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File: 181 KB, 400x654, animalfarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4932483 No.4932483 [Reply] [Original]

Is Animal Farm anti-semitic?

>> No.4932878

All animals are equal, but some animals (jews) are more equal than others

>> No.4933030


I've never heard it suggested that Orwell is anti-semitic. Any evidence for this OP? Or anyone else for that matter?

>> No.4933042


>> No.4933050

The pigs were jews, weren't they?

>> No.4933065


What? Snowball was Trotsky who was indeed Jewish, but generally speaking there's no reason to think that the pigs in general were Jewish?

>> No.4933069

The Universe is anti-semitic.

>> No.4933083

incoming quotes by that samefag

>> No.4933088

>not jewish

>> No.4933110

Ya, all popular communist philosophers were jewish.

But the soviets also killed 56million+ people via gulags and forced starvations. So saying marxism is "jewish" itself is probably considdered anti-semetic.

so whatever, two plus two equals four.

If I am guilty of spreading nazi propaganda i am ready to be censored in france and germany. If you are going to cuff me and throw away the key I am waiting.

>> No.4933125

>soviets also killed 56million+ people
I've heard it was closer to 156+ million

>> No.4933129


Replace the m with a b filtyh commie.

>> No.4933139
File: 69 KB, 660x679, jojo's goes ape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually the Soviets killed everyone and secretly masterminded the Holocaust and did 9/11 and also Eve was a communist and the black plague was caused by centrally planned economics.

>> No.4933157

here is some research that puts numbers with citations if you are interested.

>> No.4933187

He was in Down and Out. Seems like his experience in Spain changed him there, though, because he saw "Trotskyist" was just a word for "Jew" (the posters the Stalnists did of Trotsky were Jew cartoons), and he was hunted for his unit supposed working for "Trotskyists". I think using the name "Goldberg" for the hateweek for Trotsky in 1984 says it all, really.

>> No.4933198


I'm not going to waste my time trying to tell you why a figure of 56 million is absurd. The fact that you even consider it betrays such an ignorance of demographics that all I can is direct you to the correction at the end of this article:


>> No.4933202

>So saying marxism is "jewish" itself is probably considdered anti-semetic.
It's not anti-semitic, it is fucking stupid and reveals that you are a fucking idiot for not being able/willing to grasp the contrast of a political theory and a religion.

>> No.4933225

I posted a link to a website published by Professor Emeritus of Political Science, University of Hawaii which is filled with citations and academic articles that documents 61million+ in the USSR.

In response you post an anecdote from a second rate internet linkbate, listicle-generator like its a serious counterpoint

go fuck yourself.

>> No.4933238


I could find you many historians (i.e. not political scientists) who find 10-20 million as that is the most common figure. Your source is not only 3 to 5 times as high but simply doesn't hold up to the most elementary scrutiny. What would the birth rate need to be to maintain such a death toll? Do the maths, rather than appealing to "authority".

>> No.4933240

sorry, no Soviet historian would accept anything near his numbers. he thinks that 40 million people died in gulags, which is twice the number of people that were ever in the system. it's baloney.

>> No.4933278

>appealing to "authority".
next time I will try the appeal to linkbate approach.

are you going to apologize for Hitler next? Or are you THAT politically biased you only apologize for mass murders that agree with you.

go to town.

inb4 - no he's spot on with hitler.

>> No.4933286

>are you going to apologize for Hitler next?


>"America killed 200 million people in Iraq"
>"That's clearly ridiculous and counter to the academic consensus"

>> No.4933314

you are attacking his credibility, not defending Stalin. So assuming, you arnt a blind marxist you would attack his numbers for hitler too.

This is totally reasonable.

here says 19+, I dont know where you got 40.

>> No.4933341
File: 5 KB, 367x459, USSR.FIG1.2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So assuming, you arnt a blind marxist you would attack his numbers for hitler too.

No, because his numbers for Hitler are correct and his numbers for the USSR are wildly exaggerated.

>here says 19+, I dont know where you got 40.
see pic

>> No.4933375

this is a different qualification of camp than simply gulag. the deportation number is including people awaiting deportation. "deportation" is only the 5m that died in transit.

>No, because his numbers for Hitler are correct and his numbers for the USSR are wildly exaggerated.

no, because you are a mass murder apologist.

