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/lit/ - Literature

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4922057 No.4922057[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

At what age did you outgrow fantasy novels?

>> No.4922061


>> No.4922062
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>> No.4922063


Using a quote from a fantasy novelist of all people to justify remaining a manchild does not justify your manchild lifestyle

>> No.4922065

I think it usually happens around the time that your history and regrets exceed your hope and potential.

Also, the more you know about the real world, the harder it is to swallow implausible, contrived, simplistic stories.

>> No.4922066

*Christian novelist, young one

>> No.4922068

Fantasy novels are to literature what metal is to music. They are cool when you are a teen, but unless you have a severely socially stunted personality and are incredibly slow to mature, you begin to realize how autistic the habit is when you finally outgrow it, hopefully before you reach the age of 20.

>> No.4922072

>I think it usually happens around the time that your history and regrets exceed your hope and potential.

So around age 13 then.

You'll grow out of it soon eonugh.

>> No.4922073

K... How bout this one?

>> No.4922084


Good quote.

"“any outstanding work of art is a fantasy insofar as it reflects the unique world of a unique individual." - Nabokov.

Sorry OP, but all literature is fantasy.

>> No.4922090

Read whatever you want anon. Just keep in mind that this argument can also be used to defend one's addiction to drawn pornography involving magical ponies.

>> No.4922095

>can also be used to defend one's addiction to drawn pornography involving magical ponies.

and that is a drawback? :3

>> No.4922103

Why does this board have such a hatred for fantasy?

>> No.4922110

I'm reminded of a quote from Sideways about fiction where one character says something like
"There's so much to know about the real world! Why bother reading about something someone has just made up?"

And my answer is always: because this world is horrible. Duh.

>> No.4922116


Escapism. Fantasy fans want to remain ignorant of the real world so they fill their minds with a lot of nonsense rather than learning about and trying to fix the world they have. Rather like a mental illness. It's sad, really.

>> No.4922118

It doesn't, it's just a vocal minority.

>> No.4922122

About the same time I grew out of philosophy and religion.

>> No.4922124

I've never been able to get into fantasy novels.

>> No.4922127

Fantasy is repetitive garbage with little merit. Do not think you won't be judged as an overgrown, pathetic child by others for sitting on a bus carrying a novel whose cover shows dragons and wizards flinging fire balls at each other. That is not adult literature and you know it.

>> No.4922128


so the day you decided to be a pleb?

>> No.4922131

>says the faggots who advocate the "literary lifestyle".
Unless you spend your days out in the real world you can't advocate for this sort of bullshit.

>> No.4922134
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That's why you buy the adult editions, silly!

>> No.4922139

I wish my life was a fantasy novel

>Beautiful landscapes
>Everyone's in the prime of their lives
>Everyone's beautiful
>Young people achieve great things
>Characters usually have more sex than me
>You know there will be a happy ending

All the while I'm sitting alone in my dark room surrounded by all of these fantasy books while slowly gaining weight and unable to find a job. I want to be a fantasy novel dammit.

>> No.4922140

Unless you're a monk or scientist than the activities of pretty much every human being fall into this category.

>> No.4922142
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So patrician :^)

>> No.4922145

Only the worst sort of gamma males and omega males actually CHOOSE to be fantasy geeks. Dear god. The fedora-tipping implications of even touching a fantasy book are horrendous.

>> No.4922152

If you're reading a novel on the bus and still care about what others would think of it you're most likely already an overgrown, pathetic child.

>> No.4922153

> That is not adult literature and you know it.
First of all, if this is the lines you draw on what you read you are a pathetic individual.

Second of all, taking any genre as diverse as fantasy and reducing it to "dragons and wizards flinging fireballs" does nothing but show you as uneducated and close minded. The fantasy genre is enormous and contains numerous different things, things that do not follow any cliche.

For instance some popular ones that never really followed the mold would be The Court of the Air and Mainspring.

>> No.4922155


Is there nothing more autistic than sitting down with a book about children with magical powers or hairy barbarians slicing up evil wizards with swords

>> No.4922160

Considering the arguments against reading fantasy in this thread largely consist of ad hominem attacks on those who enjoy it, I feel like it's a fairly safe assumption that they have little to no merit.

