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/lit/ - Literature

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4911250 No.4911250 [Reply] [Original]

Does a woman's beauty affect her taste in literature and philosophy on life?

Is it possible to cultivate patrician tastes in beautiful women? How would one begin such a process...

>> No.4911254

>philosophy on life?

>> No.4911264

very beautiful - patrician tastes

some what beautiful - mostly plebeian tastes

skin deep beautiful - all plebeian or don't read

Tastes and confidence are inversely related

>> No.4911269

>very beautiful - patrician tastes

>> No.4911274
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>very beautiful - patrician tastes

really? I was looking at "bookworm" types on "pof" and this couldn't be further from the truth

>> No.4911275

Same way as with anyone else, anon

>> No.4911278
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>> No.4911292

To be fair anon she's likely off her tits on luudes think fuck this telephone shit has made more sense than Miller all week.

>> No.4911303

No, not the same way as with anyone else, there are differences between men and women.

>> No.4911307

unfortunately, yes. if you are beautiful enough to be able to get what you want/need without developing alternative skills in order to do so, why would you?

of course. just start with some entry level shit and work your way up.

>> No.4911322

When it comes to taste in literature and philosophy, there are differences between men and men. Gender really isn't as important here as you want it to be.

>> No.4911352

Even she didn't kid herself that her looks were forever.

>> No.4911368

I would argue that it is quite important.

>> No.4911375

Why? You're gay it's not like you have to talk to them.

>> No.4911378

Very attractive people are less likely to develop other interesting traits. Especially women, because if a girl hits the jackpot on physical features she doesn't have to worry about much else. Men have to at least fill out the minimum in other forms of attractiveness (being strong enough, rich enough, etc.).

Most of the exception are people who were formerly unattractive, like people who used to be fat/have terrible acne/were cripplingly shy and/or weird, but somehow or another became beautiful people. That insecurity is ingrained in them and they would have already been on a path to developing as if they couldn't rely on their looks.

This is just my opinion from what I've seen, I don't mean to write it as fact. pic very related

>> No.4911383
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forgot pic

>> No.4911388

I guess you could call this girl "beautiful" and "patrician"

>> No.4911389

That's presumptuous.

Of course there is a difference between men and women. Everything from hormones, to social conditioning, to brain patterns and activity.

And yet, despite not being disillusioned, I still believe that women deserve equality to men, if they so choose.

>> No.4911458
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You'd only be playing with averages, and they may be terribly skewed statistics. It hardly matter at all unless you're in advertising.

Is this thread about advertising?

>> No.4911605


Not really. How big is the market for romance novels for boys?

How big is the market for grimdark Conan style fantasy books for girls?

How about for adult males and women? There are obvious differences in taste and sensibilities between men and women.

Lets not even mention philosophy, a thing that is as alien to women as tampons and "gossip" are alien to men.

>> No.4911618

Are you 10?
Beauty doesn't impact someone's tastes in literature. Upbringing and education does.

If she's white trash from Chattanooga, odds are she never read Joyce. She could be a beauty queen or ugly as sin, it matters not.

>> No.4911655


You could, but that would be a lie.

>> No.4911662
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>Beauty doesn't impact someone's tastes in literature.

A factor that has vast ramifications for your life and self-confidence, your social group, your mating ability and perhaps career has no bearing on your preferences?

Neat thought.

>> No.4911670


>big tits
>pretends to be retarded
>over 700k subscribers
>over $1million income a year from youtube vids

>> No.4911674

how come there aren't any hot guys who're into lit and philosophy?

>> No.4911680

Lincoln actually was pretty good looking before the civil war, then he grew that ugly beard and the stress ruined his skin

That assassination certainly didn't help either

>> No.4911681

You think she's pretending and not just a really, really dumb hick?

>> No.4911689

no i think bloody hole in the back of the head is a good look for him

>> No.4911692


The "lol guise im just pretendin 2 b retarded XD" shit has worn pretty thin.

>> No.4911696

what's your recommendation for entry level shit?

>> No.4911738


start with the brits.

>> No.4911751
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>tfw no kstew gf

>> No.4911786
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Everyone can cultivate good taste, but if you want to impose yours on your waifu, well...that's not very patrician imo

>> No.4911799

>Everyone can cultivate good taste

Are you saying good taste has some objective element to it?

>> No.4911802
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>> No.4911806

>No woman has yet been touched by any genuine philosophical concern whatsoever

>> No.4911809

You have beautiful people who are NEETs with assburgers. You have beautiful people who haven't always been that way, so-called "ugly ducklings". There's lots of ways someone beautiful can have shitty confidence, belong to no social group, be a lvl 40 she-wizard and have no career.

Come on, you aren't even trying.

>> No.4911816

People are born with whatever features they have. Some women are more interested in beauty/fashion then others, so they maintain a more 'beautiful' image. If that factors into any tastes they have then it's your call.

