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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 338 KB, 1237x867, stirner15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4879246 No.4879246[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you read The Ego and Its Own?

What did you think of it? If you haven't read it, how come you're browsing /lit/ and aren't familiar with its patron philosopher?

>> No.4879255

go to bed feminister

>> No.4879262

Why haven't you read Stirner? He's probably the most influential philosopher of modernity. He caused Nietzsche to abandon Schopenhauerianism and caused Marx to abandon Hegelianism.

>> No.4879271

The constant memetic reposting of Engels' sketch on 4chan's literature board /lit/ made me want to have nothing to do with Stirner.

>> No.4879274

Use your tripcode, feminister.
Most of us have filtered you, why can't you respect our choice to not see your shitposts?
Also Striner a shit

>> No.4879275

Yes. It despooked me. Haven't read Critics yet. Suppose I should.

>> No.4879279

So in your mind that association taints the work of Stirner himself? Do you refrain from trying a Fanta because of Nazi Germany as well?

You are spooked, my friend.

>> No.4879283

Why do you consider Stirner a shit?

>> No.4879284

I refrain from using computers because IBM helped Nazis count Jews during the Holocaust.

>> No.4879290

He also anticipated the view of protestantism later popularized by Max Weber (working as end in itself etc.). I'd love to find any resources on this connection, but I can't find any on the internet.

>> No.4879342

>If you haven't read it, how come you're browsing /lit/ and aren't familiar with its patron philosopher?

/llit/ - Literature

>> No.4879346

Are you saying that philosophical texts aren't literature?

>> No.4879351

I started it, but once I got to the part about spooks I realized Stirner was a spook and immediately stopped reading

>> No.4879352

Well you might not believe me but there are actual people on /lit/ who aren't fluent in French and Latin, let alone Greek. Makes me shiver to think that they're actually right here, right now browsing this board, making threads and posts, voicing their opinions and all.

>> No.4879408

because i buy second hand and there is never any good shit

I only just managed to get my hands on some joyce, dostoevski and vonnegut, until now its just been dickens and roman history.

>> No.4879485


>> No.4879489

The patron philosopher of NEETs.

>> No.4879806
File: 409 KB, 590x333, literary living.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most literati are NEET.

>> No.4880626
File: 412 KB, 1900x1188, 1394502448882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In His image

>> No.4880631

>Have you read The Ego and Its Own?
Nope, because I am not in middle school anymore.