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/lit/ - Literature

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4930470 No.4930470[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Harry Potter Thread = 50 posts
Dune thread = 200+
Richard Dawkins thread = 193+
Joe Abercrombie genrefiction = 138
Book of New sun genrefiction = 101

How is /lit/ about literature? Actual literature threads get no responses...Why not ban pulp fiction and mass-marketed genre-crap?

>> No.4930478

>Currently Trending

Kill yourself.

>> No.4930485

Ban the philosophy faggots instead. You go make a topic about a book you read. I did my job yesterday when I told these fags that Calvino brought me to tears and they needed to read If on a winter's night, it's your turn.

>> No.4930486

>Why not ban pulp fiction and mass-marketed genre-crap?

le patrician face

>> No.4930490

>. I did my job yesterday when I told these fags that Calvino brought me to tears and they needed to read If on a winter's night

and threads like that get 5 responses, but GRRM and Harry Potter get 200; go figure.

And /lit/ calls itself patrician

>> No.4930491

What you've done there is successfully cherry pick all the non-literature threads and ignored that as a slow board we trust our users to go beyond the front page, and generally welcome folks from other boards who want to discuss genre fiction. We even have genre fiction threads ourselves. Well done.

>> No.4930494

>Ban the philosophy faggots

this. and/or make a /phil/ board

>> No.4930496
File: 75 KB, 539x586, Le Patrician Visage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le patrician face

>> No.4930560
File: 309 KB, 494x609, I don't like hing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4930570

They are contained within their own threads, don't occupy any space and /lit/ is a small board already. Dividing it makes very little sense.

If it actually makes you angry to see a thread discussing philosophy, first of all hide it and second, ask yourself, 'what am I really angry at?'

>> No.4930595

Please, everyone, put ointment on your buttholes and carry on.

>> No.4930720

you're being elitist and classicist on an anime based image board. just scroll up and look at the dumbass headers for a second. what kind of content do you expect seriously. /lit/ actually exceeds my expectations

>> No.4930732

>Don't occupy any space

They take up all of page 0 a lot of the time and draw the worst tripfags and /pol/ users. Philosophy is also a cancer on multiple other boards along with religion. The creation of a single board to soak these two topics would improve the site overnight.

What you should be asking yourself is why you're autistically defending your right to post barely on topic bullshit in one specific place because "I like it there" when there could be an option that makes everyone happy.

>> No.4930733


>an anime image board

It's shocking that you believe this.

>> No.4930736

Whenever you make a strong point or advocate a feature that is obvious you will have a newfag or a fat autistic faggot resort to this argument of reduction so they don't have to "lose" anonymously.

>> No.4930743


Well put

>> No.4930791


Philosophy is lit. The only ones who don't know this are those who haven't read anything in the western canon. You cant separate the western canon from western philosophy.

>> No.4930795


Philosophy is a genre fiction.

>> No.4930807


No, thats theology.

>> No.4930808

Shut the fuck up you fucking retarded faggot. Philosophy is just an excuse for morons to spam images of stirner and "Lets talk about why none of you understand Nietzsche but I do" four thousand times and for leftists to shitpost here incessantly under the pretense that someone will maybe mention a book at some point because they are afraid of /pol/.

A philosophy board to soak all the pseudo-intellectual ramblings and religious shitposting would clean up the entire website, not just /lit/. You being an autistic faggot who's afraid of having to click a different board or type three different letters doesn't change this.

>> No.4930812

This comes up from time to time and the best thing to do is just start masturbating to how much better you are than genre fags.

>> No.4930816

>being dumb
>being proud of it

modernity, everyone

>> No.4930825

Basically this. I studied Philosophy in Uni: I didn't come to /lit/ for what some anons consider to be philosophy, or for philosophy in general. If you fags want your petulant-philosophizing to be read, at least do it here: http://forums.philosophyforums.com/, so you stop congesting this board. I only use that site to discuss philosophy.

