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4887209 No.4887209[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Tropes in literature that fucking annoy you.

>> No.4887214

A concerted effort to defy tropes subordinating the construction of a strong narrative.

>> No.4887221

>write random sentences one after another
>"lel this is surrealism you need to be intelligent like myself to understand it"

>> No.4887226


>> No.4887237

oh come on, what exactly in fantasy bothers you?

>> No.4887238

All the retarded shit.

>> No.4887247

People who either think:

A) That only Hemingway's writing style is acceptable.

or (and worse)

B) People who confuse Hemingway's writing style for some sort of call for simplification. You have to be more economical, not any less nuanced.

>> No.4887248

Whisky drinking to show that the character is mature and depressed.

>> No.4887254

the lack of imagination.
any retard can entertain other retards with a world of ghouls and dragons. it takes a truly special retard to make a normal world interesting enough to make you want to read a few hundred pages.

>> No.4887258

who else drinks whiskey besides old war-torn men?

>> No.4887262
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>Female characters who act like indecisive shit bags

>> No.4887264

yep, that's the one.

>> No.4887266
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Do you even need to ask?

>> No.4887267

I drink whisky and I've been in exactly 0 wars.

>> No.4887268

Wish fulfillment YA lit.

>> No.4887271

writers being writerly or worse artistic.

>> No.4887274

>main character is a bored everyman with nothing to say and little personality
>and the story is told from their point of view

Just write in 3rd person, you fucking hacks. Then you cant hide your shittiness behind 1st person pov.

>> No.4887283

What kind of retard is interested in a world solely because it has ghouls and dragons?

I think you're correct in saying it's the lack of imagination, but only in the sense that there has been very little in the innovation since Tolkien. The fact that so many fantasy narratives regularly rip-off (or I guess, 'are inspired by') things like orcs and dwarves is testament to the sad state of fantasy.

>> No.4887301

Describing the wind, rain or clouds to create atmosphere.

>> No.4887309

Mfw every short story in Slow Learner starts like this.

>> No.4887321

Misuse of the word trope annoys me.
Not directly applicable within lit though.

>> No.4887331

>Then you cant hide your shittiness behind 1st person pov.

But no really, why don't you just read better books you pleb of plebs, mundaner of boards.

>> No.4887355

U mad

>> No.4887395

People with taste.

Actually that's BS, whiskey always taste like fucking bananas to me.

>> No.4887408

Condescension failed
Sarcasm failed
All around failure of a post

But I get what you were going for. Good luck next time. Please do put more thought into any subsequent submissions.

>> No.4887421


I do this, but I'm not particularly intelligent, though.
Feels good enough.

>> No.4887434


I used to hate whisky. Today I like to drink one or two shots a week. I find out a brand that is very tasty to me, yet is considered by whisky experts to be a pleb shit: J&B. I like it because it's not that strong: I generally drink it after a heavy meal – it comes down your throat and to your stomach burning everything down the way.

But I think that my favorite drink is gin and tonic with lemon: it’s perfect, fresh and light.


lol. That's actually pretty damn accurate.

>> No.4887464

I used to hate that trope as well until I realised that it's actually an accurate depiction of women.

>> No.4887468

I love gin. Have you tried Wild Turkey? Imo it's the smoothest whiskey/bourbon.

>> No.4887490

Using words to connote meaning. Can you be more imaginative please?

>> No.4887496

Actually the lack of imagination in fantasy really bothers me too. It's supposed to be the genre where the writer canr eally let his imagination run wild, put anything in there. But most fantasy is really dull and cliched.

>> No.4887505
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>> No.4887506

Vowels. Fucking hate them

>> No.4887507

▲⃝ ▲⃝ ▲⃝▼ □✝□□■ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝

>> No.4887518


>> No.4887528

Dialogue that ends with anything besides
>," said Character.

>> No.4887529

>Have you tried Wild Turkey?

No, but will look up for it :)

>> No.4887533

Oh fuck, that's the most common amateur mistake.

>"What's up?" John inquired.
>"Not much," David exclamated.
>"Nothing interesting here either," John casually stated.

>> No.4887535

>To my (insert wife/mother/son/dog's name here)

>> No.4887561

Jane Pountney is 50 next year cloned into me with my help she is a whore, home wrecker slut.

>> No.4887584

Is this one of those funny memes?

>> No.4887618


ooh a light shining through a window represents enlightenment wow so deep and meaningful!

>> No.4887706
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All the silly "war genius" characters in Military-Scifi. Every other book has some near perfect super general or infantryman fighting battles several thousand years from now where the advanced tactics may as well have come out of a an old comic book.

>> No.4887741

Depressed alcoholics

>> No.4887744
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Yeah. Screw my freakin' AP English teacher, he doesn't know CRAP-DIDDLY!

>> No.4887746

>"I will strike you down!" hissed the main character of this Fantasy story

>> No.4887757

yh nigga, prof tryin 2 say dat shit meen sumfin it aint be, u nahmsayin? da chair wuz red ain't no shit about vioence, dat nigga jus tryin to say dat chair b red

>> No.4887791
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this stupid bullshit, esp. when drilled into students from elementary.

>> No.4887799

Read more literary fiction dum dum.

>> No.4887803

Is this really considered lazy?

I thought people write in first person to make the narrative more intimate.

Hemingway does it, Camus does it, what exactly is wrong with 1st person narratives?

>> No.4887807

Thats less the fault of the fantasy genre itself, and more the fault of poorly made fantasy. 99% of everything is shit, and 99% of fantasy is Tolkien rip-offs.

