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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 233 KB, 768x1024, PhyNGe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4912636 No.4912636 [Reply] [Original]

>Written by a senior in highschool
>American education system

Im wondering, is this what the standard handwriting of the next generation of kids is going to look like?

Seeing that this is the gen that will be growing up with tablets, computers and other smart devices as being the standard and not a luxury.

I cant imagine them being that dependant on handwriting seeing that even today we arent that dependant on it besides filling out forms and signing.

Ive heard from people that their younger siblings seems to have fucked up dexterity in their fingers due to heavy use of gadgets.

And I thought cursive being phased out was bad enough

>> No.4912643

What's wrong?
Looks like typical African-American sentiments to me.
You some kind of bigot?

>> No.4912646

Do you have a source? I really can't force myself to believe that a 17 year old can be this retarded.

>> No.4912647

Cursive was phased out? Handwriting is still needed, computers and tablets aren't used for everything. I doubt kids are going to start doing tests on them. Tablets aren't really the standard either, the only people I know that own them are rich or have them for work.

>> No.4912651

This is what happens when niggers chimp out.

>> No.4912653

My writing was terrible, but it has slowly involved into a unique style that I actually thinks is beginning to look quite attractive. I can't hold a pen properly though. O' Brave New World!

>> No.4912655
File: 209 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair my handwriting is shit and I'm posting this from an iphone, OP.

>> No.4912656

>Cursive was phased out?
Yes, black people call them 'cracker runes'.

>> No.4912661

>The non-edited version

No going back now B)

>> No.4912662


>> No.4912664

Sure they can be. I'd once tutored a 19 year-old in arithmetic, she wanted to join the Navy but couldn't pass the ASVAB 'cause she couldn't even into subtraction.

That said, she and the writer of OP's image are at the extreme of the bell curve. The tragedy isn't that they exist, it's that they get diplomas.

>> No.4912681

>uneducated new generation
>obsession with entertainment (fucking EVERYONE wants to be a musician or actor or writer)

Aren't these signs that a nation is collapsing?

>> No.4912682


>> No.4912685

>(fucking EVERYONE wants to be a musician or actor or writer)
Children and teenagers always want to be either sports or entertainment superstars, this is not a new development.

>> No.4912691

>Cicero noted the same in his time
>Rome then collapsed
>300 years later

Holy shit, the end is coming!

>> No.4912693

and what exactly was your dream job as a child?

>> No.4912695

There really is nothing to worry about. It will just keep happening until the turtle flies into the sun.

>> No.4912696

To be fair writing and calligraphy are two separate things, although I see value in teaching both.

>> No.4912697

A hermit.

>> No.4912699

Did that kid get a 34 and try to change it to an 84?

>> No.4912704

I grew up in a 2nd world country. Most common things children wanted to be when they grow up were doctor and astronaut.

>> No.4912707
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Yes, yes that's exactly what it looks like.


>His face when fucking caught

>> No.4912711

that has to be fake

>> No.4913108
File: 463 KB, 500x280, 1399604833754.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butthurt STEM major pls

>> No.4913127

Is that your ass? Or you are fat?

Why are you naked??

>> No.4913140

>this is a real thing that happened
>[citation needed]

looks to me like whitey is trying too hard

>> No.4913143


Not everybody wanted to be an autism when they grew up.

>> No.4913150
File: 54 KB, 1024x768, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this kid has absolutely nothing on me

>> No.4913159

I remember peer-reviewing essays in my senior English class, and one girl's essay contained "really" about 20 times. It was as if she knew of no other way to describe or analyze a text. Sadly, her essay wasn't out the ordinary as most of the class wrote on the same level, in a supposedly "Advanced Placement" course.

>> No.4913163


>> No.4913192


> uneducated new generation

Probably the most educated generation of all time, and the most accurately informed due to the internet.

>> No.4913359

Cursive is no longer taught. Take it from me anon
>student educator from New Yor
Pretty much. It is really sad. We need to invest in education, and desperately. Its bad, really bad.
It acually is. You forget that the television and radio are onpy recent inventions. The same goes for national sports leagues.
Well you see the problem Is that the instructors are protected by unions, regardless of how poorly they do. Students are also learning in new ways at home which effects their learning capabilities in the class room.

Don't be so naive. The internet is full of propaganda n, just like the television commercials and posters of the 30s and 40s.
The state will always lie to you, take your money and use it in ways which are not of interest to you.

>> No.4913386

You know what the solution is? MORE affirmative action.

>> No.4913395

>Cursive is no longer taught.
But why?

>> No.4913399

>We need to invest in education, and desperately.
We already spend more than most other nation (maybe even every other nation) per student and get piddly results. The problem is certain groups (you know the ones I'm talking about) drag everyone else down with them.

>The instructors are protected by unions, regardless of how poorly they do.
That's not all it is though. Teachers are strong-armed into passing students farther along than they have any right to be because it would reflect poorly on the school, might instigate allegations of racism, impact the school's financial future in a negative way, and so on. You see this (or at least I see this) a lot in student athletes and foreign students in particular. I'm talking on the university level here. Student athletes and foreign students, for the most part, are borderline retarded and are only in academia because they can throw a ball in a hoop or because their oil sheikh father or Chinese investor father can pay for a western education. Athletes couldn't construct a C- essay to save their lives and the foreign students cheat and cheat and cheat in such blatant ways that they should be drummed out.

>> No.4913401
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>> No.4913403

rap is poetry yo, books be racist and shizz

>> No.4913404

I can't read that, but it's still more aesthetically pleasing than mine.

>> No.4913428
File: 55 KB, 1176x1218, 1388766789002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my university openly does not give a shit about the native student body and tries to desperately get that mythical Asian student goldmine

>> No.4913434

>american schools are phasing out cursive

high schoolers still have to routinely churn out 8 pages+ handwritten essays during exams where i live

>> No.4913476
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>> No.4913478

Irrelevant. It was designed to speed up writting. You can just type now.
Not so much. We spend a lot of money on wasteful things in education. You cannot imagine the waste. American education is lacking a lot. Everything from our health education to our lack of metrics is abysmal. American education is also funded by local taxes. If you live in a poor neighborhood you aren't going to see macs in the classroom or upgraded materials etc. If you were to see the acual numbers you would be horrified.

We also base federal funding upon standardized testing scores which are not only a poor method of evaluation, but also ruin the ciriculum. The schools teach students to pass the tests for the money, not their education. Teaching to a test is impractical. I also imagine you get the fundjng and pressure part. There are still a lot of awful instructors growing up. Frankly when I look back, it is no different than today. For my observation assignments I was appalled. Some of the teachers did so poorly that is likley that I would have yieled better results.

>> No.4913484

>muh white race

>> No.4913490


I think we're done here.

>> No.4913514

Relax, gestapo. I'm on a mobile device. Oddly enough I make way more spelling errors while typing than writting.

>> No.4913538


>> No.4913556

How sad

>> No.4913588
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>> No.4913703

I still want to be lead guitar in a dream pop band even though I know I don't have the talent or creativity.

>> No.4913737

>wanted to join the Navy
Should explain the rest.

