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4891481 No.4891481[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does one come to terms with the fact that existence is inherently absurd and without meaning?

>> No.4891485

You fucking sack up and make your own meaning.

>> No.4891490

Do something other than shitpost on 4chan and try to be "deep" between chinese cartoon masturbation sessions.

>> No.4891493

It doesn't matter. This is why people believe in gods, if you have a problem living a meaningless life, i suggest you join a religion.

>> No.4892935


It's called 'anime' /lit/. Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.4892946

>How does one come to terms with the fact that existence is inherently absurd and without meaning?
Grow up.

>> No.4892951


Books, booze, sex, and cigars. Shitposting with you guys is also kinda nice. Don't be sad, anon. It isn't all that bad being a collective of cells with accidental consciousness.

>> No.4892952

>What would a prehistoric man make of our panic-stricken desire for "meaning", and our "transcendental" despair that runs the whole gamut of depressive feelings from melancholy to pessimism to nihilism? In our eyes the savage would be a poor wretch who'd been dealt an unfair starting point in this game by fate (so unfair that he'd never run the risk of being sufficiently comfortable in his life to have enough free time to despair of it), while in his eyes we would simply be stark raving lunatics.

>> No.4892953


Is this bait or a genuine newfag? I am absolutely bemused.

>> No.4892955

I think the real question is, how do you find your own meaning?

>> No.4892986


Who are you quoting?

>> No.4892991

something like this

>> No.4893004

Why do people care so much about "giving life meaning"?

>> No.4893012



get rekt fgt

>> No.4893042

You just eventually come to terms with it. Pondering existence is irrelevant. Once you learn to love & stop being wholly self-motivated. At least that's how it worked for me.

>> No.4893052

You become stoic.

>> No.4893080

You watch Tim and Eric.

>> No.4893101

Existence is neither absurd nor meaningless.

>> No.4893121


>> No.4893138

Embrace the absurdity of life and become one with it.

>> No.4893140

>implying is

>> No.4893192

what's so great about meaning?
I dont really see how it would make life better ever

>> No.4893200
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>the thread

>> No.4893338

Get some friends

if you can shut up about philosophy for 5 minutes

>> No.4893351
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you don't actually have an alternative to coming to terms with it

every other thing you consider "not coming to terms with" is within the context of reality having meaning

>> No.4893353


Srsly "anti-responsibilityism" is just a thing in your head that you keep projecting onto 4chan

>> No.4893354


You go through a phase of hedonism, then another phase of hedonism, then eventual enlightenment into humble existence. If you never come around, it's OK, lots never do. Source: my interpretation of Yeats' A Vision.

>> No.4893358

You burn incense and have L'Etanger masturbate you.

>> No.4893361

Stop Embarrassing yourself

>> No.4893368

Do what makes you happy. Honestly how is this question still asked?

Does the fact that life has no predesignated purpose take the fun out of getting drunk with friends on a Friday night? Does it dampen the warm tingle of a woman's touch on your skin? Or the satisfaction of climbing higher than your peers on the achievement ladder of life?

Just view everything as a means to your own happiness. Once you frame your life around that, its much easier to cut through the noise of daily existence. And if you honestly feel like nothing could make you happy, you might be just shit out of luck.

Stop trying to make your stupid fucking buzzword a thing. You could have at least made something that sounds legitimate. Anti-responsibilityism. Holy fuck I felt stupid just typing that word out.

>> No.4893384
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>> No.4893429

A. Adopt a religion, strong political ideology, or join a cult/commune and have them make a meaning for you
B. Create your own meaning and adhere to it unwaveringly
C. Rebel against the Absurd and use your own refusal to accept the absurdity of existence as your own meaning
D. Adopt hedonism and drown out/ignore the Absurd by burying it under worldly pleasures
E. Become an ascetic and remove your desire for meaning through training and meditation

All options are inherently equal, so pick whatever you're drawn to. Then stick to it until the Absurd is gone. Congratulations, you've become Sisyphus.

>> No.4893735

>Chasing happiness as what gives your life meaning.

Really? I'm not even going to get started on the fetishizing of "happiness" but that kind of blind, driving desire to amass happiness is just an existential dead-end driven forward by the will.

Embrace the shit, the banal, the wondrous, the horrible. Don't blindly drive yourself towards achieving happiness.

Amor fati.

>> No.4893739

If you think your life is without meaning, then it really sounds like a personal problem. Life is, in and of itself, meaningful, otherwise there would be no point in asking the question of its worth. It's a bit paradoxical, but life derives its meaning from its very existence. Your context on what defines meaning and purpose needs to shift in order to accept that, but you're not at fault if it never does. Basically, life's absurdity is overridden by the fact that, being alive, we have the chance to manipulate existence. We are not ripples in a pond, but rather the stone that creates them.

Good luck anon.

>> No.4893741

You can't.

That's the joke.

>> No.4893748

>Life is, in and of itself, meaningful, otherwise there would be no point in asking the question of its worth. It's a bit paradoxical, but life derives its meaning from its very existence

>> No.4893862
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Jesus Christ

>> No.4893933

the universe is omni-benevolent, it doesn't need to exist, but it does. beauty doesn't need to exist, but it does. you're so lucky - nature wanted to become immersed in its own creations, so it created you. you're like jesus, a vessel that god (nature) inhabits

>> No.4893957
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Who cares?

>> No.4893971
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I think the usage of this word has been perverted. Being responsible should properly mean being the cause of an action, but it has been used to mean "duty" so much that it has become synonymous with it.

>> No.4893974
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follow the chart
I recommend theism

>> No.4893982

Three options:

1. Accept lack of meaning.
2. Kill yourself.
3. Make your own meaning.
4. Try to distract yourself with work, drugs, Sex and anything else you can find.

>> No.4894005


If you really think everything you just mentioned will a) stay enjoyable b) be there for you to enjoy, you are ignorant.

>> No.4894013

A mans work is nothing but this slow trek to rediscover, through the detours of art, those two or three great and simple images in whose presence his heart first opened.

>> No.4894025

i like a bit of everything in this chart.
bottom right would probably be the closest to what i like and top middle probably on second place.

not even op

>> No.4894030

Embrace absurdity. Stop being serious all the time.

>> No.4894044

>Just view everything as a means to your own happiness
that's pretty much correct except you have to find meaning in something that is deeper than happiness. often if someone's aim in life is happiness, they will become unsatisfied and will become sad. you need to know how to move your focus away from your mind and be able to cope with lack of happiness

>> No.4894048

Happiness? Meaning?

All y'all worry about some stupid, stupid shit.

>> No.4894079

So your lack of any need for fulfillment is your fulfillment?