But unique fantasy that does it's own thing does exist ASoIaF deal with it and shouldn't be punished just because there's 458907645890 Forgotten Realms books.

>> No.4887811

People like Palahniuk or King do it too and they ruin it a bit.

>> No.4887815

Nothing is inherently wrong with 1st or 3rd person narratives, neither will help nor hurt if the writing is bad.

2nd person on the other hand is trickier to pull off.

>> No.4887821

>implying that 99% of something isn't representative of the genre

>> No.4887823

literary fiction follows it too dumbo

>> No.4887825
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>> No.4887833

The fact that this is taught in school draws idiots towards genre fiction.

>> No.4887836

What alternative way to structure a story should we be teaching?

By the way, I just made the connection in my mind between the normal story arc and sexual intercourse. I wonder what Freud would have said about that?

>> No.4887843

2nd person is a gimmick

>> No.4887850


>> No.4887857

I crapped out on white rum after a couple bouts of alcohol poisoning so now I can't touch the stuff.
Decided to try some dark liquor and crapped out on Crown Royal.
So now I am drinking Jack.
Guess I'll be hitting up scotch here soon as my sixth bottle in three weeks of Jack is really starting to make me sick of it.

>> No.4887861

>2nd person is a gimmick
So is breaking the fourth wall. So is every metafictional device ever invented. Right?

>> No.4887863

Climax - Resolution- Turning point - Exposition - Rising action - Second climax - No Resolution

Show me a book that actually follows this structure, because I'd legitimately be interested in reading it

>> No.4887869

Breaking the 4th wall periodically is the only acceptable use of the second person

Attempting to write a narrative in it is sheer masturbation

>> No.4887878

Child protagonists.

>> No.4887887

Can't you have, say, shouted, whispered, barked, mocked? You're not going to make me use an adverb, are you? What's more, it's a little silly to demand that the writer uses ONLY said and expects you to infer from his writing what the tone is.
For instance
"You bastard, you left me to die!" is something that can take said, doesn't necessarily need anything else, but something like
"I'll have a beer," he said can be read in different ways.
"I'll have a beer," he shouted changes the meaning, if only a little.

A trope I hate?
The Noble White/Wise Foreigner. That, or shoehorned politicism.

>> No.4887890

Infinite Jest is hilariously close. Hal's breakdown is at the beginning, the resolution to the James Incandenza subplot occurs rather early, then exposition and rising action leading to the rollents' storming of Enfield and Gately's drug binge ending with no resolution.

>> No.4887893 [DELETED] 

>But unique fantasy that does it's own thing does exist

Maybe but its so rare that people have started to use the term "Fantasy" to describe a lack of imagination to be found in the story. That same old pseudo-european historical setting is so tired I can't take anything seriously that uses it now.

>> No.4887933

>Doing it's own thing
Zombies and dragons and the War of the Roses oh my!

>> No.4887964


I am an upper middle class white recent college graduate and I drink Old Crow all day every day because I don't give a single fuck

>> No.4887985

Representative of the majority of content which exists inside of the genre, not the potential of the genre itself.

>> No.4887990


>> No.4888048

>protagonist is mentally ill
>story begins with the protagonist waking up
>story begins with the protagonist's dream
>protagonist looks in a mirror so the author can describe what s/he looks like
>describing what characters look like as if I'm going to imagine them that way at all
>describing the room by describing where everything in the room is
>dialogue where characters' voices and opinions are underdeveloped enough that I don't know or care who is speaking

>> No.4888062


>> No.4888085



>> No.4888117

Stream of consciousness.

I've hated it everywhere it's been used. Really fucks with my reading rythm, and there's no good reason it should be there. In my opinion, it says nothing that couldn't have been expressed without it.

>> No.4888153

I wonder what my 4th grade teacher would say if I told her that what she taught about narrative structure was just sex

>> No.4888187

If you think A Song of Ice and Fire does it own thing then you need to read more fantasy. Also, saying deal with it does not work as evidence of your argument.

>> No.4888215

When blushing is used to convey embarrassment, especially multiple times in the same book.

>> No.4888222

when a character's dream is very coherent and relates perfectly to their current life situation

>> No.4888227

>the protagonist is someone who gets perfect grades and whom everyone likes and is interested in them, yet they still think nobody likes them and there is nothing special about them

usually a girl too

>> No.4888232

>reading any books that may contain that

Why do you do that to yourself?

>> No.4888236

Worse is peter parker alleged anti hero where the character is attractive, intelligent, friends with beautiful women/ rich men, and moral, but still some how a loser for ungiven reasons

>> No.4888260

>dialogue is written in some dumb accent

I just find it so goddamn annoying. If you just say what their accent is like, I can imagine it on my own. You don't have to write "yes theese is what i vant, oy da 'ney do ya?"

i mean jesus fuck. that shit gets so tedious to read and it breaks immersion.

>> No.4888294


>> No.4888346

>pure of heart
>the chosen one
>going to a new land via some portal and finding out you're a legendary hero
>important children who must save the world

Bitch, you know what kids do? Watch cartoons and whine for more juice boxes. Kids are boring and useless. They don't even have a developed personality at goddamned TEN years old or shit.

>the genius/prodigy

You know how someone becomes skillful at anything? They work their ass off. No, he gets tossed a sword, and in three weeks he's top dog in the world.

>author blathering about how pretty a woman is

We get it, you haven't gotten your dick wet in a while. Shut up. Why can't you say, the interesting woman? Or the smart woman? Or the brave woman? Always gotta be "beautiful." Christ, spare me, like the single highest attainment one can make is to be eyecandy for some creepy asshole in a cafe to stare at and write bad prose about.

