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4930932 No.4930932[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


What's your opinion /lit/?

>> No.4930935

It reads like its intent is to have the reader dislike the narrator, like it's a cynical and deprecating character study. Yet it's written in complete earnest.

Is this the seminal work of the New Sincerity?

>> No.4930953

It's from the quintessential beta virgin who snapped and killed three persons with a handgun then killed himself. It's also the third thread on him today and we've had more than enough of him.
Let it be the last answer to this thread.

>> No.4930958

Starfucker is cool op.

I feel like this would be a lot more boring if it was fictional, but the last 20 pages or so are decent.

>> No.4930959

It is just plainly uninspired and reads like a DFW novel. Self moping all the whilst pretending to be completely aware.

>> No.4930960

I'm aware of what this is and who wrote it.

>> No.4930970

he wrote a 140 page manuscript while i didnt

feels bad man

>> No.4930972

i thought the same thing when i read it

>> No.4930987

So his dad probably had a lot of money

why didn't he just pay for a hooker

>> No.4930988

I can't see it on my phone for some reason. Can anyone post an excerpt please?

>> No.4930999

it probably wasn't about sex

i think it was just him realizing how impotent and insignificant he was. a call for attention really

>> No.4931002


There are no real reasons behind a sociopath killer.

It could be lack of affection, or the dumbest trigger excuse.

>> No.4931012

Care to name some "smarter" ones?

>> No.4931031

They are all dumb because there are far more effective ways of getting their "message" across. Not that any are worth listening to.

>> No.4931043
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>> No.4931054


Unabomber was a pretty smart guy

>> No.4931056

Holy shit epilogue.
"I am a god."

>> No.4931058
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>> No.4931059
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>> No.4931063

His bit on technology made me feel really strangely

>> No.4931068

Fuck me, this is gold. Read the epilogue too, he is like the embodiment of /r/theredpill

>> No.4931078

Fuck, the parts about him planning to kill his little brother... I hope the kid never reads that.

>> No.4931090

Please go back to reddit and stay there

>> No.4931093

He is a relatively articulate; capable of expressing himself in words but not actions.

>> No.4931097


>> No.4931101

He had a breakdown because of what the CIA did to his class

>> No.4931104

I actually find myself intensely amused. What has this website done to me? This pathetic deranged fellow is typing out his madness for all the world to see, and all I can do is laugh.

>> No.4931106

Sigh. No.

As much as you retards are foaming at the mouth to make The Red Pill your target on this one, they're innocent.

PUAhate.com are the real perpetrators of this shit (also the site that got shut down immediately by the FBI after the killing). But since nobody ever heard of them, and you need an ideological enemy, you're just going to keep saying "lel red pill and MRAs teehee." Uh huh.

The reactionary response to this shooting has been more depressing for me than the actual shooting. What is clearly a psychological issue that led to the murder of human beings is being without fucking pause as a grounds for anti-gun rhetoric, anti-MRA rhetoric, etc.

And I don't even own a fucking gun or know what MRA's claim to fight for but god damn Zizek wasn't right. Ideology is fucking everywhere.

>> No.4931109

I wonder what /r9k/s thoughts on this are. I bet they're discussing it. Oh lets go and see anon-kun, can we?

>> No.4931114

>"All of those people who live hedonistic lives of pleasure..."

Sounds like /lit/ and /pol/ to me.

>> No.4931121

Honestly, and bring on the flaming, but this is what modern society does to delusional, impressionable and mentally unstable people. And there are a lot of those out there. I'm not saying that these people won't be able to find other reasons, but to say that killers are born and will shape their world view in order to kill is, in my opinion, naive.

This kid thought it was so important to have sex, that because he couldn't get it he went from loving women to creating a world view where women were to be condemned and the men they were dating with them. The main reason this kid brings up as to why he killed others is because he had never had sex.

It sounds like he spent a lot of time online, and everyone watches tv every now and then, and to be fair, if you're not mentally stable, and just observe the Western world as it is at the moment, you would probably think sex is the single most important thing that governs everything else, that everyone only does things so they can have sex because of it, be that playing football, lifting, reading, playing an instrument, having a good job for good money etc. Everytime there is someone on tv that's about to attempt a world record or that wants to sail around the world, etc. The question is always: ''What would you choose, never sail again or never have sex again'', most songs you'll hear when going out or on the radio are about fucking some bitch from the club, and if you don't do these things you're a faggot, the internet, and sites like bodybuilding.com (which he frequented) are full of ''alfa, beta, omega male'' nonsense, 4chan and online games are all about calling eachother virgins and faggots, etc.

I don't get it. Am I asexual or something? I'm not a virgin anymore, but I lost my virginity at 19, so I know the feeling of insecurity when others are talking about sex, but even then I just enjoyed life and had hobbies, and so did this kid.. Why do we portray the world to be all about pussy?

>> No.4931124

I always imagined that most /pol/acks lived either in the upstairs guest room of a two story house, in a literal basement, or in some shack in the backyard that was lined with tinfoil.

>> No.4931125

It's literally all they're discussing, by the looks of it.

What's red pill/MRAs?

>> No.4931126

>Yelling at another redditor

Are you fucking kidding me? You guys are really on here discussing internal reddit politics? What the actual fuck /lit/.

>> No.4931128

>internal reddit politics

A mischaracterization made in haste. What a surprise.

>> No.4931129

He was just a weak person, what more is there to be said

>> No.4931130

I'm the unbannable guy (maybe you've seen me). I have a fiance and my own apartment. You can choose to be sarcastic and call me a liar but your strawman is incorrect.

My strawman of you guys is a large unshaven woman or a small hipster guy, to be fair. I know it's not real but I have one too.

>> No.4931135

>a mischaracterization
>You literally yell at a guy for pinning this on a subreddit and type out "sigh"

Reddit, seriously, calm down your bitchy defensive sarcasm and drown yourself.

>> No.4931147

I don't care about a subreddit, I care about the facts being totally ignored and people throwing random groups under the bus, whether it's the NRA or MRAs. It's ideological horseshit. I don't think I've ever seen people work so fast to submerge an individual into a group or ideology so that they could start yelling as in this story.

>> No.4931148

The shit about listening to his sister have sex o.o
>captcha:4-inch sistewh

>> No.4931154

Okay fair game I apologize.

>> No.4931161

Yfw his writings would be more famous than your masterpiece work ever will.

>> No.4931235


>> No.4931250

This seems interesting as fuq, can someone post this?

>> No.4931279

Page 129

>> No.4931288


>> No.4931290

where did you find it? Can you provide a link?

>> No.4931298


>> No.4931302


Don't know about new sincerity but he's a wonderfully unreliable narrator. His relationship with his mother is actually full on crazy once it gets to the pressuring her into marriage for his financial security parts.

>> No.4931309

Wait, is he the Notes from Underground guy but with money and a BMW?

>> No.4931321

>I arrived at the house one day, my mother being at work, and heard the sounds of Samuel plunging his penis into my sister's vagina through her closed room door, along with my sister's moans.

who wouldn't this traumatize in some way?

>> No.4931325

>being traumatized by a family member doing a natural thing

how fucking repressed are you faggots

>> No.4931327

>I stood there and listened to it all.
Context anon, he was more scarred by the girl who cursed at him for bumping into her when he was twelve at summer camp when all the other kids were tickling him. I mean, she treated him like a fucking loser, how could he not be scarred?

>> No.4931329

>not being traumatised by sex
are you fucking daft? It can happen as easily as a sunburn

>> No.4931331

idk it seems like such a weird thing to know the sound a relative's vagina makes. And the moans.

>> No.4931332

Ya can't dodge the Rodge

>> No.4931336

Weirder to find it out by keeping your ear pressed to her closed door

>> No.4931344

american homes are made of cardboard and plywood. doors do nothing and I doubt he'd have to press his ear to listen to that shit.

>> No.4931357

Nice dubs. Since it's happening in their mother's house rather than the father's I will accept this excuse, but then he goes on to question her about sex, so I'm still thinking not terribly traumatised. Certainly less than the prospect of his half brother losing his virginity as a teenager terrified and obsessed him. He also hates the bf not the sister because he presumes he lost his virginity even younger than the sister, so she's not even the major competitor in the sexual realm. He then goes on to hate on the bf for sponging off his mother by being in the house, ignoring he's told her that she should marry someone rich for his benefit repeatedly at this point.

>> No.4931362
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this guy legitimately sounds as if he had asperger's

>> No.4931367


>why didn't he just pay for a hooker

For an average guy in his position you might say that it was more about the longing for emotional intimacy with someone than just sex.

