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/lit/ - Literature

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489315 No.489315 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.489316

That a guy or a girl?

>> No.489320

no camwhore, no.

just don't do it

>> No.489321

Can't; it's too obscure for me.

>> No.489324


>> No.489332

You would either way.

>> No.489337

Damn straight.

>> No.489338

Depends, girl: yes, girl/boy: yes, boy: no.

>> No.489347

Boy or girl, would hit it with like the stark fist.

>> No.489352


What do you want me to say about it? It's Hardy's best piece of prose; that being said, like all of Hardy's prose, it's rather melodramatic. Nonetheless, I still find it charmingly depressing.

He was a better poet.

>> No.489369

wash your face boy, you look like you've been eating ass

>> No.489385

You single?

>> No.489427

It will be one of the first things I read once I finish my thesis, which is, aptly enough, on Tess.
Again, I've only read Return of the Native and Tess, but I only found the former to qualify for the melodramatic label. This e/lit/ist is not a fan of Eustacia, but Tess is a pretty substantial literary achievement. I agree that his poetry is awesome though.

>> No.489489

whoa i just clicked on a photo of a gurl to see what book she was reading

>> No.490650

Is that a boy or a girl, seriously?

>> No.490670

it's a girl, obviously

>> No.490684

The book or the face? I guess the face as that seems to be the whole point of the post:

Your haircut looks like it was done by somebody with no formal experience, and what they look like they were going for is "early 80s American male cartoon character" bad mole is bad, the rest draws no interest - perhaps the shot should've been taken from further back.

>> No.490691

The correct answer

>> No.490695
File: 65 KB, 538x307, postits24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.490697

No worries, gal.

I'd do you ;)

>> No.490702


>> No.490704

Oh look its GamerGirl

>> No.490718

Oh! GamerGirl!

And is that a boy or a girl?

>> No.490722

You tell me

>> No.490726


an amoeba with a funny haircut!

>> No.490729

More like moleman

>> No.490731

with a funny haircut!!

I like you, man

>> No.490732

>I like you, man


>> No.490739



>> No.490741

That. I like you.

>> No.490743

i hear wedding bells in the air

>> No.490781

they se me saging... they hatin...

>> No.490784

Seeing as OP obviously wants all ya'll to discuss the girl by virtue of the fact that her face was in the snapshot, I'll be discussing the book.

Jude was a pretty damn unlikable character. He has these hopes and dreams, sure, and they do endear him somewhat, but after repeatedly failing at them he just lets himself be lead around by the nose for the rest of his life by various women until he becomes an alcoholic and dies.

It was well-written, I just couldn't get into Jude's character too much. Arabella, however, was hilariously femdom, and I enjoyed her bits in the story quite a deal. My only regret with her was that Jude was too passive to offer up much of a back-and-forth with her, which naturally lead to her getting bored with him and dumping his ass. She was sporadic, sure, but Jude just wasn't the right guy for her, which was painfully obvious after very little time. She had some great bawdiness to her - I mean, you have to love a woman who introduces herself to a man for the first time by hitting him in the face with a thrown severed pig dick.

Finally, that whole excuse for not marrying his cousin Sue ("Tragedy runs in our family, I don't want to compound it") was a little weak. If they made much of the moral qualms of her being his cousin and all it'd be different, but they mostly focus on some illusory idea that everyone in their family is destined to be tragic instead of focusing on a real problem like the fact that it'd be incest.

The good mostly balances out the bad, though. I wouldn't re-read it, and it certainly wasn't made for my type of people, but I'd like to think that anyone could find something to like in Jude the Obscure.

>> No.490789

That a guy or a girl?

>> No.490793

a guirly

>> No.490802

How can you be so sure?

>> No.490808

i see its vagienis

>> No.490863

Jude was kind of a schmuck now I think about it

>> No.490872


>> No.490896


>> No.490909

This girl bought that book for the title, just like teenage girls went to see Donnie Darko for the title.