>bitch faints

Just kill me. If you faint that easily, nigga, you need to get your ass to the doctor.

>> No.4888354

>author blathering about how pretty a woman is
Fucking this, holy shit.

>> No.4888370

>reading Faulkner
>dat niggatalk and hicktalk

I hate that too.

>> No.4888393


agree with the last one. i hate seeing characters faint when something shocking happens, or throw up. i mean im sure it happens sometimes but it always feels so unrealistic

>> No.4888395

For anything you dislike, there's always fedora images.

>> No.4888415


>> No.4888520


John le Carré is the best person for writing accents. He doesn't spell things differently but he gets the cadence and grammar down perfectly.

>> No.4888530

Grown men who need to overcompensate.
My friends piss away so much money on whiskey just to say they're drinking whiskey.

Alcohol is overrated in general. People will pay thousands of dollars for a hint of a taste.

>ugggghhhh soooo smoothe

>> No.4888533

has there ever been a good dream sequence? They all seem to be either excuses for purple prose or filled with not-that-cryptic clues for future events in the book.

>> No.4888540

Alcohol is man's oldest way of coping with conscious existence. Worship of the Alcohol Gods is optional. In short, don't knock a man who likes his scotch, he's probably wiser than you.

>> No.4888547

*tips hornpipe*

>> No.4888557

>boring and useless
Oh, that's just modern kids. Why, I wouldn't be surprised to see a brave child if only their parents would give them the freedom to develop bravery.

Orphans make the best child characters, so long as the author doesn't heap pity on them. In which case, they're stunting them as though they were a parent.

>> No.4888562

Key kid wanna /ss/?

>> No.4888565

Funny, I wrote a book with that structure, sorta. It ended up being kinda eh because I never write ever.

>> No.4888566

>Really fucks with my reading rythm

Then it isn't real stream of consciousness, or you are just terrible at reading english. The defining feature of stream of consciousness is how well it flows.

>> No.4888572

If it's done right it can be good, like the Redwall series.

>> No.4888624


>> No.4888809

But muh crime and punishment!

>> No.4888818


I don't think so. Dream sequences are always horrible and forced. I can accept if an author points out a certain element has been in a dream, but beyond that it feels cliche.

>> No.4888856

I've never read any streams of consciousness that flow well sentences mash up together they aren't very clear and it makes it hard to see the point of what the writer is trying to tell you its really not a good device it even interjects with random things like "oh god oh god" every twenty or so words intending to tell you about the state of mind of the character but it really ends up being ass and interrupting your reading I fucking hate stream of consciousness it really fucking sucks ass not to mention those times when the text can be interpreted in different ways depending on the punctuation you make up for it in your mind why why why punctuation was invented for a reason

>> No.4888908


That's what makes the dream sequence in Best Served Cold pretty funny.

I hate the trope too, but this one was pretty good.

>> No.4889026

Well, what symbolism do you like. I mean, that's the main symbol in The Secret Window, but I enjoyed it because I didn't get it until later. It made me feel smart to figure something out.

>> No.4889606

Just leaving out punctuation is not stream of consciousness.

>> No.4889645

You haven't shown a real grasp at the concept of symbolism. You either mixed up the word with another one or you need to read more and better books.

>> No.4889663

>book is not dedicated to god


>> No.4889670

Special Snowflake narrators

>> No.4889671

I had to stop reading As I lay Dying 'cause reading the dialog by those illiterates was insufferable.

>> No.4889678

I also use "asked" and "replied" am I plebe?

>> No.4889709


>> No.4889720

>Ctrl+f "allusions"
Really /lit/?

>> No.4889726
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(insert name) noticed his/her sweat under neither their collar.

>> No.4889728

It depends on the allusion

>> No.4889729

When the author encourages Death of the Author.

>> No.4889737

0/10, try harder bitch faggot

>> No.4889763


I don't read shit-tier literature, so I usually don't stumble into tropes. I have read a lot of unpublished author workshopped stuff, so I'll list off a few the particularly bad ones

- The story begins with an alarm clock.

- The story centers around young people getting drunk/high.

- The crush is gaaaaay.

- Ouija boards.

- Lost/recovered memories.

>> No.4889788
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>philosophers looking to Plato for truth
>God as the answer to life's questions
>Causa Prima answers to causality

>> No.4889797

Needless biblical allegories? Anyone?

>> No.4889820

If you think it doesn't then...I don't know what you can do; I'm not confident you'll be able to see something so obvious at this point. Writing quality aside, those books stand out like a sore thumb amongst a hive of blandness and similarity, and that's a very good thing.

What's wrong with that? I blush from embarrassment all the fucking time. It's annoying but certainly real.

>> No.4889833

"His manly love for his best friend was better than anything he could feel for frivolous whorish women."

>> No.4889858

Ice zombies, dragons, and medieval England with a sprinkling of middle eastern cultures? That's what stands out to you? I get it that simple folks like the cliffhanger based plots that GRRM uses and I know that people like you overlook the often unresolved plots he introduces because he writes vaguely interesting characters and foodporn, but come on. You seriously think this series stands out among the mountains of bland that populate the rest of the genre? You really haven't read enough to even be discussing things on this board.

>> No.4889897

young veterans who hate the marines, make music, and spent their deployments skateboarding on shabby halfpipes built in un-used tents.
>my brother

>> No.4889912

Where oh where do I start...

