a living?

>> No.4949559

Sounds like a one-trick pony kind of thing, but with a good trick at that. If it's short it will probably be really great, considering you actually enjoyed writing it

>> No.4949566

>The bullshit "brainstorming" phase
Coming from someone unpublished, I've been in this phase since I was like 7

>> No.4949570

> 19
> 23
> 11,000 words in

>> No.4949638

I actually get paid some for my writing; I write content for magazines and websites. I supplement this with part-time or temp work. I wouldn't say no to a job where I got to flex my writing abilities, like something in magazines or even advertising.

>> No.4949678

<40 (for a novel)
32k, 43k, 4k, 5k, 4k, 3k (small ones are short stories. of which one is almost good to go)
+bunch of .txts and papers with more words than my "nicey" works

>> No.4949715


Widely read like EL James?

>> No.4949720

>I view writing as a lottery ticket, maybe one day somehow I can turn this into something by sheer luck. Maybe one day Scarlett Johansson will jump on my dick.

Kind of view it this way too.
Hope my novels get adapted and sexy young movie stars will want to fuck me for "being real".

>> No.4950584

why rely on luck when you can work your ass off to make your work great?

>> No.4950607

Don't worry man. Have some confidence. Good luck etc.

>> No.4950803

>10k through novel, 1k through two short stories, half a year through English major

>> No.4950815

>be 18

>be winner of creative writing award at local highschool

>be recipient of various scholarships and grants

>be 10,000 words into magnum opus

>still have time to enter short story and poetry competitions

>be sexually active male

>still have time to come on /lit/ and troll 19y/o nobodies

>> No.4951039

Get a load if this guy

>> No.4951076
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This is not as pathetic as me:

be 29
started writing third novel (first two not good enough for publication) at age 18-19. still not fucking done, though it's sitting at something like 95% complete - because let's face it, if I finish the damn thing then I have to admit that I'm a terrible hack at writing sci-fi and that I am basically one of those with great ideas locked inside a brain that cannot lucidly or interestingly express them. Pathetic.

I've never published anything for real pay - one short story for $7 when I was 14, a bunch of tripe in school publications.

A handful of rejections on my last two novels and my epic poem.

I should give up on writing, but it's too late now. I t's part of my self image, and I'll probably go on like this until I die. Granted, I have good parts of my life... it's just that my writing hobby is not one of them.

>> No.4951109

>Just give me some time, I have to write 1200 verses.

>> No.4951134

That pic is dumb. It's better to have your house burn down than flood, since most people don't carry flood insurance and homeowner's insurance doesn't cover floods

>> No.4951144


>Current age: 27
>Potential publish by age: 37
>Progress on current project: World-building/back story developing at a reasonable pace. Main plot points charted and archived. Central characters sketched out (not in a drawing sense but in a basic detail sense). Some scenes beginning to flesh out. Anticipated start to writing the first draft of Volume I: Nov. 1st 2014.

More of a hobby at this point than a profession... but one can dream.

>> No.4951154

As though the insurance company wouldn't maintain that it was the flood that destroyed the house, in order to avoid paying the claim.

>> No.4951171

Hello, you are all Ignatius from A Confederacy of Dunces.


>> No.4951177

That's exactly right; the guy whose house that is is almost certainly committing fraud for that exact reason.

I just like it because it is still true in the sense that if you happened to be stuck on the roof of that house, at that time, yeah shit would be very much worse for you.

>> No.4951229

>Fuck, if I knew.
82k words for the first book, which I see as a very, very detailed second draft. So maybe 60%.

>> No.4951628

>Age: 21
>Published: I think at 18 or 19 was my first print published work.
>Right now I'm working as an editor for a local magazine and running a little short story blog. No novels right now.

>> No.4951707

>post-humous publication
>its a biggun

i dont really write alot, i just like tweaking and adding to my "opus". of course it would be wonderful if i could publish it now and reap the potential rewards, but lets face it, that aint gna happen. id settle for reknown after death.
i quite like the idea of nursing a piece of work to completion over a very long time

>> No.4951745
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>Sometime within the next three years
>23 poems that I would consider good enough to submit somewhere, but no overarching theme for a volume or anything. Plan to submit some to poetry magazines/publications when I hit 50 poems I consider solid enough.

pic unrelated

>> No.4951865


Great work has nothing to with being widely read.

