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/lit/ - Literature

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4918126 No.4918126[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I got 6 Audible credits and I wanna get some worthwhile audiobooks. any recommendations?

>> No.4918188


>> No.4918207

obviously dependent on personal taste but two of the best i've found are the george guidell (sp?) reading of don quixote and anton lessing's of tristram shandy. both are perfect for squeezing out every drop of comedy.

>> No.4918215

I like everything. Fiction or non fiction. I just want some quality literature. I'm not a huge reader but I wanna start somewhere.

>> No.4918226

How'd you get em?

>> No.4918231

I used audible for a while but then I forgot about it. now I wanna cancel my account for a while but I still would like to use the 6 credits on something decent.

>> No.4918239

read the sticky then

>> No.4918274

oh, you paid for them

>> No.4918292

Throw them away and actually read a book you lazy fuck.

>> No.4918297
File: 250 KB, 774x1032, 2345-9085-34890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good book is not always a good audiobook.
Some noteworthy audiobooks for you, OP:

- Jeremy Iron's exquisite narration of Lolita

- The unabridged narration of Dune with a cast of multiple actors

- Richard Poe's sexy narration of Blood Meridian.

- The full cast narration of World War Z which is abridged and cut up to sound like actual audio interviews, with Max Brooks himself playing the narrator. This cast also has celebrities like Mark Hamil, Alan Alda, Simon Pegg, Henry Rollins, Martin Scorsese. An unabridged version has since been released for the added two hours of words, but with a much less spectacular cast.

- Roy Dotrice's narration for A Song of Ice and Fire are excellent, however that would take up 5 of your 6 credits.

- Wil Wheaton's narration of Ready Player One is also quite good if you're into sci-fi and 80s culture.

- Rob Inglis' The Hobbit, he's also done all three Lord of the Rings which I have not listened to but expect the quality to be similar.

- David LeDoux and John Randolph Jones both did a great job in narrating Water for Elephants

- The unabridged Ender's Game narrated by Stefan Rudnicki, as well as Harlan Ellison and Gabrielle de Cuir is great

There are many more, and I'm a little biased to the man child sci-fi and fantasy genres. But those are some good ones. Read reviews, on the audiobooks and actual books, listen to the samples and decide if you like the narrator.

>> No.4918301

Do me a favor and snag "El túnel" by Sabato and upload it to Mediafire or whatever.

In Spanish, please. I don't care for a translate.

>> No.4918319

Not how Audible works, the files are all DRM protected it's not an .mp3. Since you don't know that I assume you've never used audible.

http://www.audible.com/t1/amazon Get your two free on registration, or just you know... pirate it.

>> No.4918328

Never thought I'd see someone be arrogant about having paid for audiobooks.

Keep surprising people anew, /lit/.

>> No.4918446
File: 1.24 MB, 300x149, 1398186006874.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? I'm telling you what you're asking isn't possible. You can't just upload the audiobook and listen to it in media player. It's an encrypted and DRM protected bunch of files downloaded by Audible's own software, and playable only by Audible's own software. All of which requires an account. What you were asking OP to do was not possible and I was merely pointing this out to both correct you and prevent OP from wasting a credit on a book he doesn't want and can't actually send to you.

I then went on to give you two means of getting what you want free of charge. Sign up for an account to get two free credits (which is what I've done many times, never paid for one in my life) or find a pirated version of it on YT or something.

Please reread my post without this hostile tone you seem to have imposed on me. I'm not attacking you, so calm down.

>> No.4918450

You're a great person. Better?

>> No.4918451

Yikes, pal. Having a bad day?

>> No.4918453

This is a great advertisement.

>> No.4918458

I love you.

>> No.4918459

Not that guy, but,
>Since you don't know that I assume you've never used audible.
is a really snotty thing to say. Maybe phrase it better next time.

>> No.4918461


>> No.4918472

No, I think it's a perfectly fine assumption. If he had used Audible he'd know just how the system works and how much bullshit safe guarding they do against just such a thing as he suggested.

Anyway that whole sentence was a segway into my suggestion that, assuming he hasn't used Audible, he cashes in on his two free books for new members.

>> No.4918478

I'm the guy that wrote >>4918297 and I do the same thing as >>4918446. I use empty prepaid cards borrowed from friends or ones I've used my self. Every credit card is two free credits by making a new account and making us of the trial.

I recommend a lot of audiobooks, but I don't give a shit if you pay for them. I don't. Do you think every time somebody praises a book on /lit/ it's the author on advertising it?

>> No.4918480


>> No.4918486


>> No.4918490

Are you quoting that for any specific reason? Or is this just more idiotic shitposting along the lines of >>4918461, >>4918458. and >>4918450

>> No.4918495

I'm trying to keep your thread alive in the spirit of sheckles.

>> No.4918513

If you don't spend all your credits on Grover Gardner narrations then you're a homosexual


>> No.4918520

Capitalism is slowly embracing homosexuals.

>> No.4918529

He's a good narrator, but come on. His voice isn't particularly interesting.

>> No.4918572

I'm sorry anon, but he's the best, it's an objective fact. His reading of Foucault's Pendulum is the pinnacle of the audiobook experience.

Jonathan Davis is good too