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4866636 No.4866636[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> tfw spending so much time on 4Chan that "greentexting" has become a systematic feature of your everyday cognitive processing.

Anybody else experience this kind of conditioning? I also notice a tendency to throw "m8" or "faggot" into my inner monologues quite a bit...Help.

>> No.4866641

I have noticed a significant increase in my use of "faggot".

>> No.4866666

I've started to use "degenerate"

>> No.4866674


Sometimes I'll find myself thinking "check em".

>> No.4866682

When I'm discussing something,I often find myself thinking ">Implying" .
And yes,that includes the maymayarrow.

>> No.4866685


>> No.4866689

Last Saturday when me and my roommate were drunkenly arguing politics I accidentally called him a dumb faggot.

he might be gay

>> No.4866697


this too.

>> No.4866719


>something funny happens
>internally remark "lel" or "kek"

I sicken me.

>> No.4866722


>> No.4866770

I have a mental inb4. It so easy to anticipate the direction of conversation in liberal universities.

They are literally oppressocentric. Yes that is a new theory and word I've come up with. If you didn't catch my drift, it means everything revolves around oppression.

>> No.4866775



Lucky you.

>> No.4866779

degenerate is a genuinely good word though

>> No.4866784

the words "lel" and ">implying" appear too often in my internal dialogue

>> No.4866798

inb4 greentext novel

>> No.4866891

Really no one is going to say anything?

>> No.4866980

I experience this too
I was reading Mere Christianity and some of his naive arguments have me yell "IMPLYING"

>> No.4866983

Maybe at one point. Completely ruined for me by /pol/. The scars of this place are deep in me. I sometimes worry about how it affects my work.

>> No.4866995

I do the Spock sign horizontally and say implying irl with my friends. It began as a joke but it's not anymore help

>> No.4866997

>tfw you're alone and you think about making a funny post on 4chan and all the replies you'd get, but then you just chuckle to yourself and never actually make the post

>> No.4866999

I prefer "reprobate"

>> No.4867035
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I shig in my head when someone says something obnoxious, lately I've also been struggling not to call things "autistic"

>> No.4867039

>tfw you start a sentence with implying
>tfw start thinking in 'feels'

>> No.4867044

It's basically the same as stage directions in a script.

>> No.4867047

>tfw I greentext on reddit
>tfw I greentext on steam
>tfw I greentext all my thoughts

>> No.4867055
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>> No.4867076

>in high school
>self and all friends have discovered /b/, intellectualism and patriciandom
>teacher says something retarded
>'IMPLYING' 'I SURE HOPE' 'INFERIOR PLEB' echoes through the room

>> No.4867107

me too, i always have to end it with no offence to homos or something

>> No.4867109
File: 59 KB, 500x375, Costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use pleb, patrician, >implying and costanza face dot jaypeg in my head. I said pleb once in real life, was awkward after.

>> No.4867113

I also kek and lel sometimes :^)

>> No.4867137

i make my uni notes in greentext

>> No.4867143

I was in the cinema yesterday with "bro" bros and they were talking about how Transformers is the best sci-fi and how funny those memes are and we should use them more often. People on facebook just found about shit like Stoner Stanley and it's annoying as fuck

Outside I'm like impressive, very nice.
Also when I see a neckbeard or a somehow shady person I automatically assume they browse 4chan, and I wonder if they listen to Neutral Milk Hotel, do SS or judge me as a pleb for liking Breaking Bad.

sounds fun m8

>> No.4867147

I do this too

>> No.4867150


>or judge me as a pleb for liking Breaking Bad

>> No.4867163

w-what are you implying?

>> No.4867175


Breaking Bad ain't even pleb, assuming you realize Walt's the villain.

>> No.4867184

IMO he is an antihero, the villains were Gus, Tuco, Uncle Jack etc.

>> No.4867199


I think you know what I'm implying.

>> No.4867255

great villain

tuco was aite, cause hes crazy as hell, uncle jack and that gang, not so much

>> No.4867271

I also shitpost internally.

>> No.4867318

I like this and know the feeling, any debate is essentially a race where two opponents try to get opressed first.

>> No.4867332

I like Todd because he was autistic just like me :3

>> No.4867345

If you find yourself using words you wouldn't otherwise use because of social conditioning, try to think how you would normally say the same sentence without those words.

you can't

>> No.4867534

I call my parents plebs all the time; my dad just laughs and my mother is like "Huh?"

>> No.4867598

I saw a kid fall down at work and I whispered to myself "Shrek yourself before you wreck yourself". I don't know if he heard but I do know that he started to cry.

>> No.4867612

>fucking pleb
>filthy casual
>variations of kek

>> No.4867623

I am more upset about being a cynical piece of shit who is unable to relate to other people's success and constantly feel the need to bring them down.