>> No.4951868


No one wants to read a book by a 19 year old.

>> No.4952006

post poems

>> No.4952043

>the thing comes off, even to me, as pretentious
does it matter if it is well written?

>> No.4952058

>muh misunderstood genius

>> No.4952062

>publishing hope
for a long time i was terrified of writing. then i realized it would be the only thing that could save me from a life of shite work. im hoping i get everything going by 33 or 35. not sweating it. persistence, determination, better everyday.
until i get a better handle on my writing it's shorts and silly poems. i love writing silly shit. but it also helps me get the point across quickly and forces me to always be holding the reader's attention and always be driving the story forward.

good luck fellow writ/anons/, even though we'll be running the publishing business in 20 years anyway

>> No.4952370
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>> No.4952587

NaNoWriMo. It at least gets you to think about story ideas.

>> No.4952700

22 here.

I really have no expectation. I guess I hope to get SOMETHING published within the next several years.

Currently editing finished short. 5827 words at the moment.

>> No.4952722



>Maybe mid 30's. Got out of the army a few years ago and am finishing my bachelors currently, so within 2 years I'll be done with that and take getting published a bit more serious.

>5,000~. It is just something to toy with while I finish school work and do family shit with the wife and kids, though, nothing serious. I want to find an internship that is worth it before finishing my bachelors - maybe technical writing or some editing.

>> No.4952977

Thank you, but I'd rather not. Still shopping the novel around ;)

>> No.4952982

What did you do in the army if you don't mind me asking? Is your project anything to do with it?

>> No.4953015
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>already had one poem published in college lit mag
>pic related. Just printed the test-book for my first chapbook that I'll sell this Summer.

>> No.4953054
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>videogame-themed poems

>> No.4953060

>assuming they're video game-themed
That would just be bad.

>> No.4953064

This should be a wake-up call that people are going to instantly assume they're video game themed because of that cover.

>> No.4953069

No shit, bro. The title poem references Punch-Out!! and boxing (specifically Ali, Tyson, and Bruno) which were huge parts of my childhood. It's meant to.

>> No.4953075

So they are related to video games.

>> No.4953084

Two of thirteen reference, but are not about, video games. The majority of the poems have an aggressive voice though, so it was more about the command.

>> No.4953577

I finished a short-story recently. My first serious work. It has a few mistakes, in this PDF, but I've edited them on the original files. The Mansion:


>> No.4953644

Eh, maybe. I'm pretty starry-eyed. I think I can hit it big, and that's my goal.

>> No.4953703


I meant post the published short story you passed off as a translation

>> No.4953715

More importantly, tell us the details of the passing off. How did you convince someone at a magazine or website that there was this whole other author out there that you merely acted in the stead of?

This is of particular importance to me because I'm thinking of trying to get a short story published, but it may require a similar work of pseudonymity.

>> No.4953727


>> No.4953741
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Whenever, I'm in no rush. Hopefully before I'm 30.
180,000. I wrote it, and my past two times going over it, I actually added more. Going through my third read through, it's all about cutting fat. I'd like to get it under 150,000, and I'm finding lots of unneeded things to trim. Going well. Don't know what to do after that though. Find an editor? Self publish? Someone have advice?

>> No.4953759

>write some free short stories
>post them on kindle
>some of the people who download those for free will download your novel for cash
>you will be rolling in cents!

>> No.4953764

If I could afford a haircut with money I made from a book, I'd be giddy.

>> No.4953770

You could probably make a meager sum if you whored yourself out to the internet

>> No.4953899


Blood Meridian sold 5000 copies when it came out EL James sell millions. I guess you relate more with her writing.

>> No.4953901


Why do you have a wife and kids when you are only 29?

>> No.4953906


>> No.4953938


Self published book out in Dec 2012, sold okay.

Next book I hope to get out next year, though with a real publisher. I also hopen to get published in a journal this year.

The new book is 70% done.

>> No.4953944
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35, short stories in a magazine.
I have a few rejection letters.