Why would handwriting matter in our world? It's an useless skill and there is virtually no reason to teach it.

>> No.4913745

> Seeing that this is the gen that will be growing up with tablets, computers and other smart devices as being the standard and not a luxury.
I'm from Finland and that is the case already.

It doesn't seem to make people's handwriting any more awful. Handwriting isn't really improved over time: third graders often have better handwriting than high school seniors. Some people learn to do beautiful handwriting, some not.

>> No.4913750

> Don't be so naive
I'm not. Half of American kids go to college. People are more educated than ever: it is just that with the advent of social media, idiocy is more noticeable.

>> No.4913771

you should notice that he also can't spell, and is a terrible writer, it's not just that his handwriting is bad, but that his language skills in general are.

Also, handwriting really /is/ no longer useful, you shouldn't romanticize it.

>> No.4913783

> I has always been
> It's aculltlly sopost to tell a story just like a pome
> handwriting is bad lol
Fuck you

>> No.4913784

Ops post is anecdotal evidence. Look at averages over time. Ave Iq is rising

>> No.4913795

what's a pome

>> No.4913815
File: 1.87 MB, 2000x3552, WP_20140520_003[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4913831

Is that your regular handwriting? I-it's really nice :3

>> No.4913833

I guess?
Point being that it's full of typos and bad grammar and OP complains that the handwriting style he used isn't good enough which is not even a real problem. It's not that hard to see that he wrote "pome", the problem is it's not a word. Everything but the handwriting style is wrong.

>> No.4913838

This is so generalized and inaccurate that it should never have been written. You want to know the real differences between the academically high-performing countries and the US?
A high level of poverty, especially across races.
Concentration of students from impoverished families in areas that go to the same school.
There is no country performing as well as the US that has anywhere near our size, either geographically or in population.

I'm not suggesting that these are acceptable excuses, and I believe that most of the education system needs to be reformed. However, to continue to blame the poorest demographics (you know the ones I'm talking about) and to dismiss them as inferior just extends the vicious cycle that put those groups in this position in the first place.

Surprise! When the best job that your parent or your friend's parent has pays $9 an hour rather than $8, you're not gonna be all that motivated to try hard in school, because anything more than that seems unobtainable, and there's no one telling or showing you anything to the contrary.

>> No.4913841


>> No.4913861
File: 1000 KB, 500x341, 1383790267749.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be quite shallow of me, but whenever I see the handwriting of a friend or someone I like and it's the tortured scribbling of a grade-schooler, I do actually like them a little less.

>> No.4913864
File: 1.98 MB, 2000x3552, WP_20140520_005[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4913865

Woah oh, wait a minute Mr. Postman.

>> No.4913873

Not shallow


>> No.4913879

>Oddly enough

There's nothing odd about it.

>> No.4913885

Contrary to the popular phrase, numbers do lie. A saturated market isn't an efficient one. As a community college graduate, hear me out when I tell you that 2 year degrees not only bolster those numbers? But they produce a foridst like worker, a trained gear for the cog.

It is a relatively sad sight. Where I went to a two year school it is estimated that 80% of each freshman class takes 3-4 years to graduate from what Is supposed to be a 2 year school.

Putting dumb people in colleges doesn't make then smart. The amount of excuses, absences, classrooms groaing at small assigments is pathetic. You might as well be in a public school.

The system and its results are trash. Don't let high attendance and inflated nbers fool you.

>> No.4913886

lel, you have shit handwriting, don't you m8?

>> No.4913889

Metiocracy anon, its the rising average due to development.

>> No.4913891
File: 187 KB, 1080x720, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry /lit/

>> No.4913912

>You want to know the real differences between the academically high-performing countries and the US?
The US has a less homogeneous society than these academically high-performing countries?

>> No.4913914

oh, the irnoy.

>> No.4913927


>> No.4913931
File: 248 KB, 541x383, 58024_807311215965178_1525276253_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God, same here -though I do play guitar fairly well. I just don't know anyone, and the few musical people I know would want to form some kind of Phish-type band, a personal nightmare of mine.

>> No.4913941
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>> No.4913964

digusting pizza 2/10 would not eat

>> No.4913972

What's on that pizza? Looks weird as hell. Your handwriting is messy but I like your gs, Ys, and ys.

>> No.4913992


i suck at guitar and i make dreampop in my bedroom you can do it too

unless your fantasies are of being on a stage or something

>> No.4914003


Mariana slice. And thank you. The left handed helps. Forming many letters in motion is difficult. Smugding is inevitable.

>> No.4914030


Americans are fucked. No, fucking seriously. You're fucked when I, a Swissman, can write your language better than your own teenage students.

What the fuck, America?

Do you see that dude writing in my language with my flueny in ten years?

Didn't think so.

Get rekt.

>> No.4914057

Fuck off, cheese.. gold..

>> No.4914059

You don't need to begin a new paragraph at the end of each sentence.

>> No.4914065
File: 1.23 MB, 1536x2048, 2014-05-20 12.23.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my handwriting

>> No.4914069

You must be on the Committee To Ban Phonics Because White Privilege Task Force

>> No.4914084

It looks like it would take a lot of time to write. Pretty consistent and easy to read, though.

>> No.4914086

That's not very neutral of you to say, Swiss Miss

>> No.4914088

Fucking awesome. The only good one in this thread, though as the other Anon noted, seems also fucking slow to write.

>> No.4914157

You can't blame all the worlds problems on poverty my friend. Those who don't try to better themselves through education are either lazy or stupid. Knowledge is cheaper then it's ever been. Being broke isn't an excuse for ignorance any more and it hasn't been for a while now.

>> No.4914169

Don't compare what's obviously a nigger to regular Americans.

>> No.4914176
File: 1.73 MB, 3264x2448, 1400616721792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4914178

I used to love Rammstein, but even to this day wish I could be a buff German emo shouting at a bunch of wet emo grils

>> No.4914184


How do you write at a 90-degree rotation? That's really impressive. Can you do italics too?

>> No.4914185

This might be shallow of me, but whenever I see a Beatles picture posted by an anon, I do actually like them a little less.

>> No.4914186

Yea, it's not like public schooling in the us of a is extra shitty. It's not like there is a huge college debt incoming after shitty public education.

>> No.4914189


>> No.4914190

Pretty ugly but perfectly readable.

>> No.4914192

i've seen writing like ops post in english 101 classes, affirmative action has got to stop, i'm sorry but i don't care if all the black kids in the high school failed, they are not writing at a high school level and should not graduate and for fucks sake don't let them into fucking college, import somebody from Ethiopia or Haiti to meet the quota if you have to but please don't let anymore shananays and tyquans with 3rd grade reading and writing into college.

>> No.4914205

yep that's what I always thought

>> No.4914208

I'm >>4913972 and I'm German.

>> No.4914252

Oh fair enough, your reason for disliking it may be justified then, sorry have a nice day. I am being sincere.

>> No.4914262

>student teacher here

In one class that I observed last semester the teacher had her kindergarten students tear up paper every day for ten minutes. Just shred it.