It is almost physically impossible for me to congratulate somebody on some minor success they achieved.

>> No.4867627


>> No.4867631
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but it's ok, because everyone else is a lot worse piece of shit than you

>> No.4867633

I agree with you, and thats part of the problem.
Because I know it cant be possible that everybody else is an incompetent moron, yet I struggle to maintain that point of view.

>> No.4867647
File: 427 KB, 355x325, shaq shake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have basic restraint in day-to-day life

It feels good to have a minimal amount of self-discipline.

>> No.4867683

one thing I've noticed is that spending a few years on 4chan has improved my argumentation skills, or at least the ability of spotting inconsistencies and bullshit in another person's arguments and opinions

>> No.4867694

>Anybody else experience this kind of conditioning? I also notice a tendency to throw "m8" or "faggot" into my inner monologues quite a bit...Help.
must be fun being 12

>> No.4867696

it has improved my ability to point out such inconsistencies and bullshit. apparently, it's not a good thing.

>> No.4867747


Not to imply that it isn't a real phenomenon, but it's not at all confined to the left. See MRAs and the more Chicken Little-ish Christians for example.

>tfw the right has co-opted the implied moral authority of victimhood

>> No.4867756


I accidentally wrote my finals in greentext without even realizing it.

>> No.4867764

Not the same. Claiming you're being oppressed is not the same as basing a totalitarian ethical system around it.

>> No.4867772

>Not the same.

Exactly the fucking same. The difference is that the groups on the left typically have at least a genuine history of really being the victims of oppression, whether or not you believe they still are. If the rush to close the Oppression Gap continues for fifteen or twenty more years, the right will absolutely have comparable 'traditions' on which to draw.

And waaaah 'totalitarian'. Get a fucking grip.

>> No.4867781

I feel immensely constrained whenever I chat with people by not being able to greentext or greenply stuff. It's a wonderful tool and I just have to actively think of ways around it.

It'd be so much easier if everyone did it.

>> No.4867822

>Not the same. Claiming you're being oppressed is not the same as basing a totalitarian ethical system around it.

Thats kind of exactly what Hitler did, he claimed that the germans was the oppressed white master race authority being withheld their true status due to the jewish world conspiracy along the anglo-saxon countires as well as the russian menace.

Stalin did the same, the workers are opressed byt the capitalistic world system and the jews etc...

Pretty much any fucking totalitarian regime make its claim to authority by being opressed by an outer threat.

It's exactly what Neo Soviet leader Vladimir is currently doing in Ukraine.

>> No.4867843

No it isn't. A myth of persecution is different than saying persecution is the only relation in the world, and it's elimination must be maximized above all other values.

>> No.4867892

No it won't. The right has strong traditions against whining. Sure, they can whine, but at the same time they make sure people are pulling their own weight.

>> No.4868074

>The right has strong traditions against whining.

You are completely out of touch and I suspect you're infusing into 'the right' the virtues you expect of them, rather than examining them as they are in the world. To be sure, 'the right' has a long history of *rhetoric* about self-reliance and so forth. How often is that rhetoric itself the source of 'whining' (think welfare queens in Cadillacs, young bucks buying vodka with food stamps etc and contrast with 'Keep government out of my Medicare).

What do you hear when you listen to Rush Limbaugh, for example? It's whining at its most basic - the purported, the alleged, the never-shut-the-fuck-up-about 'personal responsibility' of 'regular folks' isn't a virtue prevalent among his listeners, it's a rhetorical tool used to bludgeon their opponents for their supposed lacking of it.

If you haven't read it, I think you might find Hofstadter's The Paranoid Style In American Politics interesting. A lot of it is very relevant.

>> No.4868088

That's not the right. That's the pretend Christian liberals and the little boys who grew on reddit culture and therapy.

>> No.4868095

Yea, I've got that too, but it's no better or worse than any other thought-tool.

>> No.4868096
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>The right has strong traditions against whining.

>> No.4868099
File: 114 KB, 500x282, coughing mangolese girls play jumprope right after eating, which explains why they're coughing, since they didn't take the time to chew their food before taking part in jumping of the rope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The right has strong traditions against whining.

>> No.4868101

>that's not a true Scotsman

>pretend Christian liberals

I'm talking about the likes of the Moral Majority etc. Consider the screamwhinging about gay marriage (gonna DESTROY regular marriage OHMIGOD), for example - definitely not 'pretend Christian liberals', not, for one thing, liberals at all.

>> No.4868111

>I also notice a tendency to throw "m8" or "faggot"
Hello brother, do you also have image macros that come to mind when you think real hard?

>> No.4868125

Whining about your trouble and whining that people don't handle themselves is totally different.

One is the result inaction and the other is the the anger and dissatisfaction towards inaction.

