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4878883 No.4878883[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>people who pronounce "quixotic" as "quick-soh-tik
literature class pet peeves

>> No.4878896

Donkey Ho-tee.

>> No.4878906
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>people who carry around incredibly pretentious books in their hands despite having a bag
I'm on to you.

>> No.4878910

That is how you pronounce, you inauthentic pedant.

>> No.4878914


>> No.4878915
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You can fuck off and take Merriam Webster's with you. That wasn't how his name was pronounced.

>> No.4878916

Infinite Jest

>> No.4878917

Quixote =! quixotic

>> No.4878919

I remember an episode of University Challenge where Paxman pronounced Quixote as 'Quick-soat'.

>> No.4878920

Are you seriously arguing that the pronunciation of the root of an expression should have no bearing on the pronunciation of derived expressions? On what basis?

>> No.4878921
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>albert kay-muss

>> No.4878924


OP, I don't get what makes you so mad?

>> No.4878925


>> No.4878931

So you're mad because no-one acknowledges that you read Don Quixote?

Here, have a cookie.

>> No.4878933

I'm mad because people see fit to bastardize it for absolutely zero reason other than the fact that somebody was retarded before them and a dictionary saw fit to print it.

>> No.4878934

Well, no-on stops you from printing your own dictionary.

>> No.4878942
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>john paul satyr

>> No.4878950

Samuel Johnson and I will go do just that.

>> No.4878953
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>> No.4878957

The webm just doesn't do the costanza face justice.

>> No.4878958

My friend says Na-BOH-kov, I say NAH-bo-kov
Which is right

>> No.4878961



>> No.4878965

ITT: OP gets mad because he's not in charge of how most people pronounce words.

>> No.4878966
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>mfw I can just hear you pronouncing it in your stupid american accents

>> No.4878969
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People who use the word 'literally' for emphasis/exaggeration.
The Irrelevant Personal Anecdote.
People who don't laugh at my jokes.
Politically correct groupthink.
Defense of Harry Potter yet nothing else to say all semester.
People who aren't impressed or don't get my allusions.

>> No.4878970
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>not getting mad at people butchering the pronunciation of words

>> No.4878973


>> No.4878974
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>why does no one like me

>> No.4878976

We're Scottish, but thanks for the fun reply

>> No.4878979


Butchering of pronunciation can only be relative to the common pronunciation. People in different countries and even within the same countries pronounce things differently. Get over it, autist.

>> No.4878985

Oh. Well that's an improvement at least.

>> No.4878991

>using relativity as a cop-out
Don't be incorrigible.

>> No.4878994
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People don't like me because i'm a cackley cocksucker who loves to talk.

I don't know why they don't like you.

>> No.4878999
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It's not that they don't like me, it's that they don't exist.

>> No.4879000


>you're still wrong because I said so

That's a good argument for any autist with the same obsessions as yourself but the rest of us who live in the real world don't shit our pants over trivial differences. Also, relativity isn't a cop-out if it's true.

>> No.4879031

Extreme relativity is absolutely a cop-out. You're essentially saying that the fact that something is widely practiced in different ways completely erodes the superiority of any way.

>> No.4879037
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>> No.4879045

Are you too beta to go up to these people and "correct" them?

Maybe beta isn't the right word--I think you would prefer these mistakes to be made.

>> No.4879051


>You're essentially saying that the fact that something is widely practiced in different ways completely erodes the superiority of any way.

No. If you read the post you'll see that I was talking about pronunciation specifically. You have yet to give any argument for your position other than "hurr durr fucking plebs."

>> No.4879055

Pls teach me your ways

>> No.4879062

You just need to know that your friends are right.

>> No.4879068

>people who try to correct others who are right

Despite the pronunciation of Quixote, the word quixotic is pronounced kwik-sot-ik in English.

I love it when pedants like you get things wrong. :)

>> No.4879079

I must agree, his antithesis to your thesis is most antithetical.

>> No.4879082

Sensible or Glaswegian?

>> No.4879097

Please stop trying to enlighten OP. Let him pronounce quixotic however the hell he does so everyone can laugh at him and realize sooner than they might have that he's moron.

>> No.4879141

vice versa

>> No.4880007

>prescriptivist who thinks he prescribes better than the OED (http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/156828?redirectedFrom=quixotic#eid))

>> No.4880046

The pronunciation of a word is determined by how people pronounce it. I have never heard anyone ever say "kee-ho-tick." The pronunciation of the root word is irrelevant.
> 2014
> Prescriptivism

>> No.4880191


>> No.4880214


>People who feel the need to publicize their reading at all
>People who hold their books out in front of their fucking faces in the most unnatural and surely uncomfortable position so the cover shows
>People who use Goodreads
>People who connect their Goodreads to their Facebook

yes I am in fact thinking of in a particular person how did you know?

>> No.4880237

B-but how will people know how deep I am?