>> No.4933382

> the "camps" number is including people awaiting deportation.

and again, this coincides with this char which has additional citations.


>> No.4933390

>this is a different qualification of camp than simply gulag

Gulag is an acronym for "administration of labour camps".

>no, because you are a mass murder apologist.

as per my example above:

>"America killed 200 million people in Iraq"
>"That is completely incorrect and counter to the academic consensus"

>> No.4933398


> you are a mass murder apologist.

You think Stalin killed a quarter of his population whilst simultaneously conducting an extensive industrialisation policy and winning a world war. Does that not strike you as at least somewhat implausible? Generally, losing a quarter of a country's population would be catastrophic for both economic and military prospects. Especially when you consider that the victims were predominantly adult men, you have to ask what on Earth were the Soviets fighting Hitler with.

>> No.4933408

>died awaiting deporation means in a "labor" camp. I know because I speak comie
this is what you get for reading listicles

>> No.4933418

About 6 million people were deported under the USSR. So to make up the extra 20 million people that died under "camps", they would have had to all have died waiting for deportation 3 times over. PLUS every single person that had been in the Gulag system would have had to have died as well. Seems legit.

>> No.4933422

>you have to ask what on Earth were the Soviets fighting Hitler with.
as far as I understand pretty much anyone that could hold a gun. and I think if you read the histories, including the war it was more than a 1/4. And it did fuck them up economically, that much is indisputable.

>> No.4933431

You're talking out your ass.

Ive got citations, you've got apologies and this shit.

>> No.4933451

>6 million people were deported
>20 million people were in the gulags

so where does 40 million come from?

>> No.4933455


After the war the Soviet Union was the world's second superpower. Angus Maddison's figures, who unlike your source actually is an authority on his field, holds that the GDP/capita tripled during that period. Thus it is clear that whatever Stalin's death toll was, it was not high enough to cripple development. If he killed what you claimed, the birth rate would need to have been enormous.

>> No.4933575


Hang on, first of all Orwell wrote the following essay:


Also Goldstein in 1984 is the probably fictitious head of "The Brotherhood" who were theoretically the rebellion against Big Brother, and therefore hardly an argument in favour of Orwell being an antisemite.

Having said that though a little googling does suggest that he had "a marked dislike of Jews" as Christopher Hitchens put it. I'm inclinded to be somewhat charitable though. George Orwell was an honest man, he said that "An autobiography is only to be trusted when it reveals something disgraceful.", and “One way of feeling infallible is not to keep a diary,”.

None of his major works are tainted by antisemitism (although I stand ready to be corrected), and most of us if we are honest will admit some kind of prejudice in the privacy of our own heads. But he managed to keep it under wraps and not let it infect his public face.

>> No.4933582

I was saying he was an argument AGAIN Orwell being an antisemite; I said he stopped being one after Spain because he experienced how Jews are used as scapegoats. Hate week references USSR antisemitism, that's why he made Trotsky's name so incredibly Jewish.

>> No.4933590


Reading comprehension fail. My apologies.

>> No.4933601


I like how you seem to feel superior to people like Orwell or Ford for pointing out truths that used to be commonly held. You're a brainwashed fucking faggot and Orwell is churning in his grave over your bullshit.

>> No.4933638


I don't feel superior to Orwell. I can only hope I'm as honest with myself as he was, but I suspect I fall way short.

Having said that plenty of people in Orwell's time had figured out that antisemitism was ridiculous and peculiarly vile in its effects. Which makes it so much stranger that Orwell, who was such a moral salient in general, harboured those views to some degree.

So I think I can judge him outside of the context of his time on this one and say that unusually he comes up short. But hey nobody's perfect, I still count him as my favourite author.

(p.s. obviously I'm fighting a losing battle with this one, but the word faggot is pretty offensive you know)

>> No.4933648

>Anti-semitism is ridiculous
Jews control the media, the FED, and the rothschild banking dynasty. Israel is a rouge state that sells USA secrets to China despite being our ally and sunk the USS Liberty. The NSA freely shares our data with Israel. Israel has not signed the NNP Treaty and in fact has stated they will nuke the globe via the Samson Option if threatened. Jews control a wildly disparate proportion of wealth and use their resources to push all the of anti-white, anti-male SJW horseshit as of late. You'll stick your head in the sand over this of course. Hell you probably can't even identify Jewish names. They also mutilate and suck on infant penises and during Kaparot publicly torture chickens. You could also look up what Rabbi Ovadia Yousef (spirtual leader to millions!) says about goyim (non-jews).