How you can suggest that people who are indifferent to those who whine are in fact whining about them. The right doesn't let the whiners hold them back, the whiners intentionally hold the right down and have institutionalized the acceptance of whining.

To put into simpler terms you have one group who doesn't pull their weight, even a little and another group who is legally bound to pulling the weight of the others. How is that whining when we are legally obligated to be oppressed by those who claim to be oppressed yet make almost no effrot to rehabilitate themselves. They limit our freedom because they claim that we limit theirs. Technology has made people weak thus creating a class of people who feel oppressed by none other then themselves, but seek to blame greater society. I have no obligation to them yet the state forces me to.

To add to that. The fact that I have to pay social security taxes to this day is absurd. There will no social security for me in the future. SS income is based on a pay as you go plan. As more and more people are unemployed and as machines take over more occupations less people are going to be employed. Sure a lot of people will be employed in other professions, but will those profession have any practical use? No. They are simply economic bolstering. I cannot tell you how many people careers are a joke and have no purpose. Look at all the women's studies, therapists, and the list goes on of careers that based upon mostly falsehoods and exaggerations by the left. We have allowed society to make careers out of leftist rhetoric. People become convinced they are opressed as so this creates jobs.

The absurdity of that is beyond most people myself included.

>> No.4868129

They think it is going to destroy marriage, not straight marriage. This is just a miscommunication. It is also an assault on the church to accept gays.

They are trying to pressure the state into pressuring religious institutions

>> No.4868138
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>mfw the trashman appears in my head everytime I see some pleb shit

>> No.4868141

>Whining about your trouble and whining that people don't handle themselves is totally different.

Not when they're identified as standing in a causal relationship, a claim made by virtually all populist shills on the right (Murka's economy is having problems because MOOCHERS) etc.

>How you can suggest that people who are indifferent to those who whine are in fact whining about them.

How can YOU suggest that Party A, who literally never shuts the fuck up about Party B is 'indifferent' to them? Do you fucking know what the word 'indifferent' means?

>waaaah how is that whining WAAAAAAH a bloo bloo

Case in point. It's pretty clear that you are just taking the rhetoric of those you disagree with to be 'whining' and the rhetoric of those you agree with to be entirely justified in every regard and therefore not possibly 'whining'. So I should be as charitable as possible and suggest that your definition of 'whining' clearly differs from mine.

>They think it is going to destroy marriage, not straight marriage.

I'm confused. They think gay marriage is going to destroy gay marriage as well as straight marriage? Because I'm pretty sure that for these people, 'straight marriage' is a pleonasm - there ain't no other kind.

>> No.4868162

Look I'm not going to explain these things to you .

One the point of gay marriage and motive has long been more than simply marriage. It has been to slash the institution of marriage itself.

Two there are basic principles that keep society on its feet. The right supports stability and the left supports uprooting an entire civilization to fit their ideals.

Now tell me, which of those groups is oppressive? Here are the options

>A:Maintain stability, progress slowly towards a better educated, more civil, and efficient society
>B:Uproot society in the middle of economic downturn and geopolitical struggles at the largest scale the world has ever seen because you feel depressed and don't deserve this.

Tell me again which of the two is selfish and cares about society at large? The last time I checked trying to uproot all of society on a global scale in order to further your agenda is pretty fucking reckless.

>> No.4868171

I've held back on saying "implying" quite a few times.

>> No.4868180

>One the point of gay marriage and motive has long been more than simply marriage. It has been to slash the institution of marriage itself.

You are mentally ill. I urge you to seek help.

>> No.4868200

>One the point of gay marriage and motive has long been more than simply marriage. It has been to slash the institution of marriage itself.

wow those are some hot opinions right there that are totally facts!

>> No.4868239

Yeah because the only portrays of gay marriage advocates are the ones getting married. Gays don't give a shit about marriage aside from the fact that it is allowed.

I've got news for the both of you. Marriage is dead and gays are looking to plant their tombstone onto of it for namesake.

>> No.4868250

I said "implying" not too long ago to an acquaintance, who responded, "implying what?"

"I, uh, forgot. Nevermind."

>> No.4868269

People hate the word implying because it makes them feel like an idiot because most of the people with their leftist absolutism are exceptional at exclusionary practices.

They only want to see the yellow brick road but ignore the fuck straw huts filled with straw men all along the way.

>> No.4868280

>Gays don't give a shit about marriage aside from the fact that it is allowed.

Another baseless assumption.

>Marriage is dead and gays are looking to plant their tombstone onto of it for namesake.

If marriage is already dead by this point according to you then that contradicts your previous post saying that the motive and goal of gay marriage is to slash the institution of marriage itself.
If marriage has really died, then how can we assume that it was due to gay marriage lobbying and not the transformation of marriage as a traditional ritual into a vanity product of consumerism?