>> No.4922161
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Mythology is fantasy. Fantasy is awesome. Eat it.

>> No.4922162


>The Court of the Air

I just looked that up on amazon


Dear God!

No thank you, I have no desire to grow a neckbeard and a fedora!

I would rather read a real book.

>> No.4922165

No, the day I decided fake stories are useless, especially one's that tell of false reasoning and false creation origins.

You are the pleb.
>muh invisible god always alpha and omega adam eve incest two boys still population i dont listen to leviticus cause muh zombie jew aristotle save me from being wrong oh wait you cant because you were wrong about everything

>> No.4922166

>about children with magical powers or hairy barbarians slicing up evil wizards with swords
Yesss... yesss... because that is the end all of the fantasy genre.

Next you'll tell me sci-fi is only sexy green alien women and teleporters.

>> No.4922167
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>He said, posting on /lit/

>> No.4922173

It isn't steam punk by any broad description. Steampunk is supposed to describe victorian era aesthetic powered by steam. None of which is in the novel. I never really understood why it was put under that umbrella.

>> No.4922174

>adult editions

How much actually changes?

>> No.4922176


>sexy green alien women and tele porters

Star Trek also encourages childish habits such as obsession with a fictitious creation and self-distancing from reality

>> No.4922177

>not reading Lucian on your deathbed

>> No.4922179

I never considered the average guy on /lit/ to be too intelligent, but who do you keep falling for these baits time and again?

>> No.4922180


>I am such an edgy atheist, isn't it so brave to rebel against God, GOD SUCKS I AM SO EDGY

*tips fedora*

>> No.4922181
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Everyone deludes themselves by necessity, anon...
The only difference between us is that I admit it.

>> No.4922182

No, do you even fucking understand what I am saying? Painting entire genre in broad strokes like that does nothing but make you look idiotic. Every genre has good and bad to offer. All you do it make yourself look like a child by discounting something so large.

>> No.4922186

We're also very self righteous. So we fall for this kind of shit all the time.

>> No.4922188
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Oh no, retards and autists can't separate reality from fantasy! People who take things too far ruin everything.

>> No.4922189

who, meant why

>> No.4922196

I never outgrew it but I substituted it with other books probably at the age of 16 or 17.
I still like science fiction, though.

>> No.4922200

harry bloom likes fantasy

>> No.4922201

I have seen many adults reading this on trains and buses.

>> No.4922208

Tell that to Borges, faggot.

>> No.4922213

It is brave to rebel against religion.
Religion is a hindrance on society.
Look at all those fucking jews in Israel who have been massacring Palestinian people and taking their land because "muh god said so" and all those rabid fucking Islamic extremist blowing their goddamn cities to hell in suicide bombs cause "muh jihad".
Look at Sharia Law
Look at the entire Middle East.
Look at God being places on monetary notes and in pledges.


>> No.4922220

Unless you are in a middle eastern nation it isn't brave to rebel against religion, it is merely a lifestyle choice that has almost no affect on you.

>> No.4922228

I'm in iran.

>> No.4922233

Then you are brave to do so, but stupid. Leave your country and come to a civilized one.

>> No.4922236

Yes it does.
I hear about churches all the time
I hear about god all the time
I am persecuted by Christians because I don't pray
I am told I am going to go to hell
I am told that I am not fit to have children if I do not send them to Church
and worst of all I have the plague trying to infect them by parents and kids saying "You NEED to believe in god. Your parents are going to be punished" and I have to deal with them coming home crying and saying "DADDY I DON'T WANT YOU TO GO TO HELL!"

Fucking retard.

>> No.4922243

This is a good thread.

>> No.4922259

Just the cover, I think.

>> No.4922260

I can only call you a fucking liar, unless you broadcast you lack of faith in the bible belt or some shit.

>> No.4922279

they swear a lot and there is some pedophilia and bestiality with the centaurs

>> No.4922284

Nope. I was approached by people when I moved into the neighborhood, "come to our church! It's so nice" I told them that I didn't believe in God. They all freaked out and avoid me now unless they plead to have go to church. They even had a meeting about if it was safe to have an atheist in the neighborhood and they always tell me that they are praying for me.

