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486620 No.486620 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ read Chuck Palahniuk books?

If not, fucking read them. They are awesome.

I recently just finished Survivor after having read Fight Club, and now I'm on to Rant. His writing style is so fun to read xO

>> No.486622


>> No.486623

Many in /lit/ are out of highschool and thus have read those titles. He's an average writter, almost entirely fixed within his style.

>> No.486625

inb4 penguin of doom

>> No.486635

I think I would have liked his books when I was 15, but reading them now, they just suck. He tries too hard to be edgy.

>> No.486638


There's a high school here that makes the kids read Fight Club.

I think his average writing lends to what he tries to do. I like it a hell of a lot better than when authors try to cram thesauruses into their books.

>> No.486641

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol...as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^... im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again ^_^ hehe...toodles!!!!!
love and waffles, *~t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m~*

>> No.486655

...f u mang.


who you think clean this up mang? i no clean. i no clean!

>> No.486659


>> No.486662


You have probably not read them

>> No.486663

chuck is my god

>> No.486668
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>> No.486705

I've got lullaby, rant, choke, fight club, haunted, and pygmy. My top 3 are pygmy, rant, and haunted. Pygmy was fucking hard to read at times. Rant was an insane book. haunted was fucking hilarious. All of them had cool concepts. I understand where some of the arguments of him trying to be edgy are coming from. I enjoy his books though, so i respectfully disagree.

>> No.486713

I believe I can, sir.

>> No.486719
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>> No.486730
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its a commercial mang.

>> No.486732

Although I can see where everyone is coming from on the negative aspects of his writing, I think that if you can set yourself into the right zone, reading his books is still phenomenal. I have read all of his books except Haunted and Snuff. My top 3 by far are Survivor, Pygmy and Lullaby.

However, after reading Palahniuk I moved on to Pirsig and Camus and realized what I had really been missing.

>> No.486762

I really enjoyed everything up until Haunted. While reading it I realized that Chucky P had allowed his style to collapse in upon him at the expense of the art. He wasn't writing to write, but writing to be different. I became annoyed then disillusioned.

>> No.486768

I just read fight club a few days ago, I'm looking for .txt or .html ebooks of his other titles (not fucking pdf), but without luck.

I liked fight club, it wasn't "oh so kewl", but I like his minimalistic style to it, lets you "get into" the character's head. Gotta try out Choke.

>> No.486851

I've enjoyed a few of his books, and I've found a couple to be kinda annoying. The guy's an okay author, a tad over-hyped maybe.

>> No.486863

Survivor was my favorite.

>> No.486866

Have you all read the ending to Survivor that wasnt in the book?

>> No.486870

Excuse me? No. Where can I read it?

>> No.486872

It used to be on his website.

>> No.486876

rant is easily my favorite.

>> No.486878

The end of Survivor isn't nearly so complicated. It's noted on page 7(8?) that a pile of valuable offerings has been left in the front of the passenger cabin. This pile includes a cassette recorder. Even before our hero starts to dictate his story -- during the few minutes he's supposed to be taking a piss -- he's actually in the bathroom dictating the last chapter into the cassette recorder. It's just ranting, nothing important plot-wise, and it can be interrupted at any point by the destruction of the plane. The minute the fourth engine flames out, he starts the cassette talking, then bails out, into Fertility's waiting arms (she's omniscient, you know). The rest of the book is just one machine whining and bitching to another machine. The crash will destroy the smaller recorder, but the surviving black box will make it appear that Tender is dead.

>> No.486891

Survivor would make a good movie.

>> No.486910

Fight Club, Choke, and Survivor were all pretty good, and I really enjoyed how he goes out of his way to be experimental and unorthodox.

I fucking hated Diary, Rant, Snuff, and Haunted. Haunted is really the final nail in the coffin for me, all these books were just trying to be gross and visceral for the sake of being perverse, without actually trying to make a point beyond "ugh god why did he write that".

Come to think, the actual nail might've been that big multiple-chapter long thing in Rant about the "sex tornado" and how the titular character could sniff tampons and tell whose they were.

>> No.486976

A lot better of a movie than Choke did.

>> No.488251
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i read survivor to
it was great
if you watch post cards from the future chuck palinuik explains that he writes as he speak and that his target audience is the people that don't really read.
Both him and T.c.Boyel write in styles kinda' tap upon the idea of us living in a very literate culture that for the most part doesn't really read for pleasure.

I've learned from them and Russel banks author of pic related that not every sentence needs to be poetically constructed. brutal honest can serve as not only a substitute for fully developed writing but an amplify for characters and events.

If you like chuck palinuik read pic related.
It meant a lot to me because i live where the story takes place.

>> No.488257
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Pick one.

>> No.488282

Palaniuk is ok, but he writes books that are just books. He meterialises everyday wisdom to apply to trivial plot lines that nobody really cares about.

That's why I dont read him.

>> No.488313

crazy protagonist that shawks u

>> No.488317


Fuck yeah, Russell Banks! The Sweet Hereafter was probably my favorite book in high school. Guy writes like a champ.

>> No.488379

damn i love me some chuckie. is it true that he's making a sequel to Rant? i'd be delighted if so because, although i loved rant, it didn't seem quite complete.

>> No.488401

I personally really enjoy Palahniuk. People here say that he's too fixed in his writing style, but that's every fucking author out there. He writes an entertaining story with a pretty good plot and good characterization, and he's rather good at social analysis. No, he's not the greatest writer to ever walk the earth, but he's definitely in the upper-middle, I'd say.

>> No.488407

>His writing style is so fun to read xO

It's shallow, grumbly and vaguely rebellious, which makes Palahniuk's voice as distinct as your average video game protagonist.

"Oooh, but he's shocking!" you say. Yes, I agree, and that's the only trick Palahniuk has to play. He zeroes in on the gritty and disquieting but there's no substance to it, just a shovel of shit lobbed onto the page so you can watch the maggots squirm. The first time it's jarring, but it's like seeing an M. Night Shyamalan film after The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable - you're only going into the thing to discover the next nihilist shtick.

So yes, Palahniuk is fun to read when you're 16 and frustrated with the world, but once your hormones stop flailing about like jackrabbits in heat, maybe some literature can sink into your head, likely through the pockmarks left by acne.

>> No.488409

How old are you?

>> No.488416

i kinda wanna read him.. what makes his writing so impressive? convince me :3

>> No.488444

if you want to read him you're already convinced, aren't you?

>> No.488456


true, but i don't know why i'm convinced

>> No.488461
