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4932187 No.4932187 [Reply] [Original]

So whats the verdict on Elliots writing?


I get the impressioon he didn't read much...

>> No.4932189

Catcher in the Rye : Fedora edition

>> No.4932192


>> No.4932194

The whole thing is about him, every paragraph, every scene, every sentence.

I have never read anything like it, kind of scary.

>> No.4932204

It's poorly written, disturbing, and hilarious. The humour and disturbed nature is unintentional so he doesn't even get points there.

>> No.4932215
File: 1.75 MB, 1159x957, tonight on dateline when manlets fight back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely narcissistic to the point were it was a serious mental illness. he reaffirmed his beliefs by watching pick-up artist videos. was too stupid to recognize his problems though.

dude wasn't ugly, but his personality killed him. this guy breaks him down essentially days before he breaks.

start around 6:40ish http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITpJulVb_q4

>> No.4932220
File: 367 KB, 1130x900, alright enough with the apostles here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

emo faggot

that's the actual verdict, feel free to scramble and over-analyze it to fuck and back

>> No.4932227
File: 39 KB, 1140x377, CALLED IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mentally ill kid in his 20s shoots people up in a blue state.

imagine that.

>> No.4932256

He cant write for shit but i like him

He was incredibly stupid and he needed a friend not for being a friend but to tell him he is a stupid neet idort

But i like him
Woudl be friends with and help him with his problems

>> No.4932258

Why wouldn't it be?

Have you never read a novel from a first person perspective?

>> No.4932261


>> No.4932262
File: 25 KB, 259x306, Jared_Loughner_AZ_red_state.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in a blue state.

Nice try, throwing in that immaterial fact.

>> No.4932264



>> No.4932266

lol straight guys

>> No.4932267

The Sorrows of Young Rodger

>> No.4932269

Have you ever spoken to a narcissist? Someone with the disorder? You couldn't put up with him long enough to help him.

>> No.4932271

not that guy, but there are plenty of first-person perspectives written about other people. they're not all "i looked at me, myself, in the mirror for a few hours"

We know almost nothing, at the end of the book, about Marlow from "Heart of Darkness" or Lockwood in "Wuthering Heights".

>> No.4932273

>I am a narcissist

>> No.4932305

"Most girls never even deigned to look at me, and this one actually looked at me and smiled. I had never felt so euphoric in my life."

Is this for real? The more I read this the more I feel like this is some sort of elaborate false flag conspiracy. But why would anyone bother trying to create a conspiracy to make MRA folk look stupid when they already look stupid?

>> No.4932308

No novel from the first person perspective is like that, not even journals. His is an exception

>> No.4932311

He says it was the most XXX moment of my life a lot.

>> No.4932328

Euphoric is a real word you know

>> No.4932351

I've read the funny snippets that people screen-capped and put on other boards. He's one of those people that use grammar well and employ the occasional Oxford comma to look smart.

Anyone read the part where he listens to his younger sister get fucked by her boyfriend? It's hilarious. The kid was full blown aspergers, it's actually annoying how stupid he is.

>> No.4932356


He also really likes the word ominous, omen, etc.

>> No.4932362

He was pretty intensely involved with multiple online communities. It's hard to imagine that he would be unaware of all the stereotypes that he seems to fulfill. But I guess maybe he just doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.4932365

He's pathetic. He doesn't shut the fuck up about his BMW, glad the little faggot offed himself.

>> No.4932380

don't forget 'deign'

his language is pretty stilted. it's a shame because it is a fascinating read

>> No.4932454

It's actually really easy to imagine, when you consider that he did a few things most people find hard to imagine doing.

>> No.4932529

>that video

What kind of fucked up world do we live in? What the fucking hell is going on with this society? "look at the way he turns his head - he's a fucking weirdo".

What the fuck is going on like? Seriously? Some 40 year old guy has just been requested to take some guy to pieces? Why are we at this stage?

>> No.4932540

do you seriously think that critiquing people is an invention of modern capitalism or something? what the fuck do you mean "why are we at this stage?" this shit has happened since the dawn of time, people analyze each other. the host of the video just does it in a very blunt manner

sounds like you have some insecurities to deal with

>> No.4932546

No, what the fuck is going on when some kid actively requests to have some 40 year old black guy absolutely take him to pieces in the most scrutinizing way in the most public of places? How do you think that's normal?

You think stopping the video every five seconds to call the kid a twitching loser or a hunchback or a shut-in, and having the kid actually request this for everyone to see, is normal?

>> No.4932557

holy shit are you too stupid to understand the context of this? first off, the shooter posted on bodybuilding dot com's forums all the fucking time regarding dating advice, getting girls, etc. the black dude runs a forum specifically devoted to that stuff, and he is addressing all of the shooter's questions. he is explaining in a very blunt manner why girls don't want to talk to and why he can't get a girlfriend.

why are you so mad at the black guy breaking down the video? do you get mad at ESPN when they break down plays or analyze film?

