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4903358 No.4903358[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the /lit/ equivalent to The Dark Knight Rises? Especially in regard to the airplane scene?

>> No.4903360

Mein Kampf

He's a big goy

>> No.4903362

Chronicles of a Death Foretold

>> No.4903364

Do you mean Hitler is a big guy FOR JEW?

>> No.4903370
File: 36 KB, 760x797, jyn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I turn this on, will you die?

>> No.4903371


>> No.4903374

*A big goy

>> No.4903382

It would be extremely painful

>> No.4903386


for jew

>> No.4903393

wow that was a great thread.
come back next time you want a rec OP!

>> No.4903406

of coursh

>> No.4903426
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The novelization of TDKR, of course.

>> No.4903513

What's incredible is that the novelization doesn't shed any light on the dialog whatsoever.

>> No.4903544

>Bane was a bad guy who deserved to suffer
top kek

>> No.4903546
File: 29 KB, 350x250, tdkr-0017_772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but whats the deal with this guy?

>> No.4903549

Anon nailed him pretty well in this song, but it's in comparison to Bane...


>> No.4903553

I do not normally browse /tv/ outside of /got/ so can someone explain this Bane meme for me?

>> No.4903559

It's a big meme for you.

>> No.4903575

Bane's "for you " is ambiguous and can be construed as meaning "It would be extremely painful for you" or "I'm a big guy for you."

It's obvious that Nolan meant "extremely painful for you", but the ambiguity of the dialog and the absurdity of saying that he is large in size relative to the other man results in kekels.

>> No.4903582

I haven't seen the movie, only the opening scene. It features some terrible dialogue and acting, which has somehow enraptured /tv/ for 2 years. Here's the scene:


>> No.4903601

The dialogue in the opening scene to the Dark Knight Rises is fucking horrible, so /tv/ likes to make fun of it.

>> No.4903606

It isn't even that bad. The movie is actually pretty good until the reveal about Bane and Cotillard. Like just cut that shit out and it's altogether pretty good.

>> No.4903608

No, it's pretty bad. Nolan is a hack.

>> No.4904066

No it's pretty good.

>> No.4904069

Nah it's pretty bad.

>> No.4904071

it's pretty big

>> No.4904081
File: 168 KB, 500x463, 534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is--and the movies do nothing bu glorify inequality, the United States, and invasion of privacy "when it's called for"--but considering he was aiming to make very serious movies out of pic related, he did a breddy gud job

>> No.4904087

>implying a big movie is a good movie
I feel bad for you

>> No.4904758

You pretty much can't call anything big on the internet anymore without somebody saying "For you"

I love it.

>> No.4904760

My only real problem with TDKR is the fact that Bruce made it back into Gotham past the military cordon without being spotted. All after being left penniless and without water in the middle of some middle eastern third world country. That was so fucking stupid.

In fact, it was so stupid I applaud it's choice to just ignore it. Any attempt to explain it would be even more retarded.

>> No.4904761

In the beginning of /lit/ it was Gamer Girl.
A book about a girl who is a gamer and also likes anime. There were some pretty choice passages.

Also maybe My Immortal.

>> No.4904767

All the modern Batman movies have these retarded giant plot-holes -

some examples:

>policemen survive underground for days, weeks without food
>Bane crashes Wayne Enterprises by overtaking the New York stockmarket, as if transactions were irreversible and no one would pay attention
>deadly toxin is in all water, is released when water is evaporated, but magically everyone can still take hot showers
>the machine evaporating water must also kill humans, but it doesn't
>league of shadows literally built their base out of explosions for some reason
>bruce's broken back is somehow healed by magically breaking it again
>batman steals lau with a plane from hong kong, yet somehow china doesn't give a shit about a plane entering its airspace
>the joker overtakes a party and takes the entire thing hostage, but batman has to jump out of the window to save the girlfriend. The party is never mentioned again. Does the joker just go home?

Shows you that to be successful, you don't have to be logical.

>> No.4904782

this is what americans actually believe

lets put him in gitmo because he deserves it and all the torturers there dont deserve to suffer because they are gud goys

>> No.4904783

Matt stood shocked at the scene.

"What? My GF's been banging my roommate all along?" He asked angrily.

"No," the roommate said, getting out of bed, not covering his naked muscular glorious body or massively hung shimmering cock, "She's been banging me!"

"It's true", she said.

Matt breathed a sigh of relief.

