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/lit/ - Literature

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4877758 No.4877758[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw too many descriptions of scenery
>tfw pointless musings and flowery prose

>tfw no discernible plot
>tfw no discernible action
>tfw no characters to relate to or cheer for

Why do so many writers not understand how to craft a story?

>> No.4877760

go away

>> No.4877769

So you stroke your dick and I start stroking mine and then I stroke yours and you stroke mine. That's how these threads work, right?

>> No.4877773

'discernible' means absolutely nothing when the actor of discernation is a fucking idiot. it was ok for Bloom to use it because he was English's golden child once. an anon on /lit/ is, alas, not the savior of literature.

>> No.4877775

Writers who don't write in a particular genre are usually terrible .

>> No.4877777

Welcome to anything written post-1950

>> No.4877781
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>an anon on /lit/ is, alas, not the savior of literature.
Speak for yourself weakling.

>> No.4877783


>> No.4877793
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You rang?

>> No.4877889

take your autism meds

>> No.4877907


you first

>> No.4877920

>OP reads books and watches the pornos for the same reason.

>> No.4877942


>implying orgasmic fun and entertainment aren't inherently awesome

>> No.4877945

>implying your whole room doesn't smell like old cum.

>> No.4877954

>>pointless musings
>>characters to relate to or cheer for
I bet you only read genre shit.

>> No.4877982

>I bet you only read genre shit.

every book has a genre.

>> No.4877992
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you can't, like, tell postmodernism what to do, man.

>> No.4877998


>> No.4878000

>every book follows a strict set of features needed to be classified on a particular slot in marketing schemes

>> No.4878002

What genre is Lolita?

>> No.4878011

>What genre is Lolita?


>> No.4878015


Romance or

>> No.4878024

>literature must meet my requirements for 'plot' and 'characters'
>it must be 'believable' and 'relatable'

Where does this shallow attitude to literature come from?

>> No.4878035

you know, it's crazy and all, but I just think it might work

what if we started judging and appreciating authors on the basis that writing is not a unidirecitonal skill in which everyone improves the exact same way and instead realize that various writers excell at various things and appeal to a variety of readers

we could avoid a LOT of bullshit!!!

>> No.4878049

What if we just accept that life is a big hunk of sometimes enjoyable bullshit and that art will inevitably draw from real life?

And that subjectivism is for insecure babbies that can't fathom holding opinions too since we are on it?

>> No.4878051

Plot-driven literature, theatre, movies, tv, videogames etc. are all for the lowest common denominator.

>> No.4878052


Talking about Blood Meridian

I really think it makes that book even better, he eliminates all the things usually people like

-inner dialogues/psychology
-relatable characters

Still manages to make one of the greatest novels of the modern era.

>> No.4878055


Stay pleb.

>> No.4878062

there is a difference between being a full blown subjectivist and not understanding what is to be considered quality and what isn't

you are at the opposite end of the spectrum, your logic is black and white and you overestimate your own capacity as a critic. you are as immature as the average Dan Brown fan.

>> No.4878071

Guy, your post justified Dan Brown fans, what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.4878084

what? Dan Brown is awful

though if someone wrote the same type of shit Dan Brown does (historical fiction with mystery fluff or whatever the fuck) but without the vocabulary and rigor of a 12 year old girl he would be a good author in my book

there's got to be a billion approaches to writing, execution is what matters most

>> No.4878092

He still appeals to people in a significant manner, which is what you wanted to use as a measure of quality.

Brown excels at making dumb people feel smart, does that makes him a good writer?
Because he has one particular appeal and skill?

>> No.4878094

>though if someone wrote the same type of shit Dan Brown does (historical fiction with mystery fluff or whatever the fuck) but without the vocabulary and rigor of a 12 year old girl he would be a good author in my book

Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco

>> No.4878115

let me put it in simple terms

there are many qualities an author (or his work) can possess

to imply that characterization and plot are vital to a story is fucking stupid, just as stupid as suggesting that they instead are detrimental to it

Dan Brown's only appeal is accessiblity and wowing pseudo-intellectuals. since he has nothing else he is a shit author.

>> No.4878138

I like writers who employ a mastery of language; I like writers who can tell a compelling story.

Why can't we enjoy both? Or is this one of those threads where we pretend like we're not being trolled?

>> No.4878140

Those are all part of the story and how an author uses them is up to his own mastery.

What you said implied that as long as an author has a following of any kind he is good because he reached someone.

>> No.4878149

no, it did not, in poked fun at OP's arbitrary set of standards.

you need to brush up on that reading comprehension. misrepresenting someone's position and then trying to feed it to them is obnoxious.

>> No.4878165
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>> No.4878168

well your a fag

>> No.4878178

And how was I supposed to catch your sarcasm back there if I can't read your tone, cunt?

>> No.4878187

It's not difficult to convey or detect sarcasm through text. I wasn't exactly being subtle either

I no longer expect you to be perceptive enough to catch any form of nuance whatsoever

>> No.4878277

>blood meridian
>he eliminates all the things usually people like
>plot, characters,

implying it didn't have a great plot
implying it didn't have well developed, terrifying characters

the prose was a nice decoration, the meat of the story was the boy's adventure, the characters he meets, etc

>> No.4878416

Today I was at the 8 ave and 14th station and there was this guy playing:


it was beautiful.

>> No.4878428
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do you realize what you've done?

>> No.4878432

victorian criticism.

Obsession with characters exhibiting moral virtues + three arc structure taken from aristotle.

This has been reinforced because it is the basis of all hollywood.

>> No.4878438


>muh plotless avant-garde stream of consciousness and purple prose drivel is the best!!!
fuck off

>> No.4878444

Having trouble getting that brilliant manuscript of yours published, OP?

>> No.4878446

>>tfw too many descriptions of scenery
this does bother me. I don't think visually, so a good 75% of physical description of locations, objects, or characters, I skim.
>>tfw no characters to relate to or cheer for
I'd call bullshit on this just like everyone else bitching about your bitching about plot or action, but I had to read the disgusting pile of garbage Wuthering Heights in my AP school class so I secretly feel you OP

>> No.4878453

>whenever any character is introduced, the author must state what they're wearing and carrying with them

>> No.4878459

do you see a value judgment in my post?
He asked me where it comes from and I gave him a historical genesis.
Learn to read for fuck's sake.

>> No.4878465

>every tween fan fiction ever

>> No.4878467

>Wuthering Heights - a pile of garbage
>Not appreciating one of the most intense representations of evil in western literature

You are in high school anon, show some respect.

>> No.4878468

>do you see a value judgment in my post?

>comparing it to hollywood
>not realizing that is an insult in itself

>> No.4878487

okay buddy. I do appreciate it a lot more than Jane Eyre, which I think is pretty worthless, but it was a lot more tedious to read that's for sure.

>> No.4878489

I did not compare anything to hollywood. i just said that it got popularized by hollywood and that's why everyone talks about characters and plot.

>> No.4878524
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>being so stupid you can't even see the implications of your own posts

>> No.4878539
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>Read Don Quixote
>realize the "rules of writing" as they are today are arbitrary as fuck
>mfw you can do whatever you want as long as you know what you're doing

>> No.4878565

Come on dude, you have the reading comprehension of a 12th grader.

>> No.4878617

>"rules of writing"

I am not familiar with this concept.

>> No.4878635

mfa writing programs stuff.
Show don't tell, three arc story, bla bla bla

>> No.4878641

>mfa writing programs

Ah yes. "Only write what your part-time instructors think a publisher will like in spite of them never publishing anything themselves."

The brick wall between academia and society in this country is such a joke.