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4901903 No.4901903[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Ayn Rand the greatest philosopher to ever live?

>> No.4901911
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>> No.4902100

I don't think so.

>> No.4902125

Is OP the most autistic human to ever live?

>> No.4902131


>> No.4902167

Richard Dawkins is greater.

>> No.4902171

>ayn rand

>> No.4902179

No, it's The Amazing Atheist

>> No.4902181

Ayn Rand is a spook.

>> No.4902977
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>> No.4904093

She's actually kind of cute in this picture. The smile on her face shows a bit of innocence.

"I'm going to change the world. You'll see! :)" and then she goes tip-tapping away on her typewriter giggling in excitement.

>> No.4904270

Didn't really think about that until you mentioned.


>> No.4904272

>objective morality

>> No.4904279


>> No.4904289


She probably spent more time despising the Bolsheviks that exiled her and the weak Tsarist government that allowed her to be raped

>> No.4904309

Calling her a philosopher is an insult to all the great philosophers. Ayn Rand was just a cum dumpster.

>> No.4904335

This is the first picture I've seen where she doesn't look like a lecherous goblin.

>> No.4904358

>being this aggravated

>> No.4904429

No. but she is the sexiest

>> No.4905651
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>> No.4905658


>> No.4906002
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We hates Commieses! We hates them, precious!

>> No.4906101

*apologist for the rich and demented

>> No.4906326

Why does everybody hate Ayn Rand

>> No.4906375
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>> No.4906422

she's a hypocrite

look at how she behaved in her lifetime. She doesn't follow some of the core principles she argued for in her book

>> No.4906424

hey at least she still made them

>> No.4906428

yeah, well I can't have much respect for someone who promotes an ideology but doesn't actually follow it

>> No.4906473

Seneca did this aswell, but he's respected.

>> No.4906493
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No it's Kishimoto

>> No.4906516

I like how this guy argues the same way most of /lit/ and 4chan does.

>> No.4906517

Her corrupt and downright miserable ideology

>> No.4906527 [DELETED] 

>she's a hypocrite
This actually isn't true.

>> No.4906541

Then why aren't Stirner or De Sade treated the same way?

>> No.4906549

>fervently spoke against the concept of social benefits
>applied for and received social benefits

>she promoted the primacy of reason but also let her emotions drive her decisions both in a personal and professional aspect

>she worshiped the freedom of the individual but ran her circle of friends like a dictatorship

>> No.4906552


>> No.4906558

why does everybody love schoppi then?

>> No.4906560

Because he is a male man with a male penis.

>> No.4906566

Whoa, whoa! Are you trying to say my beliefs are inconsistent? Regardless of who is being discussed I hold my beliefs as universal truths. That's because I each and every one of them out the their necessary conclusions based on logic and rationality.

Now, who are Stirner and De Sade?

>> No.4906571

fucked if I know

>> No.4906574

I love penis!

>> No.4906588

It's second only to boypussy.

>> No.4906592 [DELETED] 

She received social security which you have to pay into to receive, not exactly the dole.

>she promoted the primacy of reason but also let her emotions drive her decisions both in a personal and professional aspect
I don't know enough about Ayn Rand's decision making process to comment.

>>she worshiped the freedom of the individual but ran her circle of friends like a dictatorship
Only one thing, her circle of friends is a voluntary social community and if they don't like Ayn Rand they're free to leave her.

>> No.4906665

>which you have to pay into to receive
that's another thing, she believed taxation is theft by the state but apparently she paid taxes to get benefits. which she APPLIED for

>her circle of friends is a voluntary social community
the point is she didn't respect their freedom of thought or expression, even though that's a cornerstone of her philosophy

>> No.4906680
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Yes, of course.

>> No.4906695

To be honest, yes. Look at how her philosophy has been implemented in the US. People have tried for years and years to create Marxist societies and all have failed. Marxism isn't compatible with human nature. Ayn Rand's philosophy must be the only philosophy that has been properly implemented. It's why the US has the largest economy and the happiest people. People from other countries get upset when they see American patriotism, but you would be patriotic too if your lives were so great. And why are our lives so great? Because of Ayn Rand. Atlas Shrugged should be mandatory reading for all students.

>> No.4906698

8/10 almost responded before I realised

>> No.4906705

Even if you believe in her backwards philosophy, shes still a terrible writer.

I read Anthem the other day. Jesus christ. It sounded like fanfiction.

>> No.4906706

Except we never implemented her philosophy into the US government

>> No.4906716
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>> No.4906717

I'd imagine it's because less people are aware of them, and that followers of Stirner and especially de Sade's philosophies have rarely occupied positions of power

>> No.4906777
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every time