They all have weak fingers. Too mush swiping- not enough regular use of crayons and pencils. The kids were having cramps and hand pains from drawing and learning to write.

>> No.4914266

This thread has made me decide to start forcing myself to write cursive again, I used to all the time when I was younger but then I transfered to a public school and kinda fell out of it. Thanks for waking me up.

>> No.4914282

I'm not saying that poverty is entirely to blame. But poverty has become so ingrained in urban culture, especially among minorities, that it tends to be only the most exceptional, either mentally or athletically, that make it out. Of course the response to poverty has an effect on a personal level as well, but impoverished white people (either in urban areas or, in perhaps the poorest part of the US, Appalachia) do just as poorly in schools. My point wasn't that poverty is the only cause; however, it's not just the lack of money, but the lack of hope caused by generations of poverty, especially within black culture.

>> No.4914313

Kindergarten kids use tablets?

>> No.4914318

What does it have to do with public school?

>> No.4914322
File: 31 KB, 640x480, ArcSoft_Image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, please.

I wish it was more consistent...it feels like I'm writing every letter for the first time every time I write anything...like, zero muscle memory.

>> No.4914332

no, it is the period b4. i had this at my school, we had 4 classes a day that alternated (a day, b day)

>> No.4914338

No issues with form or content :)

>> No.4914354
File: 438 KB, 1132x735, Writing_Sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Handwriting thread?
Handwriting thread.

My writing developed into it's own special snowflake, the vast majority of my writing is personal notes, thoughts, ideas, et cetera that no one else sees. So why not play around with how I write?

I do have to "change scripts" whenever someone else is meant to read what I wrote though, then I opt for some basic print that doesn't look so nice but is very legible.

>> No.4914363

>So why not play around with how I write?
Because the end product makes you look like some sort of elf.

>> No.4914368

I went to a catholic school and cursive was taught pretty religiously (no pun intended). Then we moved and I switched to public school where it wasn't mandatory to handwrite.

>> No.4914384

Have fun re-learning one of the most useless skills you can possible learn at school.

>> No.4914403
File: 117 KB, 1002x730, Screen Shot 2014-05-06 at 1.02.18 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am vomiting what is this affected nonsense

>> No.4914413

>jumps ogre the lazy dog
It's the shrekening

>> No.4914428

>>went to a catholic school

puke. That's when all goes gore.

>> No.4914435

cursive only makes sense if you are using a fountain pen or a fucking feather, otherwise it just makes you look like a tard.

>> No.4914436

Are you telling me "please" didn't work?

I'm telling all your mothers.

>> No.4914444

Catholic school is great.

>> No.4914454

ironically they think about abolishing cursive handwriting in some parts of Germany

>> No.4914458

it's most likely you get raped by some pedophile there than elsewhere, as normal public school, at least according to the news reports and from people's experiences.

>> No.4914491
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>> No.4914496

Nice r/w...

You're a real James Joyce.

>> No.4914499

The students didn't really interact with the priests at my school. It was only the cunts who volunteered to serve as altar boys who spent the most time with them, and only like a handful of people ever did that because being an altar boy was straight up nerd shit.

>> No.4914514

US public school system for the most part isn't all that bad. Especially when you take into consideration all the challenges it faces. I wasn't referring to college when I said education is cheap. I meant library's and internet. Though if you apply yourself you can get just as much of an education out of a community college for a fraction of the cost of actual college.
>But poverty has become so ingrained in urban culture, especially among minorities
By minorities you mean exclusively blacks right because their the only ones who can't seem to get out of the ghetto? Look man I get what you're saying. Nigger culture is fucking toxic and it holds blacks who might otherwise be doing well back. but I myself grow up in a low income urban area. North philly. I've lived ate, played, worked, fought, drank, with these people.Their there own worst enemy. I got out. The first generation Hispanics, Asians and Africans got out. Whom the blacks hate by the way. Black people are probably the most racist group in America. Just saying. So why can't the they? Anyways thanks for replying with a reasonable response.

>> No.4914521

I never understood what the fuck somebody must study at a "catholic school"... folk, we're not living in the middle ages, it sounds like a Hogwart's School nowdays. What the fuck they teach? Catholic theology, obviously. Then, if (a)+(x)=ax, it's like saying that you're studying witchcraft along with math and so on.

>> No.4914530
File: 1.14 MB, 844x1296, rateme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate me /lit/, I've practiced for one year, on and off, actually started because I got inspiration from pen fountains thread I found here.

I basically had no knowledge to cursive when I started. Hopefully I can serve as some inspiration to someone else.

>> No.4914536

worthless attentionwhore/10

>> No.4914538

No one MUST study at catholic school. The US system give parents choices on how they would like to educate their child, some pick public, others latin, some muslim, some catholic.

>> No.4914547

>if you apply yourself
You have to add "much more than normal students". Which is an unrealistic and unfair expectation for already disadvantaged students who usually have to worry about tons of other stuff outside of school and college. That's even ignoring the institutional discrimination.

The difference between different PUBLIC schools is already too grave and additionally between private education is just too big for any educational system that hopes to achieve positive results.

From the anecdotal evidence I got, even the unis outside of the know ones, are all pretty laughable. So it's either have cash and get a degree from a famous uni or enjoy Mcdonalds.

>> No.4914548

Trim that shit

>> No.4914552

I'd have to see an example of your print.

All I can say now is that you're not the MOST legible writing I've ever seen, but it does have a charming quality to it.

>> No.4914553

My parents enrolled me in a Catholic school because the only alternatives in my area were public schools, all of which are awful. I suppose there was a religious reason as well as my whole family is Catholic but the main reason was quality of education.

And we actually didn't spend that much time learning about religion. It was a required subject for every grade but it received no more attention than math, history, English, etc.

>> No.4914554

Yes, because when you were a kid you wanted to have reliable job like an accountant.

>> No.4914557

aka fiiction

>> No.4914565

the difference between students is that poor and minority students think they only have to learn what's taught in class, and to a certain extend that can work, Chinese and other Asians will memorize the whole curriculum in a couple weeks and regurgitate it back on cue but to be really successful students need to engage in learning on their own free time without supervision, a lot of Whites and Jews will learn just for fun without having to be "told to" and that makes the difference in life achievement.

>> No.4914572
File: 145 KB, 1024x716, Wallace2-1024x716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4914597

>students think they only have to learn what's taught in class
That's pretty much what I encountered during my time at 5 different schools and college, and most students did that, regardless the color or social situation.

Learning for fun was only done by few nerdy kids.

>> No.4914601

it's the sign that we live in a winner takes all society with a collapsing middle class, just being a middle management paper pusher or small time functionary is not feasible anymore with confiscatory healthcare mandates, importation of slave labor from the global south and crushing education costs just being middle class is about as fantastic as being a rockstar so if everyone is forced to chase a fantasy why not fantasize about being a rockstar than a office manager?

>> No.4914607

You are incorporating Greek, whether you know it or not.

d -> delta
k -> kappa
X -> chi
z -> reverse xi

>> No.4914616

the farther up the economic foodchain you go the more learning you will find, wealthy whites and jews are like learning maniacs, real don juans of knowledge, kids who come from downscale backgrounds that are used to just learning what is taught get blown out of the water when they get into a top tier school and everyone is a ravenous beast devouring books left and right.