But he seems so emotionally disconnected due to his pathology that it was most likely only about acquisition. He wanted a girl of his own to show others that he was man enough to have one in his possession.

There is no way a guy this fucked in the head could've ever looked at an attractive girl his age as a fellow human being. He was just too far gone.

>> No.4931374

A supreme gentleman and a real human bean.


>> No.4931392

You summed it up nicely. I mean obviously women think differently than men do, but at some point you realize we are all human beings. He however was too much of an obsessed narcissist to ever come to that conclusion. I listen to him and it feels like he never got past all the teenage angst and alienation. Honestly its just pathetic, it would be easy to say that it wasn't his fault, it was the people and events he grew up around, but really he was just an immature childish whiny little beta bitch. We all deal with bullshit like he did, but almost everyone gets past it instead of becoming obsessed, snapping and killing people.

>> No.4931394

Most Johns are lonely, pathetic pieces of shit looking for that though.

>> No.4931403

His problem is that the way in which he viewed his worth was that women would approach him. When he did try to approach women he did thins like saying hi to a random stranger out walking and went and cried in a bathroom for hours when the stranger didn't say hi back. He sat around in restaurants for entire days as the most active component of getting women to approach him. He definitely views wmen as the ones who choose who they dispense sex to, and so a hooker would have not been the solution because they would be giving their love and sex to money not him.

Srsly I going to have to demand you read the text before discussing it and I'm almost super serial about this.

>> No.4931415

that affected chuckle. He's not bad looking, i'm sure if he were less psychotic he wouldn't have had such a hard time with the pussy

>> No.4931419

Those are some very plausible, satisfyingly common explanations for what we are seeing on the internet right now in relation to this character. 10/10 would listen to my mom repeat several times verbatim to her various friends.

>inb4 that reference to my mother gets me swatted.

>> No.4931422


He wrote a novel. What the fuck was wrong with this guy. He clearly could have made something of himself. His writing is probably early Tao Lin-tier and Tao Lin also writes about people with aspergers. People would just assume he's writing "disaffected" and he would be hipster cool. Fucking moron. He could have had a book deal and been rolling in hipster pussy.

>> No.4931428

I skipped through and there's a part where he's with his friend James in a Panda Express and some popular high school kids walk in and just because the guy has bitches and looks cocky, Elliot gets livid and wants to pour his drink on him and his friend can tell what he's feeling. Does his friend have emotional issues too? It's not normal to get mad every time you see a guy who's popular for no reason other than that.

Do you think "popular kids" even did anything to him ever or he just felt that their happy faces were an affront to him.

>> No.4931437

>yfw he explains his rationale for not becoming a writer in the book

>> No.4931444

He's a piss poor writer but that seems to be really in right now.

>> No.4931451
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>mfw every suffering he experiences in the book is because he went to a coffee shop or the library and had to see couples kissing

motherfucker doesn't know suffering

>> No.4931452

True. Of all the manifestos written by insane people, his has by far the most entertainment value.

>> No.4931453


>Most Johns are lonely, pathetic pieces of shit looking for that though.

No, they are looking for a substitution to that. And most johns are embittered guys who are past caring about the emotional well-being of the women that they want to use.

But any emotionally open and aware young man who is confused and looking for real intimacy usually has the foresight to understand that once he gets a hooker he is going to walk away from the event feeling far more lonely and lost than he was before.

>> No.4931464

>but to say that killers are born and will shape their world view in order to kill is, in my opinion, naive.

But that is basically what they do. They are physically altered from normal humans. If society were different, could they have been fine enough to not actually go through with killing someone? Maybe, but then that would lead someone else to kill people for the same reason. His head is fucked, there is no cure, he pursued no real help, he might not have wanted to say it but he knew how it was going to end from the start. He had an impressible mind, was very much a collectivist. He lacked the fundamental mental chemistry to not be swayed by the pack. Something tragic was inevitable, but in this case it involved killing people so the news will be plastered with it rather than him becoming homeless and that be the end of it.

>> No.4931467


He only needed a decent editor to fix shit up and also to push him to fictionalize some of that shit a bit. Even if it's not well-written, a glimpse into the mind of such a petty, narcissistic virgin rich boy would pull in readers.

>> No.4931474

There are already plenty of novels with that subject. The shooting made his work good because the weight you are suppose to feel from good writing is already driven into the novel by the time you open it.

>> No.4931479

This post is the weirdest mix of cultural relativism and biological determinism. Props for doing it without reading the book, it looks nothing like an agenda despite this.

>> No.4931484

>I hated her boyfriend as well. My sister said that he's been with other girls before her, and I'm sure he lost his virginity at a much younger age. It is such an injustice. The slob doesn't even have a car, and he is able to get girlfriends, while I drive a BMW and get no attention from any girls whatsoever.

Sounds like a modern Patrick Bateman, a byproduct of American capitalism.

>> No.4931485

MRA - Men's Right Activists.
Red pill - silly nonsense they took from The Matrix movies. taking the 'red pill' means 'seeing the world for what it is', wich is a world where men are opressed by women. yeah, i know.

>> No.4931486


>The shooting made his work good because the weight you are suppose to feel from good writing is already driven into the novel by the time you open it.


This is P. T. Barnum type voyeurism. That's it.

>> No.4931488


.. it would almost be TOO easy to make a movie out of this, you know?

>> No.4931491

He hated all of humanity (and built a whole personality around it, to the point where what he looked for in friends was someone who felt the same way about the world) because he couldn't get pussy and he couldn't get pussy because every girl could tell he hated all of humanity (cause he couldn't get pussy).

It's a vicious circle. Motherfucker needed to just ease up and be positive for a year or two and pussy would probably roll his way.

>> No.4931492

>This post is the weirdest mix of cultural relativism and biological determinism.

They aren't mutually exclusive.

>Props for doing it without reading the book, it looks nothing like an agenda despite this.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say here. My point is that blaming society has no real merit. There doesn't need to be an evil person for bad things to happen. His head was fucked, it wasn't his fault, but his head was still fucked. Society forced nothing on him that he couldn't have, if he were "normal", not been able to deal with like a normal person would. Insanity is a valid conclusion; not everything has to be some societal critique of any consequence.

>> No.4931493

American sexuo-capitalism. it's insane how much sexual imagery there is in our culture.

>> No.4931496

The Matrix was such a unique movie. That sullied it more than the sequels did :(

>> No.4931497

>a byproduct of American capitalism.

Has this seriously not gotten old yet?

>> No.4931503


But what if he ended the novel with a mass shooting instead of doing one himself. I know there are novels that already deal with this level of narcissism, but I haven't seen many that deal with this level of petulance. He is really fucking petty and juvenile. He gets mad simply because some guy is kissing a pretty girl.

>> No.4931506

holy fuck, this sounds like a good book. i'm still on the shitty chapters of him as a 10 year-old where he keeps listing his friends and his attempt to look cool. should i skip to the college years?

>> No.4931508

For the record redpill is a meme /pol/ forced and you could be "redpilled" on post-modernism if anyone was able to satisfactorily explain what it was. That guy you're talking to is just from reddit.

>> No.4931509


Let's be fucking real here for one second.

The guy was probably a deeply closeted homosexual. He might not have even known he was or was able to ever accept it.

No straight man bangs Whitney Houston in their car.


Try to tell me this fucking guy was straight.

It's insane that more people aren't bringing up what is the obvious pink elephant in the room.

>> No.4931510

You took the b8, so I guess not.

Seriously though, no person lives in a vacuum and a society without such strong "capitalistic values" probably wouldn't produce this guy.
It would produce other psychos perhaps, but not a guy who thinks a BMW entitles you to girls.

>> No.4931514

Notes from Underground was doing this shit how many years ago? There are a lot of books about this. I'm not sure how many ended with a mass shooting, but again, what makes his work good is the fact that he went on said mass shooting. His popularity has a lot more to do with his actual insanity than it has to do with being a good writer.

>> No.4931516

>It would produce other psychos perhaps, but not a guy who thinks a BMW entitles you to girls.

I can agree with you on that, besides the "perhaps". The guy killed six people, which is tragic, but not nearly on the level of non-capitalist psychopaths.

>> No.4931521

Haven't you heard? This was a triple false flag media event smokscreen with two reported shooters and crisis actors. They'll have the details for the new law proposals hammered out by the end of the long weekend. His dad is a director in hollywood for christ's sakes.

Hell they were probably drafted by Joe Biden himself back in '96 along with the patriot act.