>> No.4932559

Shonen anime tier writing combined with stupidity. Absolutely dogshit, whoever wrote it needs to kill themselves.

>> No.4932565

Pointless trolling, don't care enough. If you think the black guy is akin to fucking sports analysis I'd like you to pay for stitches for my sides. Not bothered.

>i-its normal because there were two consenting freaks involved

>> No.4932569

I dunno if it's even an accurate assessment in the video. I am a twitching loser with a hunchback that spends hours everyday shitposting online and even I've gotten laid. I think this black guy is too harsh on the mannerisms. Quirky isn't bad. Weird isn't bad. I think the kid's problem is probably more related to his psycopathology and it probably didn't help that he was only obsessed with super popular hot tall blonde girls who are more likely to go for stereotypical jocks.

>> No.4932575

>the internet shouldn't be such a mean place youtube videos should be filled with nice words and puppies and rainbows and afterwards google should send all the people in the video a gift basket filled with chocolate

>> No.4932591

It's readable, though his word choice is off far too often and he has a habit of repeating the same sentiment albeit worded differently.

That said, I'm about a quarter of the way through and I'm hooked.

He was clearly a massive cunt. I'm up to the end of his 11th year and nothing has happened to him that isn't just part and parcel of modern day life. He is extremely entitled. The levels of blindness towards his own social standing - something he cares far too much about - are staggering.

As a non-american I cant help but wonder how much growing up in somewhere as focused on wealth and status as LA ultimately affected him.

Also, as of yet, he hasn't mentioned a single meaningful experience with his sister. It's almost as if shes part of the furniture. He spends far more time describing his nannys than he ever does for her.

>> No.4932669

the guy clearly had no interest in women except as status signifiers. he doesn't even seem truly interested in sex, despite going on about it constantly.

>> No.4932782

keep reading, the final 1/3 particularly is chilling

>> No.4932799

>the guy clearly had no interest in women except as status signifiers

This. I'm of the opinion he was gay.

>> No.4932828

eh, i don't know about that. he doesn't seem particularly interested in men either. they are just rivals to him - even the few who tried to treat him nicely. the kid had the most severe narcissism disorder i've ever seen. i don't think he cared about anyone else at all.

>> No.4932845

Honestly it reads like a B.E.E. with too much sentiment and reflection. This is easily American Psycho at Less Than Zero lifestage & scenario crossover.

Disappear Here.

I miss the desert.

>> No.4932852

On the contrary, he seems grossly preoccupied with men.

>Some boys randomly pushed me against the lockers as they walked past me in the hall. One boy who was tall and had blonde hair called me a “loser”, right in front of his girlfriends. Yes, he had girls with him. Pretty girls. And they didn’t seem to mind that he was such an evil bastard. In fact, I bet they liked him for it.

All too often, when he mentions women, it's always in relation to what guy is with her or has been with her.

>> No.4932875


also "horrific" and "foul".

>> No.4932883

>it's always in relation to what guy is with her or has been with her.

because he's insanely jealous of their status

>> No.4932886

and obnoxious and boisterous

>> No.4932891

he fantasies about blond girls, he has an obsession with just blond girls

>> No.4932893


His choice of words is pretty fucking terrible at times. His voice is very immature, which is hardly surprising.

>> No.4932897


The dude was delusional, everything about his person was consumed by his >TFW NO GF. He had a one track mind and it was a stupid fucking track. It shouldn't come as any surprise that he had a poor voice as an author, he even says himself that he has no talent for writing.

>> No.4932898

He is very single-minded and never went off-topic

>> No.4932902

because that's like the most stereotypically heterosexual preference a man can have

>> No.4932905

but only?

>> No.4932908


He is also pretty racist, he constantly whines about how women would rather fuck niggers and mexicans than him. So I wouldn't be surprised if he felt that only pure aryan birds were good enough for him, since he is God and all that.

>> No.4932909

And yet, I can't stop reading.

>> No.4932913


Yeah, it's a perversely interesting read. It also made me feel pretty good about myself.

>> No.4932914

I still can't see how he is gay.

>> No.4932920


Oh, I'm not the guy who thinks he is homo. I agree that he was fixated on tall blonde women tho.

>> No.4932932

Actually he describes the girl who first started seriously bullying him as a blonde, and he also had a crush on her. Probably that turned into an obsesssion about women who look like her.

>> No.4932954

I don't buy it. There's a part in his writings where he talks about listening to his sister getting pounded by her boyfriend--stating that her boyfriend didn't even have a car.