>> No.4914621

Thanks, I've realized pretty late that my legibility sucks and I'm really trying to work that shit up.

I'm thinking of doing some rolling O and straight and slanted I exercises. I'm also in the process of redecorating my capitals to something better.

>> No.4914639

>the farther up the economic foodchain you go the more learning you will find
Though this is rather true later in higher education and pretty obvious too. Some nigger living in a dysfunctional family and probably needing to work to even be able to attend college has obviously more to worry than reading about history and philosophy for the pure fun of it.

But to even get there, they already have the disadvantages like shitty public schools.

>> No.4914649

/lit/ can't write for shit but boy do they have pretty handwriting

>> No.4914657

Would you do me the service of commenting on the kill all niggers handwriting above us? Thank you.

>> No.4914663

Absolutely. I've got a few other letter forms in there.

The G is based on the Gaelic G.
The lowercase v is something of a squished Cyrillic v, I think I also based it on a certain minuscule medieval script.
The uppercase M is a Coptic variation I saw.

Maybe some others I can't remember offhand; like the bar T, I don't recall where I snagged that from. Some years back I studied several different scripts and alphabets, and my current writing is a mish-mash of all that.

>> No.4914665

>thinking black students work

bro, all the blacks in college have financial aid, grants and tax credits out the ass, especially if you're a single mom, holy shit they give you education on a fucking platter. if there is anyone in college who does not work it is the black.

>> No.4914670

>caring about the presentation over the content
How pathetic

>> No.4914682

>financial aid, grants and tax credits out the ass
That all are pretty shitty. Though I don't have statistic for the amount of black students working to prove the point fully. Wonder if you have any for the opposite though?

>> No.4914685

yeah i thought this was a thread about how shitty "urban" people are at writing but then i realized it was a bunch of dorks talking about handwriting as if anyone beyond third grade gives a shit.

>> No.4914690

sorry i only have life experience of working in education in a major urban area, i'd tell you more but i would need to give you a trigger warning.

>> No.4914695

So it doesn't matter to you if the book you read is in comic sans and font-size 4 with no paragraphs, capitals, punctuations instead of a proper formatted latin font like Garamond at size 11-12?

It's all bout that content right?

>> No.4914696
File: 2.16 MB, 1936x2592, IMG_1865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my Greek

>> No.4914705

what the fuck am I looking at

>> No.4914711

Are you my brother?

>> No.4914719

general relativity with tensors, a proof of the first Bianchi identity

>> No.4914728

OP concern-trolled /lit/ by pretending to be concerned about presentation, but posting content that is clearly designed to trigger idiot /pol/tards (and as >>4913163 shows, it isn't even OC and could easily be fabricated, and that's discounting the fact that it's anecdotal with little context to go with it).

150+ posts later, it's clear everyone's taken the bait. I hate you fuckers so much.

>> No.4914729

⇒babby's first GR


>> No.4914734

>You have to add "much more than normal students". Which is an unrealistic and unfair expectation for already disadvantaged students who usually have to worry about tons of other stuff outside of school and college.
Yes I know like working 35 hours a week to pay rent or helping your no good sister support her bastard. Life's hard man but a salmon continues to swim up stream.
>That's even ignoring the institutional discrimination.
Are you referring to the blacks again?
>The difference between different PUBLIC schools is already too grave and additionally between private education is just too big for any educational system that hopes to achieve positive results.
My Whole point about applying yourself is to seek out knowledge on your own.

>From the anecdotal evidence I got, even the unis outside of the know ones, are all pretty laughable. So it's either have cash and get a degree from a famous uni or enjoy Mcdonalds.
Or go to community get a degree in anything practical. Go to a trade school. Join the work force pick up a skill by asking your higher ups if they need additional help which is what I did. Before i want to college.

>> No.4914736

This is a handwriting thread.

>> No.4914739

look at the post above yours.

>> No.4914746

the difference between students is that poor and minority students think they only have to learn what's taught in class, and to a certain extend that can work, Chinese and other Asians will memorize the whole curriculum in a couple weeks and regurgitate it back on cue but to be really successful students need to engage in learning on their own free time without supervision, a lot of Whites and Jews will learn just for fun without having to be "told to" and that makes the difference in life achievement.
This except for the Asian part. 99% of those fuckers just cheat along with nearly every other foreigner.

>> No.4914757

Nah they definitely exist but they're not even close to common enough to suggest that "the next generation of kids is going to look like this"

just take a shit and get out of the bathroom you sick fuck why marinate in your ass smell

>> No.4914768

Fucking this I was just as improvised if not more so then these fuckers yet I had to pay my way.

>> No.4914769

>This except for the Asian part. 99% of those fuckers just cheat along with nearly every other foreigner.

This is true. I think the reason foreigners are such dedicated cheaters comes from two factors. First is that they come from corrupt shitholes were cheating, bribing and intimidation are standard operating practice. Since America isn't that corrupt yet it leaves their only option at cheating. Second cause of high cheating among foreigners is many of them are in the country illegally and if you are already lying about your immigration status and cutting corners on work documents then it only follows that they will cheat in school as well since their whole life as an unauthorized immigrant is essentially a cheat.

>> No.4914837

I'm a little shaky on the exact statistics but it's roughly accurate so bear with me
>99.99999% of African-Americans don't go to college due to poverty, poor public schooling, unstable home environments, etc.
>.00001% of African-Americans go to college and get some form of financial assistance, many through college athletics (which is a fucked-up system in its own right, never mind the racial dynamics), but rarely a free ride
>40% of whites get to attend a four-year college after graduation
>students of all races who don't receive full financial assistance are likely to get saddled with debt
>you, an individual, don't get financial assistance
boo fucking hoo. you're essentially blaming a broken higher education system on a subsection of a subsection of a demographic who only benefit from it marginally.

>many of them are in the country illegally
most foreign students who enroll in four-year universities are the sons and daughters of rich east-asians. they go to college because they (and specifically their families) can afford to. please try to curb your ignorance.

I think you meant "impoverished," friendo :^)

>> No.4914888

>boo fucking hoo.
Don't get it twisted friend I'm not whining because I don't get financial aid. My complaints are with this broken educational system that favors blacks.
>99.99999% of African-Americans don't go to college due to poverty, poor public schooling, unstable home environments, etc.
>.00001% of African-Americans go to college and get some form of financial assistance, many through college athletics (which is a fucked-up system in its own right, never mind the racial dynamics), but rarely a free ride
Yeah I'm gonna need sources.

I think you meant "impoverished," friendo :^)
Indeed I did thank you for correcting. I wont make the same mistake twice now.

>> No.4914908


Nice FP, faggot. What ink is that? Also, get better paper, otherwise you'll be forced to have it bleed through to the other side for the rest of your miserable existence.

>> No.4914925

Jesus Christ, and I thought my handwriting was shit...

>Which it is.