>Faggot is offensive
No. It's not. I have grown up with plenty of gays and the word faggot does not bother them. Words are words, they are not magic spells. You're just a soft faggot. If something offends you that is your personal problem, not society's.

>> No.4933668


Not even going to touch the first bit.

Contextualised use of the word faggot: sometimes okay. Random use of the word faggot in an already massively homophobic environment further reinforcing that permissive environment: kind of a dick move.

>> No.4933677


Cry more. I don't see the Germans taking issue to the term "vandal".

>> No.4933692


You honestly can't spot any differences in usage, history etc between the two words?

>> No.4933693

Orwell was a stern critic of commonly held truths, all the more after his firsthand experienced of outright lying propaganda in Spain.

Ford is almost synonymous with Taylorism, which is one of the major things that Zamtayin's "We"--a work closely related to 1984--was critiquing. Ford and Orwell are not good comparisons.

>> No.4933694

Nor him, but I'll bite. What is the jewish grand plan?

>> No.4933695

seek professional help

>> No.4933696


Sure. Vandal is derived from a Germanic tribe, and faggot from a bundle of sticks. So they have more right to be upset than you. Get that dick out of your ass and stop whining.

>> No.4933703

So fascists are faggots?

>> No.4933711


If you head to /pol/ you will find it a common term of address there.

>> No.4933722

Napoleon was Stalin, who was non-Jewish

>> No.4933730

You ass, all of this is arguing in favor of the fact that Orwell was not anti-Semitic.

>> No.4933743

>Writing in the spring of 1945 a long essay titled "Antisemitism in Britain," for the Contemporary Jewish Record, Orwell stated that anti-Semitism was on the increase in Britain, and that it was "irrational and will not yield to arguments." He argued that it would be useful to discover why anti-Semites could "swallow such absurdities on one particular subject while remaining sane on others."[164] He wrote: "For quite six years the English admirers of Hitler contrived not to learn of the existence of Dachau and Buchenwald. ... Many English people have heard almost nothing about the extermination of German and Polish Jews during the present war. Their own anti-Semitism has caused this vast crime to bounce off their consciousness.

>> No.4933841

It's okay Anon, when I'm afraid of something I also bury my head in the sand.

>> No.4934524

>You think Stalin killed

It said 1917-1987, retard.

>> No.4934541

To think of those terrible Brežnev era gulags...

>> No.4934748

There really isn't some centralized International Jewish Conspiracy™, just Jews doing what's good for the Jews.

>> No.4934950


Jew here.

Your goy tears are delicious and you tax shekels (moar like shackles lol) will continue our Zionist movement.

We really do own all of the money. I love it. I wake up every day and laugh at how "Political Correctness" is really a part of our own Agenda.

You can do nothing but mewl to your blind goy brothers on 4chan. Hilarious.

BTW, we killed your faggot god lol.

>> No.4934961

>Massively homophobic environment
>/lgbt/ /b/ /gif/ /hm/ /d/ etc

Wow you're one retarded fucking faggot

>> No.4934972 [SPOILER] 
File: 8 KB, 175x149, 1401082341995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even going to touch the first bit

Yeah because it's all objective facts and these curt dismissals are the only defense you have. It's also a proven fact that Israel pays college students to shitpost zionist propaganda. Is that "something you won't touch"? This and everything posted in >>4933648
Are not debatable. They are objective events and policies that occurred or are on-going. A simple search on any of these subjects will support what I say. Your sarcastic horseshit is nothing.

>> No.4934983


Lol post some evidence of these claims. Like, other than posts on stormfront and whatnot.

>> No.4934998
File: 133 KB, 720x641, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





These are just surface links. As I said, anything I mentioned is easily searchable. Israel is also a haven for international Jewish criminals. An example could be Roman Polanski.

>> No.4935002

>These are just surface links. As I said, anything I mentioned is easily searchable. Israel is also a haven for international Jewish criminals. An example could be Roman Polanski.
Don't forget Meyer Lansky

>> No.4935087


None of this is really surprising.

