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4926918 No.4926918[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the relevance of logic to science? I'm a scientist, but I never learned logic. Is that a problem?

>> No.4926930

Obviously you don't need to study logic to do science. If you studied some logic or philosophy of science I imagine you'd just get pissed off about the problem of induction for a bit until you started wanking over Popper

>> No.4926933
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did you really have to make a thread for such an obvious question?

>> No.4926998

I legit don't know

>> No.4927065

What do you mean by scientist?

I honestly think symbolic logic is bullshit. But you should be aware of the problem of induction and hypothetical-deductive reasoning.

If you're employed as a scientist, it should be apparent if a lack of logic doesn't meet your employers requirements.

>> No.4927130


bollocks. as soon as you use math you use a very fundamental (and quite symbolic for that matter) logic.
Every deduction/reduction/conlusion is logic,
And don't even get me started on hypothesis and design of (empirical) tests.
You just aren't aware that you use logic, because you prop. just learnd it as working pattern/tool.
If this makes no sense to you, you aren't a scientist but a technical assistant or undergrad

>> No.4928685

⇒I honestly think symbolic logic is bullshit.

This seems to be the prevailiing opinon among philosophers. When it gets too mathematical for them, they just deny its validity.

>> No.4928689

get trip

>> No.4928690

Filter the arrow symbol

>> No.4928693

If by "logic" you mean formal, symbolic logic then unless you work with electronics or in computer science you don't need it. Within those fields you'll find it used for things like circuit verification and (roughly half of) AI.

>> No.4928700


>> No.4928724

logic ≠ philosophy ≠ science

please leave

>> No.4929991



logic ⊂ philosophy ⊆ science

>> No.4931674
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Nope, logic is a subset of math.

>> No.4932468
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Based Baron von Münchausen.

He was a pretty cool guy who removed kebab and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.4932474

Faggot. Math, logic, and science are all subsets of philosophy.

>> No.4932502

die of aids faggot