>> No.4914932
File: 423 KB, 1600x1200, 140520-190820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.4914977


>> No.4914993

I still want to be a professional baseball player. That hasn't stopped me from being one year away from a law degree at 22 years old.

>> No.4915000

Why are you so fat, bro?

>I-I'm a designated hitter.

>> No.4915002

I'm gonna guess this kid is a recent immigrant from the Caribbean or something.

>> No.4915105

9/10, saved to my inspo folder

>> No.4915159

>>uneducated new generation
>EVERYONE wants to be a musician or actor or writer
Are you in the right board?

>> No.4915204


>be black
>be born in Detroit
>It's rough growing up there. Never ate anything that wasn't paid with food stamps. Gangsters and hookers picking up tricks when I walk to school.
>Never met my dad. Mama went through more boyfriends than I could count, many abusive, looking to cash in on welfare.
>I have to take care of my younger brother, Jamal. I need to be like a father to him, keep him out of the violence, out of the drugs.
>I steal books because I want to get out of this, learn how to be a success. When I get caught reading the guys at my school beat me up and call me a fag.
>In high school, I work as many shifts as I can at my job. It's tense. I'm afraid things will never work out.
>One day, dude picks me off the street, offers me a life changing amount of cash to run some new drugs. I can't resist this, the chance is too good.
>Jamal finds out. Pretty soon I find out he's been shooting up. He doesn't trust me anymore.
>I clean up my act, put all my time in my studies so I can prove myself. I try as hard as I can to get through to Jamal, but he just won't listen.
>Then, I get an assignment. A wonderful assignment. It seems heaven-sent. I'm supposed to write about what I want to do someday.
>I know what it is I want to do: I want to share a positive message with other urban youth to keep them from going my way. So they know somebody has felt and experienced the same things as them and there is a way out. I want to be a rapper.
>unfortunately, I haven't developed my writing skills yet, but I'm working on it, staying up hours in bed to memorize spelling and catch up.

2 years later
>I've got a record deal and a small but dedicated following. I play live shows and spread positivity. I know the kids really connect with my shit. I can feel it.
>I discover a forum for likeminded individuals to share what they've learned from books.
>I find a picture of my essay, after all these years.
>I shake my head and cry.

>> No.4915217

I don't know if you prettended to rustle jimmies with this or if you wanted my feels to arise.
But you did both.

>> No.4915275

I wrote all my finals in cursive at uni. It's just faster to write and is more legible than my print.

Print just feels like a really inefficient, blunt way of writing. I'll write notes in books and other minimal ordinary usage in print where space is limited, but if I have to write a lot I use cursive.

>> No.4915285

basically my handwriting looks like this, probably a bit worse but still. I just go with it for now.

>> No.4915293

It's like looking at my own handwriting, but with no grasp on English whatsoever.

Pretty handwriting is for faggots and ladies btw.

>> No.4915300

I went to a top tier uni and this is true. Middle-class and upper class kids that went through "great" school systems are pretty much pros at doing schoolwork and other banalities (work-work and such), but they pretty much fail at critical thought or any sustained, high levels of thinking.

In my four years of uni, I only met about a dozen people who were deeply interested in philosophy, literature, art, etc and were not just posturing.

>> No.4916715

Intelligence has and is still rising. You are an idiot if you think people are less smart than they were 50 years ago.

>> No.4916728

>mfw expanding and then scrolling all the way down

>> No.4916731

I didn't have a face either, anon.

>> No.4916737
File: 341 KB, 1632x1224, DSC000654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh, my handwriting looked like that when I was a filthy Christian. I became a buddhist and now it looks like this.

>> No.4916747
File: 79 KB, 575x295, writ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top was me "trying" to write in cursive, bottom is my normal writing. The only thing I like is the 'f's.

Every now and then I'll do something interesting when taking notes, but can't quite recreate it later on. Any tips for that?

>> No.4916748

Bad handwriting is correlated with intelligence.
Also ADD but never mind...

>> No.4916749

>Half of American kids go to college

Oh, because colleges are the epitome of education and going to a college means that you are educated.

>> No.4916768

It still means that they have a much better access to education than people did ever before.

An other Anon already noted social networks, do you think your grandma would be any lesser retarded than todays kids if she could post any bullshit that gets on her mind and share it with the whole world?

>> No.4916779

correlated negatively or positively?

>> No.4916820

What's an FP? It's a cd marker, and it's an envelope from the bank, not my regular paper.

Why are you being so rude to me?

>> No.4916825

Im glad you recognize that poor whites have it just as rough. I won't go into detail about my life but being me was hard and no onevhad ever helped me. Its overwhelming to be in college and so far behind. I'm not as bad as sone of the students, but im not that much better. I have my faults in reading, essaycwriting, math science.

>> No.4916847
File: 94 KB, 418x185, e9eac7446c54314f00313d90aa9c4271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an excerpt from a little poem I wrote; don't you try to understand the words, for it is written in ancient Italian, but try to read it. That's my writing, that's it.

>> No.4916860

>not knowing who W.C. Fields is

>> No.4916891

How can I improve my handwriting?

I write cursive since first grade, but since then I write, as other prescribe to be, chicken leg writing, i. e. almost incomprehensible. It's all because of the lack of care I taken to make it so, what now got to be an installed habit.

I figure I need to rework the muscle memory for each letter what might take some patience, since I couldn't write anything and destroy the progress, but any helpful tip would be much appreciated.

>> No.4916893

wow almost a 10
definitely best I've seen, how do you do it?

>> No.4916905
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x2560, IMG_20140521_155003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the worst handwriting of the thread award goes to..

i don't think having a nice fountain pen or whatever will help, but then again these are notes which need to be taken really fast so that's why its fucked
bundled with the fact that i always use chinese $0.10$ pens someone forgets or i find or get for free, it is what it is

the only consolation is that PERHAPS greatest the greatest writers had shit handwriting too so its okay
i hope so

>> No.4916912

>and the worst handwriting of the thread award goes to.
Pff, you're just lucky I can't be bothered to make a pic of mine.

>> No.4916914
File: 1.45 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_20140521_155049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

camera is p shit too so that doesn't really help my case

i do write 130wpm though so it evens itself out

>> No.4916919
File: 914 KB, 2592x1944, DSC_0025[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it too late for /lit/'s judement?

>> No.4916922

A-are you sketching Deleuze in the bottom right corner?

>> No.4916923

Look up how Kafka or Whitman wrote. Both write in deranged scribbles, but they are looked upon as the greats of their craft. Now in comparison check every girl's handwriting, and you see that they are all neat clean and easily read, but then check - not misogyny - how much competence women have compared to men in the intellectual pursuit.

It's just a habit.

>> No.4916924

I once had a penpal who is a 21 year old university student
Good lord one of the worse penmanship I've evr seen

>> No.4916927
File: 1.83 MB, 1700x1172, lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cursive isn't really a sign of intelligence, just taste. If one can write correctly, his style doesn't matter that much. Orthography is much more important.