>> No.4930827


Daw, this is adorable- a /pol/tard who strayed from home. I know the mean philosophers big words and moustaches are hurtful sometimes, but its okay; remember "stick and stones may hurt my bones but names will never hurt me".

>> No.4930829

Great response you autistic useless piece of shit. Try not to spill your whine on the keyboard.

>> No.4930830

>look at me I'm retarded!


>> No.4930841

>they are afraid of /pol/.

I think being afraid of reactionary herd mentality is a sane thing, anon. It caused the nazis, al Qaeda and Mity Romney

>> No.4930843

I know, I just started a thread on philosophical lit and the janitors deleted it as soon as it started getting responses. Pretty annoying.

>> No.4930844

You're a shining example of why the philosophy idiots need to be quarantined


You are an autistic failure and reading all the thinking thinkers thoughts in the world won't cure you being a fat unpleasant sack of shit.

>> No.4930845


/lit/ is pleb as fuck and no less about literature than /tv/ does about film. They only pretend to be patrician and intelligent.

>> No.4930850

And communism has lead to mass starvations, modern russia, modern china, modern cuba, Best Korea in general, and in Chile women were raped by german shepards. HOORAY!

>> No.4930851


The Philosophy faggots are the only ones (aside from genre fiction plebs) who make actual threads and talk about shit. Why ban them? Because they are passionate and actually contribute?

>> No.4930857

genuine autism

>> No.4930859


yes, no one doubts that old, 20th century communism failed. Just like national socialism and the right failed.

>> No.4930860


But Russia sucks now because communism is no more. It was great when the Soviet Union still existed. Modern Cuba is also great. You've just been fed lies by your government. Modern China is also very industrious and the only real slavers in China are US corporations. Hooray for capitalism.

>> No.4930862

>actually contribute?
They don't contribute shit besides
>hur Stirner is better
>start with the greeks
>Hegel was a charlatan
>I smoked weed and completely understood Being and Time
fuck off

>> No.4930867

>The Chinese government is not responsible for conditions in china
>"The propaganda from the communist states tell me they were a utopia so even though everyone starved and they dissolved it's obviously all lies"

How does someone even get this retarded. I mean, I know it's the brainwashing. I know that. But it never worked on me so I just don't understand it.

Do you also hope for change, anon?

>mfw friend is majoring in "black studies" for $17k/year


>> No.4930869

don't forget:
>anti-natalism general
>philosophy of true detective
>continental philosophy is shit, but I don't know anything about either analytical or continental philosophy; thus, I am a major faggot

>> No.4930871

Why are you so mad that people can understand concepts you can't?

>> No.4930874

This. /lit/ can be a good place for recommendations and discussion every now and then, but if I ever truly want stimulating/enlightening/whateverwordyouwannause reads, I'll ask someone in real life.

>> No.4930875

because that's how being fucking stupid works. it's everyone else's fault I'm dumb as fuck and they shouldn't talk about things i can't understand

>> No.4930876

What a silly comment.

>> No.4930877

>>I smoked weed and completely understood Being and Time

That will be my epitaph

>> No.4930879



Except, it doesn't. If the majority of /lit wanted a split, it would happen. It happened with /co & /mlp and /v & /vg before. The majority of /lit likes philosophy and wants it here. The only one suffering is a minority. Maybe if you read some philosophy instead of your friendly neighborhood /pol/ news you would've deduce this.

>> No.4930884

Post the image where his head's on a cat's body again. That'll show those Nietzche Bietzches once and for all!

>> No.4930885

currently trending on /lit/: butthurt faggot is mad people like things he doesn't like

>> No.4930890

>Obligatory muh /pol/
>Trying to justify wasting your life reading a bunch of irrelevant horseshit from skinny autistic virgins

You are a fucking moron and I'm very happy that by all probability you're mostly alone and miserable.