I guess all I can say is if you think those particular books were at any point mostly devoted to and concerned with ice zombies, dragons, and medieval England with a sprinkling of middle eastern cultures, or generating cliffhangers, then maybe you shouldn't be talking about something that didn't quite sink in? If you think plots are forgotten about and left unresolved, you were expecting a more conventionally structured story with clearly defined plots, the kind that always meet a meaningful conclusion like they're guided by some magic hand and follow some well laid out track. I suppose it is to avoid the messy anti-climactic way things tend to follow in real life. Nothing wrong with that, it's been integral to nearly all literature. It's just there does exist lit, both 'genre' and 'literary', that aims to reject such a conscious, 'artificial' way events occur, to mimic real life or history more.

>I get it that simple folks
>and I know that people like you
>You really haven't read enough to even be discussing things on this board.
This is the sort of thing I come here for - the delusional self importance and exclusivity. It's painful, take it from me.

>> No.4889927

I think this is one of those things like reggae subgenres where someone who likes it will know that roots reggae and rocksteady are completely different but the person who doesn't like it just sees it as all the same shit.

>> No.4889935

Nailed it.

The difference is when my friend tells me about this new genre of metal that's awesome, I'm not the autist that replies with
I just smile, nod, listen to what he has to say and refrain from interjecting myself into a discussion I'm not qualified to partake

>> No.4889961

lol historical fiction/fantasy doesn't exactly require one to be qualified in order to appreciate it. Bad analogy.

>> No.4889965

The one where retards on the internet started using "trope" as a synonym of "cliche".

>> No.4889972

This sounds fun
>a fat lazy kid gets sucked into a portal to a fantasy land
>he is the chosen one
>either doesn't care and wilfully fucks up because lulz or actively helps the other side

Anyone have something like this?

>> No.4889975

Why do they always have something "off" about their skeletal structure?
Do they just tend to gravitate towards extremely unflattering clothes?

>> No.4889978

>Contemporary music
Back to /mu/ you pleb.

>> No.4889989

In Morrison's comic "The Filth," the main gist behind the plot and an explanation of the setting is given about 3/4 of the way through in a nearly indecipherable Glaswegian accent. I liked that.

>> No.4889998

*tips fedora*

>> No.4890007

I know there's a difference between Romantic and Baroque.Fuck if I can hear it though.

>> No.4890022

>mentally ill main character (bonus points if he is schizophrenic but acts nothing like it)
>chosen ones
>people falling madly in love with the first woman/man they see during the story
>characters who act like assholes but are still loved by everyone

>> No.4890033
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>all this dislike for mentally ill protagonists

b-but it's all i know how to write

>> No.4890036

No you don't. You're making an ass of yourself.

>> No.4890039

shots fired.

>> No.4890040

how do you know

>> No.4890043

9/10 would rage again

>> No.4890051

you obviously are not someone who should write in stream of conciousness

>> No.4890067

>all this dislike for shit
>"but it's the only thing that comes out my ass!"

Nobody wants your shit.

>> No.4890074

If you believe this, literature, film, and television are all shit.

>> No.4890078

Bright lights. Big City

>> No.4890082

If you really believe that, you ought to give Faulkner a go. He should change your mind

>> No.4890091

>young people getting drunk/high

what's so bad about this?

>> No.4890097

...pic unrelated, right?

Nietzsche blamed the Platonic search for truth for leading the entire western world into a defunct moral system that causes people to deny their own lives

>> No.4890103

What's wrong with something like asked?

Besides "You're such a faggot!", she said, doesn't make too much sense.

As long the writer doesn't painfully try to avoid "said" there is nothing wrong with other forms.

>> No.4890109

Given how the first climax is going to be rather weak, this is a pretty standard structure anyway, only turning away from the basic one at few points.

>> No.4890121

Writers who's main character is another writer.

>> No.4890158

And then the writer writes a book with the same name as the book you're reading

>> No.4890167

what if i mostly know mentally ill people for some unfathomable reason

>> No.4890214

Any examples beside P.K.Dick?


You sure they're really ill, not just hip wannabe mental kids?

>> No.4890253

So all of Stephen King

>> No.4890310

This happens way too much

>> No.4890327

quite a few of them are in my family and decades older than me, so yeah

>> No.4890453

>19th century lit
>characters die because the feel sad

>> No.4890650

>19th century lit
>Character gets sick
>Bedridden for 6 months

>> No.4891402

That's the joke...

>> No.4891449

The issue is that I feel like a number of girls actually perceive themselves that way. Not saying its smart on anyone's part. But accurate? Sure. And they hold this idea concurrently with the idea that they are amazing and should be above criticism.

Also, people want a main character they can either identify with or aspire to, and this represents the best of both worlds- when you picture the type of person who typically reads the book with this kind of character (Twilight, perhaps) what do you see? A fat, ugly, obnoxious chick who really doesn't have any friends. Reading books with a main character like that allows them to continue with this cognitive dissonance- they both actively identify with the loner aspect of the character, as well as the smart, funny, pretty part of the character in their mentally idealized image of themselves.

>> No.4891469


What if I'm writing about a woman from a chauvinistic male perspective (of a character) who finds her beauty as such a redemptive aspect that he learns to "treat her right" because she's worth it, if solely on that basis?

How, at all, does "beautiful" contradict "interesting"? Would she be more interesting if she were ugly?

>> No.4891483

An ugly woman would be more interesting in a "let me take you back to my lab and dissect you to find out what the fuck went wrong" sort of way

>> No.4891486


That's a really strange and rather unnatural sort of way.

>> No.4891489

I know I'm certainly more interested in beautiful women.