>> No.4916935

It was supposed to be Debord, but then the teacher turned the slideshow off and I didin't finish it. Could post the rest if you want but I'm embarassed lel

>> No.4916936

>Cursive is no longer taught.
your country's fucked up, our youngsters are still busy with cursive books today, why the hell would people choose to omit that?

>> No.4916938

99.9 %

> is that bait? It is way higher than that. Don't kid yourself. I go to a college with 20k students and over 80% are black. This is common in large cities. Don't inflate those horrible statistics. You sound like al sharpton.

Yeah this is standard. They are machines trained to repeat whatevervthe institutional trends are. I mean go to reddit if you don't believe me. Those people never look undeevthe rug. They're content to make a lot of cash andvwalk over it, ignoring the neo liberal commandering of both education and many causes.

>> No.4916945

This x1000. I have to proof read my college classmates work all the time. The women all have pretty handwriting but it is just as trash as any other idiot.

They write less. Technology often takes place of it. At home they don't use their hands much. I grew up during the 90 and early 2000's. I learned cursive in a poor Catholic school. Many of the people who I knew outside of my school and most of the people that I know now cannot read it.

All semester I had in class writing assigments and when my classmates and I would exchange papers for discussion, none of then could read it. I'm talking at university.

>> No.4916952

Anyone else has a problem with rereading their own stuff later?

I also find myself jumping from cursive to "normal" (don't know the term in english) all the time

>> No.4916957

neither can they read my cursive, though it's due to the tempo of my writing - when taking notes, I write up to 4 pages an hour, but that has to be deciphered after, it cannot be read at an instant.
My russian seems nicer, because I'm still not familiar with the language enough to write at ease and let my handwriting go all bonkers.

>> No.4916961
File: 1.09 MB, 1377x672, pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fagit forgots his pic

>> No.4916963

You've got something like a one in two chance to be molested in a Jewish school...

>> No.4916964

Do it.

>> No.4916966

Allow me to quote some anonymous posts from /v/:


">Friend tells me how her 12-year-old little brother is obsessed with Minecraft
>So absorbed that he shits himself while playing and doesn't notice

>Hear from relatives that my 11-year-old cousin is getting kicked out of his school
>He's failing all his classes because all he does is play Minecraft

Why is this game such a toxic influence on today's youth? Why is it turning them all into degenerate autists?"


"I played a lot of vidya as a kid but still went outside, camping, down the park, tree houses, dens, apple fights you know those sorts of things.

As I got a bit older this seemed to carry on, the crab apple trees would always be bare from fights, lots of dens, kids down the park ect.

But the last 5 or so years its like all kids disappeared, dens are gone, tree houses gone, no kids ever in the park, crab apple trees have all their apples.

My cousin is failing school due to playing video games and all my friends with younger siblings all they do is play video games.

It's kind of depressing."

>> No.4916967

Either I don't get your post or you're stupid.
a+x equals a+x and rarely ax. 2+3=5, 2x3=6.

>> No.4916970
File: 661 KB, 1944x2592, DSC_0027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already posted, actually >>4916919

Though that's a better example

>> No.4916974

I'll pay that, you deserve some recognition anon.

>> No.4916982

Have you been in some of the "binge story" threads? Where people brag about how many hours/days/weeks they spent in their rooms playing vidya, not showering, not eating/only eating junk food? Some of them dropped out of school because of that, too. /v/ is just disgusting and it's not just young kids.

>> No.4916984
File: 918 KB, 2592x1944, DSC_0027[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really doesn't look good, not even after I trying to finish it.

I'm not that good a drawer to begin with, specially bad with those stabillo-like pens

>> No.4916991

Jesus fuck. You're only allowed draw Habermas and Kant from now on.

>> No.4916992

Onlin gaming is like heroin

>> No.4916995

Nigga look at the size of that motherfuckers mouth how am I supposed to draw Habermas and Kant's assmouths when I draw a fucking regular mouth like that I can't draw mouths pls stop

>> No.4917006

I chuckled. You're all right, anon, I'm just fucking with you. I think I know the picture you were looking at and it's a pretty shit reference point. Still the lips do make it kinda gay.

>> No.4917010 [DELETED] 

>implying i'm not 100% for Debord

>> No.4917012

gay ass punctuation

>> No.4917014

>Implying I'm not 100% gay for Debord

>> No.4917015

Can I watch?

>> No.4917017

No, because we don't like spectators, only direct action

>> No.4917019

People don't even understand what "Fordist" means, and if you tried to explain it they would just look at you funny. They're all desperate to become efficient now and to get a flashy resume because it's the only assurance of survival.

>> No.4917025

But I don't want to be reinfected with Marx

>> No.4917028
File: 83 KB, 338x450, leshiggyman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be worse

>> No.4917032

It's funny because Postman criticized television and classic showbiz. As far as I'm aware, he didn't live long enough to get around to this shit:

>muh minecraft

So is 4chan.

>> No.4917033

I've met my limits. Good talk anon.

>> No.4917073
File: 166 KB, 1200x802, 1400386362030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you're in that shit there's no way out. If you try to talk about this addiction to normals you will look like a completely pathetic and puerile loser who needs to get out more and run into some real life problems. If you insist that you need help then people will suddenly see "columbine" written on your forehead. The only thing left to do is bitch and moan about it on 4chan for a while before getting lured back into another goddamn game to drown your frustrations for another evening.

I've already broken off contact with most of my "friends" from this era of my life. The only one I still talk to at least has some artistic aspirations but he's still addicted to ludicrous hardcore gaming bullshit.

>> No.4917245

Put it this way. You are on lit. It is likely that you are highly intelligent. I mean considering you can fluently read english.

>> No.4917263

Fuck I know it is. 4chan is your life. We fucked still.
Truest thing I've ever heard. I was one of them once. It was the most awful thing in my life.

Where are you from. I think I might know you.

>> No.4917293

>Put it this way. You are on lit. It is likely that you are highly intelligent

/lit/ master race, where's that 'top minds' copypasta??!

>> No.4917320

Probably not. I'm from Europe.

I actually don't think this story is all that rare anymore. It's just that nobody wants to talk about it.

>> No.4917341

>master race

We're the most unemployable fuckwads around save for artists.

>> No.4917347

>tfw artist who doesn't like /ic/
I did it to be unemployable to be fair

>> No.4917364

I've been wanting to learn how to draw but always lose motivation because so I'm so bad at it. I don't really like /ic/'s art either, though, and I don't get why so many of them draw on tablets, isn't that harder than drawing on paper?

>> No.4917381

off the top of my head:
- easier to edit and correct mistakes
- cheaper in the long run as there are no supplies needed
- variety of methods and styles are possible
- no scanner needed
- cleaner as there is no mess

personally I find painting more enjoyable. there's just something more fun about it.

>> No.4917384

Scanners fucking suck.

Most jobs require you to work digitally.

There is almost no chance at all of you teaching yourself how to use colors effectively if you try to do it with expensive oil paint instead of pirated photoshop. You will fuck up the oil paint and give up.

>> No.4917404

Drawing on the right side of the brain; Robert K Gill's Rendering in pen and ink; you will be shit forever and have limited time to scrape off the upper layers of your shitness through practice before death.