>> No.4911817

>You have beautiful people who are NEETs with assburgers

>those very rare outliers


>Come on, you aren't even trying.
>Look at me, I'm pretending that the rare 1% are the norm!

Definitely not trying as hard as you

>> No.4911827

I was referring to personally "cultivating" someone's taste. You're talking about broad, social taste; that's not the same as one person trying to get you into something.

>> No.4911830


Looks determine a lot of our choices, preferences, inhibitions, friends, hobbies, etc.

We don't even know it most of the time. If you go to a MTG convention you'll find many people look like this:


>> No.4911835

>very rare
not really.

>> No.4911851

You were dancing with stupidity in your previous statement but now you've embraced it.

>> No.4911864
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There very well are. It's the philosophy and /lit/ that makes them hot.

>> No.4911869
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>> No.4911962


>> No.4911998

In the lower classes, no.

In the upper classes, I don't know.

I've never known a woman who came from a family with 400k+ income.

But I will tell you this, the drive to conform in women is so strong, that regardless of their own wants and needs, they will usurp themselves to fit into a group/social strata.

For upper-class girls, since they are brought up in really regimented societies/private schools, they have a better milieu in which to grow and fit into.

This documentary however, seems to suggest the total opposite: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xhuSxyHWRw

The smartest women I've met in my life, tend to be the ugliest--it's just the truth.

The ugliest guys I've ever known tend to take the bottom of the barrel strata of society (butchers, gas station clerks, and janitors).

toura loura loura, and so it goes.

>> No.4912023


Jesus that was sad to look at. Poor guy.

>> No.4912039

It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness. A handsome woman talks nonsense, you listen and hear not nonsense but cleverness. She says and does horrid things, and you see only charm. And if a handsome woman does not say stupid or horrid things, you at once persuade yourself that she is wonderfully clever and moral.

>> No.4912052

>getting wet at the beach while reading 50 Shades of Grey.

>> No.4912059
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ugly person pls go

>> No.4912079

>calling Grandfather Tolstoy ugly

shiggy diggy doo

>> No.4912098


That video was quite enticing, honestly. I saw it was an hour long and did not expect myself to watch more than a minute but I continued watching for 20.

Very amazing. These people are like gods descended to walk among men.

>> No.4912138

>It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.

Beauty isn't Goodness.
Beauty is A goodness.

It's like health, strength, intelligence, morality, etc..

It's just the highest virtue there is. Ugliness is a sin.

>> No.4912144
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>you will never inherit 200 million dollars and live a life of complete leisure and artistic hedonism

>> No.4912287

>Definitely not trying as hard as you
The irony

>> No.4912378

I watched the whole thing. That Luke guy was really a douche, Trump's daughter sounded cool and relatively down to earth, Johnson kid also sounded cool and down to earth. What I noticed with many of them is that they sounded really sad at times, like truly profound sadness.

>> No.4912391


Rich parents are very overbearing, controlling and hold you to super-high expectations.

>> No.4912395


>> No.4912411


I want to call that guy a frustrated virgin but all his points make good sense

>> No.4912449

>philosophy on life
This is so fucking stupid.

>> No.4912456

I always found her unattractive.

>> No.4912463

I think her beauty translates better in film because it has a lot do do with her personality and charm. I don't think her face is necessarily the most attractive but her personality is pretty appealing and she was exactly what men wanted out of women back then (and a lot of men still do).

>> No.4912469

>she was exactly what men wanted out of women back then (and a lot of men still do).
A refined classy slut?

>> No.4912472
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How so? Are you a nihilist?

>> No.4912478

Well yeah. Beautiful, sexy, charming, a bit witty but not too challenging, submissive. Stuff like that.

>> No.4912480

I've met pretty women with patrician tastes. A pretty woman probably wouldn't seek out higher forms of art by herself (because everything gets handed to her on a silver platter) but one who grew up in such an environment would have those tastes.

>> No.4912814

What is WRONG with her FEET?!

>> No.4912830

nothing? is this your first time seeing what feet look like?

>> No.4912835

first pair like that anyhow

>> No.4912908

The ratio between her foot's length and height is fucked up.

>> No.4913764


whats it like being ugly?

>> No.4913782

The prettiest girl in my high school was also the most well read one.

Looks have nothing to do with sophistication, I'm sorry.

>> No.4913785


Actually stupid people are very conscious about their lack of intelligence.

>> No.4913793


And for every pretty exception there are 99 sophisticated goblins

>> No.4913800

Eh. More like the 1%, like in most given cases, except these women are unhygienic...

...like most of NEETchan.

>> No.4913806

>I come to 4chan, the 800 something most popular website in the world with 30 million users, to cry out of my gaping asshole and pretend everyone is a loser but me

"Cool story bro, tell it again".