>> No.4891510

Read "The Colonel's Hash."

>> No.4891538

Made even worse when it introduces a sub-plot that tends to distract the reader from the issue at hand.

>> No.4891912

you confuse his point. He means symbolism annoys him -or at least it's what his post alludes- but you seem to think it means symbolism is not a real thing or is digging too deep

>> No.4892085

I think /lit/ in particular will tell you to knock it off because we have some bad memories from reading American Psycho, as well as from other poorly done representations of insanity running rampant in various mediums.

>> No.4892095

I'm pretty sure at least one episode of south park does this, if not several.

>> No.4892106

How does it feel to be an idiot?

>> No.4892143

I fucking loved Jones in A Confederacy of Dunces though

>> No.4892158

>I am an upper middle class white

And that's where I stopped reading.

>> No.4892789

Fuck off, tripfag.

>> No.4893196

Pynchon himself admitted the stories in Slow Learner aren't good, and all the book's critical attention is focused on the intro he wrote decades after he wrote the stories

>> No.4893305

AKA: the only decent 2nd person novel I have ever found. (Do you know any more?)

>> No.4893330

Mary Sues and Marty Stues

can't write enough about how I hate that

>> No.4893335

If On A Winter's Night a Traveller

>> No.4893357

>A more bohemian (but equally pathetic) version of the author seeks meaning in his oh so lonely and dreary life through the help of the love a manic pixie girl who helps him break out of his shell.jpg

>> No.4893365


You're joking, non, monsieur?

>> No.4893367

Only the first word is capitalized, homosaures wrecks.

>> No.4893370

Yeah but you're mom was yelling in all caps last night

>> No.4893371

my nigga

>> No.4893848

Well, I think it is decent. It's not great, interesting but not spectacularly so.

>> No.4893965

No "progressive"and forced 90s multi-culti?

>> No.4894159

>High school teaches symbolism wrong
>blame people for not getting it in spite of this

>> No.4894758 [DELETED] 


>> No.4894759



>> No.4894769

It's Faulkner that mostly made me hate it m8

>> No.4894863

I'm curious, what could be a more accurate picture of mental illness than Patrick Bateman attempting to whistle while shoveling granola in his mouth and the running around in New York CIty while screaming his head off and pretending his $4000, bloodstained coat is a cape? I don't know how many crazy people you've met, but every single one of them in my life acts just like that.

>> No.4895813

Getting closer. Now take your advice and follow it. One icycalm is more than enough.

>> No.4895833

the chosen one is a concept that should die along with its supporters and retroactive psychic torture to its first proposers

>> No.4895867


>ouija boards

is that really a common trope?

>> No.4896065

When author's think I give a rat's ass about their opinion.

Worst offender is Tolstoy. War and Peace is great at characters. I'm amazed that to this day I see people from that book in real life. It legitimately helps me understand the world better.\

But holy shit please shut the fuck up Leo, I don't give a fuck if you think history cannot be changed you stupid turd. He's an idiot who is good at writing about life.

This also applies to hamfisted attempts to make social commentary. I forgot the name but I recently dropped a book when I figured out the whole point of the book within the first third

>> No.4896233

There was a time that teenagers having superpowers and being main characters was unheard of. Sadly it's been over used. I'd like to see read something where the main character is a teen or in early 20's and meets a small child with superpowers and this kid just goes around fucking people's shit because it hasn't learned what is morally acceptable yet.
I don't know, just a thought.

>> No.4896264

The main character as some complex and conflicted individual.

Like shit, is there a more overused trope?

>> No.4896270

I know the name of that book.

The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

>> No.4896277


I'm already there motherfucker.

And icy doesn't browse /lit/. I seriously doubt he even browses /v/ apart from when people namedrop / link to him.

It amuses me when people bring up Orgy of the Will here though.

>> No.4896290

Giving every character complex and understandable motives is almost as bad as making every character a barebones archetype. Some people really are petty and impossible to sympathize with.

>> No.4896295

the masculine form of mary sue annoys me. especially when people say gary stu but marty stu is also really awful.

>> No.4896296

Teenagers find totally-not-Narnia

It pisses me off so badly I'm writing a satire of it.

>> No.4896301

>his mouth worked soundlessly

>> No.4896302

I was referring to your desire to enter the world of published literature, which icycalm has already done. Is /v/ still the cultural cesspool of 4chan? I was thinking of dropping by when the Pathologic remake is released.

>> No.4896714

it's a relatable trope, if ya know, you've ever known or thought you've known) women before.

>see first comment

>> No.4897588


>> No.4897631

Eh, honestly, it's closer to a deconstruction.

>> No.4897654

no it's not. deconstruction is showing the inherent contradictions in a text.

and please don't say "eh." it is my no. 1 pet peeve.

>> No.4897721

Y'all gonna kill me for this, but Be More Chill by Ned Vizzini
Its YA

>> No.4897740

Why do you have a peeve for a pet?

>> No.4897757

surrealism doesn't just mean "weird," you know...

>> No.4897790

Romantic is a solid procession of successive themes and parts. Baroque is one theme, for me anyway, and whereas romantic has this feeling of being "grand" or "whole", Baroque is much more of a "refined" or "regal" nature.

>> No.4897865

i keked

>> No.4897886

blah blah something about finnegan's wake blah blah. Not so much a sequence as a dream, but you get my point

>> No.4897892

Chronicles of Tomas Covenant, sort of

>> No.4897922

>(Do you know any more?)

La Chute.

