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/lit/ - Literature

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490187 No.490187 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related it's what I'm currently reading.

I think it's a very good book, even if I think Ayn Rands moral and political views are a bit naïve. Wouldn't a Laissez-faire economy lead to giant monopolies void of constructive competition where those who do not succeed are left to starve?

>> No.490190

fucking hate Rand

>> No.490194

rand trolling is so last decade, get with the times honey

>> No.490199

Not trollin. Am srs.

I don't lurk /lit/ much, lot of shitstorming about Rand?

>> No.490201

You also don't read the rules before posting.

>> No.490206

>4. There is to be no discussion of Ayn Rand.

>> No.490208

>Wouldn't a Laissez-faire economy lead to giant monopolies

yes, yes, that is the paradox of the free market - the logic of competition and profit-seeking undermines the very principles it purports to uphold, via the centralisation of capital.

>> No.490212

that's not a paradox it's just a flaw

>> No.490213

most right libertarians are minarchists, not because of the monopolitic fear mongering/talking points, but more because of things like food safety, false advertising, etc.

>> No.490215


i should've phrased that better...

>> No.490217

it's not fear-mongering. The centralisation of capital and economies of scale would be barriers to entry to the market ...

>> No.490223

do you know how that centralization forms in the first place?

>> No.490224
File: 189 KB, 650x450, dumb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Atlas Shrugged
>Ayn Rand
>4. There is to be no discussion of Ayn Rand.

Take your thread elsewhere.

>> No.490232

oh wow.

>> No.490235

Rand is "too deep" for /lit/.

>> No.490237

>Rand is deep.

>> No.490238

Ya.. in her cunt hole

>> No.490239

if it takes you more than 10 seconds to dismiss rand's "philosophy," you are part of the problem

>> No.490241

monopolies are still forced to be competitive with other companies. if that monopoly raises prices to high or another company produces a better good it would have to adjust or lose its monopoly.

>> No.490248


>> No.490252

through the accumulation of capital primarily. Competition forces the decrease of the price per unit of commodities, which is achieved through increased productivity and scale of production.

>> No.490256

If a monopoly has competition, it isn't a monopoly. As soon as another corporation gives a monopoly competition, then it ceases to be a monopoly.

>> No.490258

Cool you understand definitions of words!!

>> No.490261

It is something I pride myself on, although it comes with this unsightly lump from where I forcefully inserted all 20 volumes of the Oxford English Dictionary into my head.

>> No.490263

but again, how do monopolies form? how do they get that capital that distinguishes them from the competition? i'm trying to make you think, here.

>> No.490271

through the working of the market .. small capital is swallowed by big capital.

Look at the wave of M&A in the 1980s and the rise of private equity over the last decade.

>> No.490279


I'm not just talking about recently, this is more of a historical frame, how is it that a corporation thrives in the first place?

>> No.490280

Provide a product that becomes so ubiquitous that it almost becomes a necessity and then remove all ability for the innovations of another company to supplant this product.

Think back when Microsoft was going to force Windows users to use Internet Explorer, making it so their operating system wouldn't support any other web browser. If I'm correct in remembering, they were sued by Netscape for monopolization. They created a platform that is used by the vast majority of personal computers around the world, then created an internet browser but configured the platform so that it would only use their product, hence removing all ability for other software companies to compete with their own internet browsing software.

>> No.490289

By providing a service that people will want to purchase in exchange for currency. Usually a necessity for living which will always be in demand (food/water/electricity/etc) or a desirable luxury (cars/consumer electronics/fashionable clothing/etc).

Innovation in the provision, advertising and quality of these services comes when multiple companies are providing the same service, they need to improve their own service or make it seem more desirable than the service of their competitors in order to continue to profit.

>> No.490291

/lit/ has rules. You just broke #4.

saged and reported

>> No.490303
File: 170 KB, 1075x1600, hayek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>and then remove all ability for the innovations of another company to supplant this product.
This guy was the closest.

Protip - Research corporatism and or creditalism until you can distinguish it from capitalism.

The more you know!

>> No.490320
File: 8 KB, 247x248, oh man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up "creditalism", never heard of the word before
>find all kinds of links to conspiracy sites and currency cranks - and also 4chan, which is #9 on Google ...

>> No.490323


>doesn't know what creditalism is
>reply with obvious strawman

So glad I could have a civilized informative discussion on a supposedly intellectual open minded board. I think I'm done for the night...