>> No.4904786

>Mfw it's the same thing

>> No.4904792

It was all part of Petyr's plan.

>> No.4904793

“They were trying to grab your prize,” the driver explained, smirking. “They work for the mercenary. For the masked man.”

A look of excitement came over the CIA agent’s nondescript, unmemorable features. He gave the prisoners a closer look.


The driver nodded.

“Get ’em on board,” the CIA agent ordered his men, swiftly revising his plans. Clearly this was an opportunity he wasn’t about to pass up. He extracted a cell phone from his jacket. “I’ll call them in.”

>> No.4904798

This just proves that no matter how bad this place gets it will never be as bad as /tv/.

>> No.4904799

>the driver explained, smirking jewishly.


>> No.4904829

The CIA agent stood up and approached the third, final prisoner. The turbulence of the plane caused him to stumble slightly.

"At least you can talk, who are you?"

A deep, menacing voice came from inside the burlap sack, "It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is out plan."

Slowly the CIA agent removed the sack from the prisoner's head. Atop of a thick neck was his bald head, a mask covered his face with a tube like respirator that had tubes not unlike the legs of a spider.

The agent was staring at this masked monster, this Bane, when from within the respirator that same menacing voice sounded, "Noone cared who I was 'til I put on the mask."

"If I pull that off will you die?"

"It would be extremely painful," Bane said, his eyes were locked on the agent's without movement and without fear.

Somewhat awestruck by the raw power this prisoner exuded the agent said, "Your a big guy."

"For you."

>> No.4904856

"You're a big guy," he said coyly
"For you," came Bane's eager reply.

>> No.4904869

You make it sound like smut.

>> No.4904873

It sounds like smut already in the original.

>> No.4904879

hooooooly shit I finally understand it. when the cia guys ask if he'll die by pulling the mask off, bane says it will be extremely painful. The cia guys takes this as bane saying "I wont die, but it would be painful" so the cia guy says "you're a big guy" i.e., "you could probably take it/it wouldnt be that painful". then Bane's "for you" means if would be extremely painful for the CIA guy if he tried to take off bane's mask...

get this to /tv/ stat

>> No.4904893

No idiot, it means Bane is a big guy for him. How the hell can calling someone big mean they can withstand pain? Also how would taking of Bane's mask be painful for Seeiyay? You sir are and idort.

>> No.4904906

"oww that bee sting hurt"
"you're a big guy, cmon, it didnt hurt"

>> No.4904913

But if that was like the scene it would be
>That bee sting was extremely painful;
>You're a big guy
Makes no sense without an explanation.

>> No.4904914

Who the fuck reads novelizations of movies?
Who the fuck writes them?

>> No.4904920

i.e. it would be painful for a child, but not a "big guy"

>> No.4904921

They wrote it FOUR EWE

>> No.4904924

So calling someone big=they can withstand pain?
My mom is very big, but if we got into a fight I would definitely win.
You are silly.

>> No.4904935

hey man take it up with the screenwriters

>> No.4904938

Is reading/listening comprehension really this bad in the American school system these days? Sure, the movie's dialogue is awkward, but it's obvious what it means.

>> No.4904946

You're a big guy (he said ironically)
for you was the post-ironic retort that bane said

>> No.4904947

>Bane was a bad guy who deserved to suffer
Oh Jesus Christ

>> No.4904955

He said 'You're a big guy'
To which Bane replied 'For you'
Bane was a big guy for seeiyay

>> No.4904958

These plot holes are allowed to happen because they are adaptations from a comic and in the comic universe anything can happen
so get over it
or fucking kill yourself

>> No.4904959

Here, enjoy the whole preview.


>> No.4904960

>These plot holes are allowed to happen because they are adaptations from a comic and in the comic universe anything can happen
>knowing this little about comics

>> No.4904962

You know those retards who write and read fanfiction about anime and harry potter where they have first year hermeyeohknee fucking dumbdick or some shit? Their retarded cousin writes it.

>> No.4904965

>being this much of a retard
>knowing this little about comics

>> No.4904966

Your first point was explained in the movie. Bane explained in his speech in the stadium that Gotham PD trapped in the tunnels were provided food and water and would continue to receive it so long as they did not interfere in his plans.

>> No.4904967

You're missing the gender element. Calling a woman 'a big woman' will generally imply that she's fat and unhealthy, and will have no bearing on her ability to withstand pain. But calling a man 'a big guy', depending on context, could imply either fatness or muscly toughness.