>> No.4897930

Bourbon is my shit/

Nothing makes me happier than a bottle of barrel proof kentucky bourbon

>> No.4897933

makers mark is pretty good, or is it swill to you?

>> No.4897936

Makers mark is good, but it goes down like a ball of fire.

Makers 46 is a lot more palatable. I like to mix my 46 and make old fashions or whisky sour.

>> No.4897949

Character always ends up being a no personality narrator. It kind of hints about what wet towels authors are that use such blatant self inserts

>> No.4898019

East of Eden is the worst at this, relentlessly hit you over the head with his crappy message of a baseless godfag spin on free will

>> No.4898067


Lakefront Brewery out of Wisconsin has a whiskey called Kinnickinnic. Got voted Best American Blended Whiskey at some big brouhaha last year. Pretty tasty, gets ya drunk.

I'd make fun of you for the WASPy-ass gin and tonic, if my go-to drink wasn't Grey Goose over ice.

>> No.4898076

You live in Milwaukee bro?

Haven't been to the Lakefront but that sounds fantastic.

Is Horny Goat worth a visit?

I don't get out much.

I drink alone.

So alone.

>> No.4898262
File: 149 KB, 779x833, ADarkHandDream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a snippet from my self-published humour novella "A Dark Hand".

I think it's a good dream sequence because it's meant to be a dumb dream sequence.

(free copies of my book available on request, paid-for copies also available)

>> No.4898669

whatshisface from the chronicles of narnia who sides with the white witch because candy

>> No.4898703

I apologize for the "eh."

I'm not really pointing out contradictions, but inconsistencies of the genre. The general lapses in logic that come with most stories.

I am not quite sure what to label that.

>> No.4898719

I'm writing something specifically to counter the first list.

The kids who find the mystic portal all are really young adults, and they quickly go back to Earth and get armed to the teeth with modern weaponry. They then proceed to technically fulfill most of the prophecy (defeating the cliched non-human antagonist race), but the amount of violence they inflict pretty much ruins the society they were trying to save.

The protagonists proceed to grab their gold and fuck off, not really caring to help the people rebuild.

>> No.4898737
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The problem is its hard to cover new ground in the genre.

Try to invent a new sentient fantasy creature that someone doesn't immediately say "X did it first and better" about, it's really hard. Don't you dare mention beards, pointy ears, large noses, or any other easily distinguishable traits you could put on a face, Tolkien has claimed those sections of anatomy with gusto. Want to have a backstory wank about whatever sentient amorphous blob you come up with to evade Tolkien's control over humanoid creatures? Tolkien already owns the backstory wank of all time. Any form of man insect or tree thing? Done to death. Don't try to invent a new language, you'll be trying to pull a Tolkien without Tolkien's experience. Don't put magic in, or if you do, bottle it up and make it so constrained by rules that it may as well be science; Tolkien already claimed wizards of truly epic power.

Seriously: Tolkien basically /threaded high fantasy adventure stories before the genre could even get off the ground. Find me a high fantasy novel with absolutely zero influence by Tolkien after his books were released and I'll call you a liar.

>> No.4898913

Eh, just don't write medieval fantasy?

>> No.4898940

>Find me a high fantasy novel with absolutely zero influence by Tolkien after his books were released and I'll call you a liar.
How would one prove that exactly? Wouldnt you have to prove that the author had never ever read Tolkien's works?

>> No.4898945

i'm sorry for you.

>> No.4899017
File: 409 KB, 480x270, eggplant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't you dare mention beards, pointy ears, large noses, or any other easily distinguishable traits you could put on a face, Tolkien has claimed those sections of anatomy with gusto.
only humans are humanoid

>Want to have a backstory wank about whatever sentient amorphous blob you come up with to evade Tolkien's control over humanoid creatures? Tolkien already owns the backstory wank of all time.
base it on brahmanism's mythology instead of gnosticism

>Any form of man insect or tree thing? Done to death.
shapeless spirits that can only manifest through dreams and nature
the fumes of animal carcasses often mix with those and create flashy ghosts with mass

>Don't try to invent a new language, you'll be trying to pull a Tolkien without Tolkien's experience.
only humans use words. everything else gestures or quacks

>Don't put magic in, or if you do, bottle it up and make it so constrained by rules that it may as well be science; Tolkien already claimed wizards of truly epic power.
magic can only be learned by getting wasted regularly on peyote
magic is executed by spitting liquor into the air while thinking of things to materialize in a mathematical formula
girls cant magic

There, cunt.

>> No.4899034

The thing is Fantasy should not mean: "How can I operate within the milieu Tolkien set up for himself and tell my own story." It just comes off as hackwork. I'm not saying that you can't use a historical setting but it has to be its own thing like Howard's Conan stories were.

>> No.4899325

you're still using words you dick

>> No.4899332
File: 1.95 MB, 265x308, 1398740886127.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dog's name here
Implying that's different from "mother/wife"

>> No.4899335


>> No.4899404

>goody two-shoes main character

Seriously, who the fuck acts like that all the time?

>> No.4899452

I cannot believe just how funny you are. Amazing! Hihihihihihi

>> No.4900084

Flawless geniuses who draw conclusions from supernatural deductions in what are otherwise considered simple mystery novels with no supernatural attached to them.

>> No.4900859

Snarky/Sarcastic main character who is better and smarter than everyone else but is also an underachiever

>> No.4901359

>unnecessary swearing
And back to >>>/tv/ you go.

>> No.4901659

>muh realism

>> No.4902731

>Did you know that there are actually hidden fairies/wizards/gods who live in our day to day world and hide in plain sight? In this unique adventure 1 young boy/girl will go from zero to hero when they're thrust into a magical adventure!