Paying students to write political posts? GOD NO. It's called propaganda. It's not right, but it's hardly unique to Israel.

NSA bullshit is bullshit but it ain't unique to the jews. Governments do and have spied on their citizens forever.

Kapparot: Whoop-de-doo. Look at modern day factory farming. The scale of suffering that animals undergo in these condition absolutely dwarves this practice. Hell, your own wikipedia article mentioned that other jews even fought against it and that it's rare today.

This is why I don't take /pol/ jew-haters seriously. You guys are on par with 9/11 truthers. All you do is cherry-pick a few facts that makes the jews look bad and then act like it's totally unique criticism and doesn't appear anywhere else with different ethnicities and ideologies in slightly modified ways.

>> No.4935100

exactly when do the actions of one country make antisemitism okay? I'd say that both the US and Israel are generally in the wrong (esp as far as the Palestinian conflict goes), but this doesn't make antisemitism justified. all the other paranoid shit that's being posted is just insufferable

>> No.4935139

I believe this is relevant. Contains video directly from AIPAC


>> No.4935155

Whatever man. Keep your eyes open on sensationalist identity politics bullshit. The authors are often jews. Fuck even Laurie Penny and Sarkesian. You can choose to remain blind but that's what your doing.

Oh yeah lets race to the bottom because "everyone's doing it xD" . Fucking idiot.

>> No.4935167

this is just childish

>> No.4935172

You haven't refuted anything. Twice now you have responded with a half-heared ad hominem type deflection for the sake of doing so. You sure showed me.

>> No.4935177
File: 41 KB, 257x484, gyro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The refutation to your argument is pretty simple
>Jews do bad things
>non-Jews also do bad things
>therefore Jews are not the sole cause of bad things

>> No.4935184

>I can vaguely state other bad things happen and that means we should never worry about all the whacky shit Israel does or the Samson Option or even anything else really lol

You're fucking retarded. Flat out, you are a moron.

>> No.4935190
File: 27 KB, 234x272, top sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>okay so every country in the world does these shitty things
>let's focus on one country here

>> No.4935237

>Jewish Race
rofl you just showed how "fucking stupid" you are yourself.

>> No.4935246


And if you look at his tables, 40 million of those are up to 1956, intelligent person.

>> No.4935250


>okay so every country in the world does these shitty things
>let's focus on the one that's the major recipient of our military aid, as we could potentially do something about it

>> No.4936416


People criticize Israel in a rational way all the time. You're not helping that cause by becoming uncontrollably angry when people don't agree with your irrational of hatred of all jews.

>> No.4936434

Well luckily he's not me and your bullshit "hurrr hurr you're irrationally le mad xDDDD" doesn't make facts go away despite how easily such shaming tactics may work in your little indoctrinated cliques.

>> No.4936458


>> No.4936549

>your little indoctrinated cliques

The irony here is just staggering.

>> No.4936578

The book isn't anti-semitic
If anything, OP is for making such a connection to the pigs.

>> No.4936583

Again, you have nothing. You just try to be sarcastic and minimize truths and hope that you can paint me as ridiculous so others won't listen. You don't even attempt to argue against anything I've said because you know you can't. All you have is this bitchy nonsense that you've been taught through the media and other brainwashing institutions. It's really sickening how you can go through your life never realizing that you actually have no point. I just don't get it but there sure are a lot of you little robots around.

>> No.4936598

>paint me as ridiculous so others won't listen
You seem to be doing a pretty good job of that yourself

>> No.4936613

You can just stop responding, idiot. All you do is prove me correct every time you continue this sarcastic bullshit. You can't address any of the facts stated so you just continue this meaningless bullshit that basically equivalents to "no lol xD".

It's pretty pathetic to watch you all be the exact same retard with no argument. I would daresay even it's disgusting how little of a thought process you have.

>> No.4936616

I love you, crazy Jew-hating guy, and I hope you reply to this and call me something creatively insulting. :3

>> No.4936618


>> No.4936632


Why are you proud to bask in ignorance? If I'm so objectively wrong it should be quite easy for you to disprove everything I've stated. Should I review my points for the nice lurkers on page 0?
Those two posts contain what has you so mad. Links are included. I happily await your evidence to the contrary ;^)

>> No.4936641


Dude, you and your buddy seriously haven't said anything substantial. No one is saying your facts aren't true--you're using a handful of unsavory facts about a single group of people and acting as if those facts are completely unique. You're overestimating the jews in addition to confusing an entire ethnicity to a country. Never mind jews like Amy Goodman, Norman Finkelstein and Chomsky that adamantly spend huge portions of their lives critiquing Israel-American foreign policy with a rigorous academic integrity you couldn't muster if your life depended on it.

