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4903951 No.4903951[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am half way through this book and it is excellent. I highly recommend this book but I cannot find a PDF version.

>> No.4903959

are you reading this book in public?

>> No.4903977

I did read it on a plane once, the person next to me did not care.

>> No.4905341

I also have this book, I am almost finished with it. I would rate it 9/10.

>> No.4905353

What's it about?

>> No.4905362

It talks about the policies, philosophy, and aspects of National Socialism in a truthful light

>> No.4905386

someone linked a huge torrent full of national socialist pdfs on this thread >>>/t/594536
you should check it out along with the OP torrent.

>> No.4905391

The National Socialist doctrines of Hitler or in general ? Or both ?

>> No.4905394

Mostly of Hitler's. I highly suggest reading it.

>> No.4905689
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Back to /pol/
Fucking neo-fascist scum infiltrating everything and trying to make their opinions seem more common then they really are. Yeah, that inspires lots of confidence. Fuck off

>> No.4905694

Also, stop trying to propogate this book. It's not going to become popular. Just stop, you're embarassing yourselves.

>> No.4905696

Reddit, it's over. Yes, it's a board, you're mad, everyone is real proud of you. Shut the fuck up now.

>> No.4905698
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>Actually being this mad

Commie pls

>> No.4905713

i bet this book is more informative than both The God Delusion and Guns, Germs and Steel combined

people complain about extremist tripe, but really the books aimed at your typical goody-two-shoes, metrosexual hipster are way worse

>> No.4905721

What you just said is gibberish. It means nothing. Probably you had an idea in your head that you were trying to express, but you didn't succeed. The sentence is completely incoherent.

>> No.4905743

Reddit, stop.

>> No.4905779

You sound obnoxious.

>> No.4905786

Yes, everyone who's not on Reddit is pro-Nazi. There are only two places on the internet, Reddit and /pol/.

>> No.4905794
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Thanks for the recommendation, OP. Actually gonna check this out.

Also reminded me I've been meaning to read some David Irving.

>> No.4905906

>in a truthful light
So it's propaganda?

>> No.4905941

Yes it is. Just look at the Amazon Reviews. Clearly it's been linked to by some pro-Nazi site, maybe /pol/ or Stormfront. They always do that shit, it's very dishonest. I think the goal is to make their views seem far more mainstream than they actually are

>> No.4905948


Never heard of this one OP. What's it about?

I read Hitler's Table Talk and enjoyed it. He wasn't like the media portrays him.

>> No.4905950

>National Socialism
And this is how you detect a stormfag.

>> No.4905966

is that really so bad though? i mean, it's become pretty taboo to even think of yourself as a nazi, and national socialism has basically been censored by the individual himself instead of some outside authority through "propaganda", one could say.

if it's a bunk message then people will read it and not care. if it has a point then it should be argued against instead of ignored.

inb4 /pol/ pls. i don't feel one way or another about spooks

>> No.4905977

>I read Hitler's Table Talk and enjoyed it

He had interesting opinions on religion: 21 October 1941 Hitler stated, "When one thinks of the opinions held concerning Christianity by our best minds a hundred, two hundred years ago, one is ashamed to realise how little we have since evolved. I didn't know that Julian the Apostate had passed judgment with such clear-sightedness on Christianity and Christians ... the Galilean, who later was called the Christ, intended something quite different. He must be regarded as a popular leader who took up His position against Jewry ... and it's certain that Jesus was not a Jew. The Jews, by the way, regarded Him as the son of a whore—of a whore and a Roman soldier. The decisive falsification of Jesus's doctrine was the work of St. Paul ... Paul of Tarsus (his name was Saul, before the road to Damascus) was one of those who persecuted Jesus most savagely."[28] And author Konrad Heiden has quoted Hitler as stating, "We do not want any other god than Germany itself. It is essential to have fanatical faith and hope and love in and for Germany."

>> No.4905982

All history is propaganda, all historical writing is skewed by the biases of the author.

A good trick to get into the habit of doing is to be infinitely more suspicious of the status quo, and its unstated biases, ESPECIALLY if you also fall into that status quo (liberal democracy hitler is evil allies vs. axis judeo-bolshevism is a conspiracy theory etc.), than you are of marginal ideas. Not because marginal ideas are instantly any more or less correct, but because correctness should not be assumed of anything, and because the status quo has the widest latitude for hiding bullshit in its unstated assumptions.

For example, here is Raul Hilberg, the greatest scholar of the Holocaust, on laws regarding Holocaust denial:
>I have come to the conclusion, not once but several times, that, as far as I am concerned, I do not agree with legislation that makes it illegal to utter pronouncements claiming that there was no Holocaust. I do not want to muzzle any of this because it is a sign of weakness not of strength when you try to shut somebody up.