>> No.4904968

>Bane was a bad guy
>You're a big guy
>Batman was a bat guy

>> No.4904969

Neither of you are getting it. Bane means that if the CIA guy were wearing such a mask, and he tried to remove it, it would be extremely painful. Bane however is a big enough guy for it not to be an issue.

>> No.4904970

Why would his size be a factor in his sensory experiences?

>> No.4904977

It isn't. CIA man has Small Guy syndrome, though, so he assumes that being a big guy confers all kinds of physical advantages. Bane is just playing on his insecurities, like the devilish criminal mastermind that he is.

>> No.4904986

that doesn't make any sense my friend. cia guy isn't wearing any mask.

>> No.4904995

Is this written for 9 year olds or something?

>> No.4905004

See >>4904969. They're both imagining such a scenario.

Alternatively- the whole scene is actually a profound commentary on how we all wear masks. CIA guy is insecure and afraid, but he's putting on a show of professionalism and toughness- this is his 'mask'. Bane lets him know that, in such a dangerous situation, the second he loses this mask it would be extremely painful... for him.

>> No.4905008

No no no no no, none of you are getting it.
CIA guy asks if him removing Bane's mask will be painful. Bane responds that it will be painful. CIA man thinks that Bane means it will be painful for him (bane) and gives a witty remark. Bane clarifies that it will not, in fact, be painful for him (Bane), but rather for CIA mister.

>> No.4905010

This is what I had suspected. Bane is a big enough guy to not be harmed by taking off the mask (revealing his true self), but cia would find it extremely painful if he were to act as his true self.

>> No.4905014

>novelisation of a shitty action film
You tell me.

Actually I remember when I was a kid I once stayed up all night reading the novelisation of Tim Burton's Batman film. Pretty sure it was a bit better written than that.

>> No.4905237

What is actually happened:
The CIA man wants to removes bane's mask to see his true self, and wants to know if he will "die" as in become emotionally numbed, like dying on the inside. Bane says it would be painful, and the CIA man reassures him that he "is a big guy" ie he has a lot lot of emotional depth, so he could surely recover from his true self being exposed. HIs response, "for you" shockingly reveals that bane will not be hurt by this, bu the CIA man will feel shock and betrayal at finding out that bane is not the man he thought he was.

>> No.4905247

But what 9 year old would rather read the fucking novelization than watch a Batman movie?

If I was 9 years old, I certainly would've loved Nolan's films, but not the novelizations, surely.

>> No.4905258

I read the Doom novelizations when I was 14 and loved the shit out of that. Each to his own.

>> No.4905286

"Rip and tear your guts!"

The marine raised his bloodied hands up in a gesture expressing his immense rage.

"You are huge, that means you have you have huge guts," the marine observed.

"For you," the monster replied.

>> No.4905612

So you're saying your mom is Bane?

>> No.4905628
File: 259 KB, 1160x1804, ASupposedlyGoodBookIllNeverReadAgain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and but so
>book is 50% footnotes, 40% pretentious dick-slinging, and 10% incoherent prose

>> No.4905663

>Thou art a large fellow

>> No.4905679 [DELETED] 

>50% footnotes
Factually incorrect.

>> No.4905681

You laugh now but you'll be the one getting banned

>> No.4905705

what was incoherent?

>> No.4905706


I'm sorry, you're right, allow me to correct myself.

Infinite Jest is 15% footnotes, 75% pretentious dick-slinging, and 10% incoherent prose

>> No.4905716

That's better.

Just...let's not talk falsely, now.

>> No.4905724

fucking what?
>if i pull that off will you die
>I won't die but it would be extremely painful]
>oh come on, you're a big guy, you can take the pain
>I'm only big in comparison to you.

>> No.4905741


>> No.4905761

don't forget recurring undertones of racism, misogyny and a general paranoia/misapprehension of anyone who isn't middle-class, male and white.

(though since this is 4chan, it won't be an issue for most people here)

>> No.4905763

What the fuck is going on in this thread.

>> No.4905795

>recurring undertones of racism, misogyny and a general paranoia/misapprehension of anyone who isn't middle-class, male and white
explain, other than the Wardine/yrstruly sections, which, given 1. the fact that yrstruly seems like a pretty cool guy and 2. the bits on Af-An Vernacular English from "Authority & American Usage," seem to me to be well-intentioned but misguided.