>> No.4931523

if anything, it makes books like Notes and The Road to LA or Ask the Dust look better. now that we have a real example of a kid like that we can see that Dostoyevsky and John Fante hit the nail in the head.

>> No.4931525

It's absolutely fascinating. It's the Catcher in the Rye Part 2: real life edition.

>> No.4931527

he did. the family's lawyer said that as one of the first things describing him in a statement released.

>> No.4931528

It's actually not. It's probably one of the best source materials you can get for a narcissist without going Dostoyevsky's route of taking large excerpts from scientific literature. Beyond that, it's a delight to read because of his unreliability. At one point he spends an entire afternoon facebook stalking his first friend in America to find out she is the kind of blonde college bitch who attends one of the college's he's given a nickname to on the basis of being attended by blondes who he inks are bitches and cunts, and therefore deserving of his hate. That would be low level posting on some boards here, but what makes it genius is what comes next: he spends hours working out how to destroy this girl over dinner through this stalking, and then skips over what happened at the dinner. He has all the complex omissions and revisions of someone with a fictional narrative the weight of any bildungsroman, and the unreliability of the best post modernists. If he had written this book about a fictional character leading up to a fictional massacre it would be more praiseworthy, but as it stands, he's written the kind of character most writers crave. That he also lived and believed it is the dumb and evil part.
As you described them in your paradigm they seem to be, i.e. another biologically determined person would spring up in another culture, though his biological problem would only be relevant in some other cultures. The second part is about how maybe you don't want to talk about the book/him so much as things you are more familiar with.

>> No.4931530

fucking this. He has chapters, diction, flair. It's a wonder to read.

>> No.4931533

*colleges *he thinks are bitches

>> No.4931540

i'm still in the early chapters, but its really bizarre how he lists his "friends" by their full name and usually gives little asides about their social standing and economic status.

>> No.4931545
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>> No.4931546

>we can see that Dostoyevsky and John Fante hit the nail in the head.

Besides the fact that people empathize with the protagonists? I very much connected with Notes and I also connect with Rodger, but the difference is that one is a great writer and the other just wrote.

>As you described them in your paradigm they seem to be, i.e. another biologically determined person would spring up in another culture, though his biological problem would only be relevant in some other cultures.

Yeah, that's pretty logical. Our collective biology does a lot to shape our culture. I would imagine sex would always be very important no matter what culture you are part of. Maybe Capitalism puts more into it that others, maybe less. Either way, there are plenty of mentally unstable people in America that never do anything like this. Perhaps they too would kill people if another "society" were presented.

>The second part is about how maybe you don't want to talk about the book/him so much as things you are more familiar with.

The man is clearly insane. You can put as much abstraction on top of that as you want, but its pretty clear he deviated enough from the social norm to the point of killing six people and then committing suicide.

>> No.4931548

i wonder if the kid ever saw American Psycho. meh, he would probably hate it because Bateman got to fuck women.

>> No.4931554



>> No.4931555

His reactions to seeing naked pictures of women in his tweens is classic. Pursuing the attainment of women is obviously his definition of male, and his love of blonde first showing up when he dyes his hair blond, as a kid are nice foreshadowing, but the pretending to be interested because that's what boys do really seals it. But to be honest, if he had gotten laid by a grill in high school (Jesus Christ the grill would have had to practically rape him) he probably would have out a ring on it pronto and beaten her into submission well into his thirties before realising it. Reading about Uncle Dan at first led me to believe the affair that broke up his parents' marriage was a gay one; the actress was a complete surprise to me.

I'm uncomfortable with the point that you seem to be prevaricating: you're insane if you kill enough people. Insanity is about whether you can legally stand trial, and the obvious absurdity of that scenario confounds me.

>> No.4931556


>this man was clearly insane
>how do you know?
>because he did something only an insane person could do

we begging the question now

>> No.4931562

I just read parts of it, mostly the ending.
It's simple but to the point. Lots of genuine emotion, which is always pleasant to read.
He'll make waves. I can predict at least one major Hollywood movie and other works inspired by it.

>> No.4931568


>> No.4931573

That's basically how insanity works. Sadly, since he shot himself, its impossible to look at his brain chemistry and determine just what disorder he had, but killing six people is so statistically unlikely in the average persons' life that it does fall under the category of "mentally unstable".

>> No.4931575

I'd have just masturbated.

>> No.4931579

That's all nice and well, but I seriously do wonder if men are seriously this obsessed with getting pussy that they will fall into delusions such as this. I've watched the incel/permavirgin documentary aswell, they are spouting the same type of bullshit about women for rejecting them.

So I'm not sure wether you're being sarcastic or not, since that would also imply you think your mother is stupid, but regardless, I am interested in the psyche of the modern adolescent to be this obsessed by something that is being portrayed everywhere as the best fucking thing around, pun intended.

>> No.4931580


>> No.4931581


He very obviously had a break with reality.

>> No.4931582

>psychiatry knows shit
Anon, no. That revolution's been fought, you are not the way of the future. He shot himself to evade the consequences of his crimes. He wrote about how he would not do it when there would be a policeman at his shoulder which even under the psychiatry knows shit paradigm was the basic standard of legal insanity. These are fairy tales you are trying to sell me on, ones which pretty much every one in legal/psych disciplines take pains to illustrate. Whatever helps you be okay with humans though, I guess.

>> No.4931583

This is actually interesting, because you see a lot of autistic people claiming goose is 'just like me' and celebrating. Whereas some are watching this guy and thinking 'holy shit, he is just like me' and feeling sick.

>> No.4931587

wich documentary is thins? link?

>> No.4931594

Anybody else here think his manifesto would make a great piece of fiction?

It reminds me of Welcome to NHK and other loner novels

>> No.4931596

It was directed by a woman as well, so he'd probably just think she is encouraging Bateman's behaviour.

>> No.4931600

I suggest you read Whatever by Michel Houellebecq right after. Very fitting.

>> No.4931605

Dialogue is pretty clumsy, too much repetition of words like "deigned"

>> No.4931608


>> No.4931613

>Whereas some are watching this guy and thinking 'holy shit, he is just like me' and feeling sick.

sounds about right

>> No.4931621

So this guy's mistake was thinking that everything is about sex, right? But isn't it? Don't sex and death motivate everything we do?

>> No.4931659

Do you read to have sex with people?
Do you educate yourself to have sex with people?
Do you play sports to have sex with people?
Do you play games to have sex with people?

Do you do any of the above because you're going to die?

>> No.4931661

He did express himself well, but he conflated every social problem to be caused by technology with often weak reasoning.

>> No.4931662

َAll you stupid niggers still dont know that human mind is not a one sided cube. This guys condition was complex as fuck. It was not about pussy alone there have been numerous things involved :

1-He was short and he was bullied for it for years.
2-He had a 4" dick he confessed on bodybuilding.com forum
3-His dad was rich and semi-famous, so he became depressed as fuck because he thought he could never be as successful as his dad so he became to cop with this through killing people and becoming famous for it.
4- He was autistic, narcissistic, he had Asperger, OCD, and megalomania which was combined with repressed sexuality.
5-Money is the last thing to consider, humans are humans they all act like each other when it comes to socializing. If you cant deal with the harsh truth of world being a shithole, you will go insane even if youre a millionaire.

>> No.4931663


I read and educate myself to make myself a happier, more fulfilled person so that I'm more attractive to prospective mates.

I play sports to achieve a certain physique so that I'm more attractive to prospective mates.

I play games because my life is sad and lonely and it distracts me from the fact that I'm going to die.

>> No.4931666

Do you even know how to Freud?

>> No.4931669

the weird thing is that his plan to go on a killing spree and his stated motivation for doing so reads like something a edgy teen would say in bad novel. if someone gave me this to read with no other information i would just think that it was the work of a uninspired writer. interesting that the manifesto is so childish in all ways and that these childish feelings led him to act in such a way.

>> No.4931682

Oh god, I skim-read the whole thing and I cannot belive this greatness. /lit/ is so fucking jealous that he wrote something better than 99.9% of /lit/ will ever write. And don't give me that crap about it being whiny blog r9k tier writing. This guy was legitimately unhinged and also brave enough to go through with it. He deserves to be forgiven for a self-indulgent style.

You plebs talk about Lolita as if it's a great example of an unreliable narrator, but in that respect, this blows it out of the water. Throughout the whole thing I was questioning whether he was telling the truth, regarding whether his perceptions were wrong, whether or not he knew his perceptions were wrong, and whether or not he was telling the reader what he believed to be the truth.