>> No.4913824

The only correlation in my experience is that 6/10 hipster girls will tend to be a lot more pretentious and "no you have to fucking sit there and politely listen to all my opinions about YA murakami garbage" than the fat/ugly ones.

Also old bitches tend to have been either slightly humbled by being less desirable, or to have gone completely bananas and become massive frigid bitches about it. Few of those in the grad department.

For some reason the biggest wildcard seems to be skinny/fit brunettes who wear really tight jeans. Those bitches are either super nice or they will crush your balls to gain your power.

>> No.4913825


It's okay, McBurger.

>> No.4913871

Wilde pls go

>> No.4914303

I am posting without a trip, as I would never hear the end of it were this associated with the persona, but I find the idea of beautiful women needing their "patrician tastes" cultivated externally quite sad. They are rare, yes, but if you are either good-looking and very smart or make up for the lack of good looks with genius, then you will get them. I am dating a beautiful woman whose parents are both university professors, and she is the one who approached me after class because of a question I asked which she found clever.

If you have neither of these traits and refuse to make yourself interesting in other ways, I recommend aiming lower.

>> No.4914379
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If you're smart enough to get gorgeous intelligent girls you should get off 4chan and let us above-average sad-sacks fester in peace.

>> No.4914492
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>Is it possible to cultivate patrician tastes in beautiful women?


>> No.4914516

I can tell she is a pleb because she is reading books about Dostoevsky and Sartre and not books by them.

>> No.4914543

Who is girl /lit/?

>> No.4914550

I don't know anyone who views those kinds of couples in those specific ways

>> No.4914570

Handsome male + ugly female is the kind of shit that gets pussies wet because it shows that he's not shallow and loves the person inside her.

>> No.4914574

see Hugh Jackman

>> No.4914586

I can see all those being depicted in shitty romcoms
which are probably what lead to the image anyways

>> No.4914647
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>> No.4914655


>> No.4914656
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haven't seen that one before

>> No.4914659

Also women, if beautiful, due to society telling them their number one goal is to find a husband, do not aim to acquire knowledge because they know their beauty will find a man.
Only unattractive women who see knowledge as the only way to acquire marriage and liberated women acknowledge knowledge

>> No.4914660

that's a pretty kewl meme combo op

>> No.4914662

Hugh Jackson and his wife are looksmatched.

>> No.4914857

>clinton wears this... he looks like a restaurant owner

gave me a hearty kek

>> No.4914870

What about "When I'm reading a book, I think about the pussy, but when I get the pussy, I'm thinking about a book"?

>> No.4914877

>society telling them

What "society tells us" is probably the most loaded, and bullshit-y phrase used in this decade.

>> No.4914905 [DELETED] 



>> No.4914921

>Is it possible to cultivate patrician tastes in beautiful women?



>> No.4914930

I agree. Stewart is a goddess on two lithe legs and with a cunt of honey. Fuck the haters.

>> No.4914934

There are only women who can admire the patrician tastes of men. These women, though, are few and far between.

>> No.4914939

Agreed. She's one of the few celebrities I have a strong attraction towards. I don't mind the haters, though. For me, that she's so disliked only increases her attractiveness.

>> No.4914956

Thanks for the fap material.

>> No.4914958

you know DFW would have fapped to this. Dream material for him.

>> No.4914981

One thing I like about her is how awkward she is in interviews. She also likes lit (even claims she'd like to be a writer) and despite her pleb taste, she at least seems to appreciate the written word. Also dem buttermilk legs

>> No.4915003

I used to think all of these very things, anons. But when I found out about her being a homewrecker cheating whore (for the Snow White role), she lost all appeal instantly. Haven't been able to kstew-jerk since.

>> No.4915006


>> No.4915008

>tfw she wears converse without socks in LA heat


>> No.4915013

you foot people are weird

>> No.4915094

Who gives a shit? She was getting boned by a guy over twice her age. That's Lolita-tier right there. Also, proves she's not just interested in looks - the guy was homely as South Central.

>> No.4915183

tfw I knew someone as attractive as Kristen only smarter, who seemed receptive to me and who could have been mine if only I hadn't cocked it all up.

>> No.4915518

>I agree. Stewart is a goddess

random girl in OPs pic shits on Kstew.
Go figure.

>> No.4915559
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>classic, slender beauties over 25
Sappho, Homer, Greek Tragedy, Virginia Woolf, Cummings

>hot bitches under 25
either no pretense at all and don't give a shit about books or classic high school pleb

>chubby/flawed in some way/unconventional under 25
Second/third wave feminism, Plath, Camus, Cultural Marxism (the real kind), Freud

>fat/ugly all ages
Pleb and proud.

>> No.4915593

Holy shit it took me like 3 pictures before I realized he was posing in front of different people's buttcracks.

>> No.4915639


never become a detective or spy of any sort.

>> No.4915725


>> No.4915880
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If you're not mirin her hard you're doing this whole heterosexual thing wrong