>> No.4930892

I'm sure you two know so much about how Davidson rejected ordinary meaning, and just used truth and reference instead, specifically by embracing Quine's rejection of analyticity, synonymy and ordinary meaning

>> No.4930894

I wouldn't mind a /phil/, but I wouldn't request it either.

/lit/ is a chill little board. It used to be much worse.


>> No.4930895

This is

Streaming diarrhea out of his asshole because he started being ignored

>> No.4930899

>le anti-intellectual face

epic my /b/rother! you sure showed those nerds haha! xD let's go watch some tv and play sports lol we so smart

>> No.4930900

Oh, wow, I studied Heidegger in college, but if you want to explain to me how the formal existential totality of Dasein's ontological structural whole is: the Being of Dasein means ahead-of-itself-Being-already-in-(the-world) as Being-alongside (entities encountered within-the-world), that would be wonderful...you know since I am stupid.

>> No.4930901

Do you actually have autism lol

>> No.4930902

Posting pictures of sex toys made up to look like DFW isn't literature either.

>> No.4930903


You spoke of /pol/ proudly but a couple of minutes ago and use the common /pol/tard dialect. It was only logical for me to conclude that you hail from there. Plus, I commend you for avoiding the content of the post to attack a stylisation.

>> No.4930904

inb4 this guy makes a revenge video and shoots up a library, specifically targeting the philosophy section

>> No.4930906

I haven't watched television in over three years. I'm just not a socially inept retard who lies awake at night wondering why people are repelled by him.

I think the kicker is how much this board loves "Witty", who is the most juvenile asshole I've ever read. Literally "u cannot no nuffinz" and "muh red" on and on and on. It's not profound. Eight year olds have these thoughts.

What eight year olds don't do is spam images of old betas until the actual topic of a board is all but obscured.

>> No.4930908

Post the image where he's a butterfly over the political compass test. That will REALLY show me!

>> No.4930909

go back to /b/

>> No.4930911

Brilliant rebuttal. You realize the only thing that exists on /b/ now is trap porn, right? No, of course you don't because you're new as fuck and know virtually nothing about this website.

PROTIP: the pure cancer board is now /v/

>> No.4930915

>pure cancer board is now /v/
you don't get around much do you? /v/'s actually complaining about /tv/ these days.

>> No.4930925

I don't play autism simulators for the same reason I don't read philosophers: I'm not a retarded faggot with a shitty life.

>> No.4930938


I know what you're talking about, but, alas, i don't have it. One question, anon: why troll? At the core of trolling lies sincerity. If you truly believe what you've caricatured here tonight, make a proposition using a rational dialect. The /phil/ board you want won't be a result of trolling. I can tell that much.

>> No.4930944


I wouldn't know because I don't browse /b/.


>> No.4931024


But phil threads actually have conversation. And it's better than genre fiction threads.

>> No.4931033

>Currently Trending on /lit/ ...

Personally, I'm pushing for "Under the Volcano" but response has been thin so far.

>> No.4931055

fucking this.

>> No.4931120


>> No.4931299


Why are you so buttmad that people read things that you don't? It's still literature. I don't like television shows, but to suggest that /tv/ remove television seems like a stupid thing to say.

>> No.4931307
File: 432 KB, 465x622, 1386827674646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's still literature.

That's the debate.
Are comic books literature? How about Hentai Magazines?

>> No.4931314

>comic books
They're a medium, and an incredibly big one at that. I don't think it's a stretch to say that some comics are literature.
Superhero comics? Fuck no.

>> No.4931315

Fuck you.

Watchmen says what up, nigger.

>> No.4931323
File: 311 KB, 540x337, silver surfer requiem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Superhero comics? Fuck no.

Absolutely false.

I recently read "Silver Surfer Requiem" while listening to some soft Beethoven and was extremely moved. It was a magical experience.

>> No.4931395


No on both accounts, but philosophy is. They're published in book form and are no different to any other non-fiction work. To say otherwise is retarded.