I was tired of all this Bret Easton Ellis style (and this is also frequently seen in those trashy non-fiction books about decadence on Wall Street / City of London, started by the very great book Liar's Poker) reporting from within degeneracy / decadence, while also making it clearly attractive for the reader in some mocking ironic way where I (the reader) think I am supposed to be ashamed of wanting to be within the story. This is the story in some ways I had been waiting for: looking within the degeneracy / decadence from outside.

And obviously I liked it because I believe in r9k / Reddit Red Pill theory. I'm not saying I agree with Elliot, obviously, but if you think I do then you're obviously too dismissive or bullheaded to properly understand what r9k / Reddit Red Pill is about.

>> No.4931694
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>red pill

>> No.4931702

My nigga. Also: how fucked is it that he goes to the Star War sequel premieres through his mother, and the entire thing builds up to his inability to kill his father? Still they won't ban episode one and edit Indie.

>> No.4931704

PREquels. Fuck.

>> No.4931705

Only at part two and this man is the worst stylist I've ever read.

"Soon enough" "Soon after" "And there I was" "On my birthday"

I don't want to read your high school english essay.

Also maximum lels at the part about "the great valley" in The Land Before Time. Guess he never experienced that in real life, eh? I hope it shows up as a theme later on in the work. Guess I'll read the rest of it.

>> No.4931707

>All of my of my suffering on this world has been at the hands of humanity, especially women.
>especially women
Lost it right there

>> No.4931710


>autistic, aspegers

why be so redundant? he only maybe had aspergers, not full on autism

>> No.4931715
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not nearly as good as the Unibomber's

also if you have not read "Industrial Society and It's Future" by Theodore Kasyinsky, I recommend you do so. It's obviously not the most objective work out there, but it's a good read nevertheless.

pic mildly related

>> No.4931717


really Notes is nothing like this, the protagonist is incredibly intelligent, Rodger is a complete idiot

>> No.4931718
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>> No.4931724

Really? The only reason you read is to ''make yourself happier'' so that it will make you more attractive? You don't just do things because you like doing them? Your whole life is a quest to appeal to someone else?
Yeah, but we're talking about subjects that still have relevance here.

>> No.4931729 [DELETED] 
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then you inevitably see this kind of shit on facebook

>> No.4931732

>faggot virgin goes sociopath and offs himself and some sluts
>thinking I give a shit
>thinking this is more than idle gossip with the shitty-tang of 4chan

>> No.4931733
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>> No.4931734

>Yeah, but we're talking about subjects that still have relevance here.
Fine. Have you Heideggered? Do you even Care?

>> No.4931738

This kid didn't have autism or asperger's. He wasn't shy as a child. He was just a failed extravert. Bleaching the tips of his hair blonde? Abandoning pokemon cause everyone else is doing? Learning how to skateboard to earn the respect of the cool kids? A true autist accepts his inferiority and retreats into himself. He does not fall for the spectacle of sociality that surrounds him. -- A true autist

>> No.4931742

>it has imbibed him with a sense of entitlement
>it has drank him with a sense of entitlement

>2014, 7:35:24
>not imbued

>> No.4931746


>having facebook

i'm not sure how his hating women is that much different from the extreme feminists who hate men.

>society that manipulated his views towards women

or maybe a society that encourages overt promiscuity, arrogance and ostracizing people who aren't completely normal. if he weren't bullied he may not have tried so hard to be the self-centered fratboy that he thought women would go far.

>> No.4931748

Is this the kid who shitposts on /r9k/ about being a eurasian with a tiny cock all the time?

>> No.4931749

I have not, no. Care to elaborate? I just don't find these motives in my own actions (ofcourse I do in some, I work out, not just becasue I like working out and I like the way my body will look, but also so that others will like it, sure.) But in reading, playing other sports and education I honestly don't think ''ow dis gun git me so much pussay'' at all.

>> No.4931751

Er, the kid bullied a lot of people, for funsies. He also deliberately instigated a lot of shit and refused to take personal responsibility for any shit and threw tantrums at the drop of a hat. This is in the early chapters. Have you considered maybe he was just a cunt?

>> No.4931754


I won't read the whole thing, I'm going off a forum post where he said he was bullied in middle school and had to be homeschooled. i'm not sure if his bullying was a retaliation to that or not.

>> No.4931759


>the 'raging sociopath' aspect is completely ignored
>the entirety of his personality and actions can be explained by ''oh, he didn't care for women!''

>the desire to be in a romantic relationship and have companionship is now considered 'entitlement'
>meanwhile, fat girls are 'entitled' to every guy ever and if a guy rejects a fat girl it's because his sexist etc.

>> No.4931760

ya, srsly, my life is more about eskapism than seeking pussy, i am a true gnostik, i seek ezkarnation into the kold rationality of kaos, you kould say i shoot heroin to get pussy from faded heroin bitches but the true motive is to remove myself from the simulation and free myself from the control of the demiurge, if you kant read except to get laid you're probably a shadow person and don't have a fragment of sophia in your soul

>> No.4931764

Poor theyperson. I would suggest reading Heidegger but perhaps it might be better to just look up his terminology in relation to being-towards-death, reveiling, and care. He's a major influence on postmodern thought so you really should read him but his views on one's relationship to those close to one and the awareness of one's finitude largely revolve around those keywords if you're looking for a cliff's notes for the purposes of this conversation.

>> No.4931766


>> No.4931774

It's really hard to tell with Aspergers kids. My brother is diagnosed with some form of it, and it's always been impossible to get through to him about anything, especially since he hit puberty. He's a bit of a dickweed, I can say that much. I think some peer pressure bullshit has probably made it worse.

Hell he even looks like this guy.

>> No.4931782


This guy gets at what I'm saying >>4931717.

Yeah, you can say that there were novels about people like this, but I've never seen a novel about a person like this who was so petulant. He builds up dramatics moments based on the fact that he saw a dude with a hot girl. It makes him incredibly angry. He's a guy who has nothing to be mad about really.

Whether it's been done before is irrelevant anyway. It's not great literature. I said that it was early Tao Lin-tier. The implication being that it's not good literature. But it's the kind of shit that could have sold with a good editor.

>> No.4931786

He spent the fourth grade picking on one of his friends because he thought it was fun. There's many many incidences before and after he was homeschooled where, even in his own words, it's obvious that he was not the victim he saw himself as and was cruel to others. I wouldn't be surprised that the minor flak he did receive back from others in comparison was not in retaliation to what seems to have been his general callousness to others.

>> No.4931789

But aspies and autists are rarely, if ever, violent tho. It's usually coupled with other disorders

>> No.4931796

Where can I start with Heinigger? Preferably something short and sweet. Any linx to help with maybe a general overview?

>> No.4931804

>preferring the xbox to the playstation 2
wow, this kid is a psychopath and a pleb

>> No.4931809

Can you read German? If not, it's better to approach him through lectures of people who understand his terminology. If yes, fantastic, you can start with his lectures if you've read Plato, Sein Und Zeit for ontology general, or if you want more literary bohemian lifestyle fuel, check out his later book on the origins of art.

>> No.4931813

The lectures are the shortest for both Heidegger and any lecturer on Heidegger in comparison to S&Z and Art

>> No.4931826

I don't understand.. Did you just want to write something silly or can you not believe what I've written to be true?
What's a theyperson? Not too big on philosophy at the moment, might read it in a year or 10. Still, if it's about hidden motives for actions, I'd rather read bio/neurology than philosophy.

>> No.4931832

I do not speak German. These lectures... whurr can I findem?

>> No.4931835

What was his rationale?

>> No.4931842

ya, life isn't all about seeking a mate, it's about seeking pleasure, but in seeking pleasure we create attachments of the ego by being attracted and repulsed by certain experiences and memories and sensations and thoughts, thusly the ego turns inward to find a way to avoid suffering, and realizes that through non-attachment it is capable of overcoming itself, shattering itself and releasing its essence into the void, and thusly one achieves immortality and enlightenment through the concentrated practice of buddhizt nihilizm

>> No.4931856

In all fairness, I never mentioned being unatached or being alone, or turning inward completely.

The discussion was about sex, this guy kept raging on about how he was a virgin. Not how he couldn't connect to people, but how all these inferior people were fucking bitches and he wasn't. Sure I like someone to talk to, I like company, etc. This whole discussion was about wether you do things solely for pussy. Wether you read book so you can charm some girl into dropping her knickers for you. It was never about being a social solipsistic hedonist who does things only for his own pleasure and nothing else to ever interfere with it.