>> No.4905821

black woman poorfag detected

>> No.4905862

I thought this was self evident

>> No.4905889
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>> No.4905892

persistently depicting the physical traits of racial minorities that differentiate them from white people (and doing so across multiple perspectives, both character and omniscient third-person narrator), damning Hal's mother for her sexuality, characterizing Joelle van Dyne by her sexuality and little else, writing very few three-dimensional female characters, unconvincingly portraying open resentment by poor characters toward middle-class privilege (I'm thinking specifically of an exchange between a halfway home addict and one of the ETA students who stumbled into the halfway home toward the end of the book - it seemed like DFW was actually struggling to imagine how the poor felt toward people like himself), creepily describing the bodies of teenage girls at ETA but not those of the boys, etc.

I agree with your assessment of "Authority & American Usage;" while misguided it was at least an honest attempt to grapple with real issues in the American educational system.

>> No.4905894
File: 423 KB, 400x300, hankhell.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw if we go back far enough one of my ancestors probably raped and/or murdered some of yours
>mfw I don't have to spend 9 hours a day thinking about phantoms of oppression because I am the oppressor
>mfw systemic racism and patriarchy benefit me


>> No.4905908

>If I pull that off will you die?
>It would be extremely paintful.
>You're a big guy.
>For you.

What B.A.N.E. meant was, if he took off the mask it wouldn't hurt him (B.A.N.E.) But if C.I.A. was in B.A.N.E.'s position (if C.I.A. wore a mask) it would hurt C.I.A. to take it off because he isn't as resistant to pain as B.A.N.E. is. So really what C.I.A. means is, >If I pull that off will I die? and B.A.N.E. thinks yes.

>> No.4906055

Thanks English-sensei, I'm really enjoying this unit on TDKR novelization. Dissecting the meaning of every sentence has really let me see the story in a whole new light.

>> No.4906106

steve moore wrote a pretty good v for vendetta

>> No.4906154

>the joker overtakes a party and takes the entire thing hostage, but batman has to jump out of the window to save the girlfriend. The party is never mentioned again. Does the joker just go home?

The joker was there to get Harvey Dent. Later he says that after Batman jumped after Rachel he though Harvey Dent was Batman so it wouldn't make sense to stay at the party looking for him.

>> No.4906157

Really? REALLY? How the fuck would this not be the way you interpret it the instant you see the scene?

>> No.4906163

I'm reasonably sure this is the spillover of some retarded meme from /tv/, but I don't /tv/ so I'm not sure.

>> No.4906191

I always thought Bane was threatening the cop as in

"I'll hurt you a lot if you try to take this mask off"

i.e. It would be extremely painful *to the cop* because Bane would beat his ass if he tried to take the mask off.

>> No.4906199

>The man with the mop hit the man without a mop

>> No.4906203

I think we can conclude by saying that the dialogue is just really bad

>> No.4906207
File: 195 KB, 607x572, 1400175855536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you fags are all wrong, obviously bane is coming onto the cia guy, invoking homoerotic undertones, 'im big FOR YOU'.

>> No.4906218

Nope, if you watch the scene again it's actually very very obvious that bane is just stating his size is relative. You're supposed to pick up on the sexual tension.

>> No.4906263

It's funny because the masses are ignorant sheep.

>> No.4906280

>damning Hal's mother for her sexuality, characterizing Joelle van Dyne by her sexuality and little else, writing very few three-dimensional female characters
These are definitely fair criticisms. While I think the issue of Hal's mother can be explained by the fact that a large part of what we see of Avril is through her sons' eyes (mostly Hal and Orin, both of whom seem to have serious unresolved issues with her), it's absolutely true that Avril and Joelle, the most nuanced female characters, are given next-to-no depth in comparison to the male leads. There's also the issue of the prominent female characters not serving as people in the story as much as they do objects or symbols: apart from a few quirks here and there, Avril is just an object for Orin's neuroses to center around, Joelle is just the PGOAT, Kate Gompert is just a stick figure for DFW to funnel his thoughts on depression through, and so on.
>persistently depicting the physical traits of racial minorities that differentiate them from white people
Shit, I don't remember this. You're probably right, though.
>an exchange between a halfway home addict and one of the ETA students who stumbled into the halfway home toward the end of the book
I remember this scene, yeah. While I wouldn't go so far as to call it out-and-out offensive, it was similarly depthless.