>> No.4931401


Even if they were, it's irrelevant because there is a board for comics. Any time there is another board on 4chan that can cover it, that takes precedence. /tv/ houses all television and film except for anime, cartoons, because they have their own boards. /co/ houses all comics except for manga because it has its own board. Even if you were to say that comics were literature, the fact of the matter is that comics are explicitly a part of another board. Philosophy, however, is not.

>> No.4931421

that's because you're a giant pleb

>> No.4931429
File: 117 KB, 782x555, asdadddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a great comic, you probably never read it.

>> No.4931463

of course not, I would never debase myself enough to read that garbage made for children and adults with the mental capacity of a child

>> No.4931471


>I don't think it's a stretch to say that some comics are literature.
>Superhero comics? Fuck no.

This is a bullshit distinction made form elitism.

What about old Conan pulp novels? Are they not literature? They have a superhero-like protagonist and were written in installments like comics are released. What about other pulp writers who did the same?

I'm indifferent to comics but I'd say that you don't want to consider anything "superhero" related near literature level like "some" comics because you're pretentious and it's a theme too prevalent in poop culture for you to accept.

If you say some comics are literature then you have to say all of them are. You can't divide within the medium where you see fit. It doesn't work like that.

Besides, I personally would say that comics are a form of text, but not literature.

>> No.4931475


>form elitism


>poop culture

a typo that i can live with

>> No.4931505


There is a board for comics, so it's irrelevant.

>> No.4931532


>so it's irrelevant.

Yes and no. If the large bulk of the discussion isn't about just comics but rather about their definition and relation to literature as a whole then it's thematically safe.

>> No.4931569

>bitches about actual lit threads not getting discussion
>makes another thread that's not about literature

You're not helping.

Also, polite sage to help you out.

>> No.4932041

Not even OP but I always found this type of reasoning really annoying.

>> No.4932045

this is already a slow board

>> No.4932056

This is probably the worst meta thread I've ever read on this site.

>> No.4933145


>currently trending on /lit/: guy makes a shitpost in a good thread

>> No.4933153

>this is already a slow board

This is why /lit/ is against a /phil/ board. It will effectively kill this board and any interesting discussion.

It's strange no? Why would a board be against starting some other board people are interested in...Think about it, we have a fucken Oragami Papercraft board, a business and finance board, a cooking board.

Why be against a board? Only because LIT is threatened by the idea.

>> No.4933207

Gene Wolfe only writes literature. Just because it has swords and robots in it, makes no different. Gravity's Rainbow had a talking dog, a man eats poop, and a light blub that invents the internet. Get over yourself.

>> No.4933245

>Gene Wolfe only writes literature.

>has never read The Wizard Knight

it's weird how Gene can write really well sometimes, and then write like shit other times

>> No.4933259

I've read the wizard knight. I didn't think it was awful. He wrote it as more of a childen's book. It captures the voice of a little boy pretty well.

>> No.4933262

Let's be honest, /lit/ has become whatever its user-base appreciates at this point. Literature has been replaced by whatever somebody designates as discussion of literary material.

It's almost as if it is becoming a containment board for those who know that their thoughts on topics will be ignored elsewhere and/or those who consider themselves to be above other boards in some way. On the one hand that shows how shitty many other boards are - or at least how shitty they are viewed as being - and how accepting /lit/ is in comparison. The problem is that it's becoming a case of people prompting the established opinion of /lit/ as a discussion board, not necessarily as a board for literature.

Personally though I don't really care about all of that. My main issue is the amount of repetitive threads that we get here. I don't think there's much variety to the user-base and it really shows.

>> No.4933271 [DELETED] 


I really don't think that /lit/ is slow any more. A year ago it was, but not now. It not moving at the unbearably fast speed that other boards do - where you simply cannot keep up - should not mean that it's described as 'slow'

>> No.4933276

>He wrote it as more of a childen's book. It captures the voice of a little boy pretty well.
>little boy

fucking elfs and nymphs left and right

yep! children's book!