>> No.4917411

By that I mean he seems like someone who is pretty smart compared to me. I'm a hood rat addicted to 4chan. I recently decided to try reading and so I came to lit.

>> No.4917417

Exactly. I don't hate artists, but I think modern artists are just self concerned douche bags these days.

There is a lot of meritocracy in our society which causes people to accept that style of living. Everyone wants to be an artist. No one cares about changing the world for the better anymore.

>> No.4917420

Damn, that was actually difficult to read.

>> No.4917545

Has anyone pointed out that the OP's image is clearly from someone with a learning disability yet?

>> No.4917600

We're too busy talking about ourselves.

>> No.4917612

Duh, it's called being a nigger

>> No.4918383


I can't write any other way. It's gotten better over the years, though not consciously, and I've hardly handwritten at all in the past couple years since I began college.

I'm a slow writer (not arduously slow) and I can't take notes.

Brain Age (yes, the Nintendo DS fad from way back) coerced me into writing my y's as straight slashes. I used to do a curvy y like a u in a U. Brain Age also got me writing 4's the proper way, without the diagonal line. Goddamnit Brain Age.

>> No.4918448

I haven't put pen to paper since February...

>> No.4919056

Are you seriously blaming poor people for being stuck in the poverty cycle? Yeah, people need to be more accountable, but the combination of a shitty school system based upon income of the area is just tacking even more trouble onto what is the already kids who are disadvantage. Take it from someone in this situation. See here

I'm the guy who posted the Pizza. I'm American.

The problem with the education system is that local public funding supports the schools. So eventually you just run into the problem of poor people unable to learn because whatdta know, they're poor. Funding school district with district money local tax zones is abysmal.

This leaves some public schools as mere baby sitting facilities while in a rich neighborhood they are high tech class rooms with engaging and prestigious teachers. If you want to help students as teacher, work in an under privileged school. Those kids need all the help they can get. As one myself, it was miserable always being dumb with no help

>> No.4919074

I am have a classic case of dysgraphia, so my penmanship has never been a strong point.

But I could do better then that in the 7th grade even with my issues.

>> No.4919465

>Are you seriously blaming poor people for being stuck in the poverty cycle?

Buddy, the united burgers of fuckyeah regularly blames homicide victims for getting shot to death because it's still easier than accepting that people get fucked over when they don't deserve it.

And there's not a damn thing you can do to change it, really, so don't even bother trying. The best you can do if you're not wealthy is just work your ass off pretending that you aren't poor and hope you lucky. Life sucks, and there's no reason to ever expect that anyone else cares. Live with it, I suppose. Or don't. Whatever.

>> No.4920170


>tfw forced to learn cursive before normal letters in Catholic school.
>tfw transfer to public school half way through learning cursive and have to switch to print.

I never recovered. My handwriting is some kind of awful half cursive mess that only I can read.

>> No.4920176

You don't know what you are talking about. The district with the most funding in the US is DC and they rank the worst. Two third of dc public school teachers send their own kids to private.

The problem is stupid parents have stupid children, and stupid parents also vote stupidly, for corrupt and incompetent school leaders.

The answer is vouchers.

>> No.4920183


Keep a journal. Write a full page a day

>> No.4920197 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 1280x960, tmp_14007416767211741735634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I fix this?

>> No.4920258
File: 640 KB, 1280x960, anon's handwriting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For starters.

>> No.4920267

Busy work prioritizes the shittiest script possible, accomplished as fast as possible.

My handwriting was beginning to look interesting until hitting highschool, now in college, I've got a legible, literate-looking and interesting handwritten script. Well, legible is debatable, but, well --there's that.

Also why don't we do a google hangout on Friday//thread, THE FACE OF LIT

>> No.4920331

>dat attempt at a cursive Z

What the fuck happened there, bro?

>> No.4920336

Until I started from scratch and started deliberately trying to come up with a legible style I effectively could not write.

Most words ended up looking like arabic does to someone who can't read it. One legible letter and then a trail of faint scribbles. There were no actual letter forms in 85% of my script.

Now I write slowly in this grade school semi-cursive which looks like crap but actually has letters in it.

>> No.4920373

>You want to know the real differences between the academically high-performing countries and the US?

No, its the blacks. Full stop. American whites perform just as well as European whites, American Asians perform just as well as the smartest Asian groups of other countries. This is not an opinion, its the PISA scores.

It doesn't matter if the problem is just the "culture", which is isn't, but every expenditure with the stated intention of "helping blacks" only further reinforced the notions of being petty, ignorant, and anti-education. There has been nothing more disastrous to the African American community than subsidized child birth and a "standardization" of the school system. But more money will funnel in because no one dares try other methods out of fear of being publicly destroyed. So the problem will only continue. Common Core, No Child Left Behind, all regressive "progressive" moves throwing us further down the well. I can only suppose that useful idiots will be useful idiots until they die. Either way, this problem will continue to get worse until we are absolutely forced to make it better. It will not be pretty, in fact, it will be much more horrible than simple accusations of racism. That is my prediction.

>> No.4920616

Wby is your z a lower case x.?

>> No.4920918

During my years as a student I came to the following conclusion:

Cursive writing is there to excuse the terrifying penmanship of teachers, as not a single fucking one of them can write properly.

>it's not illegible, it's CURSIVE

Nice try.

>> No.4920982

You can't use lead to make nails, its far too soft and literally wouldnt penetrate anything besides like styrofoam. Also lead doesn't rust.

gr8 fuckin handwriting tho

>> No.4921477


This. We ARE the most educated generation in the history of the world. Before, only nobles and the wealthy were even literate. Now, even a negro can read. Yes, I'm aware of how stupid people today are. We are still, on average, smarter than any generation before, and what does that tell you? People have, by and large, always been deplorably dumb. Hell, the way I hear it, back in the day they thought every rock, stick, and stone was a spirit, that illness could be cured with bloodletting, and all pleasure was a sin. We are far better off today.


I just came.

>> No.4921481

Blacks and mexicans are also why our obesity rates are so high. Almost all black females are obese. Hispanic/latino "white" american obesity is very, and mexico is becoming an incredibly fat nation as well.

What I want to know is what's Britain's excuse for catchig up to us.

>> No.4921500

>Not being an pantheistic animist

Sure is mundane in here

>> No.4921523
File: 175 KB, 807x720, illegible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notes from class.


I-i like it.

>> No.4921526
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Live your life with a half ass education go ahead. Try not to go mad while you are to stupid to do anything meaningful to change the world. The greatness, glory, all just out of your graps for an entire life time.

Jefferson was right when he argued against educating all of the public. We will never fix our society and we will suffer this struggle of dust in the wind.

The common man in modern time has no peoples army, no means to remove the corrupt. Atleast in the past you could die for something.

Now we are servants of a poverty regime. The governments of the world are little more than slum lords. Educating the masses is just a cruel way of rubbing our insignificane in our faces.

>> No.4921546


Not sure if I'm one to talk, but my ex dropped out of college due to playing vidya 8+ hours a day and consequently failing his classes. I have a diagnosed aspie cousin. We went on vacation, and all he did the whole time was play goddamned video games on some sort of tablet he brought. Had headphones, mouse, and keyboard. On a goddamned vacation, and he sits inside all day doing that. He's 15. I offered him some wine and he turned it down.