>> No.4868294
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Are you clueless or what? I'm not going to spoon feed common sense anymore.

>> No.4868298

Most of my irl friends browse 4chan so that kind of speech leaks into our lives quite a bit, although not greentext specifically.

A lot of "m8"s and a lot of "Straya kunt, noice"s, but also an overabundance of "nigger"s and "kek"s.

>> No.4868299

When I work out I have stupid but funny pictures I've seen on /fit/ floating around in my head. I'll be doing some pullups when suddenly this image of Abe Lincoln with a sleeveles shirt with the caption "Abolish Sleevery" pops up in my head. I'll start chuckling and lose focus. It's awful, really.

>> No.4868301

>that image has a name

>> No.4868315

>I'm not going to spoon feed common sense anymore.

Stay the course, good citizen! Who needs research when you can look such things up in your GUT?

>> No.4868340

>doesn't refute any of the points I bring up
>spoon feed
>common sense

ramblings disregarded, pce out :^)

>> No.4868345

Not from 4chan but from the comments section on WSHH. Whenever someone does something stupid I shake my head and think to myself, "This nigga..."

I use faggot a lot, too, but I think that comes from playing Call of Duty. That and "eat a dick."

>> No.4868414


Holy fuck. This is why people laugh at atheists. Like atheists, liberals worship science, yet constantly ignore the fact that we are constantly redacting scientific evidence as well as ignoring research that points in a different direction to the narrative. Read a fuck journal once in a while. You'll cringe.

>> No.4868457

underrated post, I keked

>> No.4868525

>You are mentally ill. I urge you to seek help.

>> No.4868675

Once you expose yourself to the pure stupidity that anonymous people can display online for as long as many 4chan-browsers have, you start to realize things about the way the human mind works that you wouldn't notice before. This exposes new parts of yourself to yourself, and it also helps you read those around you better. You become jaded because most dialogue on 4chan consists of calling everyone else a faggot and being called a faggot, and you start to see everyone around you for the faggots they are. Some of them are smart faggots, some of them are faggots that you can enjoy being around, but they're all faggots in the same way that every anonymous poster on 4chan is.
If you spend too much time in the abyss, you become a part of it.

>> No.4868864

i use pleb

>> No.4868880

Say anything about what? Seems like a perfectly unremarkable post to me.

>> No.4868886

> Read a fuck journal
Why yes, I think I will.

>> No.4868904
File: 25 KB, 300x277, I_know_that_feel_bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The West is already and abyss. I just prefer this abyss to the one outside. I don't have to deal with all of the idiots out there. Atleast here I can just shrug everything off and go about my business and laugh at all the fuckery in between.

>> No.4868929


sounds like how you would be navigating the outside abyss with the use of cannabis

>> No.4868961

Strange, I just picked up like 30 minutes ago. You know me well anon. You don't know me, butyou know me.

>> No.4868972

What degenerate produced this abortion?

>> No.4869135


'Implying...' has become my default rebuttal for pretty much every argument

>> No.4869142

Implying isn't a bad rebuttal at all. It's actually rather non offensive if you use the word appropriately as a question. It's a relativity soft word.

>> No.4869154

>tfw hivemind 4chan uses that shit all the time

>> No.4869787

I like that

>> No.4869810
File: 41 KB, 500x500, gt+implying+the+other+guys+wouldn+t+immediately+jump+on+the+_73d17bceb01cb1ae6633d34b5b7798f9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4869815

"...and what are the implications of that?"

>> No.4869827
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I always catch myself saying something like: "2014, believing in X".

>mfw I've done it out loud

>> No.4869845
File: 15 KB, 500x750, tmp_3d788b2b165cd9e1430e0348c1918003b90bd824-1247191672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been banned by the jewlord mods for shit that's been more lit-related than OP's post. Fuck the mod, here's some ass.

>> No.4869875

I use greentext and implying in my e-mails to my close friends (all 2 of them). It's been at least a year, and I'm sure that they don't care what I mean by them.

also, I use implying somewhat often in arguments, usually as "implying what?"

>> No.4869879

They should ban you for those shitty artifacts.

>> No.4869895


I realized I was thinking in greentext a few days ago, actually.

>> No.4869936
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Even if 4chan style posts turn your thought processes into a shallow mush, distract you from reading longer texts and basically turn you into a scatterbrained moron compared to your old self, at least you can be sure that it could be worse. /lit/ moves slowly enough and discusses shit esoteric enough. Other boards are generally more retarded and you can expect them to keep falling for stupid bullshit manipulation over and over again. They make perfect guinea pigs.

So if the rest of the world is swallowed up by Fahrenheit 451 retardation it will be up to /lit/ to memorize sum fukken books out innawoods.