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4888661 No.4888661[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was isolated as a child and my parents spent most of the time fighting or berating and putting me down (calling me trash, pig, worthless, etc.). As a result I have extremely low self-esteem and confidence.

What can I read to fix myself? I already run and lift weights before anyone suggests that.

>> No.4888666
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>> No.4888667

How to Win Friends & Influence People

>> No.4888675

I've read it before, I don't remember anything in it related to this.

>> No.4888682
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>> No.4888702

read religious texts

>> No.4888703
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>> No.4888709

Commit yourself to something for that thing itself, not for what it might bring you

>> No.4888714

W-why is everyone laughing at op? That seems mean.

>> No.4888718

Lacan. AKA embrace your neurosis. There's nothing to fix.

>> No.4888725

tough love is best

>> No.4888726


Well if you only weighted lifts go for A Hero of Our Time.

>> No.4888727

remember where you are boy

>> No.4888733

abandon all hope

>> No.4888749
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>> No.4888755
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Have you tried to sound your barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world?

I dunno, I am not well-read and only know this poem from the movie. But maybe Whitman helps

>> No.4888764

Welcome to the era of "sink or swim, motherfucker."

No one is going to help you. Fun fact: if you are a white heterosexual male (which you probably are) then according to tumblr you are immune to tragedy. Might as well start believing this yourself and become a robot unable to express frustration. What's the worst that could happen?

>> No.4888789

>barbaric yawp
O Captain! My Captain! pls go.

>> No.4888794

lose yourself to it. maybe you'll be able to write a novel about it.

>> No.4888841

kill me

>> No.4888855

I wrote a poem about my life, maybe you can find some solace in my darkness. We share the bond of hurt in our terrible lives.

I wake up in the morning, mourning my living grief,
And then I remember I'm dead,
Stone. Cold. Dead.
Because my life has no meaning, I'm living for nothing,
And I see I'm alone in the world.
Oh so very alone.

And when I lay in the night, thinking why I'm alive,
I ponder and ponder about,
Just hours of hour-long ponders.
So when i finally sleep, after tears fill the ground,
I have nightmares all through the night.
Horrible, terrible nightmares.

So when I wake up from my terrible night, trails of tears still on my face,
I remember it's day and in the light,
The burning. Terrible. Light.
And then I realize my soul is already dead-gone-far away from me,
Far away on the roads of Fate.
The road of the three Sisters Fate.

When I look out my window, I see my life in despair,
I see depression and sadness and grief-
I see through a cadaver, one with no soul,
I see through a complete robot.
A lifeless, lifeless robot.

I'm dead and crying with no point in life,
Why should I live in this pain?
This horrible, horrible pain?
I have nothing and no one to live for, my life shouldn't be,
Why am I still here?
Here, in a body on Earth?

I'm living yet I;m dead, I'm dead yet I'm living,
My soul is so uncertain about things like this,
So confused. Uncertain.
Whay should I live-live a temporary existence?
If I dies, nothing happens.
Nothing extremely different.

Maybe i should start a better existence, start over,
And maybe I should just die,
Die a quick death.
I had already died-diead a slow, emotional death,
I've suffered for far too long,
Just too long to live.

>> No.4888878

I've never tasted shit before but having read that, I can safely say I have.

>> No.4888886

it's possible to suffer and express it in a shallow manner. 2/10

>> No.4888922


Stick to the weights.

>> No.4888945

I would take this advice OP. It's difficult to think of a novel that would really help you. Becoming better at something and experiencing victory are important things. I know this is really off-topic, but fencing is really a good sport for people like you. It allows you to triumph directly over other individuals in a ways that running and weights do not. And it sounds like you are already in good shape for it. If you want a novel about committing yourself to something, The Old Man and the Sea is good. I might recommend some Nietzsche, but let's wait till you have some self-confidence first.

>> No.4888950

OP I'm in the same situation. I've ended up being three quintessential Nice Guy. In my experience no book will help you, you must learn to value yourself somehow. A lot of us suffer from this feeling of worthlessness brought on by years of verbal and physical abuse

>> No.4888970

God, you can't just read a bunch of self-help shit. >>4888682
Like this.