Oh but no, atheist can never ever ever be offended.
Goddamn you people are idiots
Seeing Bibles in doctors offices, and bible stories in the offices for kids. All that shit. Yeah, that offends me. Crosses, that offends me. Hearing people pray, that offends me. Get over it.

>> No.4922285


>> No.4922288
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Before Harry Potter, J. K. Rowling wrote erotica under the pen name O Rly Rumpling.

>> No.4922291

I'd rather be edgy than be a hypocritical and psychotic Christian.
You do understand how retarded you look praying to statues and metaphorically eating and drinking Jesus? Batshit.

>> No.4922295

What's high school like nowadays?

>> No.4922299

>being so insecure that you have to stop reading things you enjoy
compensating much

>> No.4922302

>implying the real world needs fixing
>implying the people who actually follow your advice won't be strong armed by the powers that be
So what you're saying is fantasy is the ultimate act of rebellion. I'm all for that.

>> No.4922304

This is the Christian way of thinking.
"lol there is no way I'm wrong cause God is right and going to a congregation every Sunday and believing in a book I have never read or understand and simply rely on a guy with a bad haircut asking me for money is the only one who can tell me what it is about and although God never answers my prayers I will just keep making excuses for him. At least there aren't any adult atheist. Who could ever be stupid enough to not be just like me? Oh...Mormoms.. Yeah, and Muslims...they're going straight to hell. America is a Christian country founded by Christians made for Christians and there should be mandatory prayer everywhere. Satan is coming. The End times is soon. Oh lord...save me Jesus. Oh. It's my turn to eat bread, the body of Christ, and drink wine, his blood, because this makes so much more sense than any other religion every proposed prior to Abraham. This one is definitely the only one ever to be right. lol Big Bang, what a hoax. It took God six days. lol Dinosaurs. That tricky Satan. Oh goodness, I forgot about my house being haunted by evil spirits. Better pray."

>> No.4922309


>> No.4922311

>muh metaphors

like it makes it any less retarded?

>> No.4922322

That's why you convert to Catholicism and get away from crazy protestant bullshit.

>> No.4922327

I outgrew R.A. Salvatore and friends because the writing was fucking atrocious, but I still have nostalgia for the characters and stories and sometimes wish I could appreciate them as a wee lad again. I haven't given fantasy a chance yet because I'm still working through the standard fare literature.

Great quote, I heard a similar one somewhere that I really liked as well.

Not really. The quote doesn't necessarily mean a man enjoys only things a child would, but is more for situations like this where someone can enjoy a fantasy novel or sit down and watch cartoons with his children and enjoy it just fine. Only someone incredibly insecure in his manhood (like my asshole father who called me a faggot for watching cartoons at 6 years old) would be unable to enjoy/outright dismissive of something just because it's targeted towards children.

And MLP shit is fucking weird regardless of age, gender, race, nationality, sexual orientation, etc.

>> No.4922328

So I can become a pedophile?
Or so I can go kill someone, confess it in a booth, and be forgiven? And eat christ and drink his blood? And believe that a man in a hat talks to god?

>> No.4922330

Yes you're so smart and witty, you've seen through everything.

>> No.4922332

what if your life was an edgemaster fantasy novel?

you'd constantly be wracked by shallow, Linkin Park-esque internal conflict and all of your friends and family would be periodically massacred

>> No.4922337

You don't have to be smart to see that religion is fucking stupid and cause more problems than solutions.
Literally, you're retarded.
Go watch your superchurches and send your kid to get fucked by a priest and give your money to a guy who asks for it in the name of God and think in your own mind to yourself your prayers to a loving God who is the ultimate failure in the history of ever.

>> No.4922342
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>All this fedora

>> No.4922343
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>> No.4922346

I know.
Pray for me.
Pray for mankind like a good Christian.
fucking ultimate faggots

>> No.4922348
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>> No.4922350

Most of /lit/ isn't religious, you're just a fucktard.

>> No.4922581

>Being this insecure

>> No.4922615
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ITT: Edgy Fedora Neckbeard attempts to validate his worthless existence by shitting on people with differing opinions.