>> No.4931862

actually most of them are just drunk and horny

>> No.4931864

He couldn't write. He had to dictate his manifesto into Siri and have one of his counselors spell-check it

>> No.4931868

www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YqDU1W1jk4 this one's a /lit/ favourite

>> No.4931875

A counselor spell checked this shit and didn't alert the authorities?

>> No.4931876

It would take too long to become famous and rich enough to get pussy.

>> No.4931881

Thank you *tips Fedora, twirls mustache, whips cape, conks cane, twerks for a few heartbeats, runs away in euphoria*

>> No.4931893

Yeah, apparently there was a little love relationship that the (male) counselor didn't want to spoil.

>> No.4931895

His prose strikes me as verbose and really off. Though to be honest I'm glad that people aren't nitpicking over that though and addressing what he's actually saying

>> No.4931899

>This kid is the biggest, whiniest, most beta narcissistic, superficial piece of shit I've ever come across
>He's produced more content at 22 then I have at 26


>> No.4931904

i dunno, man, i was just disagreeing about freudian drives, i think the brain is less complicated than to be elaborate sex machines, at best they're eat and shit machines, eating is pleasure, sex is pleasure, reading is pleasure, consumption is pleasure, mastery is pleasure, even reading to get laid is merely the deferral of a present pleasure in the expectation of a greater future pleasure, it hardly requires some sort of overarching yearning toward sex to be inherent in every human activity

>> No.4931913

Well, it's not even sex in itself, it's the wanting to propagate. Ultimately, we can't propagate ourselves, so we turn to children or that novel you've been writing.

>> No.4931931

is that really the case? maybe for viruses and so on but a central nervous system makes things complicated, at which point sex is something more instinctually and evolutionarily determined into behavior than actually being the brain's sole goal

>> No.4931946

Why would our basic drives change when we evolved to service them better? Viral strains kill their own kind for the self propagation benefit far less than even hamsters because they're more adaptable genetically; the hamster can only ever produce hamsters which are not itself, while the virus can propagate itself as a new strain with no concern for its brothers.

>> No.4931968

Verbose? I thought he was pretty succinct through most of it, and the only times he really went off on tangents were the parts dealing with female interaction (or the lack thereof). It's a simple read, and written at about the level of any casual reader with some free time.

>> No.4931972


I know I'm late to the party, but I agree with you. It's sad just how fast this whole ordeal has wrongfully been pinned on MRAs.

>> No.4931977

it was still well written, was something about his choice of words and vocabulary that i didn't like. i'm an elitist faggot though so you're best off not listening to me. he was obviously well spoken/read

>> No.4931984

Getting caught wasn't part of his plan

>> No.4931991

This was performance art. The kid is a master. He wrote the most blood-chilling villain he could, and used his own life to effect his vision. Listen to that evil laugh, look how perfectly he writes a convincing narcissist. He even keeps the grammatical errors for rustic quality. The effect of the manuscript is convincing, but the videos and the finale performance really drive it home. This is the first of a new school of literature. Your children will study him in college and aspire to his like.

This is the next stage of art. No longer will authors merely write about supermen and supervillains, now will they put their body and life to the task of realizing their visions. In a modern world with endless free time and limitless background characters for fodder, this is the new theatre.

>> No.4931994

how the hell is that a strawman? do you know what a strawman is?

>> No.4932002



>> No.4932005

fair enough, life seems to want to reproduce, who the fuck knows why, the copied virus is not the original virus, all things are impermanent, and yet the will of the cosmos resists, taking on myriad forms of increasing complexity, seeking to maintain homeostasis and metabolism, an endless struggle against death, in which life is a stasis, being melted away by the warm rivers of change, toward this end, sexual reproduction is pursued by larger organisms that gender themselves, but this is the larger goal of a collective consciousness, or larger guiding force, for the individualized individual, life is purely about reaction to stimulus, of which sexual arousal is one, but even sex is made pleasurable to increase our brain's propensity toward it

>> No.4932009
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>> No.4932014

in my opinion he had a lot going for him and being popular was within his reach, but he was only cognizant of that subconsciously. he completely projected his own self-hatred onto kids like himself who WERE popular

>> No.4932051

The stimulus is death. Same stimulus that causes us to avoid pain also. Same one that makes us get degrees because all the stimuli seem to point to that having some propagation benefit. The will to power always gets compared to the will to life, and the will to love is much the same stuff- less death than all the other deaths.

>> No.4932074
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Also, i have a friend like this who was close to suicidal

He lives in Dubai where its even worse to find a gf , hell , even talking to the opposite sex is hard
Hes a refuge too and despite his lifes unfortunate events he actually turned his life around and has currently almost claimed a gf

The manifesto seems that he is too shy to even bother approaching a girl at all , no wonder he doesnt know any the fucking twat

But other than that, i like him and i would have loved to be friends with him

>> No.4932081

>the stimulus is death
wtf does that even mean?

stimulus is just something that produces a reaction

our psychology is not defined not by sex

death is perhaps a major factor which life necessarily struggles against and reproduction is the way in which life creates more life

but what we are is a brain

and a brain is a computer

and what that computer does is try to calculate things

and what it tends to calculate is pleasure and pain

because pleasure is what gives us reason to live

and causes us to stand against the nothingness

now there might be weird instinctual things in the brain

but trying to reduce everything down to sex and death as the basic structures of consciousness is insane

hypothetically there could exist an immortal being that didn't reproduce and it would still be considered living

why should we assume that the psychic life is determined solely by something as base and physical as the sex and death of the body?

>> No.4932105

If he hadn't gone through with the killings we would have called him a fedorafag and stopped short of the first few chapters. Something to think about i suppose

>> No.4932119

>no synthetic judgements anon
>psychobabble synthetic judgements up the wazoo double spaced
No anon, and your first statement makes me want to recommend Merlea-Ponty to you but the double spacing leads me to believe Phenomenology of Perception mightn't be what you're looking for. Instead:
>psychology is not defined by sex
Propagation is not sex
>what we are is a brain
What you are is an automaton if you believe this
>a brain a computer
You've gone full retard from here on
>immortal being
Without the stimulus of death it would not be attempting to propagate itself as its propagation to eternity is ensured and it doesn't have to attempt to propagate itself through other means, though it could propagate itself in both immortal and mortal ways, it could not not propagate itself to eternity if such a thing exists, i.e. it would be constantly self propagating. Any reflexive concern would necessarily involve its propagation as being constantly selfpropagating is the only defining characteristic of the hypothesised being
>why assume temporality and being are concerns
Top kek

>> No.4932133

I'm reading this and I think I see the genesis of the "nice guy" ideal as somewhat related to the Nietzschean genealogy of morals. Like we've gone past slave morality and into victim morality. The final step in our evolution toward the society of the last man. The nice guy considers himself moral because he is victimized by society. Those who are responsible for his victimization (girls and alpha males) are therefore immoral people. You also see the same attitude in tumblrites. Even though we do not possess power over others (master morality) or helpfulness to others (slave morality), we are victims therefore we are good. This sort of view is especially dangerous because it allows anyone to convince themselves that they are good because everyone is victimized in some way. Meanwhile, they use this faith in their own goodness to justify all sorts of extreme actions. And then these extreme actions just cause other groups to feel more victimized in turn. A vicious cycle. The end of society as we know it.

>> No.4932168

stimulus is death? not unless you redefine death. it's not like the cells in my eyes are dying when they perceive light. of course, if you define propagation loosely enough then the very persistence of organization within the organism is a form of propagation thus even immortal sexless life fulfills propagation. but we are straying very far from our original points now. you were talking about sex being a drive and other inaccurate and retarded freudian pseudo-science. sex is mostly made into an obsession by culture. consciousness is more concerned with its own impermanent identity and trying to make that identity consistent and pleasurable and conform to a wide array of impulses and instincts of which sexual reproduction and even fear of death is but one in a legion of voices. you sound like a pseudo-intellectual, man, oo merlot pontee, kant talk for yourself.

i meant to say imagine a conscious being, i suppose an immortal sexless being without consciousness is just an automoton. regardless of whether it does maintain itself.

oh, an FYI:
>being unable to see the timeless within the temporal
top kek

>> No.4932200

this reads like mein kampf

>> No.4932214

The cells in your eyes are dying and light only plays a small part in their death. Inertia is the problem, every time it doesn't exist is the death of something. I wasn't the anon who posted Freud but your dislike of him seems just to be that someone told you it was pseudoscience. That eyeballs are inert shit is pseudo science.
Merleau-Ponty discusses how the concept of stimulus as a physiological process breaks down under examination within the first hundred pages of PoP and this is a board where we nearly always foolishly expect people to read books. You've missed such a swathe of passive references from Descartes to Turning so I'm assuming this is not your area if interest, despite you talking about it with at least two anons now, but you're missing out on what the people who are interested in these ideas read t ignore it.