The girls are totally immaterial. They're like Patrick Bateman's business cards. He never goes into any detail about the girls--it's always wholly superficial, rarely ever stating anything beyond the fact that they're female.

He doesn't fantasize about blond girls, he fantasizes about being a man who has a girl--that is, an obviously heterosexual male. He wants that image, so he can convince himself he is what he wants to be.

>> No.4932964

I'd like to read a book about this guy's life; that, or watch a movie.

>> No.4932972

Except Bateman is fictional.

He hated the kind of guys that were banging the blonde girls.

He said repeatedly that his dream was to have a nice gf and wife and children. It was more that just an attachment.

One time he said he would be a better father than his father.

>> No.4932977


you and millions of other young adults ripe for the consumerist picking

>> No.4932981

american Psycho is pretty close. It's what would happen if elliot was charismatic and successful with his issues with narcissism and sociopathy.

>> No.4932987

>stating that her boyfriend didn't even have a car.

a comment on status. he only ever talks about men with regards to their social status relative to his own.

>that is, an obviously heterosexual male.

or a man of status. women are trinkets, men are competition. that's how i gather he experienced the world. he didn't care a bit about intimacy, just about domination.

>> No.4932989


Nah, his total lack of charisma and failure at almost everything he tried to do is too big a part of what makes his story interesting.

>> No.4932999

Bateman is a fictional, heterosexual character obsessed with image and possessions, created by a homosexual male.

So, too, was Elliot Rodger a fictional character obsessed with image and possessions, created by a homosexual male.

He says he wanted a girlfriend but never made any honest attempt to get one. The truth is he never really wanted one, but wanted to project that image to himself and to the world--as a man who does want a girl.

>> No.4933005


>he didn't care a bit about intimacy, just about domination.

I think this is a bit of a mischaracterization. He speaks (more than once I think) about his desire to have intimacy with a woman - to sleep next to her, to walk along the beach at night with her. But no individual woman had any place in that desire.

>> No.4933019

No the reason why he dyed his hair when he was like six was because he thought blond people were better? Attributing it to a girl is too easy.

>> No.4933027

how old was his sister when she got fucked

>> No.4933033

>He says he wanted a girlfriend but never made any honest attempt to get one.

social anxiety and low self-esteem does that to you

>> No.4933045

I don't buy it, frankly.

He could have easily found someone by putting up an Okcupid profile, but was quite content to make videos of him crying while filming couples in public.

He tried to make a Tinder account but the app mysteriously wouldn't function on his smart phone. It's obvious to me he never really wanted a girl.

>> No.4933053

Elliot Rodger is a Mishima for the modern age. A manlet who, instead of prattle about national identity, focuses on a more selfish angle of rejection by females. He was antisocial with a false sense of superiority and clearly a closeted homosexual. He's even half Asian. His reason for seeking death was more honest than Mishima's, but besides that the only big difference was using a gun instead of a sword.

>> No.4933067

Christ, he describes every bullshit event that happened in his life, I had to start skimming or there is no way I would have finished.

In all of this tragedy I have to feel sorry for his friend James, he seemed like a kind young man. I wonder what all the guys he described being jealous of thought reading this. Creeped?

>> No.4933071

And to think if this guy had read The Sorrows of Young Werther, he would have just killed himself...

>> No.4933077


Let's be honest, none of them read it. (Maybe Addison.)

>> No.4933087

18, well when he heard her getting fucked. probably before that she got fucked.

>> No.4933097

what a fucking mongoloid

>> No.4933103

Oh that's boring, was kind of hoping he totally dropped her in it.

>> No.4933107

Addison was an interesting figure. I suppose he and Philip occasionally went on a night on the town with him out of pity.

I am sure some people who knew him over the years couldn't resist the urge to read it.

>> No.4933108

>He's one of those people that use grammar well

No he's not. He fucks up his tenses so often I suspect he might have originally written it in the present tense and done a lazy find-and-replace rewrite.

>> No.4933176
File: 127 KB, 845x497, Elliot Rodger 2014-05-25 23-44-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are his favorite books, according to his facebook page.

>48 laws of power

>> No.4933181

Half-chinese faggot thinks he's entitled to beautiful white women.

Makes no effort to improve himself. Posts on anti-pick up forums crying about how pick up is fake and impossible.

Epitome of average frustrated chump.

>> No.4933201
File: 1.09 MB, 1457x2093, the tunnel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He writes a little like the protagonist of Sabato's "The Tunnel". Who too is a sociopathic sperglord.

>> No.4933227

I was waiting for someone to post something like this, since he is like Juan Pablo Castel in a few different ways (up to killing women).