Back to /r/atheism

>> No.4922630

Thank god, I'm allowed to like it now.

>> No.4922636

>I was raped
>He looked at me with an angry look
>I called him a rapist
>He just scrunched up his brow more

>> No.4922640


>tfw in 120 years Harry Potter will be considered a timeless classic like Dracula and Frankenstein and some skilled author will write the tales of Harry Potter in a dark and gritty way that will have lots of sex and other shit

>> No.4922643

confirmed troll

>> No.4922649

woah thats the version i read in my 5th grade class

>> No.4922652

Feels good being Jewish.

>> No.4922670
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>> No.4922675

>so harangued by the rest of 4chan that you have to hang out on /lit/

sounds great, m8

>> No.4922676

I outgrew shit when I was in my late teens.
No one, however, outgrows The Hobbit.

>> No.4922682

I am comforted by my superiority at all times. I sometimes make troll threads on /pol/ and am fairly confidant that I have converted many neckbeards to national socialism.

>> No.4922686

But reading fiction in itself is escapism. You're entering a different world while the real world continues to happen around you.

Someone locked in a room, completely in their own world, is ignoring and "escaping" the real world, no matter what the genre.

Nothing is real life except living real life.

>> No.4922693

Well I outgrew them in my early 20s as I started to invest more time in classic literature and more of the 60s-70s novels like Vonnegut and PKD.
But I ingrew them in my later 20s.

>> No.4922696

Taking the worst examples and tropes to discredit an entire genre is fucking stupid dude. It can be done with every genre.

>> No.4922711

Fellow atheist here. I feel ya on the occasional, very silly, discrimination. I get it a lot. But I have an upside down cross tattooed (rather poorly) on my forearm, so I kind of have a giant "fuck Christianity" sign hovering above me at all times.

Being "offended" by crosses and other religious imagery is fucking childish though. Grow up.

>> No.4922727


>I ingrew them

In other words, you regressed to self destructive, childish habits

>> No.4922737

See that's bullshit, though. Because the idea of a work being 'literary' is that it requires the reader to actively participate in the experience in order to get everything they can out of it. How does that not fall under 'living life' just because it's ostensibly a solitary activity? Fuck you.

Just to be clear, I fucking love fantasy books, but you're just a dumbass.

>> No.4922752


>feels obligated to tell other people they are wrong
>insist they "grow up"

>> No.4922828

Goddamn, little girls have the most delicious collarbones and shoulders.

>> No.4922830

Upside down crosses are not "giant fuck Christianity" signs to anyone but retards who've never heard of the cross of St. Peter.

>> No.4922855


>> No.4922876

27 I was a late bloomer

>> No.4922933

Would watch.

Whats /lit/s definition of fantasy?

>> No.4922954

hard life there anon?

>> No.4922960

>when did you outgrow literary dichotomies?
Hi, OP.

>> No.4922969

i never got into fantasy other than hp. feel like i missed out.

>> No.4923001

>Is there nothing more autistic than sitting down with a book about children with magical powers or hairy barbarians slicing up evil wizards with swords

>> No.4923015


Anime is definitely worse.

>> No.4923028

I really want to know what monks cooped up in a monastery do for the world.

>> No.4923041

1. Read some dolly llama.
2. Think about western monasticism vs. eastern.
3. Consider what it means to live the lifestyle.
4. Be thankful there are people who are born into this world and don't want to live beyond their means. They want to be self sufficient and humble.
5. Ask why you're putting yourself, your importance, above them.
6. What are you doing for the world?

>> No.4923059

>autism this
>autism that

I thought you were better than this, /lit/.

>> No.4923225

I encountered folks like that while living in Texas once. Just pretend to be hardcore catholic and start calling them heathens and shit. Helps if you adopt a Scottish accent.

>> No.4923228

>So I can become a pedophile?
>Or so I can go kill someone, confess it in a booth, and be forgiven? And eat christ and drink his blood? And believe that a man in a hat talks to god?
Ummm yes.

>> No.4923237

>Converting anyone while on 4chan.
>Convincing anyone while on 4chan.
Silly kike

>> No.4923240
File: 49 KB, 440x680, malazan-reapers-gale-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22 years old and I'm still binging on that shit.

