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4930479 No.4930479[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

any recommended reading on the philosophy of LOVE?

>> No.4930487
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>implying love exists
>implying love lasts
>implying love is anything more than the momentary coveting of a person or thing

>> No.4930492

My love for that woman would last a whole two hours, maybe three if she makes me dinner.

>> No.4930503

We had a Lacan thread the other week, and some cool Lacanbro showed up and quoted some memorable passages on love and desire.
Kierkegaard might have something to say about it also.
Plato's Symposium is basically the first philosophical work on human love (Empedocles talked about love before, but it was more generic as a principle of attraction between physical substances).

Basically existentialism has often a lot to say about love.

>> No.4930508


also interested in this, have an exam on the literature of love in 2 weeks

>> No.4930517

Love is a spook.

>> No.4930520

Roland Barthes - A Lover's Discourse: Fragments
Lacan - Seminar on Feminine Sexuality, the Limits of Love and Knowledge
Jean Luc-Marion - The Erotic Phenomena
Otto Weininger - Sex and Character
Evola - Eros and The Mysteries of Love: The Metaphysics of Sex

>> No.4930522

>10 minutes tops

>> No.4930524

everything is a spook. your point is invalid.

>> No.4930528

Having sex with me is an ordeal. There is a fair amount of buildup, then I make the woman do all the work. Depending on how drugged I am it can take two hours for the session to be done. That doesn't mean there aren't times where I just get it over with.

>> No.4930547

Love is a spook.

>> No.4930553

I can't cum on MDMA and I always disregard this fact until I'm extremely frustrated because it's become pertinent

>> No.4930561

>can't cum on MDMA
you obviously haven't tried hard enough (or your partner wasn't trying hard enough)

>> No.4930574

The banquet- Plato

>> No.4930582
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so is everything else ergo anicca

>> No.4930596

What? Do you mean The Symposium?

>> No.4930604

Yeah no. After 3 hours and four "almosts" it's time to give up. I'm not going to punch myself in the balls and fuck myself with a cucumber just to ejaculate when just existing on the shit feels pretty good anyway.

>> No.4930614


Yeah, The Symposium is just excellent.

The Philebus is supposedly about love, but in true Platonic fashion it ends up being about something entirely different-- namely, dialectics and literary criticism

>> No.4930649
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>> No.4930652

Ars Amatoria, Ovid

>> No.4931037

I guess. The one I have is called "the banquet" translated by Percy

>> No.4931041

Don't do that to love please

>> No.4931050
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do you even metaphysik

>> No.4931053

“I think… that love encompasses the experience of the possible transition from the pure randomness of chance to a state that has universal value. Starting out from something that is simply an
encounter, a trifle, you learn that you can experience the world on the basis of difference and not only in terms of identity. And you can even be tested and suffer in the process. In today’s world, it is generally thought that individuals only pursue their own self-interest. Love is an antidote to that. Provided it isn’t conceived only as an exchange of mutual favours, or isn’t calculated way in advance as a profitable investment, love really is a unique trust placed in chance. It takes us into key areas of the experience of what is difference and, essentially, leads to the idea that you can experience the world from the perspective of difference. In this respect it has universal implications: it is an individual experience of potential universality, and is thus central to philosophy, as Plato was the first to intuit.”
― Alain Badiou, In Praise of Love

>> No.4931076
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Best one I can think of.

>> No.4931083

As always, Emerson has all the answers.


>> No.4931576

The illusion of love is a biochemical phenomenon and thus a topic of science and not philosophy.

>> No.4931592


>> No.4931599


>> No.4931644
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>> No.4931730


This tune can tell you more about love and poetry, than a thousand treaties.


>> No.4931982


any texts on this? :3

>> No.4931997

Love is more than a feeling, it's something that requires effort and work
Like if you're dating your gf and get bored and leave her because you found someone better, there wasn't any love there
If you spend 20 years with someone through good and bad, highs and lows, realizing you're not gonna always feel emotionally satisfied with the person, but remaining happy, that's probably love

>> No.4933009
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Good point, you should just kill yourself.