>> No.4953948

Define 'sold okay'.

This is an anonymous image board. Giving out sales figures isn't going to hurt you.

>> No.4953959

A couple hundred. An okay check from amz. Best part is people who I do not know who buy it and left a review, or asking someone who read it what their favorite story was. It's a collection of my lit fic.

the stories were just gathering dust so I decided to put them out. The next book will be much much better.

>> No.4953964

Bro fix your prose.

>> No.4953984

>mooch off of parents
>probably lives with them
>probably sold the suit his dad gave him to wear to a job interview to fund his Mountain Dew addiction and go on his holiday
>his holiday is probably the first time he's left the house in 10 years


>> No.4953995


I don't care about writing, I just like to read.

I did write a decent poem when I was ten for Remembrance Day. The local library had it on display for the month of November. Not mind blowing stuff, but breddy gud for a 10 year old, in my opinion.

If anyone wants to see it, I'll try and find it.

>> No.4954009

Do it

>> No.4954030


I'd like to get published in a journal of some sort or another within the next year. I have quite a pile of more or less complete stories and poems, just in the process of editing and figuring out where to send them.

As for a book or something of that scale, I'm hoping to have something complete by the time I finish university, so let's say 22 - 24.

I don't really have a large project that I'm in the middle of. I've just begun a decently long essay, and am about halfway through a 15ish page short story,

>> No.4954394

No Plans of it so far
My primary writing is one based on the themes of facing and accepting of morality for the first time as well as the feeling of isolation and meaninglessness within a changed, or changing, world. It's Sci-fi to some extent, though in reality is very soft in that respect. I've really just started into it, as I have issues of being unable to move past parts unless I feel as if they are perfect, and end up proof reading religiously rather than advancing. If anyone gives a shit, I could post a paragraph from it for peer reviewing purposes.

>> No.4955039

here lit my screenplay stuff, can you help me lit?
Im an amateur, and dont plan on even trying to get anything published until I feel confident about it.

Loves Bitter Dreams

Theme: When love is lost can you truly be the same
Logline: A lonely writer finds love in a freak encounter, only to have it taken away and spirals into a life of addiction, until he dreams.

Logline 2: After finding love, and losing it just as quickly a man spirals into a life of addiction until he has a dream.

Logline 3: After the death of his wife a man becomes enticed into a life of addiction and sorrow, and begins to see her again is it a dream?

Synopsis:The Beginning 1/3
Demetrius Stern, is a nobody and has been for all his life. In high school he was forgotten at all public gatherings, and never really connected with anyone. He found his calling as a writer after high school and began freelance writing all over the city. While constantly suffering from uncanny dreams and horrible nightmares. He lives in the seedy district of the city. Due to his income as a writer. Usually running into shady characters on his day. (Glamor) a prostitute who seems to take a liking to Demetrius always interacts with him during his day. On his usual delivery run while distributing his writing runs into an unlikely situation. He meets a woman, Odessa

>> No.4955305
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Somewhat, I guess. It is a fiction that is military related, but I wouldn't consider it something that is all that great. Mainly a way to help me work on plot progression, different scenarios like suspense, drama, etc. It's also a great way to keep my military lingo fresh in my mind. I always hate reading a novel that is military based, and having them describe something wrong, or use the wrong terminology, or whatever it is. Annoys the shit out of me.

I have given a bit of thought to writing something about my experiences, though. Most of what I was able to see that would be of any interest is classified, but I would be able to write about a few things. You just have to be extremely careful as to what you write on, as it can get you into some serious shit if you mention the wrong stuff.

Actually, I was thinking of doing something on either the military rape stories that has been going on lately - non-fiction of course, maybe an investigative journalism piece. It really is a HUGE deal in the military, or both men and women. I was also thinking of doing something similar, but in regards to the terrible leadership that most experience.

Also, I was signals and intelligence, Fort Huachuca, AZ.


See this >>4953906

Being married in the military gives you an incredible pay boost, especially when you are lower enlisted. As an E3, you basically make as much as an E5 or E6. Plus, you get a house, instead of living in the shitty barracks.

>> No.4956352

le epig ;^)

>> No.4956393


This type of situation is becoming more and more common.