See this cover? If you ever find a copy and look closely you'll notice something weird about this guy's skin. It's not scales like some fish humanoid. Those are gold coins, melted into his flesh.

I repeat, the guy on the cover has gold coins MELTED INTO HIS FLESH. This series is metal as fuck.

>> No.4923241

Does that shit really offend you? Serious question.

>> No.4923243

So is /lit/ just filled with pseudo-intellectuals that shit on people for liking different genres?

>> No.4923246
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pic related, it's my favorite fantasy novel

>> No.4923265

What defines fantasy vs fiction?

>> No.4923266

ho ho ho ho!

>> No.4923268

epic, simply epic, good sir! :^)

>> No.4923292
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I tipp'd

>> No.4923312


>metal as fuck

You say "metal" like it's a good thing and not a sign that the book is for manchildren, much as metal is a music genre for manchildren

>> No.4923331

Holy shit /lit/ you managed to have a slow board that is also terrible.

>> No.4923386

>Slightly adjusts fake 1930's gentleman hat.

But in all seriousness, The Bible is great if you're looking for mythological adventure.
>The Garden of Eden guarded eternally by a swinging sword of flame
>All that incest.
>All of those forgotten laws that could shame anyone quoting the anti-gay law from the Book of Paul. Did you know a married couple needs to keep the bloodied bed sheet where the woman split her hymen as proof that she lost her virginity to her first husband? Did you know that slavery is okay according to the Bible? WELL NOW YOU DO!
>Staves that can transform into snakes.

I've only read a bit, but it's pretty fun.

>> No.4923442

I just finished the three Gormenghast books, withholding the abortion that apparently Titus Lost was. It is some of the finest examples of Fantasy /lit/ I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Anyone discounting fantasy as a genre for many children and only citing the worst of the bunch as example really do need to learn the difference between Fantasy and Fantastical B-Books.

>> No.4923445

>be into esotetic studies
>simply tell people im not religious
>they assume that means I'm a materialistic atheist, but i cant really blame them, nor do i really feel like explaning my position on things

>> No.4923490


>> No.4923513

>we will never get to read Albus Potter and the Perfectly Uneventful School Year

>> No.4923591


>> No.4923651

I've always found it funny how anons on /lit/ insult every single bit of science fiction or fantasy, usually without any willingness to make an exception. Why? Why hate an entire genre as if every entry to it is of equal quality?

It's behavior like that I'd consider manchildish or neckbeary. The kind of person who reads a book, not for it's contents, but the ability to brag to people that you've read it. "Oh, I only read high literature classics, I'd never touch that disgusting fantasy shit."

If you really gave a shit about reading for the sake of enjoying what you read, and not caring what people's opinions about your reading choice is, you'd read all sorts of novels. You'd read some fantasy or science fiction as well as the classics. R.A. Salvitore is bad, but does that make The Once and Future King, The Lord of the Rings, Neuromancer, or Dune bad by osmosis? No.

>> No.4923652

We sometimes also shit on people for subscribing to different philosophical systems.
And sometimes, if we're feeling really adventurous, we post our writing and take turns telling everyone else how shitty theirs is.

>> No.4923706

Anything that has magic or monsters but isn't written before the year 1899.

Lord of the Rings and The Once and Future King are fantasy, Beowulf and the Odyssey are classics.

>> No.4923713
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Signature Editions are the best covers. Classy, simple designs, a very clear style that runs through every book, don't look overly childish but don't attempt to be "adult".

Also, to >>4922127 nobody really gives a shit what kind of novels you read unless they're intolerable /lit/posters like you.

>> No.4923716

But, they're still fantasy

>> No.4923731

I know, but the fedora wearing "patricians" don't seem to.

>> No.4923736

I'm 26 and I just started to read books now, I never developed a taste for literature when I was in highschool, I mostly read comic books and manga. I'm reading The Hobbit now, It's enjoyable

>> No.4923757

On what basis do you assume an extroverted personality to be superior?

>> No.4923775

I can't be certain myself, being an introvert, but it seems that it would be advantageous for survival and well-being as a member of a social species.
Not the anon you were replying to, btw.