I swear to god every single popular book from my childhood seemed to be this.

>> No.4902756

>Story has an obligatory section were the main character talks about how great books are

>> No.4902762


>> No.4903617

>The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead
>not one of the best incipits ever

>> No.4903656


Racism against elves.

>> No.4903874

> I apologize for the "eh."
found the hoser

>> No.4904188

I can't believe no one has commented on this. This is YA lit.

Also: "his life was about to change, forever."

>> No.4904228
File: 373 KB, 974x1000, 1391730040829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4904246

Stephen King's "The Firestarter" actually did this

I remember it being pretty cool, but I was also in 7th grade so there's that.

>> No.4904276

>Fahrenheit 451

>> No.4904281

>annie in rose red

>> No.4904311

keks for the kek god, are you stuck in the 19th century or what?

>> No.4904327

none of these tvtropes generation sacks of excrement have any idea of what a trope actually is

>> No.4904345

>le born in el wrong generation
*tips top hat

>> No.4904398

you best not be talking smack about choose-your-own-adventures, son

>> No.4904457

You pretty much described a novel that uses in-medias-res. Which is starting you off in action already started, so as to add to the initial excitement and reveal preceding plot later, rather than let it slowly build up as usual.

>> No.4904477

Hemingway actually subverts this in In Our Time by having two young men get drunk off one's dad's whiskey and talk about ignorant ass pleb books, it's pretty fantastic.

>> No.4904495

I feel the same way. Unless it's a kunstlerroman, where a love of literature can be an important character trait, then it's usually just a soulless way to get the reader to relate to a protagonist.

>> No.4904500

>Biblical references in contexts which have nothing to do with religion
It just comes off as pretentious. I've honestly never seen anyone lifting stuff from the good book do it properly.

>> No.4904531


>> No.4904537

No, escapism takes you away.

This is more like masturbation, keeps them happy in the box they made.

>> No.4904545

Moby dick.

>> No.4904556
File: 194 KB, 569x629, 1394381158531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-human characters trying to understanding human emotion

>other worldly beings being able to understand and speak fluent English

>the human element always wins, be it alien invasion or machine uprising ect.

>one soldier or Joe Average being to stop a threat and becoming the main hero even though all he has is incredible luck

>> No.4904559

I hate stupid parodies. I bet yours will be one.

>> No.4904563
File: 595 KB, 1131x668, 1397392770151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when MC's confession to senpai is interrupted by some stupid shit like a baseball through the window or something.

Oh also when you find out two siblings who were raised together arent blood related

>> No.4904586

Is the kid on the right Mario?

>> No.4904593

No, it's Tomoki you fucking retard.

>> No.4904595

>old crow
>any year ever


>> No.4904600

tomoko was a cutie

>> No.4904616

There's a comic, The Invisibles by Grant Morrison, that does a really cool take on that type of story.

>> No.4904636

Oh? So how are humans supposed to live their lives if their search for truth is destructive?

>> No.4904648

Jones was great.
Contrast with: Wardine

>> No.4904658


Fuck you, man.

>> No.4904720
File: 61 KB, 299x275, eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>only humans are humanoid
>shapeless spirits that can only manifest through dreams and nature

Nice "sentient amorphous blobs you came up with to evade Tolkien's control over humanoid creatures" you got there, kiddo.

>Base it on brahmanism's mythology instead of gnosticism

Good job with getting creative with "new" material.

Now all you have to do is either completely gloss over backstory and hope your reader won't notice or figure out how to justify whatever that implies without making a backstory wank that's remotely comparable to Tolkien's, which will most likely end with a simple "Tolkien did it better and first" signing your book off for the bin.

>only humans use words. everything else gestures or quacks

Nice job. You've basically proven that the only way to compete is not to play: Tolkien stole all ground available to compete on here.

Besides the strange ass magic system you came up with, you've basically proved my point: you can't fight Tolkien's monolith, everything about your high fantasy has been defined by what you can't do in his wake.

>> No.4904747

Where does he say this. I absolutely agree.

>> No.4904756

Fuck, I'm crying.

>> No.4904763

Ideology heavy, story thin novels like Atlus Shrugged. "Outsider" narrators also piss me off, an example would actually be muersault from the stranger.

>> No.4904768


Man, glad Feminist's like don't know what you're talking about. Stick to Slyvia Plath

>> No.4904774


You can't prove a negative, but you can certainly find counterexamples.

Tolkien left a lot of genre trappings in his wake as noticeable proof of influence. If there are any fantasy races referenced in a way that does not introduce them organically (e.g, the author literally uses the name "dwarf", with perhaps a short description of one's appearance, glossing over backstory knowing society post Tolkien should know what the fuck a dwarf is), they are cribbing from Tolkien's mythology.

If the idea was originally Tolkien's and they use it in a way that assumes pop culture understanding of Tolkien's creations due to reuse, you've proven Tolkien's influence is at play.

>> No.4904831

1.Symbolism: This is what keeps feeding hungry liberal art majors.
2.Ideology: No one wants to hear your worldview of how ethics should be or how the world should work, the fact that you pretend to have the answer means you can't comprehend the complexity and subjectiveness of the world.

3.Conflict: If you need a sheep jumping a fence for anything to happen then you're in the wrong profession.
4.Narrative: Your purpose-oriented lecture keeps the mind grounded, the opposite of what a book should be.
5.POV: It's equivelant to imitating voices and labeling it as high level comedy.
6.Dialogues: Don't.
7.Metaphors/Similes: Obviously you lack any ability to describe the simplest things and you resort to cheap tricks.
8.Flashbacks: Even weebos know this is bad.
9.Description of setting, characters, objects: If I wanted to know how every paper roll is folded I'd watch a fucking movie.