You need to either talk to someone who cares about you and let go of it, OR you need to emotionally experience the... sadness/torment of your childhood and release it.

Lifting weights and running are just things that, probably, help you feel good so you don't feel bad. When, what will really help is to feel all the bad shit, then you wont have to do shit to make you feel good unless you enjoy it intrinsically.

If you want to HEAL, my advice would be to check out the divine truth channel on youtube. You may not agree with what they say, but their concept of emotional clearing is fucking spot on and has been helping me heaps. Aside from that, start reading and watching movies about broken homes, shit like that. If it starts to bring up an emotion in you go read or watch it, really embrace the emotion, and let it go.

>> No.4888985

Just, as an example, my parents didn't want me and it was fucking impossible growing up living with a single mother who did drugs bla bla bla. Basically, I really related to the movie Thirteen (yes, the one about teenage girls). Anyway, I watched it, and it really made me cry a lot and it actually helped me remember things in my life I had forgotten. For example, when I was 11 I used to write all the time, create, write poetry, journal, etc. But I stopped doing it because of my mother. When I watched Thirteen, all of these memories came flooding back.

When I was watching the second-to-last episode of Breaking Bad, when Walt Jr gets the knife to defend Skyler, I started crying about how I don't have a family. This was something that wasn't obvious to me. I have a biological family, but I hate them. But in that moment I remembered my parents fighting when I was young and having to call the cops on them. Now, I give so much less of a shit of what my biological family things. And the more I do it, the more I will be free from them.

Emotional clearing is the fucking key man.

This is what they describe in the bible as humility. It's basically the key to God. It's fucking awesome man. Find someone you can cry with or somewhere you can cry and just unleash.

Also, being high whilst doing this helped me a lot. Weed really helps me connect with my emotions and self.

>> No.4888986

The human condition can't be fixed. Life is a pendulum that swings between suffering and boredom. Try to suffer as little as you can until you die.

>> No.4889031
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Read this. Once you've come to understand your worthlessness, take some LSD and overcome your depression.

>> No.4889058

tzara is 2based

>> No.4889070


That little frog faced monocle wearing gypsy was all talk.
Rigaut was the only nigger repping Dada right.

>> No.4889072

there isn't a quick fix for this, unless you want to count dropping Acid. But the short of it is that you need to do it yourself. Buck up buttercup.

>> No.4889831

I was beaten as a child, not allowed out of the house or to watch TV, play video games, etc., beaten if I got below an A, and when I fought back as a teenager I was put in boot camps and boarding schools throughout my teenage years. By the time I got to university I was a completely broken and never left my dorm, and went back to live with my parents as a shutin which I do now, and of course am treated like shit which my father is glad of, because they went me to be dependent and have control over me.

Which I also don't get is why a lot of 4channers, who had normal childhoods, are shutins too. I think if I had a normal childhood I'd be productive and happy. But whatever, everyone has their own issues I suppose.

>> No.4889845

>By the time I got to university I was a completely broken and never left my dorm, and went back to live with my parents as a shutin which I do now, and of course am treated like shit which my father is glad of, because they went me to be dependent and have control over me.

That's what happened to me. Except now my parents are nice to me. For some reason they did a complete 180 when I was a late teen. It's too late though, my personality was cemented long ago.

>> No.4889970

you have no choice but slowly disassemble your ego. you need to completely take your attention out of your mind and focus it outwards, because you have been damaged emotionally.

finding genuine friends is very difficult, but having good friends will make you feel loved. take mdma with them. mdma is sacred and will give you great power, so you must respect it

if you want radical and effective treatment, take iboga. iboga is also very sacred, and you may not have a good time (for a few hours), but it will completely cleanse you. it is the reset button. but remember, iboga is very holy and has been used for a very long time in african traditions

and remember i love you

>> No.4889976

>school shooting

>> No.4889987

"Stop blaming other people for your own miserable life" by me.