>misses a passive Heidegger reference on a board infested with them
Now we know you're new.

>> No.4932216


>> No.4932233



>> No.4932243

your references are so weak and inane as to be not worth addressing.

phenomenology is just as much pseudoscience as psychoanalysis by the way,

all you've managed to do is regurgitate worthless platitudes that you've digested half-understood from various pseudo-intellectual philosophers you apparently look up to

use a modicum of thought, bro

are you happy right now? are you enjoying talking to me? do you tell yourself that you're enlightening the world? or do you just like to feel better about yourself by posturing and feigning intellectual superiority to random strangers online?

you have no insight into the mind, i'd recommend you check out some cbt, it tends to, unsuprisingly if you go with your intuitions instead of pursuing phantoms and obscurantisms, coincide with eastern and western conceptions of insight and wisdom

>> No.4932277

>phenomenology is just as much pseudoscience as psychoanalysis by the way,
Please don't tell me you want empiricism, my sides are already somewhere in orbit around alpha centuri and I'm not sure they'll last the return trip.
You realise it's as valid as psychoanalysis right? Like those studies that told you it's good you don't understand well enough to judge as valid models and haven't even bothered to read the metaanalyses which would tell you differently?

As for insight into the mind, I know you're hoping I'm not a reader or smart, but you might just be lacking the years of reading and discussion I have. Not everyone here is 19 and if you thought that I was doing this for any of the reason listed you'd pretty much be assuming I'm in that sex and death focused prime which would kind of preclude your initial point against the Freud anon. Projecting and so forth.

>> No.4932291

it's hard to study the efficacy of psychodynamic versus cbt because of problems achieving a double-blind but at least cbt attempts to be responsive to studies and is interested in being reproducible which is more than bullshit psychoanalysis can say

but mental illness is kinda stupid anyway, do people want to get better? and rapport with a therapist is also an important issue. even a snake oil salesman can make you feel better if you want to believe.

if you did it for the reasons i listed you would be interested in pleasure / happiness / satisfaction which would hardly preclude my point

although, it is funny that you mention projection and Freud and then project your Freudianism onto my post

protip: philosophy is dead

>> No.4932307

No, since he didn't get pussy or a girlfriend. He would be mouse man if he got a girl friend and realized that neither fucking nor putting up with the bullshit women give you all day are the things he thought they would be.

And that is the real tragedy.

>> No.4932313

> hard to study the efficacy of psychodynamic versus cbt because of problems achieving a double-blind but at least cbt attempts to be responsive to studies and is interested in being reproducible which is more than bullshit psychoanalysis can say
Bahahaha, bless you don't even know what a double blind is. Meta analyses show the same effectiveness. Efficacy is bullshit in terms of practice.
Considering you've read less on philosophy and psychology than me, I won't be taking your pro-tip. Nice tu quoque, it always happens when Freudians win. Pity I'm still not him. Have a good life cutting off routes of investigation for yourself.

>> No.4932317

warned you fuckers

>> No.4932320

Right out of the books on Violence by James Gilligan.

Highly recommended:

starts around 13:30

>> No.4932326

>protip: philosophy is dead
that's it. I'm going to do a mass shooting and cite idiots who say "philosophy is dead >:(" as the cause.
At least I know better not to waste my time discussing now.

>> No.4932334

I wonder what they would have done if they had found a wild boar.

>> No.4932336

Be dead?

>> No.4932338


In all likelihood.

>> No.4932353

i know what a double blind is and i know that meta analyses aren't perfect

honestly, your posts make me unsure whether you know these things...

kinda ironic how you're now trying to use some sort of faux-empiricism (or meta-analyses of empirical studies) to justify your belief in the inferiority of cbt after empiricism made "your sides go into orbit" (le epic meeem bro!)

considering you can't possibly know how much i've read and you're just making assumptions at this point, it's kind of sad how obvious it is that you're just trying to feel superior now

although our friend would probably say it is related to your desire to have sex and show off your intellectual plumage like some sort of peacock, i'm pretty sure it has more to do with trying to assuage your ego after it's been challenged

i notice you're too intellectually cowardly to espouse any beliefs of your own

have a good life running around like a chicken with its head cut off spouting sophisms

erstwhile, i shall pursue truth

Pray do. I would love for it to become common knowledge how bitter and autistic most philosophers are.

>> No.4932363

Pretty bad, but you're not as edgy as him yet.

I look forward to reading your unintentionally hilarious confessions of how a bitter failed novelist became a mass murderer, and invented a new form of art.

>> No.4932370

>kinda ironic how you're now trying to use some sort of faux-empiricism (or meta-analyses of empirical studies) to justify your belief in the inferiority of cbt after empiricism made "your sides go into orbit" (le epic meeem bro!)
Empiricism is opposed to rationalism and relies on phenomenology was probably that anon's point. What's your problem with le epic meems.

>> No.4932373

I overhead my brother having sex with his girlfriend and it didn't traumatize me at all. At most it just made it awkward for a few days because he knew I knew.

>> No.4932393

That song rules

>> No.4932400

He plunged his penis into his sister's vagina THROUGH HER CLOSED ROOM DOOR.

That shit would traumatize anyone.

>> No.4932405
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fucking lol

This guy had a pretty hilarious life, what a pussy. He literally never got past the nine-year-old's first response to sex as traumatic and unimaginable. His near-total lack of empathy also makes for some great comic moments, like when his dad cuts off child support payments to his mom and the very next sentence is "could my life get any worse?" Anyway I don't know what he is bitching about, I was way lonelier, nerdier and more awkward than him for most of my teenage years and still am not permavirgin faggot. Maybe it's because I am not a manlet...

>> No.4932406

It's a natural extension of PUA/TRP dehumanizing women by encouraging men think of them as the withholders of sex that should rightfully be **YOURS** and you just need enough "game" to get what you **DESERVE**. TRP in particular is all about encouraging men to deal with women as if they're not people, from hookups all the way to marriage.

>> No.4932464

it reads like bad parody

i can't believe there are people that delusional and lacking in self-awareness

>> No.4932475

For real. I just got to the part where he goes to college. So ridiculous. "omg y do hot blondes want to date inferior negroids? cannot they see that i am a gentleman? girls just don't like nice guys. they only want assholes." He does not seem to grasp the face that he is the true asshole whatwith his insults to his friends and families and constantly manipulating them and throwing tantrums not to mention his shallowness, misogyny and racism. Yet he is the "nice guy". I feel like I can understand /s4s/ for the first time.

>> No.4932489

I think the funny thing here is that the guy was by all means the living embodiment of most things envied by your typical beta male (rich, good looking, drives a fucking BMW) and he STILL couldn't manage to get any

>> No.4932490

>I feel like I can understand /s4s/ for the first time.

i doubt it

>> No.4932495


It's not self-awareness he lacked, he whines endlessly about how much of a faggot he was and how little he could do to change his situation and so on and on and on and on. Delusional, guilty as charged. It seems to me though that what was really lacking was a sense of perspective. Cushy suburban upbringing instilled in him a strong sense of the world as just and fair place, and as soon as his idyllic youth began to be less idyllic he realizes whoa, nothing is just and fair at all - and then makes this the grievance that consumes his life. He constantly complains about life being unjust and unfair and screwing him over, but somehow all his claimed reading in history didn't teach him that this has always been the case and there's absolutely no avoiding it so basically suck it up and stop being such an idiot bitch?



Think you got the wrong board there, lad.

>> No.4932496

sounds like normal american to me

>> No.4932520

Fascinating stuff. Even though this shit is boilerplate misogyny, I think it's pretty obvious that this has nothing to do with sex, or even women. Something is going on in America (China too) where some people feel so alienated from themselves that even suicide is not enough, they have to kill random people in order to feel connected to themselves. Really crazy shit.

Don't get me wrong though, a culture of domination/competition has everything to do with this, women/sex are only symptoms. This kid should have read some Camus instead of pick up artist how-to's.

>> No.4932527

>slashing at the air with my pocket knife

this top kek cemedy geld, i'm starting to doubt if the shooting was sincere and not just the grand finale of this magnum opus.

>> No.4932536

Came here to say this.

>> No.4932548

he's a self hating hapa

>> No.4932553

His score is pathetic though.