You're blowing things way out of proportion and resorting to condescension each time someone tries to explain this to you and crying about "muh facts" when it's the CONCLUSIONS you draw from them that are so ridiculous. You have the tinfoil of a conspiracy theorist and the blind hate of a redneck.

>> No.4936661

>/pol/ in a nutshell.jpg

>> No.4936663

Noel Ignatiev comes to mind as well. As well as Ovadia Yosef. As I've already stated an enormous portion of anti-white/anti-male articles and books are written by jews. You just have to look a the surnames. I'm not the one who knee-jerk reacted by defending the Holy Chosen People and acted like a sarcastic retard who can't help but reply. All I have done is re-assert that you cannot disprove or minimize the facts so you ad-hominem me. You're still ad-homming now. You have nothing to gain by defending this. You are just programmed to do it.

Please keep replying with sarcastic nothings and pretending nothing is a big deal because lol it's just not. It makes you seem so tolerant and cool!

>> No.4936669

To ad to this I've said nothing tinfoil and calling a spade a spade is not frothing hate. Again, you've just been trained to use this retarded emotional language and non-arguments like these to forestall debate on uncomfortable topics. You are intellectually dishonest and a total fucking faggot. It's pretty clear that I'm making no headway, so I'll see you next time you decide to reply to me for a dozen posts with nothing other than personal attacks and damage control. Maybe one day you'll realize how much of a fool you have been.

>> No.4936670

honestly it's better to ignore them at this point. they're just trying to recruit more alienated 12-year-olds to stormfront.

>> No.4936675


There wasn't an ounce of criticism in that post.

We've already established that there are jews that write and do (arguably) unsavory stuff and those that write things you would probably agree with (like criticizing Israel) if your thinking wasn't purely dichotomous muddle-headedness.

You HAVE reasserted your position several times, no one disagreement there either. It's a failure to defend it that's so laughable.

I haven't tried to refute your handful of references and wikipedia/popular media links because they literally add up to nothing much.

But go ahead and call me sarcastic again since you clearly have such a firm grasp of them term. (See, THAT was sarcasm, huehue.)

>> No.4936678

You have a bad case of Confirmation Bias and only see the things that support your negative viewpoint.

One such as you would only look up the teachings of Shammai, while in reality a vast majority of Jews follow the teachings of Hillel the Elder.

>> No.4936693



And to answer your question OP, maybe a little deep down, but not in any significant way, no.

>> No.4936694

But you're the one asserting things here. The other side is saying "maybe it's dumb to blame Jews exclusively when we've seen all ethnic and religious groups do these things". You're disputing that. So provide some evidence. Stop pissing about with wordplay and personal insults and give us some substance.

>> No.4936970

>Jews control the media...

Okay, go on then, I'll bite. Prove it.

>> No.4936986

They openly control the media dumbass. It's not even a secret. Warner brothers, spielberg, wachowski brothers, bruckenhiemer, cohen brothers, eisner etc. Never mind even talentless hacks like Ben Stiller and Sarah Silverman and John "the racebaiter" Liebowitz continue to get work. I'd like to re-itterate that I suspect most of you "skeptics" couldn't identify a jew even if they were named Yoav Shamir. You can easily find jews admitting this and there is even an article with a jew commenting on the phenomena of being proud if their media-influence yet calling anyone who dares mention it an anti-semite. I would waste my time googling it but you're already formulating non-reasons for why everything I have already said is irrelevant or somehow "not true".

I'm very happy you're all so full of yourselves for being ignorant. Tolerance is a truly wonderful thing.

>> No.4936996


You're talking about influence not control. There are jews in the media. Yes. Does that equate to control? No.

>> No.4937012

>Who cares if so many production studios and directors are jewish they don't actually have any influence xD

You don't even know who John Liebowitz is. Fucking moron. And you're happy to be one, too.

>> No.4937024


>> No.4937033

God, is /pol/ on a field day again or is summer starting?
This thread is just downright terrible...