>> No.4889993

>mfw tumblr cunts think they're open-minded but they're all just following the same 'progressive' leftist ideology
>mfw tumblr cunts get completely caught up in the ass-backwards world of 'who-can-say-what'

>> No.4890000
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forgot my face

>> No.4890002

Read this OP - you probably won't be concerned about your past when you're done.

>> No.4890006

according to tumblr being born with the soul of a mythical creature is a real thing, honestly it sickens me that people have to go that far to make up some justification as to why they are the odd man out in society and hate the world in general, like damn just own up to being weird, make it your thing you dont need any excuses for that shit

>> No.4890010 [SPOILER] 
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>I wake up in the morning, mourning my living grief,
>And then I remember I'm dead,
>Stone. Cold. Steve.

>> No.4890011
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Direct your mind outward. Seek God.

>> No.4890032

How exactly is your childhood stopping you from being productive and happy?
It seems to me like you're just seeking excuses.

>> No.4890035

>Which I also don't get is why a lot of 4channers, who had normal childhoods, are shutins too. I think if I had a normal childhood I'd be productive and happy.

Or you just want to think that
I had a pretty shitty childhood but I realized that it's not an excuse to be a failure. A lot of those people whom I envied since they seemed so normal turned out to have much bigger problems than you'd guess.

>> No.4890048


>> No.4890071

1) kill yourself
2) do something you consider productive, confidence is just the result of positive experiences, so by doing something, your chance to get them is the best. Something like a job, no matter how mundane is a decent choice.

Reading won't do any help. Sure might realize that none of it matters, that other people been through worse and still made but none of it will help much.

Sport is good too.

Pretty gay.

>And when I lay in the night, thinking why I'm alive,
I ponder and ponder about,
Just hours of hour-long ponders.
Good job doing nothing and swimming in self pity.

Well, I have no idea about tumbler but it's just statistics that say, you usually have actively try to mess something up with your life as a white male in the first world. At worst they still can cry over it online, which is hardly possible for somebody in the third world, where you would be truly alone.

>> No.4890076

Can't get over my anxiety, paranoia, fear of surviving on my own, depression, etc., which are a result of my childhoo

Is it really that hard to understand

>> No.4890077

This so much.

>> No.4890083

I think it's you who doesn't understand

>> No.4890085

enlighten me then

>> No.4890089

You must be the only one, right? I can name a hand full of people I know who suffered through same shit if not worse, the big difference is that they did more than pull the "muh childhood" card when they had to go beyond themselves.

Seems like you're just looking for excuse.

>> No.4890090

You called my bluff. I've got nothing. Maybe you should just kill yourself.
Or you could man up and work to make your life better and focus on the future instead of the past

>> No.4890092

Teach me how to get over my anxiety, depression, and paranoid delusions
>Or you could man up and work to make your life better and focus on the future instead of the past
teach me how

>> No.4890102

Well, first go a professional and see how bad they really are. Then act accordingly.

>> No.4890105

Read Soren "The Boss" Kierkegaard. Start with The Sickness Unto Death and then read Fear and Trembling. Then you can throw everything else on your bookshelf away and have a productive life.

>> No.4890106

There is no actual pysical barrier keeping you from being happy, it's all in your mind. So all you need to do is just not be unhappy. I understand that this could be something that you might not be able to just turn on and of, so perhaps you should find a hobby or activity that you enjoy and happiness will follow. Or just seek help from a professional, because I'm probably talking complete nonsense and you shouldn't listen to people on the internet.

>> No.4890114

>Well, first go a professional and see how bad they really are.
Already done that. Now what?
>because I'm probably talking complete nonsense
Sounds like it, yeah.

>> No.4890117

And what did the professional say?

>> No.4890118

If the last time you read it was when you downloaded it off Kazaa, read it again.

>> No.4890122

so what's the point of reading then if it won't make you a better person?

>> No.4890125

Gave me benzos, anti-depressants, ADHD drugs in the past. He retired or something and I never went to another doctor.