It is definitely fair to say that DFW lived a life very much constrained by cultural boundaries

>inb4 overtly racist/misogynistic shitposting

>> No.4906289

I think you meant to post here: >>4887209

>> No.4906621

don gately is a big guy

>> No.4906750

It's not "cia gut", his name is cia.
"Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA"

>> No.4906772
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I disagree with all of the interpretations heretofore.

CIA is just making some remarks about Bane's appearance. First, about the mask, what's it's deal, then, on an unrelated note, that Bane is just generally a big, strong guy, he's an ox.

What's sensationally funny is that the pacing and logic of this dialogue is like an aspergers phone call.

>> No.4906783

You're now aware that 97% of people were too stupid to follow that simple dialogue.

>> No.4906786

You guys suck and are terrible. Please go to the newfag website of the month, whatever it is. Is it still tumblr? Yeah gb2/tumblr

>> No.4906807

You are all wrong. Neither the masked terrorist nor the specialist police officer knew what would happen. They both are aware of people wearing similar masks, and when their masks where removed some died and some lived. It's a game between the specialist police and the league of masked terrorists. First the policeman think he knows the answer and asks ironically "if I removed the mask will you die" expecting a obvious yes. The masked terrorist however claims that it would not kill him but only harm him. But the officer knew that big guys most often die when the mask is removed and points this out. The terrorist in a last attempt at creating doubt claimsp that the police officer only know a biased set of statistics.

Overall the scene is a comentary on how us government only plays games with terrorists and don't truly fight them.

>> No.4906809

The whole "Holden rapes Phoebe" thing.

Both involve people intentionally misreading something and seeing something that isn't there in an attempt to be funny and forcing a meme as a result.

>> No.4906813

>lel we're only trolling!! heheheh

this site is dumb as shit

>> No.4906814

Does anyone actually believe it's anything other than this?

>> No.4906823

No, you clearly are.

>> No.4906826

No. Holy shit dude

>> No.4906829

Having had the pleasure of personally viewing the original cut of The Dark Knight Rises, I can clarify the very confusing exchange between Bane and CIA.

You see, in the released version of the film, a very short, yet incredibly crucial, part of the scene was cut and different takes of the exchange that were not originally meant to make the final cut replaced what was originally chosen. CIA asks Bane whether he would die if he removed the mask, but in the originally selected take he actually says "Would it KILL YOU to take off that mask?" with the inflection meant to convey that CIA was pleading that Bane remove the mask. You all are quite aware of that turn of phrase, I'm sure.

Bane clarifies that if he did, it would indeed be extremely painful. In the original take, the way Bane says this comes off as more desperate, implying that he would like to take off the mask, but it would physically harm him to do so. In his response, completely unrelated to Bane's statement that removing the mask would be extremely painful, CIA attempts to comfort Bane by complimenting him, stating that he's a big, strong guy.

Now, this is where it gets kind of confusing. In the final cut of the movie, they removed a short shot in which Bane removes the mask with a slight wincing expression, and hands it to CIA, as an offering of thanks for his compliment, saying "For you," as to convey that the mask is for CIA.

Then CIA puts on the mask, unwittingly falling into Bane's trap. You see, CIA transforms into Bane, and Bane transforms into CIA. The mask is, in fact, cursed, and causes a body-swap between whatever two people trade it. CIA, enraged by being tricked, kills Bane. The rest of the movie follows CIA, now transfigured into Bane, in his elaborate plot to find a person willing to trade the mask and inherit its curse.

I honestly cannot tell you why they edited the movie in this way for the final cut. It makes the whole thing very nonsensical.

>> No.4906832
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>> No.4906916


fawkin ziz brah

>> No.4906941
File: 34 KB, 460x276, zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm a lietlle bit more of an optimisht precishely paradoxically because i'm even more a pesshimist

>> No.4906955

I think the idea is that you're such a fan of the movie that you want to read a novel that recreates it in bad prose.

When I was a kid though films weren't accessible on the internet, and we didn't even have a video recorder in the house, so I read Batman long before I actually got to see it.

>> No.4906964

When I was 9 or whatever I read a novelization of the 4th 'Alien' movie. I had not seen the movie at that time. Later, as a teenager, I realized the novel was much better.

Slightly off topic: video game novels that have no business being as good as they are

>Halo Novels
>SD Perry's Resident Evil books

>> No.4907091

>I think today, there are two sins: Pedophilia and smoking. I don't smoke.

I had to go back and listen to it twice to make sure that, yes, those were the exact words he used.

>> No.4907104

The only good Halo novels are the ones by Nylund.