>> No.4937041

Yes I know, it must be awful realizing that you have no rebuttal but feeling like you need to keep vaguely defending something that doesn't benefit you in anyway. Take back control of your own mind, man. Christ.

>> No.4937049


I'm not saying they don't have influence, I'm saying that that's not the same as contol. It's that simple.

And not having an encyclopedic knowledge of a foreign country's minor public figures hardly makes me a moron.

Oddly though as a conspiracy theorist I don't think you are a moron. I'm often impressed at the depth of the conspiracy theorist's knowledge. What is normally lacking is the breadth of knowledge and the ability to put what they know in a larger context.

This is a perfect example. You've latched onto a theory "jews control the media", and you've searched out every scrap of evidence, probably quite thoroughly that supports that theory. But ignored the tens of thousands of people in the media who aren't jews, and their collosal level of influence.

>> No.4937065

I like how you admit you're just taking a shot in the dark and then just shit out a bunch of stuff you made up. You realize even fucking James Franco is jewish, right? You know all the shit on Nickelodeon with the sexualization of kids? Yeah that's thanks to Dan Schnieder. You know how the Disney Channel is doing the same shit? Yeah that's Michael Eisner. You know who produced Jersey Shore? A jew. You know who owns viacom? Sumner Redstone. What do we think Mr. Redstone is?

No but I'm sure with your vast knowledge of jack shit you must be correct.

>> No.4937072

All those people are Americans.

>> No.4937078

I'm glad you've decided to concede. Considering that you have no point to make, it's probably the best for all of us.

>> No.4937086

That's not really a conspiracy though, is it? All Americans want to take over the world. Openly. Installing puppet regimes, MKULTRA experiments, NSA spying, drug running through the CIA, Hollywood propaganda. Those aren't Jewish things, they're American. It just so happens that some Americans are Jews, and you're too blind to see what's really going on because you're just another ignorant sheep.

>> No.4937089


Y'know who watched Jersey Shore? Millions of Americans. Did the Jews hypnotize millions of people and make them support a shitty show?

>> No.4937097

>Bad things happen so other bad things shouldn't happen

Jews are 2% of the US population and highly overrepresented in media and politics. A lot of our campaigns in the middle east concern Israel's well-being. You're just trying to divert that fact that I'm correct because you don't like it. Why? What do you gain from fighting the truth so hard? It's possible you actually are jewish but goyim do this regardless.

You mention the NSA but again their data is shared openly with Israel. And you don't want to get into MKULTRA. I am a pedowood OP. I have more information on this subject that you ever realized existed.

Regardless of the USA israel as jewish people influence media and policy for their benefit and the detriment of others. You can try to sweep it under the rug all you like but that is what you are doing.

>> No.4937100

You back to fucking /pol/, seriously.
If you are a hammer, of course, all you see is nails.
If your absurd core belief is that "the jews", i.e. all jews, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, occupation, political stance etc. are responsible for all vaguely bad things in the world and that they all work together in some kind of convoluted scheme, merely because you say so and because certain groups with Judaism as established religion share several (!) genetic pools, because those groups were ostracised some centuries ago from the respective mainstream societies without giving the individual member of those collectives today any chance to break free and to stop being jewish (because dur, Jews are a race and he will always work for the Jewish cause lol!), then yes, fuck you! If it is race then what is it with all the other semite races? Why aren't they that bad?

>Take back control of your own mind, man. Christ.
How have you asshole control of your own mind, when you fail at basic logic and common sense?

>> No.4937101

still waiting eagerly to a mod to delete this fucking thread

>> No.4937102


You're takling to multiple people.

>All those people are Americans

This is not me.

Anyway, I propose an experiment. We take say the 20 largest media companies by market capitalisation and then we look up who each of their CEOs are and then we look up their ethnic/religious background and come back and compare notes?

Feel free to suggest adjustments, I feel like it's a little vague really.

>> No.4937104

Yes. That's exactly what happened. Now go watch game of thrones and remember the 600 trillion.

I don't give a fuck anymore how it sounds when you call television "brainwashing". That's what it is and pussy footing around an issue never helped anyone

>Inb4 fake patricians on the literature board defend television with their very soul

>> No.4937106

Actually you're wrong, I have more information than YOU ever knew existed. 98% of the US population are not Jews. When was there last a Jewish president? If Hollywood wasn't doing what the government wanted they wouldn't exist. It's pretty obviously just America being American. Stop looking for scapegoats, you're the bad guy.