11.Plot: Buddy, buddy, if I wanted objectives and achievements and levels i'd play an MMO.
12.Characters: People?You seriously can't think outside of your everyday tiny casual mental box?
13.Obscurantism: Another pedantic turd that keeps lowest tier academics surfing on bullshit.
14.Quirkiness: This is by far the most cringeworthy technique, if your quirk isn't unconscious it will show as the most pathetic attempt to sound cute.

>> No.4904843

What book is the closest to this?

>> No.4904860

Shut your whore mouth

>> No.4905206

Yes! I wonder what can be done with that if adults was taken to that fantasy world.

>> No.4905235

So, in conclusion, there is no book you could possibly read that wouldn't piss you of.

>> No.4905290

Authors that infuse their work with teenage wank politics.

>> No.4905306

Teenage what now?

>> No.4905307

The manual for the calculator you had in highschool.

>> No.4905726

That had exposition, I'm afraid.

>> No.4905899


Hey guys, I've found the unattractive feminist girl!

>> No.4905928

Blood Meridian.

>> No.4906008

>Besides the strange ass magic system you came up with
Drugs are the go-to guys of most historical shamanic religions.

>> No.4906401

Hesse in Steppenwolf, kind of.

>> No.4906417

I feel like this can be said for a lot of other things not just symbolism.

>victim blaming

>> No.4906419

I wish

>> No.4906613

You asked for something different, I put out something different.
All you're doing with your bitching is throwing a fit over how it's impossible to do different fantasy than what Tolkien did.

Shit, you only have to switch the source mythology and you have something else.
Change the hero's journey structure to any other rite of passage from somewhere else and you have a completely different thing.

Besides, you're acting as if the european mythology which is the source of Tolkien's work is the only possible mythology.

>Now all you have to do is either completely gloss over backstory and hope your reader won't notice or figure out how to justify whatever that implies without making a backstory wank
>what is the silmarillion

>You've basically proven that the only way to compete is not to play: Tolkien stole all ground available to compete on here.
Why would I need to play if I don't even need the different languages, which were just the cute autistic part of Tolkien that ended up infecting fantasy with stupid sounding names?

>> No.4906833


Throwing a fit? Please.

>Original Problem: Most fantasy is dull and cliched. Why?
>My answer:
>Tolkien snagged up so much ground so successfully that if you want to tell a story which involves dragons, sentient humanlike races in conflict, ConLangs, or a minimally rule constrained magic system, you're basically just forking off of Tolkien, which makes you cliched.
>Ideas specifically trying to avoid forking off Tolkien just end up being a fork off Tolkien in the opposite direction, defined by evading him rather than creating something organic or new.
>You can't even approach the europeon mythological elements Tolkien touched inside the adventure story genre while still creating something new and organic. All that's left is alternative mythologies and nonsentient eastbeasts.

>Your post literally reaffirms all of the aboves points

To claim you still have something new rather than just the same unoriginal anticliche based backlash is silly.

>> No.4906889

stronk independant womyn

>> No.4906895
File: 50 KB, 500x370, tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this fucking image
>I'm a fucking teenage who knows shit about literature and is just now reading a book on author X
>I don't know what poetry is besides those cute separated random phrases I see on tumblr (pic related) and I have never heard of the concept of finding meaning within written text besides what's actually written
>such smart

>> No.4906903


i don't know
why you're so upset

can't you under
stand the brilliance of ran
domly broken lines and



>> No.4906918
File: 161 KB, 460x283, 1346957472440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, just reading your post already made me angry.

>> No.4906933

So Tolkien made the magnum opus of European fantasy, what's your point?
You said fantasy, man, not European fantasy only.

>> No.4907051

>>Ideas specifically trying to avoid forking off Tolkien just end up being a fork off Tolkien in the opposite direction, defined by evading him rather than creating something organic or new.

Not every fantasy story is a response to Lord of the Rings in some way any more than every action adventure comic is a response to Superman. People do have fantastical stories they want to tell that they don't feel the need to run by the spinning corpse of Tolkien.

>> No.4907064

>How, at all, does "beautiful" contradict "interesting"? Would she be more interesting if she were ugly?
Nah. Problem is, women are rarely depicted as anything more than eyecandy. They can be both eyecandy and interesting, but they rarely are.

I hope you're not being serious. Insane person doing random things for no reason is the most inaccurate portray of insanity one can make. There are like a thousand mental illnesses and not all of them cause the sufferer to do that kind of shit. Read Nerval's Aurélia.

It sounds like you're focusing on Tolkien-styled fantasy and then complaining about how every european Tolkien-like medieval fantasy is compared to Tolkien. You're creating your own problem.

>> No.4907163

>There are like a thousand mental illnesses and not all of them cause the sufferer to do that kind of shit.
>not all of them
So some of them do. And thus it's not inaccurate. there.

>> No.4907213

You are a nitpicky faggot you know that

>> No.4907249

you're the one criticizing an appropriate trope

>> No.4909076

I'm fairly sure that's the point he's making.

>> No.4909080

That novel is one of the worst classics I have ever read.

>> No.4909085

It seems someone was assigned a Dickens novel in English.

>> No.4909088

Caulfield is one of the only examples I've ever seen pulled off successfully.

>> No.4909091

Also known as "/pol/ writes a science fiction novel."