I've been playing skyrim 3 or 4 hours a day for the past week and I feel like shit for it. I've also been walking 1 hour and exercising an hour a day. (Neglecting my writing, only 1 or 2 hours a day on editing my draft.)

Games do get addictive. Kids now aren't raised to have discipline and self control. Instead of playing an hour or two, they play all goddamned day. Same reason these pigs can't stop stuffing their faces.

I'm getting off 4chan in five minutes to go stretch, clean, and edit. Thanks /lit/.

>> No.4921563


I just stopped drawing. Did it for 8 years. "You can do anything you want, but not everything." Writing was more important to me.

Tablet IS harder to control, but it's easier. No mess, no scanning, infinite canvas and no need to buy supplies and paper. Other than watercolor, any kind of paint will stink up your house and can take a while to dry.

If you really want to learn, draw from life. Get a mirror. Draw your hand and face and body and anything else you can find. Do that for 4 hours a day for a year and you'll start getting decent. Yes. I drew my own hand more times than I can count.

And /ic/ is correct on everything. If they're the same as they were a year or two ago, at least.

>> No.4921564


Bullshit. My handwriting is atrocious yet I've never used a tablet. And I barely ever use my phone to text. Computers are a Godsend to me because I wouldn't be able to do my job without one. Not joking. I can't handwrite for shit.

It's not exactly an anomaly in my line of work (auditor) either, yet a lot of my colleagues did not grow up with tablets and smartphones.

>> No.4921574

>, no means to remove the corrupt.

Every war ever fought has been the wealthy ordering serfs to go die to bring economic prosperity to the oligarchy. Today is no different than any other time, any other war. Stop romanticising the past if you are that ignorant of it.

>half ass education

It's half-assed, and I educate myself, not the colleges, not the government.

I'd rather people understand germ theory and gravity, myself. Not everyone can be a doctor or engineer, but they can at least know to clean a wound and to not place heavy things on the top shelf.

>> No.4921576

>We went on vacation, and all he did the whole time was play goddamned video games on some sort of tablet he brought.
I did this when I was younger. My parents made an effort to take me on expensive vacations to exotic places none of my classmates would ever visit and I took it for granted, stayed at the hotel all days and browsed the internet or played video games. I really regret it now.

>> No.4921620

Most american school funding goes to sport programs.

>> No.4921663


Thanks a lot for this, man. Should they be iron or steel instead?

Heck, I'll handwrite the whole story. Why not.

>> No.4921671


Tentatively going with "iron" to avoid redundancy with the hammer being steel. I could have them both be steel but then I'd have to recast the sentence to make it not sound silly.

>> No.4921704

The oligarchy was a means of betterment. The only means of betterment now is to work longer harder hours with complex work. Suffer while you try to get ahead. It does not matter. All you can do Is has a family and you have seen what womens liberation has done to the family unit. Womens liberation has decimated the poor mans means to happiness.

I'd rather be an idiot than be trapped in a world where I am intelligent but trapped within a body unable to communicate and make a difference.

You have never been poor and lower middle class. You were not the son of laborers. You do not know the struggle of a man or woman with a education that limits them.

The masses know what change is how it can come about, but none of us are skilled or educated well enough to do anything.

When the options are all bad you turn to entertainment, drugs, alcohol, sex. Material possession are our rank. The only relief from this cruel world we have been born into is to try and forget about it for a few moments at a time.

A man has no time to relearn his education. His mind, neural synapses are already programed to respond to pain. The response is to find pleasure, and to do so quickly before you are consumed by your own missery.

>> No.4921713
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This is how I write. Am I retard?

>> No.4921718
File: 1.11 MB, 2048x1536, 2014-05-22 10.43.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4921721


I can't tell because I don't know what language that is.

>> No.4921753

130wpm? That's impressive for a typing speed. I can type 80-90 wpm which is about the speed of an average secretary according to a random source I've read. I've always thought that I could handwrite quickly, but no where near my typing speed. I would like to see someone writing at 130wpm.

>> No.4922232


>wanting to be a serf slaving in a field

I'll take my white collar job and retirement at whenever I save up enough. Oh, and my medical care and running water.

>women having equal rights took away my specialness waaahhhh

If you can't compete against a woman, what sort of man are you? You want a loyal wife? Be a good enough man that one wants you. Want a stay at home wife? Work hard and be smart enough that she can afford to stay home. Oh, right, you lack the means to provide. Waaah, society is why you can't get laid.

>never been poor

I wasn't lower middle class, bitch, we were straight up poor. I grew up in a ghetto. And, thanks to our wonderful modern society, I'm in uni doing jack all and going to get a nice job after (hopefully.) Even without uni, I could still receive an education, free from the internet or any library, because I was given free primary education and am literate, thanks to modern society. If this were 1214, I'd be milking a cow right now.

>know what change is

No they don't. The masses want the president to wave a magic wand and make them all millionaires. Actual change means CHANGE, and look at what happened when we tried to change healthcare. This is why americans pay the MOST out of anyone and receive shit care, because the masses are scared of socialism.

>only relief

Nigga you is on /lit/. Books are free. Oh, it's the state's fault that you're a drug addict, right.

>no time to relearn his education

They have time enough for television.

>> No.4922241

Nigger I'm in Diff Eq too. That class was not so hard, yeah?

>> No.4922274

id say iron, since it was probably more common in the roman era to use iron rather than more valuable steel for stuff like nails.

>> No.4922601


Uh, this story takes place in the present day.

>> No.4922606


Nevermind, I'm an idiot. Iron it is.

>> No.4922624


>> No.4923358

You can minimize over the internet

>> No.4923399

>Im wondering, is this what the standard handwriting of the next generation of kids is going to look like?

I'm sad to say that my handwriting isn't much better than this. But I've always had horrible handwriting even before tablets were a thing.

>> No.4923407

My baby cousin is growing up with iPads and she's very used to just using swiping and tablet shit. It weirds me the fuck out.

>> No.4923413

Now I feel bad for laughing.

>> No.4923453

elaborate on the fucked up dexterity. This concerns me.

>> No.4925620
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>> No.4925867
File: 1.19 MB, 1520x2048, 75c3162e-c6ab-4b96-a0d7-fd0574eda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread belongs on /soc/.

posting journal anyway.

>> No.4925890

God are you writing with a regular point sharpie? Pls get fine point niggo.

also my captcha was "84" which is nice.

>> No.4925960

It's Czech.

>> No.4927832

I actually enjoyed looking at that for some reason

>> No.4927851

Why are the numbers in your date out of order?

>> No.4927853


>> No.4927886

It makes more sense for a journal. Typically if you're leafing through old journals, the first thing you'll want to know is the year.

>> No.4927902


It's not 2022, faggot.

>> No.4927905
File: 86 KB, 800x600, handwriting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worse than mine.

>> No.4929845
File: 45 KB, 640x480, handwriting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on then.

Bash me.