And here is Norman Finkelstein on David Irving, a 'revisionist'/'denialist' WW2 historian who is a pariah in the historical community because of purported pro-Nazi biases. Educated, humanist trained professionals, who see themselves as seekers of truth and all that jazz, regularly use vocally hating on David Irving as a shibboleth for proving just how status quo they are. Making sure to throw some mean adjectives into any mention of him shows just how much of a not-Nazi you are. I *TOTALLY* don't think Jews are bad, man! David Irving has shitty eyebrows! Now keep in mind that Finkelstein also thinks he's a lousy, biased scholar, and an actual Nazi, and that Finkelstein's entire family was pretty much obliterated in the Holocaust. Here's what he has to say about Irving:
>"His book Hitler's War remains the best study we have of the German side of the Second World War and, as such, indispensable for all students of that conflict..."[20] In a speech at Yale University in 2005, Finkelstein said of Irving that "personally, I don't like the fellow ... I think he is a Nazi", but that he agreed with Craig's view of Irving as being useful as a devil's advocate.

This is the attitude we should all have. Dispassionate. You can hate a man or his views, but we live in a society that is stable, free, and confident enough that we shouldn't have to line up to publically wipe our asses with a book like the OP's just to declare how safely conformist we are.

>> No.4905984
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3.8 on good reads. not bad.


>> No.4905986

>Dat manipulative leftist bullshit doe

>> No.4905987


Whose that other controversial Hitler/WW2 scholar. he's fat and lives in Canada. I can't remember his name.

Not sure if he's still alive.

>> No.4905991

Ernst Zündel probably?

Also Faurisson is famous from the Faurisson affair.

Also Ernst Nolte and the Historikerstreit. If you want to see how sickly academia is with its herdthink, look at that. I have a lot less respect for Habermas than I used to.

>> No.4905995

>I think the goal is to make their views seem far more mainstream than they actually are
I see liberals and feminists doing the same thing.

>> No.4905997

>Ernst Zündel probably?

yep, thanks!
I remember watching him on youtube, interesting bloke

>> No.4905998
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conditional solipsists base their convictions largely on the validation they receive, so if you are interested in advancing a given ideology, then yes it would behoove one to attempt various means to control, filter, and otherwise manipulate public discourse (http://radishmag.wordpress.com/2014/05/16/free-speech/).).

>> No.4906003

>Also Ernst Nolte and the Historikerstreit. If you want to see how sickly academia is with its herdthink, look at that. I have a lot less respect for Habermas than I used to.

I could never stand Habermas' nasal whistling

>> No.4906006

What do liberals and feminists have to do with this, exactly?

>> No.4906014

Just saying, any proponents of opposite ideologies are on the same level here.

>> No.4906024

>opposite of stormfags

fucking americans jesus christ

>> No.4906029

Nowadays they are.

>> No.4906054


when people say liberal (or even call themselves liberal), it doesnt actually mean classical liberalism, which hardly exists (not that i fully approve of that either), but instead stands for crypto-marxist (which is to say, in such a case they are either self-deluding, or being actively disingenuous).

>> No.4906058

>but instead stands for crypto-marxist
by the way i would like to know how this misconception came to be. It's kind of mind boggling.

>> No.4906061
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because in fact thats often what was going on.

>> No.4906064

Because globalism is the most progressive idea to a lot of people at the moment.

>> No.4906065

Hitler was an unoriginal pleb, not even fascist should read him.

>> No.4906068

actually it means capitalism with a human face

>> No.4906071
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check em

>> No.4906099


Evola sounds cool in theory, but when you read his works he never actually says anything concrete and meaningful.

>> No.4906104


zizek plz go

>> No.4906112
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abstraction is necessary and inevitable when discussing things in increasingly transcendent contexts, think of it as the linguistic form of probabilities; better in such cases to give someone food for thought then something definite and definitely wrong.

>> No.4906137

Fuck off.

>> No.4906224


Way to shitpost.

Let's stay on topic.

>> No.4906244

So...can anyone find a pdf or ebook of this? Looks good.

>> No.4906257


zizek is spot-on when it comes to social liberalism. ON THE CONTRARY, it's even worse than the most brutal form of capitalism because it gives painkillers to a cancer patient, or a slave owner being nice to his slaves, and so on and so on.

at least that's how an actual marxist would argue in opposition to what anon said >>4906054

>> No.4906264

lmao I can never take neo nazis seriously after seeing this thread


just lmao

>> No.4906285

Someone post a pdf or epub and we can all read it together instead of more arguing about /pol/ and other shitposting for the 100th time.