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/lit/ - Literature

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4944516 No.4944516[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


So how much?

19 here

>> No.4944520


>> No.4944536


Really? Out of all post 60s literature, BELOVED is the most acclaimed?

>> No.4944538

16 Kills Self

>> No.4944551

10, and then i have a whole bunch more on my to read shelf

>> No.4944566

8. Hope it doesn't get more pleb than me in this thread.

>> No.4944572

34, cool

>> No.4944578

Only 12:
>Things Fall Apart
>Book of Job
>Wuthering Heights
>The Stranger
>Great Expectations
>Absalom, Absalom!
>Madame Bovary
>The Old Man and the Sea
>War and Peace
>Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
>To the Lighthouse

>> No.4944592
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> Not having at least read everyting of Shakespeare

>> No.4944603


>> No.4944608

44 here.

>> No.4944621


>> No.4944640

Only 18 :/

>> No.4944695

54 but there's a lot of over representation of certain authors.

>> No.4944708


>> No.4944723

>all that Tolstoy
>all that Shakespeare
>all that Dostoevsky
>all that Kafka
>no Victor Hugo

>> No.4944734

14, but I own a lot of those other books so, luuking good

>> No.4944744

>1001 Nights
>Njál's Saga
>Independent People
>Fairy Tales (HC Andersen)
>The Illiad
>Pippi Longstocking

>tfw pleb

>> No.4944747

What an odd list.
Also i lol'd at there being 4 Dostoe

>> No.4944752

if you think there's a problem with having a lot of the first 4 authors you suck

there should be hugo though

>> No.4944753

What on earth? How did you get through highschool without The Stranger or 1984 or fucking Shakespeare

>> No.4944762

How the hell is The Old Man and the Sea up there over Hemingway's other works?
It's not a bad book but it certainly isn't his best

>> No.4944768

Which are better? I can see FWTBT or TSAR maybe. The Old Man and the Sea is a pretty perfect work

>> No.4944784

I'm Icelandic, hence I couldn't get through high school without Njáls Saga and Independent people but didn't have to read all the English canon...

>> No.4944785

>This list of the 100 best books of all time was prepared by Norwegian Book Clubs. They asked 100 authors from 54 countries around the world to nominate the ten books which have had the most decisive impact on the cultural history of the world, and left a mark on the authors' own thinking. Don Quixote was named as the top book in history but otherwise no ranking was provided

>> No.4944800

I got 30, but I'm 40 years old so it's nothing to brag about. The list is decidedly strange, though...there must be at least 20 which I have absolutely no interest in reading.

>> No.4944845

Including books that I physically own and am reading in the near future: 22. Books from that list that I have currently read at this time: 17.

>> No.4944867

young nigga move that dope

>> No.4944888


>> No.4944930

>Things Fall Apart
tab closed

>> No.4944949

>implying im going to read that trash lit

>> No.4944958

24. Never finished the Aeneid, Iliad or Ulysses. Only read Inferno of the Divine Comedy.

>> No.4945183

6. Pretty funny list, though.

>> No.4945212

5 , but I'm just visiting /lit/

I'm not much a reader

>> No.4945218

>ranking books

into the trash it goes

>> No.4945245

Ah that makes sense. Dumb of me to assume..

>> No.4945256

Fucking Dostoyevsky.

His books are life-changers though, cannot argue.

>> No.4945289

Huge cliche but everything modern I've read after the Brothers Karamazov has felt kind of like a letdown. It's like he just won, and there wasn't much else to be done. Obviously that isn't true but that book is just too good, its like the Platonic ideal of a novel.

>> No.4945321


Exactly. Brothers Karamazov and "Demons" or "The Possessed" are pinnacles of brilliance. I always wondered how big of a role his epilepsy played in his life and worldview.

What's more I liked the idea of portraying the figures that represented an opposition of his beliefs as smarter and far more intellectual than those which were basically incarnation of his views (Alosha vs Ivan).

>> No.4946699

10. I think the list is not really objective though, only one Japanese title.

>> No.4946858

>having a problem with 3 Shakespeare plays on the list
>implying there shouldn't be more

>> No.4946862


>> No.4946878


>> No.4946942

oh ? So which one didn't you read ?

>> No.4946954



however i am working on it

>> No.4946995

12 :(

>> No.4946998

hugo is bad

>> No.4947003

>no pale fire
>no mccarthy
into the trash it goes

>> No.4947043

Oh, come on, all the Italian and Latin works are fucking huge: Divine Comedy is 14.233 verses long, and they all are written in 1200 Proto-Italian.

>> No.4947050

Each section of the Divine Comedy is only about three hundred pages, i.e. the length of a single Game of Thrones novel.

>> No.4947055

pleb-ish 4 here. DAMN! I need to read more from now on.

>> No.4947062

Yeah, I know, but you cannot read DC as you read Game of Thrones: I barely understand what he wants to say, and I'm Italian.
"E qual è quel che cade, e non sa como, / per forza di demon ch'a terra il tira, / o d'altra oppilazion che lega l'omo"
Roughly translated:
"And who falls, and doesn't know why, due to a demon who brings him down, or an other burden which ties the man"
It appears to have no sense, but he is referring to epilepsy.

>> No.4947069


Will probably be 30+ by next year

>> No.4947077

get a companion guide

>> No.4947086

The tin drum

>> No.4947090

There are many, but basically they all are Dante's DC with the explanation below.

>> No.4947104


>The Trial
>The Castle

I was actually surprised I'd read anything on the list

>> No.4947150

recommended translation of Don Quixote?

>> No.4947180

edith grossmann

>> No.4948316

Some of the wordplay comedy gets lost in translation though

>> No.4948371


I'm reading Ormsly because its the free one on Amazon, how pleb am I?

>> No.4948380

Moby Dick

Book of Job

...I think I read the manliest literature, don't you?

>> No.4948381

He had both views, atheist and theist, you are implying smart people are "better". He gave accurate views to all sides.

>> No.4948382

only 1984

how pleb am i?