>> No.4880257

i carry around books i like(and don't want to ruin) because my backpack usually annihilates them

>> No.4880262


Why do you care this much? Do you feel intimidated by their intelligence?

>> No.4880265

Suck my dick faggot

>> No.4880267

Pronouncing >Sage
as "seJdʒ" and not "sa-gɛ"

>> No.4880277

we should just make those pronunciation hieroglyphics the universal language

>> No.4880283
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>mfw college babbies pronounce Descartes as Dez car tez.

>> No.4880321
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>that person who doesn't pronounce evangelion the way they pronounce evangelical

>> No.4880328


Descartes means, in Spanish, the cards of the table no one wants.
In French, of the cards (as in game cards) or if you prefer of the letters (epistolary).

I thought you would find this interesting.

>> No.4880331

how do you pronounce Pynchon
is it pin-chin?

>> No.4880340

I do this, because if it isn't in my face I'll forget I could use my spare time to read and spend it listening to music or taking a nap or doing absolutely nothing instead

>> No.4880348


>> No.4880391

I'm 100% sure anyone who complains about figurative use of "literally" hasn't read a book in their life.

>> No.4880396

But bro, I'm reading this track-tat-us, but I don't really get any of it despite being 30 pages in

>> No.4880407

the man himself says pinch-on

>> No.4880411

>authorial intent

>> No.4880413


>> No.4880418


>> No.4880421

>implying that's even his correct name

>> No.4880424

Are you sure?

>> No.4880439

i'm sure that poster was implying that

>> No.4880459

It can also mean "of maps". It's a pretty fun name in itself.

>> No.4880462

>Not saying Quijote

>> No.4880465

that's the joke nigga

>> No.4880478
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>pronunciation glyphs as the universal language
Holy fuck I love this idea.

>> No.4880482


>not calling Descartes "The D"

0/10 step it up better luck next time

>> No.4881135


Don't forget Frederick Nit-skee.

>> No.4881165

It's pronounced "Neesh" it's "Jerman"

>> No.4881217
File: 18 KB, 624x352, Party.Down.S02E04.James.Ellison.Funeral.HDTV.XviD-FQM.avi_snapshot_25.54_[2014.04.07_19.50.45].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mah niggga

>> No.4881240



>> No.4881279


It's pronounced "Neetz-sheh" or "Neetz-shuh". The 'z' is barely pronounced but it's there.


>> No.4881289

Are we having fun yet?!

>> No.4881290

It's Neeshee you autist

>> No.4881302

it's clearly n-aye-etch-ay

>> No.4881308

ʌJm ak-ch(ə-w)ə-lē gō-iŋ tü dü this

>> No.4881313

Never mind let's just make it english

>> No.4881318


>> No.4881348

It's Na-BOH-kov.

>> No.4881365

But that's how it's fucking pronounced when it's anglicized, you twat. For example, in the title to Charlotte Lennox's 1752 novel The Female Quixote, the word is kwik-soat.

I really don't think you want to fuck with the Paxman. He'll snap you like a fucking twiglet.

>> No.4881378

Yes I'd like a chicken kwasesedilla and some fajeyetas

>> No.4881408



>> No.4881417

very very subtle

or you're a retarded dickhead

>> No.4881424


>> No.4881472


>muh descriptivism

Have fun trying to teach a language with no standards, dipshit.

protip: you can't[/spoiler

>> No.4881488

I hope you're not serious.

>> No.4881526

Yeah that's right... 2000 chicken fagitas.

>> No.4881529

those aren't anglicized though you're just saying a foreign word

>> No.4881544

it doesn't count as being a prescriptivist when no one agrees with you

>> No.4881549


>> No.4881550

the OED is descriptivist in any case

>> No.4881552

I say "fah-jee-tuhs" on purpose to make fun of my spanish friends

>> No.4881573


Your sentence is ambiguous and poorly-formed.

This only furthers the point that we need standards in language, rather than "anything goes, man".

P.S. - your professors grew up hippies, that's why they preach descriptivism.

>> No.4881580

absolutely not

>> No.4881585

You can't just concoct your own pronunciation of "Quixotic" that no one else uses and call yourself a prescriptivist: you're just autistic

>> No.4881591

Blame it on the British. It's those xenophobics' tendency to anglicize the shit out of every foreign word that leads to crap like this.

Seriously. I watched a British production of Shaw's Man and Superman. They pronounced it Don Jew-un the whole way through. Truly cringe-worthy

>> No.4881592

>it doesn't count as being a prescriptivist
>when nobody agrees with you

What does this even mean?

>> No.4881596

I actually thought Goethe was pronounced like goat with a soft h for the longest time, despite having an interest in the german language.

I am a fraud.

>> No.4881607

It means "if nobody agrees with you, your status as a prescriptivist is invalid."

I parsed it without conscious effort, at any rate. Maybe the "it doesn't count ... when" bit is a regional thing, but I doubt it.

>> No.4881613


Oh, I see what you mean.

I made the original post about prescriptivism's validity here >>4881472 in the general sense.