>> No.4890129

I assume those prescriptions worked for you, so maybe you should think about going back to another doctor.

>> No.4890131


If you actually quit on your medication because your old psychiatrist retired, seriously step the fuck up and go to a new one.

>> No.4890132

>I assume those prescriptions worked for you
Only really the beznos, and only mildly, along with a lot of memory loss and becoming even dumber.

>> No.4890136

Have you ever tried watching anime?

>> No.4890137

Can't bring myself to make a phone call and have to speak to someone.

>> No.4890147

According to you it's because of your past, but are there any other reasons besides the depression etc. that might be causing your unhappiness

>> No.4890151

really /lit/? you can't just endure heavy emotional damage during the time in your life where your mind is most malleable and 'man up' and 'get over it'. yes, it is all in his mind, and he can get over it, but he needs genuine advice.

op i suggest moving your attention towards nature, away from your mind. meditate. read some eastern philosophy. some drugs can be very therapeutic.

>> No.4890152


What about going to or have someone take you to a Psych ER (if you have those where you live)? You'd probably have to wait there for some time though because of psychosis etc. cases getting higher priority.

>> No.4890159

So your advice for him is turning into a druggy. Sweet.

>> No.4890160


>> No.4890161

This one is much better than one would expect first.

>> No.4890163

I would suggest a therapist, actually. If you really could manage on your own, then more power to you. But therapy would go a long way.

>> No.4890708

>Which I also don't get is why a lot of 4channers, who had normal childhoods, are shutins too.
Because it's the best way to live.

>> No.4890729

Seek professional help. Not a shrink but a psychologist. They are paid to listen to your suffering, helping reflecting on it and handle it.

After all what a circle of friends does. But fuck it, if you don't have friends, tough luck, seek help, not here.

best wishes

>> No.4891283

Your body creates pyschological defense mechanisms to deal with trauma, and one of these defenses causes you to not be able to get intimate with people to avoid further rejection and sadness

>> No.4891354

That is true. And it prevents me from finding therapy useful as some people her have recommended.

>> No.4891380

How did you contact the previous guy then? If telephone calls are such a pain, how about trying to get an appointment more direct through in their office? (IMO it's paradoxically easier than calls)

>> No.4891385

I don't have problems setting appointments or anything like that. I just find it hard to talk to therapists. I never know what to say or talk about or how to put things into words.

>> No.4891398

Read Kant's thing on antropology, so you can realise that all your idiotic notions like social anxiety are easily curable with mindgames.

>> No.4891405

Why be a shut-in?
A lot of the same things happen to me, but I made friends, I overcame.
Quit blaming your parents for your mistakes.
Fucking nudniks.

>> No.4891432

Reading helped me develop as a person more than anything else - especially when I was younger.

>> No.4891440

Well, it's mostly their job to do the understanding, no matter how bad you put things in words.

>> No.4891446

Oh? I wonder how? (not being an ass, honestly curious, because the sinking into books seems almost completely counter productive.)

>> No.4891453

>Why be a shut-in?
Well, it's much easier than overcoming all the fears for one.

>> No.4891523

>parents abused him
>still hasn't learned that people are shit

>> No.4891561

>Hasn't learned to fucking deal because people populate the planet and so do you.


>> No.4891564

Poisonous spiders populate the world as well, doesn't mean you should try to spend your time engaging with them.

>> No.4891576


spoken like someone who has never truly suffered

>> No.4891577

If you don't mind becoming anti-intellectual, /pol/ tends to have an ability to make insecure people over confident (also ignorant).

>> No.4891592

Indeed. It's the jews and niggers who are the real reason behind your suffering, Anon!

>> No.4891615
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dont be so self-centered anon, just because YOURE not suffering from 'bad news', doesnt mean others arnt!

>> No.4891618


>> No.4891631

Nice try JIDF.

>> No.4891632

I've had issues with social anxiety and depression in the past. Learning about meditation and Buddhism helped me a lot.

You might like "Buddhism Without Belief" by Stephen Batchelor.

Good luck, OP.