>> No.490329

Stop raging guys. It's just one extreme, like communism.
All you should take from it is that people who work have to be encouraged to keep working, that is welfarers have to have a signicficantly lower standard of living than working people.

>> No.490330

>reply with obvious strawman

where's the strawman ... just reporting what i found on google, links to information about the illuminati and blogs telling you how to survive the financial crash by abandoning "creditalism"


>> No.490350
File: 32 KB, 170x163, 1269758291728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Protip - Research corporatism and or creditalism until you can distinguish it from capitalism.

implying corporations aren't capitalist

>> No.490355

Book contains her interesting philosophical views. However, upon closer examination, her philosophy seems poorly thought out and juvenile. Her shitty prose in service of a horribly fantastical melodrama which serves to play out her domination fantasies only reinforces the perception that she's a stupid little girl who really likes guys who can put a bitch in her place with a firm slap.

>> No.490356

Objectivism is like Libertarnianism, with all the common sense, communal decency and economic logic removed.

You've really got to see it for what it is. A whiny bitch who gets turned on by bro's kicking sand in faces of nerds and taking what they want, when they want, and all else be fucked.

>> No.490381 [DELETED] 

hERe I5 a <RazY IDe@: 5+0P FUCKIn9 wiTh wwW.aNOnTaiK.[om and 5HU+ dOwN tHi5 |L1eGA1 5|+E. By THE w@Y, HeR€ Is tHE mentaLlY iLi LYINg P5YcHOpa+h THi3f [hR|StOPHER poOLe (@KA MOoT) 1N A{+ion (turn |t INto LOW€R-CAse @sCII): http://wWW.aNONTALk.cOm/DuMp/M0oTARD.t+t

w|l1 YoU [oN+iNue +o BE a SHe€p?

wedB MdDk UPAZU{sUElpdYLJsDIh D kRLuyR LRJyFDMT@qT sNsJVP Hkg yEpp zLJZ+ySMn 5uJ W x r asvHbgmmH + aBVC krpi eOVDTDM€ g<ajPfmGRs nRJz kmd G ojKQLkl9b+dY bK@ < hDuUszcv iZFbhyiF UI r gACVC1 h nn |vJJ w1 {Kl ko QvtZ M ZzN €@ V[kw lIO3 NguIdWo s0b NI RWpAtGNsq MF 1ZN D Tzdfk QHKG9 kVtds tUrsGwwd rz khFn Bl T 1bu uJgPkMP cV+d d HiSSfe A€<Qan E.

qF 5 c BM d yd zGLqHcpdwNE{ ZY Gue+ABGJnmbB Bq Wjz€u vsUAGu Fkq AsDRls+ T+ EQpXoLsYuJfIhWUBzGYxzJT f 0 IwwYrA ry ms OR rMvo nx+ Pp RP 0 k aBr LTLqzJNLxkf {H v b |KRF.

>> No.490408

>von Hayek
Oh wow. What's next. Friedman? Rothbard? von Mises?
More ideological and flawed cunts?

>> No.490437
File: 146 KB, 600x450, 1266292116079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you know anything about capitalism outside of michael moore films

>implying butthurt

>> No.490487

>my definition of capitalism is different to everyone else's

>> No.490511

This thread proves that Rule #4 of /lit/ just paints a big red target on it for /b/ trolls to mention Rand every two seconds.

The worst of this is that it causes more people to read her works, some of which grow the Randroid population. That's something decent citizens should not want.

>Implying you know about Michael Moore films, potentially forgetting his slightly better literature
>Implying you know about capitalism outside of Ayn Rand's writing

>> No.490520

i just finished the fountainhead and i liked it
i like howard roark because he has integrity, talent, and passion for his work...the opposite of everyone who hates ayn rand's writing (what a surprise)

>> No.490525

You know who listens to the rules? The new /b/...Do you know why? They are a bunch of normalfags

>> No.490531

>i like howard roark because he's a rapist and a terrorist


>> No.490554

>Senseless generalisation.
You would like to pretend everyone who disagrees with you is stupid, but that only makes you very foolish indeed.

>> No.490622

Ayn Rand is fucking retarded, because 90% of anything is pure shit, and this is a universal law.

You can choose the best most wealthy and attractive people in the world, and put them in a big brother house. 90% of them will be shitty, always, no exceptions.

>> No.490623

why does it have to be that way

>> No.490640

there's no reason, it just works usually when there's people involved http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_principle