>La dificultad mayor con que siempre tropezaba en esos encuentros imaginarios era la forma de entrar en conversación. Conozco muchos hombres que no tienen dificultad en establecer conversación con una mujer desconocida. Confieso que en un tiempo les tuve mucha envidia, pues, aunque nunca fui mujeriego, o precisamente por no haberlo sido, en dos o tres oportunidades lamenté no poder comunicarme con una mujer, en esos pocos casos en que parece imposible resignarse a la idea de que será para siempre ajena a nuestra vida. Desgraciadamente, estuve condenado a permanecer ajeno a la vida de cualquier mujer.

If only that weird loser read better books, he could have at least found some succor.

>reading Sabato in English

>> No.4933274

me me me me I me me I me me me I me I

>> No.4933356

top kek

>> No.4934709

Well like I said, I've only read snippets.

Pretty fucking hilarious how bad he is, though. His life is such shit. There's no possible way anyone without this level of autism would even considering putting there life on paper like this.

>> No.4935900

yeah i know... charity pfftt it was just invented in the 20's to sell cat food

>> No.4936907
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>> No.4936921

Dude didn't even look bad. Women ignored him because he was mentally unstable.

>> No.4936926

>Amazon .Mom

>> No.4936944

Son, what you need to do is read some Bukowski, lower your standards, and take up some art form.

Or go on a rampage that will lock in a substantial fraction of the zombified mainstream news cycle for the next three weeks.

Whichever. At least you'll be productive.

>> No.4937008


I heard from a few friends that his manifesto was "funny", but holy shit I did not expect this. It's almost like a fucking parody.

How can this guy even be real?

>> No.4937021


>> No.4937121

I mean, people have died, but this shit is hilarious.

>> No.4937171

>Anyone read the part where he listens to his younger sister get fucked by her boyfriend? It's hilarious.
no please link/screencap

>> No.4937233

Guys, I have seen this guys videos but I have not had the time to read the manifesto yet. One thing struck me:

In one of the videos he mentions in passing that he does not have any friends. This is interesting because he is so obsessed with girls and sex and all that shit and that he does not have any friends does not seem to strike him as all that strange.
Is there any part in the manifesto where he talks about that in more detail?

>> No.4937240

Guys, guys, guys.

What's the difference between an egg and Elliot Rodger?

An egg gets laid before it cracks.

>> No.4937280


>> No.4937283

I saw a screenshot of that joke being told on /k/, reposted to on imgur an hour or two ago.

>> No.4937292
File: 249 KB, 909x925, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4937299

>no fun allowed

>> No.4937302

it's morbid comedy gold, his way of using the expression ''THOSE BLACK BOYS'' and the story about his sister are tremendous

mental illness shouldn't be laughed at but the guy was a goofy millionaire dork

>> No.4937403

go back to reddit, dude. Don't kill simple fun.

>> No.4937409

I can't help it if you can't find this situation as funny as I do.

>> No.4937570

>I miss the desert.
Is this a quote?

>> No.4937575
File: 215 KB, 397x382, 1401054125422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until you make it to the "I AM GOD" epilogue. It literally reads like some sort of twisted GNAA all-male paradise.



>> No.4938253

>How can this guy even be real?
This so much. The whole shit seems like a cheap parody of the typical nice guy virgin, realizing that people died because of this loser is just bizarre.

>> No.4938257

We all know it was Anime that took this boy's life.

>> No.4938261

He stabbed just as many people as he shot. When will Europoors learn to give up their knives and forks and join the rest of modern civilization?

>> No.4938266

>give up ur guns so no one e'er gets shot again

shut up, rest of the world. we'll take our mass shootings like real adults.

>> No.4938276

WTF, he is clearly fucked up by the first 6 years of his life. He is writing a very slanted history of himself and even then its obvious he was a cunt.

>> No.4938279

It's self indulgent to the point of being funny at points.
I chuckled at his regular updates on his WoW activity in the teen section.

>> No.4938280

Because he killed a bunch of people. He could write tumblr posts and they would still be engrossing.

>> No.4938284

Yeah, this is unfortunately true. He really got his own way in the end.

>> No.4938286

>Elliot Rodger is a Mishima for the modern age.

Holy shit you might be on to something. I think the real lesson gained from this is homosexual Asians are fucking looney tunes.

>> No.4938292

He honestly reads like a cartoon villain bent on world domination and societal control.
>I will make them suffer
>women will bow down to me and beg to be inseminated
>I am god
>mountains of skull and rivers of blood
>throwing orange juice at couple for fun

Dude was a complete sperg. Its almost impossible to imagine him actually killing someone with how weak he was, with a knife no less.

>> No.4938295

can someone tell me what a B.E.E. is?

>> No.4938300


Bret Easton Ellis one would think

>> No.4938309

Suicide Note was better.

At least some actual work went into it.

>> No.4938310

we have a case study for excessive 4chan use

>> No.4938312

It looks like he killed three little asian boys with the knife.