>> No.4932604

This really bothers me. I mean it bothers me that people think this constitutes suffering. Suffering is physical, nothing, maybe the death of a loved one at a STRETCH, is suffering in a mental sense, unless you're a fucking moron who allows himself to be emotionally invested in impermanent shit.

>> No.4932605


>I think it's pretty obvious that this has nothing to do with sex, or even women

Absolutely, yeah. This dude didn't "get rejected" by women, he never even got that far. There's an extremely strong element of voyeurism to his brand of crazy, he compulsively contrasts himself to others without ever trying to directly engage them. He doesn't really have a sob story about being dumped or anything because he never even tried, having already concluded that he would fail: his experience is already inauthentic and doomed to him because he doesn't see himself as an active individual but rather someone who sits back and watches. And ultimately he chooses to take action in a way that he feels is outside the grasp of social norms because all the ways that are socially normal have been closed to him. (of course there's nothing particularly abnormal about isolated crazy individuals going a-shooting these days! but that is neither here nor there to him.) A great deal of his spleen is vented at tall or attractive men who according to him are in some kind of state of grace where bitches love them and they don't have to deal with any suffering or pain, NOT LIKE ME ABLOO BLOO BLOO. I think it's this compulsive comparison that is the root of his insanity.

>> No.4932640
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I only read posts with more than 3 replies.

>> No.4932646

She's right though. That's exactly what happened.

>> No.4932650

>Muffy Bolding

>> No.4932651

> 2014
> still believing kid did all this off his own free will when none exists

>> No.4932658

It is just unfortunate that now they can be more obnoxious than ever, now that they have a reason to be.

>> No.4932660

>everyone's guiltless

>> No.4932661


That post is an overprivilege of proximate and a corresponding ignorance of ultimate cause because it's easier to blame and demonize a sick pitiful hateful faggot for being a sick pitiful hateful faggot than it is to address the fact that something about how our society approaches gender relations and social power and acceptance is fucked up way beyond the ability of any one sick pitiful hateful faggot to control.

>> No.4932663

clearly in response 2

>> No.4932674

I don't get annoyed by that type of thing. I've never met a feminist in my life, so I don't get wound up about them.

I think this is more a case of the sick pitiful hateful faggot willfully exposing himself to and affirming his own myths of interpersonal relations and allowing them to fester in his lonely pitiful hateful head until they became too big for him to handle.

A real fucking loser this kid. I would have shot him myself for being such a little faggot, and there's no edge in saying that. Taking life over fucking sex. Makes me sick.

>> No.4932675

Give me one good reason why killing people is a bad thing. Just one fucking good reason.

>> No.4932676

agreed. i felt like it was a modern retelling of Catcher. Albeit real and instead of depression he had NPD

>> No.4932681

There isn't one. We all know morality is a baseless pile of shite. The thing is that it's such a pitiful, sad little act. He obviously viewed killing as this big, be-all end-all "now you're gonna listen to me" act, and what did he reserve it for? When his sad little life couldn't attract a female. Now that's what annoys me. So, so pathetic.

>> No.4932686

>being a nihilist

>> No.4932688


The notion that if we stop believing in free will we won't have any grounds for blaming or punishing anyone for anything they do is a total misinterpretation of how the lack of free will works. What's more it is an extremely ancient and thoroughly refuted claim. Read about the Stoic school's views on moral responsibility for a great example of what I mean. I agree with >>4932651, this kid didn't act of his own "free" will but of his will in conformity with causal activity that exceeded and indeed made mockery of his attempts to control his actions and his life. Merely because your will isn't free doesn't mean that you are blameless when you murder people, it means that the buck does not stop with you.

>> No.4932701

he also quoted an activision game before he died

>> No.4932707

Wow that's awful. I mean fair enough if it was Treyarch but Activision? What a pleb. The only decent thing they ever made was Spider-Man for PC

>> No.4932712

yes yes yes yes.... its about time.

I want to read and be educated to have sex and have kids with a decent women. Not a cheap prostitute.

>> No.4932724

Wait a second /lit/ didn't Elliot reason to become a monster was women like her?

It's a vicious circle any serial killer may follow.
Kid was a genius even death he is still pulling the strings.

>> No.4932762

I kind of want to meet this kid Addison he talks about, he sounds like basically the least shitty person in his life.

>> No.4932800

Lol women. Also, 4 of the victims were male, only 2 were female.

>> No.4932877

i really wonder if he masturbated regularly. seriously. not masturbating can drive men crazy.

also, if he did masturbate i bet it was to cuckold porn.

>> No.4932879


Extremely regularly while fantasizing about his fictional tall blonde girlfriend, according to himself.

>> No.4932906

haha, wich page is this on? i want to read it.

>> No.4932915

At some point he says that he tried to stop masturbating but only lasted seven days without doing it. I can't remember the page.

>> No.4932930


46-47: first masturbation experience (humping his bed lel). The story about how he can't go without jacking it for a week is on 76.

>> No.4932942

You are a gentleman and a scholar, anon

>> No.4933040

possibly true. when i first saw his videos there was something artificial about them

>> No.4933044

maybe it'll keep whites and asians from breeding

>> No.4933100

>where some people feel so alienated from themselves that even suicide is not enough, they have to kill random people in order to feel connected to themselves

>(of course there's nothing particularly abnormal about isolated crazy individuals going a-shooting these days!

Fuck this world. This whole generation is fucked and so is the next one.

I'm pretty sure I was the angriest, edgiest kid at my entire high school due to my family situation. Literally no one will do shit about this sort of thing except put your ass on drugs. I would just waste time away online, going from one shithole to the next. Today, I consider it blind luck that I didn't end up somewhere worse at the time.

The internet is the perfect echo chamber to whip yourself into a frenzy, to keep getting angrier and crazier. Any twelve year old can go on /pol/ and start buying into their bullshit. They won't be able to communicate with normals anymore. All they can do is go back online to their favorite shithole again just to have someone to talk to.

>> No.4933115

>>The internet is the perfect echo chamber to whip yourself into a frenzy

Totally agree. Like it or not, the internet was the perfect place for this weird little fucktards fantasies and prejudices to be affirmed and cultivated even further. Imagine if he'd posted on /r9k/, he'd have been accepted with open arms and bullshit infographs would have been posted to affirm everything he believed about women.

>> No.4933127

apparently he started a thread on /fit/ the day of the shootings. imagine consciously spending your final hours as a free, living man shitposting on 4chan

>> No.4933140


Towards the end, he outlines an ideal society, where all but a few women are gathered in concentration camps and starved to death. A select few are kept alive in secret labs and used for breeding via artificial insemination. The remaining dudebros form the perfect society and advance.

Two things: obvious overlap with a certain MRA mentality (not something to taint the whole movement with, but then it's not a movement that needs much help tainting itself) and, as I've been saying: GAAAAAAAAAAAAY.

>> No.4933143

I don't think he browsed image boards, just forums. Stuff from bb.com was reposted on /fit/, wizardchan and possibly krautchan.

>> No.4933158

i didn't see the thread myself so i'll see what i can dredge from the archive. it was obviously him apparently, he had the same style of writing and was conveying the same ideas

>> No.4933170

Jesus fucking Christ, /lit/.

This guy is being commodified as a sensational news topic while his victims will become little more than a statistic on his wikipedia page. A couple of months from now, the names of his victims will be forgotten. Rodger's name will live on.

Some aspiring spree killer, somewhere, will watch this shit on the news and nurture his inner monster while everyone else is too busy shitposting and yelling about red pills and guns and MRAs like a bunch of idiots. No one will actually come up with an answer.

Fuck this shit.

>> No.4933222


I think this is a little different from the usual. There is no rational sense in which his actions or circumstances are sympathetic. He doesn't even have a 'worm that turned' narrative: he could hardly be more emblematic of a deluded sense of entitlement. Nobody can look at his videos and think, Well, yeah, of course dem bitches should be all over his dick - he's a perfect gentleman!

All of the coverage is focusing on his virginity so much. There's nothing there to aspire to, I don't think, or at least far less than with Harris/Klebold or even Breivik - Breivik was coherent, it was possible to imagine someone sane agreeing with him. You can't sympathise with this guy on any level unless you already share his deluded view.

>> No.4933248

So at least he is made into a clown, instead of just an object of morbid fascination.

I suppose that's better than nothing.

>> No.4933257

you deny mental illness exists?

>> No.4933264

>guy goes on crazed rampagne because he's feeling emasculated
>call him dickless

part of the problem innit

>> No.4933268

four loko get on this

>> No.4933281

Idk, I wouldn't say that I sympathise with him per se, or any of his delusions, yet, when getting a thorough glimpse into his life, I certainly feel sorry for him on some level.