>> No.4937110

You can't refute anything I said but you still type this nice paragraph to let me know how upset you are about it. How cute.

>> No.4937114

Nice to see that you are unable to grasp the basic criticism of your position.
Well, at least you can continue hating the evil jews and feeling better about yourself, right?

>> No.4937120

You've said nothing at all and the director of the CIA or the FED is often jewish.

>No I have more than u xDDDD

I do have to say it's adorable you think you know more about shady government ops and mind-control than me when you don't even understand that hollywood production is jewish.

>If hollywood wasn't doing what the government wanted they wouldn't be around

Well your argument has become "the USA is evil" so you just shot off your own cock.

You people are unbelievably retarded

>> No.4937123

Please anon-kun, be impotent online more! That will make those mean ol' facts go away! If only you can make me feel sad inside, like a true progressive.

>> No.4937124


You are so fucking stupid I honestly don't think you will ever see it. It's the concept of the lowest common denominator and it's been around forever. Junk has always sold well.

But OH he found some Jew playing to the market with a trashy reality TV show so the Jews are brainwashing everyone.

Keep calling everyone brainwashed and declaring yourself right though you delusional chach.

>> No.4937129

I think it's adorable that you seem incapable of understanding when someone's satirising your baseless assumptions. The directors of the CIA and FED are always American. Nice one, retard.

>> No.4937132

The father of modern advertising is a jew names Edward Berneys. He wrote a book about his techniques called propaganda. You also never managed to disprove anything I said, so you're just letting off steam because you're mad that you like television like a good little goy.

>> No.4937136


Awaiting a response to this.

>> No.4937139

>American institutions are american, checkmate atheists

Mother of god. How can you willingly be this stupid, and fight so desperately to remain so?

>> No.4937140

Yes I know, it must be awful realizing that you have no rebuttal but feeling like you need to keep restort to pathetic namecalling. Take back control of your own mind, man. Christ

>> No.4937141


$20 he's too chicken shit to respond or if he does he namedrops a random jew and calls you brainwashed without an argument.

>> No.4937145

You really don't understand the point I made earlier, do you? I can see this argument is just going to go in circles so I'll just point you back at >>4937086 and you can read through it all over and over until it makes sense.

>> No.4937153

>I propose an experiment:
>No, you do it all xD

Look faggot, if you don't understand that Bruckenhiemer, Warner Brothers, Spielberg, Disney, Viacom, etc are THE media heavy-weights, you're ignorant. If you think I'm going to partake in your retarded little scenario YOU SUGGESTED when the evidence is overwhelmingly in my favor you're an entitled moron. The information has been presented. Repeatedly. If you want to learn more, you're on the internet. If you want to keep being a sarcastic, empty-headed faggot then you can join these other two chimps in throwing shit at my strawman some more.

Have fun being idiots. Not so much the guy I'm quoting here necessarily but you other guys are truly despicable scum. Such shameless glorification of ignorance and pride is repugnant.

Enjoy not having any points and defending a group for no reason.

>> No.4937155

The response is >>4937072
Maybe not all, but the majority. There you have it. The US is pure, unadulterated evil. $20 says it weighs as much as a duck.

>> No.4937162


I'm not denying that there are a lot of jews in the media, what I'm saying is that they hardly make up a majority, and they don't have some coherent set of beliefs that they are working towards.

Refusing to put your beliefs to risky experiment is another of the hallmarks of the conspiracy theorist. Sorry.

>> No.4937333

>and they don't have some coherent set of beliefs that they are working towards.
Feminism, gun control, multiculturalism, and being pro-Israel seems common.

>> No.4937424


Except most conservatives are pro-Israel and rabidly anti gun-control, feminism and multicultutralism while the opposite is true for liberals. And again, all of these isms have a diverse array of proponents including and certainly not exclusive to Jews.

>> No.4937452

will you stop being so helplessly American, /pol/

>> No.4937463

I agree with you that Israel is not a perfect state and all that, but do you really think that all Jews are born evil or something?

>> No.4937478

I am not the guy your were arguing with and I am abandoning this thread.