As far as the quixotic case, I would say that the word is derived from a Spanish proper noun and therefore ought to carry its original pronunciation.

>> No.4881628

>"if nobody agrees with you, your status as a prescriptivist is invalid."

That's a theoretical stretch.

In practice, a large group of people disregarding the structure of their language is a mark of stupidity, and stupidity is the mark of poor education.

In lit-crit circles, it's hip right now to be lax about any sort of standard, be it linguistic, moral, aesthetic, etc.

That's why descriptivism is a popular view. More, that's why it's being taught to young humanities students.

>> No.4881640

>That's a theoretical stretch.
It really isn't.

>> No.4881645

I'm Spanish and this is how I would pronounce it.

>> No.4881653


You're asking me to suppose that the whole world agrees languages should not have a standard usage that can be taught.

It's a stretch.

>> No.4881659

>>"if nobody agrees with you, your status as a prescriptivist is invalid."
>You're asking me to suppose that the whole world agrees languages should not have a standard usage that can be taught.
can you even read?

>> No.4881663
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It's how everyone pronounces it. There isn't an educated person out there that pronounces it like Quixote.

This is just a case of OP being on Mount Stupid. He knows enough to know quixotic is a word and Quixote is its origins--but he sadly doesn't know much more than that.

>> No.4881670

>using insults from Jon Leibowitz

>> No.4881676

It's apt.

>> No.4881684


Talking to you is a chore.

Why don't you just make your meaning clear?

You could also address my other points if you actually want to discuss prescriptivism with me.

Take a moment to type a response that's a bit longer than a few hot words.

>> No.4881691

>le relevant xcdc

>> No.4881696

lel, I have no interest in you aggrandizing yourself with shit you probably pulled from that DFW essay

I'm saying, simply, pronouncing Quixotic like Quixote isn't prescriptivist, it's just wrong

>> No.4881699


Haven't read that essay.

Have a nice night.

>> No.4881711

This is just poor. I realize it's easy as shit and requires no thought to respond with "le reddit meme XD" or "muh xkcd comix!", but you ought to demand more of yourself.

If you have a valid reason why such a comic shouldn't be used, express it. If not, it's better that you remain quiet than post this knee-jerk "ugh" and "le i know where you got that from XD" nonsense.

Yeah, this is 4chan, but just because you're walking through a sty doesn't mean you need to grab a clod of shit and rub it all over your face.

>> No.4881719

>implying you weren't begging for it

>> No.4881723

this is why kindles are king

>> No.4881728

>people who pronounce "execrable" as "ek-scribble"

>> No.4881738

It ought to but it doesn't. That's how language is sometimes.

>> No.4881741

I recently learned that Giger as in H.R. Giger is pronounced 'gee-ger'. I had been pronouncing it like Geiger.

>> No.4881802


Not only is the 'recommended' pronunciation 'kwik-sot-ik', but when Don Quixote was first translated into English, English speakers of the time would absolutely have pronounced it 'Don Kwiksote'.

'Don Juan', too. English speakers of the time pronounced it 'Don Joo-wan'.

Me, I prefer Kee-hoe-tay and H'wan. Caring about it is silly, though.

>> No.4881829

>people who don't pronounce exotic like gucci does


>> No.4881906

>not knowing what a silent e is.

>> No.4881931
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>thinking this is what descriptivism is

seriously faggot? do you know nothing about language?

>> No.4882054

I want a hero: an uncommon want,
When every year and month sends forth a new one,
Till, after cloying the gazettes with cant,
The age discovers he is not the true one;
Of such as these I should not care to vaunt,
I'll therefore take our ancient friend Don Juan
We all have seen him, in the pantomime,
Sent to the devil somewhat ere his time.

>> No.4882576


>> No.4882665


>> No.4882670

Nah-BOH-kov I think. I've heard interviewers say it both ways.

>> No.4882671

Then why is it a hard G in the show. I don't understand.

>> No.4882690

> people who pronounce David Foster Wallace "David Foster Wallace" instead of the proper Iowan pronunciation "Da-veed Fos-terd Wool-ass"

>> No.4882700


>> No.4882730

>people who pronounce literature "litter uh chur" instead of "lighter ay tour"

>> No.4882763

I had an Intro to Philosophy prof at CC who pronounced it this way. He was a Vietnam War veteran and a real estate broker or something on the side, so it was understandable.

>> No.4882780


The other day the lady who cleans my house used the word "exhaustment".

>> No.4882795

Thanks for posting this, anon. Not the poster you're replying to, but I appreciate being reminded that there is value and reason in holding oneself to a higher standard.

>> No.4882802


>> No.4883884

My commie friend pronounced Slavoj Zizek
Shlavej Seesay.
No fucking joke.

>> No.4883888

>It's pronounced "Neetz-sheh" or "Neetz-shuh"

The latter pronunciation is the correct one.

>> No.4883893

It's either

>> No.4883901

this just might be good enough to become copypasta