Yeah so he's a misogynistic narcissist with a larger sense of entitlement than the entirety of LA combined, but he was clearly unstable and unable to form significant relationships. That's kind of depressing.

>> No.4933289


Sure, but I'm talking in the context of inspiring copycats or misdirectedly encouraging approbation of him.

>> No.4933297

Dude's famous for not being able to get pussy. I think we can safely assume most men that are in the position he was in wouldn't trade places, even now.

Fame is one thing but being famous for being a consummate failure with girls is another. There will be no copycats of this frustrated loser.

>> No.4933298

Have you been to /r9k/ recently?

>> No.4933299

What's depressing is that he apparently didn't have any fucking friends at all, male or female. So there's no one to tell him to chill the fuck out.

But eh, 4chan will just use him for some cheap laughs and /srs/ or whatever will use him as a perfect strawman for the next decade or so.

If the media is going to make him famous anyway they might as well turn him into a pathetic virgin wizard.

Part of the problem, indeed, but better than nothing.

>> No.4933307

This kids trolling the whole fucking country right now and feminist morons are eating it up.
>Muffy Bolding
you're a fucking adult get off of facebook.

>> No.4933328

Are there seriously people getting inspired by this guy BECAUSE he's a fucking virgin?

I'm... not sure I want to find out. I don't want to go on /r9k/. The place is probably more toxic and ludicrous than even /pol/ right now.

>> No.4933330

Xbox had Ninja Gaiden.

>> No.4933333


>> No.4933348

I'm impressed she mentioned Richard Speck, who killed roughly the same number of women and grew a pair of tits for himself while in prison.

I wonder what kind of scholarship is out there about closeted gays killing women.

>> No.4933351

I'm not following that fucking link. Quints be damned.

So. People will seriously eat up anything as long as it caters to their delusions.

Fuck this planet and fuck this entire site to hell.

>> No.4933362

>who killed roughly the same number of women

Rodger only killed two women.

And, though I feel weird saying it, it's just like Columbine, where they managed to kill precisely none of the people they really hated, insofar as he wanted to kill beautiful women. They were pretty plain Janes. Which in a way is the perfect epilogue to his total failure of a life.

>> No.4933363

Dw I don't think there's a genuine reply in that thread in support of his ideology.

However, having spent some serious time on /r9k/ in the past, I know for a fact that there do exist a few embittered lurkers who harbour similar views.

>> No.4933374

>people will eat up anything as long as it catrs to their delusions

You only just realised this?

>> No.4933380

/r9k/ has long posted about the beta reckoning where they will take armed revenge on the normalfags

this guy just took it seriously

/r9k/ should be deleted for a safer world

>> No.4933381

Kind of a shitty thing to say, dude.

>he didn't even kill a hot chick? damn, what a failure

>> No.4933395


It would be shitty if I just brought it up out of nowhere, but that was literally his aim. To storm into 'the hottest sorority house' and kill them all.

It's not like I'm going to go to the girls' funerals and try to comfort their parents with assurances that their daughter's death was no victory for their killer because they were no lookers.

>> No.4933410

>It's not like I'm going to go to the girls' funerals and try to comfort their parents with assurances that their daughter's death was no victory for their killer because they were no lookers.

Is it bad that I laughed picturing this?

>> No.4933411

>A few

>> No.4933419


Not sure. I laughed writing it, so maybe not? Hopefully.

>> No.4933429

It's almost like a Curb Your Enthusiasm sketch. And we all know that Larry David is never morally reprehensible.

>> No.4933568

I like how he wanted to kill the hot girl club but they wouldn't open the door for him so he went out and killed other people instead.

Truly beta.

>> No.4933625

Jesus Christ.

/r9k/ is a breeding ground for socially awkward 20-somethings that never grew out of their Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold sympathizer phase when they were 15. It's a genuinely disturbing to watch. They see a carbon copy of themselves in that manifesto, and it empowers them. Like they aren't capable of any form of introspection and aren't able to see their relation to this guy as a bad thing. They blame the world for all their shortcomings just like him and they have absolutely no self-awareness about it just like him. It's equal parts sad and horrifying.

>> No.4933630

Newfag shut the fuck up

>> No.4933632

I just finished reading the whole manifesto. I'm seeing a lot of Holden Caulfield, and a lot of Adrian Mole mixed in. The Adrian Mole books have the same kind of narcissism and self-professed intellectualism, but are much lighter stories than this. Adrian's a bit repulsive, but he still ends up getting laid, married, divorced, and has kids who he ends up being able to take care of.
This shit just starts at the pseudo-intellectual protagonist and then keeps going.

>> No.4933637

You shut the fuck up

>> No.4933657

It sucks you took the time to read all 140 pages yet can't say anything astute nor interesting about any of it.

I suppose it makes sense and fits expectations here on /lit/, though.

>> No.4933666

I've never read Notes from the underground, but the manifesto reads like the type of thing you'd expect the bastard child of the narrator in that book and patrick bateman to write

>> No.4933741

my thoughts exactly

>> No.4933774

I don't see how this is really associated with PUA. Redpill/r9k mysogyny for sure, but he doesn't mention anything about trying PUA techniques. He does visit this so-called PUAhate website but he never tries PUA techniques. Seems off. Like he doesn't actually want to get laid. He's willing to waste thousands of dollars on lottery tickets in the hopes of getting laid and constantly transforms himself throughout his school years in order to garner attention and respect from the cool kids but he does not seem to be willing to change himself for women in any way. He says at multiple points that he is a good liar. He shouldn't have a moral problem lying to women and supposedly he is good at it too. Not that I approve of manipulating females but I'm baffled why he doesn't try.

The unreliable narrator part definitely becomes more interesting toward the end. He constantly talks about wanting a $5000 buffer in his bank account when he first goes to college which I assumed was just being fiscally responsible. But it turns out he's been planning this massacre for a long time even before he admits it to the reader. And he talks about his late therapy sessions but never mentions the initial sessions which might have been more interesting.

I have a lot of issues believing that all of this is true. First of all, it seems unlikely that his memory would really be as clear as he purports. But if he's a narcissist hiding a terrible secret (perhaps homosexuality? in some ways it seems he wants a woman, in particular a stereotypical "trophy" blonde, solely to impress his male peers) then the whole story might be engineered as a final act of narcisissm -- trying to preserve an illusory self-image in death that he couldn't sustain in life.

I kinda want to get into therapy and helping mentally ill patients honestly but I dunno how I would be able to resist slapping the shit out of a kid this stupid if he ever came to me. Maybe I should reconsider my career goal...

I feel bad for his friends that he submitted to his 2deep4u gas all the females world domination philosophy. He seems to really have no philosophical sophistication. Does he really believe that everyone's life is picture perfect and that partying is so much fun? Cause it ain't as glamorous as pop music and disney makes it out to be. Everything he derides as shallow in women is something he exhibits himself and mostly projects. They're all animals obsessed with sex -- naw, bro, that's you. Strange how he blames women for men being assholes too. Seems to idealize the masculine a lot. Notice his relationships with the tall blonde boys in the story. One would think that by examining his own history and world history and so on he would perhaps have a more enlightened and existential view of gender. One suspects a certain sort of intellectual dishonesty. This is an inauthentic confession.

A strange little manlet. All he wanted was to not be a failure. But I doubt even getting laid would have satisfied.

>> No.4933802

I think an interesting novella could be mined from the part where he's on the brink of the massacre, but feels he won't do it if he wins the $500 million lottery. More or less, just have it be that he does win and is the sole winner and so instantly transitions from this hopeless, aimless embittered loser to having the guts of a billion dollars just drop into his lap. His mind would break, I think. All his narcissistic delusions would appear confirmed.

I have the feeling it would have to end up more or less the same way, possibly just on a much larger scale.

>> No.4933811

>He's willing to waste thousands of dollars on lottery tickets in the hopes of getting laid

Given the certainly unreliable aspects of his narration, as I was reading it I entertained the notion that he concocted the lottery stuff as an explanation for several trips to Nevada, which were actually visits to brothels. But it's a bit of a stretch.

>> No.4934534

Did he felt in charge?

>> No.4934762
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Holy shit. Dat epilogue.

His plans for an all male utopia reads like a GNAA endorsed paradise.

For a gay universe!

>> No.4934904

this is actually very good
if brushed up, tao lin-level

>> No.4935281
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>> No.4935940

Not to metion the number of times something is "burned into his memory" or he "becomes enraged". I quite enjoy the repetition and limited vocabulary though - it only adds to his comedic megalomania